Mercedes Kirkel

7 Signs of Completing the Third Dimension

By Mercedes Kirkel

Ever since I began receiving channeled messages from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua (Jesus), they’ve been talking about our spiritual growth into the higher dimensions. They say that humanity is in a process of completing our work at the third dimension and beginning to shift into the next dimension of consciousness, which they refer to as the fourth dimension.


Part of what they describe is that each dimension has a particular focus of growth, which beings who manifest in that dimension are working on mastering. You might look at it as a kind of school. When we learn our lessons and receive the growth that particular dimension offers, we then “graduate” to the next dimension.


In the third dimension, the focus is on learning lessons relative to power. If you were to describe the third dimension through the lens of power, the purpose of life would be to acquire enough power to survive and thrive. Power can be in the form of money, status, knowledge, or authority. Part of 3D is that there’s a sense that there isn’t “enough” for everyone. Thus you have to struggle and fight to gain and maintain power. This leads to competing with others and exercising “power over” each other.


Our relationship to power dramatically changes as we complete our lessons and “work” in the third dimension. Here are the signs I’ve learned from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua of this completion relative to 3D:


1) You stop giving your power away to outside authority. You stop thinking there are others outside yourself who know more about you than you do. You stop consulting others to see what you should do or letting others make decisions for you. You assume your own authority relative to yourself and what’s right or true for you, whether others agree with you or not. And you honor everyone else’s authority to do the same relative to themselves.


You can still learn from others who have more skill or knowledge than you, but you don’t give your power away to them. You can still consider others’ points of view or ask others’ opinion when you’re in the process of coming to clarity. But you’re in charge of you and your decisions.


The exception is if you’re a parent or the caretaker for someone who’s mentally incompetent, because they aren’t capable of being their own authority and need your support. With children, your job is to progressively prepare them to be their own authority in a responsible way, which optimally fulfills itself in the later teenage years.


2) You stop thinking of life as a battle that you have to win in order to survive. You stop seeing death as having “lost the fight.” You stop dealing with situations or problems by overpowering them. You see situations and circumstances as working with you, rather than opposing you. You trust life as supporting you and relate to death in trust, as well.


3) You don’t enjoy winning if others are losing. Cooperation and collaboration with others become more attractive than competing. You look for solutions that support everyone, rather than supporting some at the expense of others. Life becomes about “me and you,” rather than “me versus you.”


4) You stop believing there’s a set of rules for life that applies to everyone, and which proclaim what’s right or wrong, good or bad, or acceptable or not acceptable. Instead, you discern whether the events of life are supporting or not supporting your values and the way you want to live. These discernments are personal. They’re about you and how you want to live, rather than being absolute truths “out there” that everyone is supposed to adhere to.


5) You stop being guided by your thinking and start being guided by your heart and feeling. The brain is like a computer. It’s a marvelous tool for coming up with infinite possibilities, but it’s not good at making choices. That choosing is better handled by our heart and feelings, supported by our thinking.


6) You stop relating to yourself and others as victims. You don’t see life as randomly happening to you and that you’re just at the effect of outside forces. You no longer blame others or your circumstance for what’s happening to you. You see that you always have choice and are operating from choice. Some of your choices may have been made in previous lives or at the soul level prior to incarnating in this life, and you may not consciously remember making those choices. But you consistently come from the place of assuming your own free will and taking responsibility for your circumstances.


7) You stop acting out of duty or should’s or have-to’s. Instead you act out of joy and passion. You discover that life works better when you operate out of joy and passion than out of duty and obligation. Plus it’s a lot more fulfilling and enjoyable. You relate to life as a creative adventure and you have fun doing so!


What I love about Yeshua and Mary Magdalene is that they’re endlessly devoted to helping people make these shifts in their consciousness and practical life. If you’d like to receive practical, step-by-step instruction for shifting in these ways, check out The MAGDALENE HEART PATH Online Course: Living From Your Heart.


©2018 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive ongoing messages like this with Mary Magdalene and Yeshua’s wisdom:

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Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

Based in Ashland, Oregon, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone, Skype, and Zoom). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


MARY MAGDALENE AND YESHUA: Dealing With a Non-Physical Being

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

Mary Magdalene: Hello beloveds. This is Mary Magdalene and I am here with Yeshua. We are both very happy to be with you tonight. We thank you so much for gathering, for calling upon us. We thank you for your openness. We thank you for your energy. We thank you for your great interest in growth, in opening to what is before you in your process, both as individuals and as human beings developing spirituality, bringing spirituality into your world, and manifesting your destiny as spiritual beings incarnated as human beings. Thank you so much to all of you. It is our honor to be with you tonight.


We would like to hear from you. We would like to know how we may help and support you. We would like to know what it is that you would specifically like help with. And so, we open to your questions. If there is anyone who would like to ask questions of us, please speak now.


