Posts Tagged ‘Archangel Michael’

Archangel Michael: Understanding Killing, Emotions, and Imagination

Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel on June 2, 2013


Question: I heard a story that you intervened in one of the world wars to protect a soldier by killing other soldiers. I was wondering about killing other people. Is is justified at all for self-defense? What does that look like in the other realms when you kill another person?


Archangel Michael: This is a complex question.


Part of the reason beings have come into the third dimension is to explore all aspects of power. Taking the life of another being is one aspect of power. It is something that we, at the higher dimensions, do not engage in, nor do we have need to. In general, at the higher dimensions there is a very firm law about not interfering with the free will of another. Exerting your power over another being to take their life would be considered a form of interference in that way, a very strong form.


Yet at the third dimension, overriding another’s free will has been allowed because of this exploration of power. Interfering with another being’s free will has been perceived as supportive of the exploration of power. At this point, it is generally held that there has been enough of that exploration. There is no need for it to go any further, and there is much suffering and pain that has been created by this exploration.


We at the higher levels are not stopping this exploration, for it is not ours to stop. We simply encourage beings, if they are complete with their own personal soul work in the arena of third-dimensional power, to move out of that form of engagement at the third dimension. We urge such ones to shift in their awareness and their focus to integrating the lessons they have learned through their ascension process and move into greater love and greater light, which ultimately will carry them into higher dimensions. This is our recommendation for those who ask and are open. It is the thrust of our support for people, with no judgment for those who have engaged in any forms, because all have been doing their soul work.


Higher dimensional beings may intervene in the free will choices of beings in the third dimension, but the form of intervention may be different than you understand. Our form of intervention varies from circumstance to circumstance, but in general it is to bring light and to bring love. It is rare for us to intervene in other ways in free will choices. But there are occasions where that is done, if it is felt that it will prevent something happening that is not aligned with the current universal program, if you will. That is all that I am allowed to say about that at this time.


Question: In this journey to higher consciousness and love, we still live in the third-dimensional world. How would you suggest for us to stay grounded? Sometimes we get swayed by personal emotions, so that at times we might fall off the tracks, though we know that it is minor and we have to look beyond it. How can we get past that, so we can continue on the path and not get swayed, and yet live in the third-dimensional world?


Archangel Michael: Many of you have made a great error by looking at emotions as minor. There is really no such thing as “minor.” It is kind of like saying a finger is minor. How minor is it? It’s a part of who you are.


Emotions are very important. They are part of what you’ve come to the third dimension—and this world in particular—to experience and to become masters of. Many of you have the wrong idea that emotions are something that is interfering with your spiritual process. If emotions are showing up, it is oftentimes a sign that this is something you need to actually engage, to work with. Your lack of grounding may very well be due to the fact that you are not properly working with emotions. If you are somehow distancing yourself from them, that would be very ungrounding.


You may need help in understanding this. This has been a great weakness in the Earth’s spiritual development for a very long time, where there has been very little understanding of emotions and how emotions are a part of the spiritual process. This has a lot to do with the fact that for a very long time in your history, the spiritual process on Earth has been largely guided by the Masculine—not only men, but the Masculine energy. And the Masculine energy tends to be less understanding of emotions.


So the emotional incidents you’re noticing may be a sign that you have emotional work to do. This will only become more important at the higher dimensions. The fourth dimension is a very emotional dimension. If you have not done your work in the third dimension, you will find it even more unbalancing in the fourth dimension. This is another reason that it is very important that you become strong in your emotions, become wise, become spiritually mature in that area.


Understanding how to engage emotions is part of the work that Mary Magdalene has been doing. She has been bringing in the emotional component, which is so important for people on the Earth to understand. She has rightly judged that this is an area of great weakness for many humans, and something that many humans need help with at this time.


There are four bodies—some have referred to them as the four lower bodies—the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental bodies. All four need to be strong for you to stay grounded. They are the foundation in the third dimension that allows you to launch into the higher dimensions. If any of them are not strong, you will tend to be imbalanced, which may very likely show up as being ungrounded.