Question: Some years ago, when I was asleep in my bed, I heard a voice call my name. Then I felt a hand on my belly and I got scared. I told it, “Go away, I don’t want this,” and it disappeared. About four weeks later it came back and it has kept returning since.


I don’t know who it is and what it’s purpose is, so I got scared. I asked my guardian angel, “Please will you protect me at night and send away whoever it is, because it scares me.”


Mary Magdalene: What is your question about this?


Questioner: My question is, can I allow this being to come to me and talk to me, or do I have to tell it to go away? I want to sleep and I’m scared.


Mary Magdalene: Are you wondering if it’s safe to open to this being?


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: This is a very important discernment to make and it is very valuable that you are asking about this.


The first thing to know is that you are in choice. Many humans, especially in the third dimension, don’t realize this and they are actually opening themselves to other beings without realizing that they have choice, whether to open to them or not. But you do have choice.


You may have to learn how to exercise that choice one way or the other. For example, some people need to learn how to open, if they wish to open. Others are opening without realizing they have choice. They may have to learn how to say “no” and not allow beings to come into their space, energetically or physically. They may need to learn that they also have that choice. So it can happen in both directions. The first learning for many humans is simply to realize that you do have choice. That, in and of itself, is a very important learning.


There are a few things I can offer, which I have hope will be supportive for you. One is that in most circumstances, your greatest gauge of another being is what you experience, and specifically what you experience relative to the two qualities of light and love. If you experience that another being is increasing your experience of light and/or love, that is an indication that that being is for your good and for your benefit. If you experience a diminishment in your own, you might say, quantity of love or light when you are experiencing another being in your field, then that is an indication that that being is not for your highest good. In that case, I would not recommend opening to that being.


It is actually the same whether beings are physically incarnated or not. When you have interactions with other human beings who are physically incarnated, this is the same measure. Is the contact you are having with those beings increasing your experience of light and love or decreasing it? That is, in general, what I would say is the most valuable measure of whether it is for your benefit or not to engage with those beings.


It is very much the same with a being who is not perhaps physically manifest, but is energetically manifest. So one thing I would recommend is for you to actually become aware of whether you’re experiencing an increase or decrease of light and love in the company of the being in question. Perhaps you already are aware of this.


Do you have a sense of whether this particular being who seems to be contacting you is increasing your experience of light or love or decreasing it?


Questioner: I think decreasing. I don’t feel comfortable when I hear that voice and the touch. I am careful about my space. I can hug people I love, but with other people I feel “don’t come in my space.” And with this being at night, I get scared all the time.


Mary Magdalene: Yes. Your fear is an indication that your being is saying “No.” I would encourage you to follow through with making it clear to this being that your space is not available—not only the space of your body, but I would include the space of your bedroom, your bed, and your entire home. And there are steps you can take to support this.


You can purify your home. You can use elements such as sage, which is very clearing and tends to bring very good frequency to a space. It also tends to be one that beings of a lower frequency don’t enjoy and don’t tend to want to be around.


You can learn techniques for strengthening your support system, even when you’re asleep or close to sleep.


It would also be valuable for you to work with your fear. This is a challenge, because the fear is indicating that you have a “No” and that you do not wish the being to be there. But if you are not clear how to make use of that fear, to take the fear all the way into its source in your divinity with God, then the fear itself weakens you and tends to make you more vulnerable to outside entities. Lower frequency entities are actually attracted to the frequency of fear. So it would be very much to your advantage to learn how to work with your fear.


I am not meaning that you should get rid of the fear. I suggest the process that I communicated about in the messages recorded in the book Mary Magdalene Beckons. This is a different process relative to fear, one that uses the fear to take you into your God-source. When that happens, it takes you into your strength and you will become strong. Then you will be able to bring the strength of your divinity into the situation.


The strongest thing there is is love and light. And the greatest thing you can bring to a lower-frequency being is love and light. This is not a sugarcoated kind of love and light. This is a very strong love and light. It not only brings you your strength, it also brings strength to this other being. Perhaps that is part of your spiritual process, to bring the strength of your love and light to this being.


Questioner: Yes, okay. Thank you.


Mary Magdalene: You are welcome.


[Note from Mercedes: To learn more about the Feminine path that Mary is referencing, go to]


©2018 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

Based in Ashland, Oregon, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone, Skype, and Zoom). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


MARY MAGDALENE: The Feminine Path of Peace

Image by Jean-Pierre Dalbéra

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

Question: I have a question that many women of my age have. We have challenges because we have children and a family, and we want to work and explore ourselves professionally. I also want to live by my heart, but I find it hard because there are so many challenges, so many balls to keep in the air. So I lose track of my heart. How can we live the lives that we live at this time, in this third-dimension and society? How can we keep our strength as a woman from our heart and do the things we want to do, because it’s so much sometimes?


Mary Magdalene: This may be hard to hear. Whenever someone is in this kind of a situation, there is most likely some way that you are not really in touch with yourself. It might be some aspect of your life you’re not wanting to look at and own, because you’re afraid it might lead you to choices that you don’t want to make.


For example, perhaps you have children and you’re finding that you’re not happy with your life with your children, in some ways or aspects. Maybe there are aspects that you’re very happy with, and some aspects you’re not. And you find yourself longing for these other things, which you seem to not have time or energy or money for, or whatever feels like the limit.


Probably there’s something going on relative to your life with your children that you’re not really facing. If you were, you wouldn’t be in conflict. It would become very clear what you’re choosing and what you want to be choosing. Usually when there’s a sense of “too much”—too many obligations, too many things that you want and you can’t do them all—there’s something that you’re running away from.


If you were to stop running away from that, it would pull out the pin that’s holding the whole conflict in place. It would lead you somewhere different. It would lead you to peace and single-mindedness. Not single-mindedness in the sense that you’re going to choose only one thing, but single-mindedness in the sense that you’re not torn within yourself, or not feeling like you’re in an impossible situation that can’t work out somehow or other. You would be at peace. And you would have clarity about how to act in life based on that peace. That peace would guide you in making your choices, as opposed to running after something that seems to be escaping you right now.


This is the emotional pathway. This is the heart pathway. What you are calling “following your heart” does not sound to me like following your heart. It sounds to me like there’s avoidance going on. You’re saying that other things are your heart and that they seem unattainable. But focusing on what seems unattainable is keeping you from seeing the avoidance. And that seeing of the avoidance is what would actually lead directly to your heart. Of course, I don’t know the specifics and maybe I am inaccurate in what I am saying. But this is my guess.


Your mind is a marvelous machine. But it also has the ability to tie you in knots, like a string of yarn that can seem hopeless to find your way out. If you are looking to your mind to solve the problem, this is where it will lead.


This is why I recommend the path of following emotions and the body. Emotions and the body are incredibly honest, and also tend to be incredibly tenacious. Until you actually listen to them, they tend to not let go. (Mary laughs.) Until they’ve done their job, they’re very committed to getting your attention. They persist until you listen to where they’re really trying to direct you, which might be quite different than the path that your mind wants to go on.


Again, without a fuller explanation, which I would suggest might be best done in a one-on-one situation, I can’t tell you exactly what is going on. But I absolutely trust that your emotions and your body are already guiding you to the solution you desire, if you understood how to listen and how to follow that help.


I am not confident that that was helpful.


Questioner: Not directly but I do think it’s helpful. I won’t have a solution tomorrow.


Mary Magdalene: You could have a solution in this minute.


Questioner: No, no, it’s not possible. But I understand I have to look at a different way. It’s hard for me to keep my head quiet so it’s good to learn, I guess.


Mary Magdalene: Yes. Many teachings have suggested that the way is to quiet your mind. For some that is effective. For some it is not effective, and tends to lead to a feeling of greater frustration. Not only do you have the original problem, now you have the problem of trying to quiet your mind on top of it. (Mary laughs.)


For those in particular, I recommend this other pathway. And yes, you may not be able to access it in this moment, because you have not learned the pathway. But if you had access to that pathway through knowing it yourself, or through support of someone else who knew it, I absolutely believe you could be guided, within a half an hour or less, to the solution you desire. And it might be a great surprise what that is.


Questioner: Thank you.


Mary Magdalene: You’re welcome.


The path of quieting the mind is part of the more Masculine-oriented path. For those who have natural affinity with the Masculine and find it more natural to engage, this can be a very valuable path. For those who don’t have that affinity, or don’t find it naturally accessible to them, this sadly has led to many people feeling that they aren’t spiritual, or perhaps they aren’t competent at all. That is not actually the case. It is just that their pathway is a different pathway.


For those types of people, or people who for whatever reason find themselves operating out of the Feminine in a particular time or moment or situation, this other pathway can be exceedingly supportive. It is the more Feminine pathway.


For most people at this time, the Feminine pathway is the less familiar pathway, because you haven’t had access to developing that Feminine path. Even in your teachings which have promoted the Feminine, there often has not been this kind of clear path of practice. So at some times you may feel a strong connection to the Feminine and you may feel your Feminine power or strength supporting you, while at other times it may feel like you can’t access your Feminine power or it fades away. That is when practice of some sort—a very practical, pragmatic, even step-by-step practice—is extremely valuable. And it’s also when support by others can become very valuable.


Questioner: I’d like to thank you for the time you took to guide us in this way. It’s profound. I thank you very much.


Mary Magdalene: You are very welcome. I do want to reinforce that Yeshua has been here the whole time and is very much here right now. We hold you all in greatest light and love.


Thank you, beloveds. We leave you for now, in this form, but are always available. Blessings dear ones.