Most of you are quite developed in the mental. Your world has done a very good job of schooling you in the mental. Many of you are quite imbalanced, in that you’re developed in the mental only and not strongly developed in the other three bodies: the physical, emotional, and energetic. This has been done on purpose in your world because, while most of you think the mind is very strong, it is actually very easy to control a being who is primarily in their lower mind.


Very many of you—speaking to you as the greater humanity who are interested in the ascension process—have work to do to develop your physical, energetic, and emotional bodies. Many of you have more understanding of the physical and what your work is to do at that level. Many of you are less aware of the emotional and energetic. The energetic is working with things like your chakras and all the features of your energy body that ultimately will help you to make the shift into the fourth dimension and be strong there—the opening of your pineal gland, your third eye, your merkaba, all of the aspects of your energy body. But that actually is an easier process for most of you than your emotional work.


For most of you, the emotional work is unclear, muddled. And for many of you it is imbalancing you. I recommend that you evaluate your strength in those four arenas—the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental—and see where you need further work, where there is either healing to do or learning to do, so that you become strong and balanced in those four arenas. Then you will stay grounded.


Question: I have a question regarding imagination. When I was young, it was very easy and useful for me to use my imagination. Now that I’m older in my life, it’s become difficult for me to recapture the power of imagination. I use it to construct my life. Do you have a comment on how imagination works and how I can strengthen it to improve my life.


Archanchangel Michael: That is a very accurate understanding of imagination. Constructing life is exactly the intent and purpose of imagination, ultimately. Imagination is an aspect of consciousness. It is the creative aspect of consciousness, both in terms of being a creative process and in terms of creating your life, as you said.


If there is a block or a breakdown in your being able to access imagination, it points to some blockage or wounding in one of the four bodies I was referencing earlier, most likely the energetic. It may have an emotional component, but it is most likely the energetic. What may support you the most is learning how to open all the energetic functions and pathways. There are many who understand this. This being who is channeling is one of those who understands this. Others do, as well.


It is not a difficult task for you to reconnect with your imagination if you have become disconnected from it. It is valuable to do so.


[There is a space of silence.]


Perhaps we are complete for today. I thank you. This has been most wonderful. I value my time with you, my connection with you. I am so refreshed by being in your company, experiencing your beauty, your light. Thank you, dear ones, for all you bring.


With this, I go with great love. I AM Archangel Michael.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Akashic Record Readings, and Guidance from Beings of Light. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Archangel Michael: Remembering How To Live In More Than One Dimension

Part 2 of a Message
Received through Mercedes Kirkel on June 2, 2013

Question: Could you speak about remembering how to live in more than one dimension simultaneously?


Archangel Michael: This is the process you will naturally go through as you begin to ascend into higher dimensions. And it is true that it is a remembering process. You have done this before. But in the third dimension you have forgotten. It is part of the quality, the nature of the third dimension that there is this veil of forgetting. So you are remembering, reawakening your consciousness, your memory, your abilities to exist in higher dimensions.


As this process is taking place, it is natural that you will start to spend time in dimensions higher than the third dimension. At first it will very likely be the fourth dimension, and perhaps the fifth or sixth. Those are the most common that most people initially connect with. Most often, it is for finite periods of time, somewhat like going to sleep at night and having a dream, and then waking up. You have the dream and then you come back to your waking state that you are familiar with. You don’t feel like you’re in the dream world anymore. Yet it has its effect. You may remember the dream. You may feel altered by the dream.


Initially, spending time in the higher dimensions can be something like this. That is a good analogy, because you all have the experience of being able to shift into dream worlds. If you meditate, you oftentimes have the experience of going into other states of consciousness in meditation. If you have done shamanic work, journey work, you have oftentimes had the experience of traveling into what are most likely other dimensions. So there is precedent for this. There is historical precedent in your world and there is also personal precedent. That may help, to understand that you already have a body of experience you can draw upon.