[Note from Mercedes: To learn more about the Feminine path that Mary is referencing, go to]


©2018 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

Based in Ashland, Oregon, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone, Skype, and Zoom). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


MARY MAGDALENE: Identifying With Others

Melisenta by Josephine Wall,

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

Question: A while ago I was in a group of spiritually minded people and I had a feeling of loss of identity, like I was skipping between persons. One moment I would feel like one person; in another moment I would feel like another person. It felt like I was tuning into the group energy. Is that what you are talking about in describing the fourth dimension?


Mary Magdalene: It’s an aspect.


It may be that you are opening to a certain kind of connection, awareness, and fluidity in your consciousness. And it may be that there’s another aspect that is not quite in balance, not quite as fully developed, because you don’t need to lose yourself. In the full experience there’s a sense of expansion of yourself, to include all.


So it may have been a kind of opening, but not a full opening. Your experience may feed you in a certain way, which will very likely lead somewhere else that will be more inclusive of your connection to yourself, and more inclusive of your having choice in the midst of your experience.


You are always in choice. It is not the case that you are simply at the effect of your experience. This is a fourth-dimensional learning.


The fourth-dimension is very much like the realm of dreams. This is a good way of understanding this because you are familiar with dreams and understand them.


Part of what you’re developing in the fourth dimension is your ability to manifest. That begins with realizing you are always in choice. Dreams can feel like things are happening to you and that you are kind of blown around by the winds of who knows what in a dream. But that is what you might call an “entry-level” experience [Mary laughs]. Eventually you develop strength and skill, where you are at choice about your manifestation, just as you are at choice about your manifestation in the third-dimension. But that may not yet be obvious.


Questioner: It feels like I am opening up to a certain level of sensitivity that I am not used to.


Mary Magdalene: Yes. It does sound that way to me, as well. And those things can be uncomfortable. They are unfamiliar. And sometimes the discomfort is telling you that that particular form, or the way it’s showing up, doesn’t include everything you need. It can be guiding you to other parts to develop and strengthen, which will be more of what you need in a holistic way.


©2018 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

Based in Ashland, Oregon, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone, Skype, and Zoom). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


MARY MAGDALENE: Sharing Your Gifts with Others

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

Question: When I receive images of Jesus and the angels and Mary, should I share them with my family or the world, or should I just hold them inside?


Mary Magdalene: What is your guidance?


Questioner: The resistance from family and the world holds me back.


Mary Magdalene: Perhaps these are not the ones to share with. Perhaps this resistance is telling you it is not their free will to engage in this particular way. There may be others to share this with or to share in this form. How does that feel to you?


Questioner: Sometimes I see or feel or hear a glimmer that they want to observe my creations. Then other times I feel strong resistance. They don’t want it.


Mary Magdalene: You can always ask. You can ask those you wish to share your creations with. You can begin with expressing your desire to share, what would be fulfilled in you by sharing. They may need help to understand your motive, the part of you that comes to life, that connects with your heart and the light through this sharing. They may initially need this support from you to understand why you wish to share.


Then you can ask them if they would like to receive what you’re offering. And respect their response.


Questioner: When they reply “Yes” and they don’t show an interest, it hurts me.


Mary Magdalene: Yes. You were probably hoping for a kind of heart connection with them through this sharing and were hurt and disappointed when you didn’t receive the kind of heart connection you longed for, yes?


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: So you can mourn that—your longing for this kind of heart connection. And then find the source of that quality of heart connection that you have gotten disconnected from within yourself. It ultimately lives in you, as part of your relationship to God. Reconnect with that. You are never limited in your ability to reconnect with God.


Once you reconnect, be guided from that place as to what you want to do. There are infinite possibilities. Perhaps you choose not to share in that way in the future. Perhaps you see a way that you are interfering with the process and you change your approach to sharing. There are endless possibilities.


What you suffer is your own disconnection from your divinity. And this is what you always are able to shift. It does not rest with others. It rests with yourself. Do you understand that?


Questioner: Yes.


So the joy I feel when I accomplish something physically or creatively, that’s my connection?


Mary Magdalene: That’s your connection. And part of your inner divine quality seems to be to want to celebrate this with others. Is that accurate?


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: So this is your creation in the world. Part of your creative path is to find others who celebrate that with you.


I suspect the more you learn to open yourself as to what you feel, what you long for, what you long to fulfill in terms of your own inner divine qualities through this action of sharing—the more you do that, the more you will create the kind of celebration you desire. Others are not currently understanding you and connecting with your heart in your choice to share in this way. So your part is to support others in making that connection with your heart, prior to even connecting with the creation. Do you understand?


Questioner: I do.


Will holding back from sharing with family and friends hold me back from receiving feeling and creativity?


Mary Magdalene: Only you will know. You will be guided by your feelings, by your own inner divine qualities. This is your path. It is not mine to tell you. Beware of anyone who tells you what your path is. That is not the way of higher beings and higher consciousness.


Questioner: Thank you, Mary.


Mary Magdalene: You are welcome.


©2017 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

  • Guidance from Mary Magdalene (and other beings of light)
  • Heart-Source Life-and-Relationships Coaching
  • Spiritual Mentoring
  • Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction

Based in Ashland, Oregon, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone and Skype). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


Mary Magdalene in France 2017

Received by Mercedes Kirkel

This is the first part of the channeling that was given in the Magdalene Cave in France, during this year’s MAGDALENE HEART PATH IN FRANCE retreat. (The voices in the background during the last few minutes are people who were outside the cave. I never heard them until I listened to the recording later!)



©2017 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive ongoing messages like this from Mary Magdalene and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

  • Guidance from Mary Magdalene (and other beings of light)
  • Heart-Source Life-and-Relationships Coaching
  • Spiritual Mentoring
  • Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction

Based in Ashland, Oregon, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone and Skype). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


The Magdalene Portal in Venice

By Mercedes Kirkel


In early June I began my most recent journey to Europe, traveling with my close friend, Martine.


On our first flight we had two remarkable experiences. The first involved a woman who I saw several times prior to boarding and who seemed familiar to me. To my surprise, we ended up sitting next to each other on the plane. I told her she seemed very familiar and asked her if I knew her, but neither of us could remember having met before. She inquired as to what I did. Hearing that I channeled Mary Magdalene, she seemed quite affected. When she asked my name, she recognized me as a Magdalene author. She then told me she had an entire collection of Magdalene books she’d been guided to read, but mine was the only one she resonated with as authentic.


The woman seemed quite amazed to find herself sitting beside me on the plane, suddenly experiencing me in her life as a very real person, rather than her previous, more abstract relationship to me as “an author.” For me, it was joyful to meet someone who’d been touched by my books. It also felt like the magic of the journey had begun, that the two of us had been seated next to each other and discovered our connection through Mary Magdalene.


The other powerful experience that day happened to my traveling companion, Martine. At one point during the flight she closed her eyes to meditate and went into a deep space. She sensed she’d entered another dimension. In this space, she was surrounded by loving beings who she was familiar with and who had quartz crystals with them. The beings gave her a band that encircled her head. Attached to the band were golden rectangular plates. She intuitively understood that the plates were for healing and protection. The experience was exceedingly peaceful, uplifting, and full of light.


After our first flight, we flew to the south of France, where I was leading the MAGDALENE HEART PATH IN FRANCE 2017 retreat, in which Martine was both participating and assisting. Immersing ourself in this magical region, with its profound connection to Mary Magdalene, I felt myself enter a profound higher-dimensional space. My impulse to communicate verbally receded far away as the days, and then weeks, merged together.


Two and a half weeks later, the retreat came to a close and Martine and I continued our journey in Venice. This was the realization of a dream for me, as I have past life memories of having been a courtesan in Venice and have longed to re-visit this place I once knew so well.


We stayed in a marvelous, old-style Venetian apartment, four stories above the lovely canals, with gondolas constantly passing below. I found myself magnetized to the windows, from which I waved and threw rose petals to the floating gondoliers and passengers below, calling out “buon giorno” and applauding the operatic arias and romantic music.


Yet sooner than we’d planned, we were ready to leave. We’d enjoyed the feeling of the city, especially the sacredness of the water and the sweetness of the neighborhood we were staying in—with its plaza, church, fountain, pizzeria, gelato, and outdoor restaurants. But the “attractions” of Venice hadn’t spoken to us or moved us the way we’d hoped and we were feeling somehow unfulfilled. We both had experiences of feeling angry when visiting the famous churches, which for me had to do with how patriarchal the churches felt (and perhaps, too, with memories of past-life interactions with the Church, which I suspect had ended badly for me). I also felt a growing frustration that the courtesans seemed to be completely written out of the present-time story of Venice. But we decided to stay, mostly because it was too last-minute to do anything else.


On our final day, we both woke up exceedingly happy and filled with love. Checking my email, I found an invitation from another Magdalene author, inviting me to participate in a peace ceremony for Mary’s upcoming feast day on July 22nd. The ceremony was centered around a labyrinth in a San Francisco church.


I was moved that this woman had reached out to include me in this celebration. I felt drawn to participate, yet also unsure about the form of the ceremony. I’d never felt a connection to the practice of walking a labyrinth and didn’t feel that as part of my path in relation to Mary Magdalene. I decided not to respond immediately, to give myself time to clarify what I wanted to do.


Shortly afterward Martine and I headed out to spend our last day in Venice. We wanted to take one last boat trip along the Grand Canal to do a water blessing. The weather was gorgeous, in spite of predictions for thunderstorms, and we found ourselves merrily traveling along new streets, trusting where our bodies were guiding us.


Before long, we realized we’d missed the bridge we were intending to cross. But we were enjoying the way we were going so much that we didn’t care. We continued on, not knowing where we were. Suddenly Martine pointed to a church in front of us. She felt drawn to the architecture of the church, which was round with a dome on top. Even more, she felt attracted to the striking symbol above the door of an upward-pointing triangle with a circle woven through it.