Over time what will generally happen is that you start to spend more time—of course this is speaking of time from the third-dimensional perspective and your sense of time as you may perceive it on the third dimension—you start to spend more time in these higher dimensions. They start to become more attractive to you. They start to draw you.


There are also traditional precedents for this. In the Indian tradition, there is the story of Krishna and the Gopis. The gopis were the cowherd maidens who fell in love with Krishna. Their job was to milk the cows. But out of their love for Krishna, they were so attracted to Krishna, that when Krishna would appear they would just forget about everything—their lives, their work, their families—and go off and follow Krishna. This is an analogy of what starts to happen. You start to become more attracted to the higher dimensions. They are very attractive, especially from the perspective of the third dimension. That attraction starts to draw you more and more. It is simply a natural process, like falling in love, where your energy and attention start to go there, start to move there naturally. Out of that, you start to spend more and more time there.


This may start to happen when you are not consciously setting aside a space of time to do this—outside of your sacred occasions, your meditation, your sleep, your entering into a particular process. It might just start to happen spontaneously. It might initially happen by coming out of those processes and continuing to carry that state with you. Or just spontaneously going into that state more and more in the midst of what you might call “ordinary life.” You might be aware of this. You might not be aware of this. Perhaps you’re aware of it after the fact. You look back and say, “I’ve been operating from a different place. I’ve been in the fourth-dimensional space.” This has always been recognized by those who meditate as one of the reasons for meditating: Having an ongoing practice, with regularity, starts to change your consciousness and your reality. You start to more and more bring that higher consciousness, and the reality based on that consciousness, into your everyday life, to live more and more from that place.


This will start to happen more and more. It is very supportive to have some practice that you engage with regularity to quicken and strengthen this process—whether that’s meditation, a quiet time where you open yourself to going into higher spaces and dimensions and communing with higher beings, or whatever you find that is supportive of you. To do this with regularity can be very valuable and make the process stronger, and oftentimes smoother and easier, as well.


So there is an integration process going on where you will start to shift. You will start to spend increasing amounts of time and periods of time in these higher dimension. This is intended to be as easeful as possible. There are many beings who have gone through this process. You on Earth right now are going through it at an amazing speed, much faster than has been done before, for the most part. There may be some challenge in this, some discomfort. At the physical level, there can be challenges. At the energetic level, there can be challenges. At the emotional and mental levels—all of those levels. This is why it is very useful to have your body in as pure of a state as possible, and to do any healing or growth work that is necessary at the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental levels. The more that these levels are open and do not have blockages or wounding, the smoother and easier this process will become. So that can be very supportive—to complete any work that is necessary in those areas.


Eventually you will make the shift, where you are centered or based in that higher dimension. You may still have a part of you that is visiting or functioning on the third dimension, completing whatever your soul work is in the third dimension. But your base will primarily be at the higher dimensions.


[End of Part 2]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Archangel Michael: News Flash from the Higher Dimensions

Part 1 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel on June 2, 2013


Blessings dear one. This is Archangel Michael. It has been a while since we have communicated in this form and I am moved to be with you again. It is my delight and pleasure to be with you today.


I wish to give you somewhat of an update of how I perceive things are going for you in your world. You might think of it as a news flash or a weather report from my station in the higher dimensions. What I see is very good. I see the light on Earth increasing. This is a direct effect of each person and the light they are anchoring, the light they are opening to. This is a great process. It is a process that, especially in the third dimension, is not easily accomplished. Yet it is happening in your world, in ways that I suspect many of you may not fully realize. It is happening gradually and continuously. Often things that are gradual and continuous are not as obvious. It is also happening at deep and profound levels. Because all of you are still involved in third-dimensional functioning, you are required to spend at least a certain part of your energy and awareness in functioning in more third-dimensional, superficial ways. So that, too, may contribute to you being less than fully aware of what is happening on the deeper levels. So I come to confirm this, to lend you my viewpoint, perhaps my “sight.”