I was struck by something else. I immediately noticed it was the Church of Maria Maddalena, or Mary Magdalene, which I hadn’t even known existed in Venice.


We excitedly approached and opened the door. But neither of us was prepared for what we found on the other side.


Stepping inside the church, we immediately felt the sacredness of the simple, six-sided building, with light streaming into the center from the cupola of the dome. It reminded me of the remains of the Temple of Isis we’d seen in France. But the most amazing part was what was on the floor, right in the center of the circular space. We had walked into a church with a full-size labyrinth created from 888 large rose quartz crystals, with 5 very large, clear quartz crystals in the center.  Around the labyrinth were 6 golden rectangular paintings, each about 6 feet tall, with a seventh painting at the front, covering the altar, which was black with a luminous, very fine “X” painted through it.


It turned out that the paintings were a creation by the artist Slater Bradley titled “Sundoor at World’s End.” Bradley calls the paintings “solar shields,” which he says are a conduit for dimensional energy exchange. I couldn’t believe I was in a Magdalene church, with a rose quartz labyrinth, and giant paintings dedicated to exchanging dimensional energy—hidden in the middle of Venice! And only that morning I’d been saying I didn’t feel a connection between Mary Magdalene and labyrinths.


Martine excitedly began whispering to me that the paintings had the same images she’d seen in her meditation on our first flight of the trip, which had been on the plates attached to her headpiece!


We spent a very long time in the church. We slowly circumambulated from painting to painting, deeply taking in the transmission from each one. One at a time, we walked the labyrinth, even more slowly. My mind was completely empty and my walking was a whole-being prayer of communion with Mary Magdalene and Yeshua.


The center of the labyrinth felt like a portal to the fourth dimension. There was exquisite, inter-dimensional music playing softly and I began to tone my sacred mantra, with sound reverberating through my body and filling the domed, circular space. I have no idea how long I was there as time seemed to have stopped. Then ever so slowly I re-walked the labyrinth, sensing it’s different quarters as the quadrants of my brain and body.


I walked over to the bench on the side of the labyrinth and sat down. Across the church was a huge picture of Mary Magdalene. As Martine walked the labyrinth a second time, I fell into a powerful trance, in which Martine seemed to be an antennae sending me the full power of the labyrinth. I felt kundalini energy powerfully moving throughout my body. I became so tired I could barely hold myself up and had thoughts of laying down on the church floor to sleep (which I somehow resisted because I didn’t think the Italians would appreciate my doing that). Martine completed her second round and then another woman began her journey through the labyrinth, with me having yet another experience of receiving the power of the portal projected through this woman to me.


Finally Martine and I looked at each other, communicating without words that we were completely full and ready to move on. We floated out of the church, feeling amazed at what had occurred. I felt that Spirit had guided us to the real reason we’d come to Venice and we’d been given exactly what we needed.


Even now as I write this, I feel filled with gratitude and awe for having received this wonderful gift.


©2017 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive weekly messages like this from Mary Magdalene and Mercedes:

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Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

  • Guidance from Mary Magdalene (and other beings of light)
  • Heart-Source Life-and-Relationships Coaching
  • Spiritual Mentoring
  • Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction

Based in Ashland, Oregon, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone and Skype). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


Yeshua and Mary Magdalene: The Purpose of Spirituality

Image by Joe Mabel

Received by Mercedes Kirkel


Question: What is the purpose of spirituality and is there any ending point of evolution or consciousness? Is it something like freedom? Where is it all going?


Mary Magdalene: From the Feminine point of view, the purpose of spirituality is to feel a whole lot better than you do right now! (Laughs) That’s why I was laughing.
Can you imagine feeling absolute bliss, absolute love all the time? Would that be attractive? I imagine so.


I will let Yeshua speak for the Masculine point of view.


Yeshua: From the Masculine point of view, nothing is more wonderful than abiding as pure consciousness.


Ultimately, there is absolutely no difference between the pure Feminine of absolute love and the pure Masculine of complete consciousness. They are two sides of the mirror, two sides of the coin. You are always already both.


In some sense there is nothing to attain, as many of your spiritual practices have suggested.


But you have all chosen to come into this manifest form, where your consciousness is limited. You consciously chose and through that choice you manifested. Now your consciousness is reflecting the manifestation that you chose.


This is a bit of a sticky wicket, you might say. There is a part of you that remembers something higher. That part of you is your higher self. That part of you is calling you to change your consciousness, and through that your manifestation. It is also calling you to change your manifestation, and through that your consciousness.


Your higher self is calling you to this spiritual process. All are called. All are actually responding in their own way and their own form, which is right for them at this time. It is for each of you to respond. You can’t help but do it. You are doing it.


Yet in the third dimension you have free will. So part of your journey in this third dimension is to engage your free will to support this wonderful process of uniting in and as God. It doesn’t make sense to your mind. I recommend listening to your heart and your consciousness. Let that be your guide.


©2017 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive weekly messages like this from Mary Magdalene and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

  • Guidance from Mary Magdalene (and other beings of light)
  • Heart-Source Life-and-Relationships Coaching
  • Spiritual Mentoring
  • Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction

Based in the Bay Area, California, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone and Skype). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


Ascension Update June 2017

Image By Olivier 92200

By Mercedes Kirkel


I’ve noticed that this recent period has been very intense for a lot of people.


I think it’s helpful to connect with the bigger picture in times like these. When I see a pattern of others having similar experiences, I feel reassured—not because I want others to be struggling but because I shift into a greater reality. I realize that what’s happening isn’t just about me and that I’m not alone. That helps me to get through. It helps me to trust the process, even if I don’t understand it, and to relax in the midst of it. It also gives me a sense of connection to the larger community of others sharing this pattern, which supports me tremendously.


My challenges recently have been showing up physically. I’ve had very difficult episodes of extended migraine headaches and back pain. For others, the challenges might be showing up in other ways, such as other forms of sickness, emotional struggles, mental difficulties, problems in relationships, difficult life circumstances, etc. I’ve also been struggling with not being able to conform to time structures and really needing to be on my own timing and flow.


If you’ve been experiencing something like this pattern, in whatever form, my heart and compassion go out to you. My guess is that it’s probably happening with greater intensity and lasting longer than you’re used to, or comfortable with, or enjoy.


That’s certainly what I was experiencing.


For me, this all came to a “boiling point” the Friday before Memorial Day weekend. That’s when I had a meltdown, kind of like my own personal Fukushima. I was crying and feeling great despair about my life. And then a friend called. I told my friend what was going on for me. She said she wished I was with her so she could support me. That sounded incredibly wonderful and I expressed how much I would like that.


At that moment a vision came to me of my friend coming and picking me up and taking me to her home in Ashland, Oregon. I felt how I would really love that. But I felt afraid to ask her to do that because it felt like “too much.” I noticed my fear and hesitated. Then I decided to ask for what I really wanted. And that’s what I did. To my amazement, she immediately responded with, “I can do that!” And I instantly knew that was exactly what I needed.


Three days later I was driving with my friend to Ashland, Oregon, including stopping to take in the majesty of Mt. Shasta on the way. Immediately upon arriving at my friend’s home I started to get better. Dramatically better! Hugely better! In fact, within a few days I actually felt good. I’d forgotten what “good” feels like. It’s really good!


I’m seeing the same thing in the bigger picture. I think many people are being asked by their soul to make changes in their lives that don’t seem easy. So they’re resisting making the changes. I know I was. I didn’t want to leave the Bay Area of San Francisco. There were many people I was close to there who I didn’t want to move away from, including my daughter and son-in-law. There were gatherings that I loved. I loved the land, the water, the climate. It felt like home to me.


But I was also ignoring the things that weren’t working for me, like the huge stress of the traffic and all the driving. Or the continual stress of the cost of living there. Or the frustration that I wasn’t finding a place to settle and start the spiritual community I so long to create.


Those were the signs that what I was doing wasn’t aligned to my soul path. I was doing my best to ignore those signs. So Spirit found a different way to get my attention, through my health.


I suspect many people are going through a similar scenario. I’ve had quite a few people tell me about wanting to make a change in their life yet feeling scared to take the leap. I think Spirit is helping them to do something different by making it not work anymore to continue with their previous “life”—and if necessary, even bringing in obstacles to their previous way of doing things. It’s Spirit’s way of redirecting us to what our soul really wants.


Is this happening for you? Are you feeling called to a change in your life that you’ve been resisting? Are you ready to take your next step of aligning with your soul in a greater way? It might be a baby step or a major leap. Only you will know what’s right for you.


How do you know what’s right for you? Look for the signs in your life of your soul speaking to you. Then trust those signs.


Spirit really does communicate with us all the time. It happens most often through the events of our lives. We just need eyes to see and ears to hear Spirit’s messages. If we don’t see or hear and then respond, Spirit turns up the volume and the signs become stronger. What may look like our life falling apart may actually be Spirit calling us to something new.


I hope you don’t need as strong a message as I did in order to listen and respond. I invoke that you follow your soul path and that your path is filled with ease and grace. So may it be!


In case you’re wondering what this has to do with ascension, I think it has everything to do with it. I think the ante is being upped and we’re being called to assume our soul path to a much greater degree. There’s less room for divergence and detours.


It’s like we’re in a slow-building volcano. But don’t be fooled by the speed (which really is incredibly fast in terms of the way evolution usually occurs). I have no doubt that we’re being gently, or sometimes not-so-gently, pushed to our next level of spiritual growth and unfoldment. And we’re having all kinds of growing pains along the way.