Ultimately, what is happening in any place of manifestation is very simple. It is a process of consciousness made manifest. Such manifestation happens, in the most subtle form, through light. As light becomes increasingly drawn into manifestation, it takes other forms, more solid forms, if you will. Thus you eventually have things like physicality. This is one aspect of your world, the consciousness/light aspect. Then there is the aspect of love. These two go together. They are partners, if you will.


At this time, many of you are starting to understand how consciousness comes into play and affects the quality of light in your world, the clarity of light in your world, the accessibility of light in your world, the abundance or lack of abundance of light in your world. So many of you are beginning to work at the level of consciousness, which is a most wonderful thing.


There are two approaches. You can approach transformation and growth through consciousness, and this will open you to love. Or you can approach transformation and growth through love, and this will open you to consciousness. These are not in conflict. They are very harmonious. As a matter of fact, they are both inextricably connected. But some of you may resonate with one or the other more. Some of you may find more ease in working more consciously with one or the other, consciousness or love. And that is fine.


It is most valuable to do what is strong for you. You will progress the most clearly and directly in that way. You will also contribute most valuably in that way, by bringing your strength, your gift, your uniqueness. Do not worry if the other parts are not as strong, clear, or accessible for you. Everything you require is being given. If pieces that you see others involved in are not, perhaps, your path, they are simply not your path. (quietly laughs) Those gifts will come to you in other ways.


What is important is that you contribute your gift and that you understand the vastness, the whole, and are supportive of others and their gifts, while not necessarily needing to pursue them yourself. Ultimately you are supported by the strengths and differences of others. It is part of why you do not need to pursue all paths, because you are part of the whole. It is like your body. The heart does not need to do what the liver does. They each benefit from the work of the other.


What I see is that your work is progressing beautifully. The light is increasing—your personal light and the light of your whole planet. You are involved and underway with this ascension process. Some of you may have wanted to see certain signs, certain events, which may or may not have happened. Or perhaps there are other events that are disturbing you, causing you to be worried or even fearful about the future of your planet. It is most helpful if you allow these to be without giving them energy, not getting involved in them. They are helping others to complete certain things, release certain things that are important for them. If it is not your work, you do not need to become involved.


It is best to be involved with the highest level of light that you can connect with. Support that within yourself and in your world in whatever way is true for you. Become sensitive to whether you are engaged in things that lower your light, diminish your brightness, and extricate yourself from those circumstances. They are not necessary and they are not most supportive. Each of you will have your own path for doing that. But you are free-will beings. You are in choice. You are not stuck or limited to any circumstance.


Do not beat yourself up with this. If you are in a circumstance that is challenging, there is a reason for that in your life. You may have a learning or a karmic debt that you are completing. Bring the light into that circumstance. Choose light where you are.


There are forms of choosing light. Gratitude is a form of choosing light. Connecting with God is a form of choosing light. Prayer is a form of choosing light. Communion in any way is a form of choosing light. Become sensitive to when the light is strong for you. Become sensitive to how you feel. Become sensitive to the effects in the world around you. Become sensitive to your mind, your heart. Become aware. Then it will be easier for you to notice the changes, the shifts, what increases the light, what dims the light.


You are all light bringers, light bearers, light rejoicers. Do not forget to celebrate the light, in whatever way fills your heart with joy.


This is my message for you this morning. I thank you for listening, for allowing me the opportunity to share this with you.


[End of Part 1]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Archangel Michael & Isis: Clarifying The Ascension Process


Part 2 of a Message
Given through Mercedes Kirkel on February 3, 2013

Now we wish to hear your questions, especially questions about your process of transition into these newer energies, this newer frequency, newer consciousness, or questions about the energies, frequencies, consciousness—if there’s understanding you would like to have. Please share with us what your questions are now.


Question: After moving into fifth dimensional frequency and higher, is there ever a point where you’re no longer needing to transmute the lower energies in the emotional body, mental body? Does it ever reach a state of pure expansion, rather than contraction and expansion?


Archangel Michael and Isis: There is a subtle form of differentiation from Source that’s still in effect all the way up to complete reunion with Source. As you go to higher and higher levels of consciousness and the higher dimensions, the sense of differentiation becomes less and less. It becomes more and more light. Nevertheless, it is there through all the different levels. But you will not experience it the way you are used to experiencing it in the third dimension, and to some extent in the fourth dimension, as something that is binding, that is heavy, that is painful. That will change. It will become more and more about joy and love and expansion.


That is a great deal of what the learning is about in the fourth dimension. Certainly you have started it at the third dimension, but you will be focusing on it more purely at the fourth dimension. It will be about learning to stay in the higher frequency emotions and not get drawn into the lower frequency emotions in the way that, at the third dimension, many of you had a sense that you had no choice about. It seemed to just happen to you. You had choice about how to respond, but it seemed you did not necessarily have choice how to change the event and the cycle altogether. At the fourth dimension, it will become very clear to you that you do have choice and that you can manifest the higher frequencies.


There are two aspects to this, as is so often the case in manifestation. There is an aspect that you could call the more feminine aspect and there is an aspect that you could call the more masculine aspect. The more masculine aspect has to do with intention and choice. You choose to stay in the higher frequencies and understand how to do that, by setting an intention and following through with your actions. These are not physical actions. These are emotional actions, mental actions, but they are actions nonetheless, that allow you to be in choice about your emotional reality.


The more feminine aspect is the aspect of surrender and opening through whatever emotion arises, all the way through to Source and ultimately to God. In that, the force of the emotion, if it is a lower frequency emotion, dissolves and takes you into the higher frequencies.


Depending on your nature, one or the other may be more natural to you, and you may choose one or the other more frequently, simply by what feels most accessible and effective for you. For many of you, it will be valuable to have skills to engage both and to be able to call upon whichever seems most effective and easeful in whatever situation arises.


The work of our sister, Mary Magdalene, has been very clarifying about the Feminine process and very valuable in helping many of you to understand that, in a way that many of you have not understood in the past. Your spiritual traditions that are already in existence have largely taught the masculine path. So there are many ways that are familiar to most of you through which you know how to engage the masculine path of intention followed by action.


All of this will become more clear to you at the fourth dimension because you so quickly manifest the results of your choices. It will become more important to you to maintain yourself in the higher frequency, and you will start to increase and refine your skills that allow you to do this.


Question: How is humanity doing on our ascension process? Is there any timeline? Is this going to take hundreds or thousands of years for humanity to ascend into the fifth dimension? Is it going to be gradual, with humans doing it here and there, or is it going to be more of a collective, with most of humanity doing it within the same timeframe?


Archangel Michael and Isis: These are questions that many people have in their minds and hearts. Partly they want reassurance about their own process; partly wanting to know the future for a sense of security, understanding, and a certain level of safety. For the most part, these are not answers we can give you, in part because this is being created by all of you and we do not have the answers; and also because it is not our work to know about future timelines in this way. It is our work to help you at your present stage into your next stage. But we are not informed ourselves as to how that will occur and along what timeframes.


Question: Can you tell us how we’re doing at the present time, then, with this process?


Archangel Michael and Isis: You are doing quite well. In particular, the people who understand at least the beginning stages of the ascension process, and are interested and committed to going through this themselves, are especially doing very well. There is a lightening in your world, in general, because of that. This is affecting others, even those who are not aware of there being an ascension process and are not choosing to take steps themselves to be involved in this form of transformation into the higher realms. It is happening nonetheless.


It is not going to be a process of eons, especially into the fourth dimension. This is a first step that your world, in general, is making. It is possible for beings to move into the fifth dimension in a more direct and permanent way. In the past that has, in general, involved leaving this dimension. But that is not so much what is happening now. What is happening now is a transformation at a group scale. It is not an individual process as it has been in the past.


Somewhat humorously, one aspect of your making progress in this transformation will be the relaxation of your concern around time. (Archangel Michael and Isis gently laugh.) You will come to see that time is not the way you view it in the third dimension. More and more you will be going into the present. Within that will contain all time, because there is only the present. So you will more and more replace your sense of linear time—where things are happening at some point in the future and you are wondering when that will be—with a sense of completion and wholeness in the present, where nothing else is required in terms of time, and that time happens within the expansive space of the present.