I believe huge forces are at play in our world. Just look at what’s happening politically, especially in the U.S. But there’s something even bigger that’s not being broadcast by the media. It’s a grassroots groundswell of a huge shift in spiritual evolution that’s underway. And we all showed up to be part of it.


It may not feel like what you were expecting when you “volunteered.” But now you’re here. And more than anything else, your most important work is your personal spiritual growth.


It may not feel like much at an individual level. But at the group level, what’s occurring is stupendous. I really believe this and see it everywhere. It gives me such hope and joy. I’m very confident that a growing group of awakening and awakened beings are tipping the scales on planet Earth toward a much more wonderful future.


I’m looking forward to it! And I hope you’ll be there, too.


©2017 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive weekly messages like this from Mary Magdalene and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

  • Guidance from Mary Magdalene (and other beings of light)
  • Heart-Source Life-and-Relationships Coaching
  • Spiritual Mentoring
  • Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction

Based in the Bay Area, California, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone and Skype). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


An Encounter with Our Helpers

Image By Vahram Mekhitarian

By Mercedes Kirkel


This past week I went on a hike with my good friend, Susan. We chose a trail by the San Francisco Bay that Susan used to frequent but hadn’t been on in a number of years. The weather was beautiful, the wildflowers bursting forth, birds gracing our path, and all seemed wonderful.


After hiking for a while, Susan asked how I was doing because my back had been sore earlier that day. I appreciated her reminding me because I was enjoying our time together so much that I’d forgotten all about it. But it seemed wise not to overdo, so I decided to head back at a slower pace. Since Susan still had energy we agreed she’d hike a bit further and then meet me back at the car.


I had a leisurely walk back and was resting in the car when I got a text from Susan. It was brief but didn’t sound good: “Got in some difficulty on way back. Route changed & wading through tall weeds. Sorry & wish me luck.” I wasn’t clear what had happened, but I sensed danger. I asked if there was anything I could do, but she said she didn’t think so.


About 15 minutes later I got another text: “OK. Now I’m scared. Dead ended at water.” I still wasn’t sure what had happened, but now I was scared, too. I asked her if she could turn around and come back and she replied “Sort of but so tired.” I didn’t like the sound of that.


“Should I call 911?” I asked, but she responded “Not yet.” I told her to conserve the battery on her phone and she let me know she was turning it off.


So I waited.


Ten minutes later she texted, “Maybe yeah, call them.” I didn’t need a second request. By now my heart was in my throat.


I’d never called 911 before, but I was so glad to be able to call then. I went through a series of relays and soon was connected to the local police department. They said they’d send a ranger and I should flag him down when I saw him.


As soon as the ranger arrived, I got a text from Susan, “I’m back at the road!!! Can you cancel?” I relayed this to the ranger, but since the trail was actually a fire road, he thought it was a good idea to drive in and see if she needed help. As soon as he said it, I knew it was a good idea.


It wasn’t till I saw them emerge at the trailhead that I could finally let out how scared I’d been. Even as I write this, tears are coming to my eyes. I was incredibly grateful to the ranger for driving Susan out, as she was in fact extremely exhausted—physically and emotionally.


After we calmed down Susan shared the full story of what happened. She described losing the trail and bushwhacking through weeds up to her shoulders as she trudged through swampy wetlands for over an hour, praying for help and guidance all the way. But the really remarkable part was what happened when she finally found the road again.


At that moment, she heard a deep voice that told her, “You’re never alone.” And suddenly she felt surrounded by myriads of light-beings who were all loving and helping her. She started sobbing as she felt some of them right up against her body, and sensed thousands of others filling the landscape. The message came that in some ways we are aided by incarnated beings, such as Mercedes and the park ranger, and in other ways by unincarnated beings. Both are available to us.


I wasn’t happy that my friend went through all she did that afternoon. But I was in awe and gratitude when I heard her describe her spiritual experience.


When I asked Susan a few days later if I could share her story, she said, “Sure, I guess it could be helpful for some people.”


I responded, “I believe every reminder that we’re not alone is helpful. It’s so easy to forget.”


To which she replied, “Amen to that.”


©2017 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and the post includes 1) the title, 2) “Received by Mercedes Kirkel” beneath the title and above the body of the post, 3) this copyright notice (full paragraph), and 4) Mercedes Kirkel’s website (


If you would like to receive weekly messages like this from Mary Magdalene and Mercedes:

Click here to sign up for the Into The Heart Newsletter.


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and channel for Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her first book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s latest book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, is available at

To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.

Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in the U.S. and internationally, including:

  • Guidance from Mary Magdalene (and other beings of light)
  • Heart-Source Life-and-Relationships Coaching
  • Spiritual Mentoring
  • Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction

Based in the Bay Area, California, Mercedes works with people in-person and long distance (by phone and Skype). To see Mercedes’s current offerings and learn more about her, go to


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