Question: I find myself very bored with this third dimensional reality. I find spending more time in the high fourth and the fifth dimension because it’s where I feel I belong. Are we able to stay in the fifth dimension, even though we have a physical body? Are we able to move between the fourth and fifth dimensions on a regular basis, or do we have to wait for everybody else to come along?


Archangel Michael and Isis: You can most certainly move between the dimensions, but that does not mean that you are based in that dimension. You will return, as you are now, to wherever you are based.


You have always been able to change your base into a higher dimension. It has not been easy, but it has been possible. But that is a soul-level choice. Most of you who have come here at this time have made the soul-level choice to be part of this group ascension process. So it is unlikely that you will make that ascension on your own, independent of others, because that was not your soul choice in coming here.


It is natural that as this shift to a higher-dimensional base becomes closer, as you experience the higher dimensions more, that it becomes more and more desirable—you are desirous of this. It is natural that the third dimension will become less and less attractive. Indeed, that is a part of the process that will inevitably happen.


As you become stronger in the ascension process, the fourth dimension will become less of a place that you visit and more of a place that you hold within yourself. You will take it with you wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, even as you exist in the third dimension. So there will be less of a sense of third dimension versus the other dimensions. Eventually they will merge because in your consciousness, in your heart, in your core, you are existing at the fourth dimension. Even though you may be participating in the third dimension, the fourth dimension will more and more be your base. So the third dimension won’t feel the way you have felt it in the past. You will not have the experiences of it you’ve had in the past. It will more be that you stay founded in the fourth dimension and are able to operate in the third dimension from that place.


When you encounter beings that you consider great spiritual beings—great realizers, yogis, saints, sages, teachers—and you go into their presence and feel a quality that is very uplifting or very transforming for you, this is what you are experiencing. You are experiencing their inner state that they carry with them of a higher consciousness and a higher dimension, even while manifesting in the third dimension. This is what you will more and more experience, until it reaches a certain critical mass, which will be bigger than just you. It will be many people carrying this consciousness together, which will change your world, change your reality. It will no longer be the apparent reality that you are familiar with now.


Most likely this will be a gradual process. It is like a child growing up, where you look back and say, “Oh my, I remember being that age when I was that young. How different I was.” But when you went through those processes, they were incremental and you didn’t necessarily notice them along the way. You just seemed like you were being you. Others may have noticed your changes, but you, yourself, didn’t notice them so much. This may seem like that. But it is happening at a scale that is much larger than the individual scale. Nonetheless, you feel it as an individual and it is changing you as an individual.


One of the steps of this process of going into the higher dimensions that is important is to not be private about it. Do not feel that it is necessary to do this in seclusion. Bring it out into the world. Shine your love, your consciousness. Express it, be it in the world. That will help you in this integration.


And ask for it to be so. Ask to stay in that higher dimension, that higher frequency. Ask for that to become and then to be the frequency, the consciousness, the dimension in which you reside. Asking is extremely powerful. So ask for that.


Question: There are a lot of people on earth that are focused on peace—individual peace, world peace, and peace in our universes. Are there suggestions you would like share to really anchor that frequency in the earth plane?


Archangel Michael and Isis: Absolutely. It is wonderful that so many are focused on peace and are desirous of peace. What you have not fully understood is the way that things manifest in your realm. Things only manifest if you manifest them first on the inner planes, through your heart and your higher mind. Many of you are not at peace with yourself. Many of you are not at peace with life, are not at peace with God. This is where you must do the work.


This emotional work is critical to creating peace. Many of you are not at peace with your emotions. Many of you are not at peace with your body. Many of you are not at peace with your sexuality. What you manifest at the outer is always a reflection of the inner.


There is a certain humor—you might say irony—in that some people are not at peace with the lack of peace. (gentle laughter) That is the work that must be done. It is especially emotional work. You may not know this peace until you have done that work. You can do that work now. Many beings can do that work now. The more beings that do, the more you will experience peace in your world.


Everything is a reflection of the inner—everything. As such, it has value. It can help you to pinpoint where your work is to be done, if you understand it as such. Attempting to change the outer without changing the inner will always be futile, never satisfactory.


The peace that you seek is the love and peace of God, not in some otherworld sense, such as going to heaven. God’s love and peace is a very practical thing. But it is one of the features of the third dimension that God’s love and peace is largely hidden from most people, such that you think that you have to go somewhere else to attain it. That is not the case. But you do need to work with yourself, with your inner structures that are hiding God’s love and peace from you. That is the most valuable work to be done, because when you do it you will experience God’s love and peace, which is what everyone desires. So we highly recommend this.


When you are full in this, you will be at peace with all, even with those who are apparently not at peace, even with those circumstances that you would not call peaceful. And we must underscore that this does not mean that you will take no action. This is not the same as being passive. It is simply that you will remain in peace as you take action. As long as you are manifesting in this third dimension, there are actions to be taken. It is part of being at this level. When you are manifesting at the fourth dimension or higher, there will be different actions.


So do not confuse peace with passivity. They are not the same. Peace is in your heart. When you experience that peace, you will be guided to whatever action is for the highest.


Question: When we ascend to the fifth dimension, where do we go?


Archangel Michael and Isis: There are different options. Partly it depends how this unfolds.


There are different places where you may choose to manifest. But many of you have a strong connection to the Earth. You have a love for Earth, and She of you, which makes it likely that you will stay connected to this place and that your manifestation will be involved with this realm.


When you attain the fifth dimension, you are not so tied, so locked into a place as you are at the third dimension. So there are different possibilities. Some of you may travel to different places, to serve in different ways, to participate in different ways. But it is very likely that you will continue your association with the Earth in Her fifth dimensional form, until you are called by your soul to continue your journey elsewhere.


Most of you have had manifestations and incarnations in other places. You may not remember them, but there is a soul affinity. This is another possibility—you may choose to return to other places where you have other soul connections. It’s a little bit like your airport, where you make connections and go to different places. You will have many options. Your soul will know the right one for you.


We urge you not to be concerned. Relax your minds. All is well. All is unfolding most perfectly. Allow your mind to drop into your heart. Allow yourself to be guided by this unity of heart and mind. Allow your thinking to serve you, but not to be your master. Your hearts are strong and are growing.


We sense it is time to bring this sharing to a close. It has been most delightful to be with you. We hope our sharing with you has been helpful and supportive, for that is our heart desire. We love you. We’re available to you whenever you call upon us. And so, with that, we close for now, once more expressing our tremendous love for you and our gratitude for all you do.


We shine our light of the heart to you and to your heart. And in that exquisiteness of light we leave you.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Archangel Michael & Isis: The Path Before You


Part 1 of a Message
Given through Mercedes Kirkel on February 3, 2013

Blessings dear ones. Today two of us are coming through. It is Archangel Michael and Isis who are moved to be with you, together. This is our joint voice speaking.


We begin by thanking you. We thank you for inviting us to come and be with you. We thank you for holding this space. We thank you for this beautiful opportunity to express our communications, our love, our help and support to all of you. Thank you dear ones. We love you immensely.


We are aware that this is a new time for many of you, and in some ways, a somewhat confusing time. Many of you had expectations as to what would be happening at the close of last year, specifically on the date of the winter solstice, December 21st. There were a variety of things that many people were expecting. And for the most part, many of those expectations did not manifest in the way that you were anticipating.


This caused some level of curiosity—for some of you a level of confusion or even concern about what did actually happen, why you had the expectations you had, and why they didn’t manifest in the way that you were thinking they were going to. Some of you are still in a state of wondering about that. And this has carried over into this new time that you are in now.


We wish to explain a little about this to begin, because we are aware that there is a sense of curiosity, wonderment, and some lack of full understanding about this time. You did go through a transition. For most of you it was not in the form that you were thinking it might be. It was certainly much subtler than most of you expected. But it was nonetheless a transition. For many of you, you are able to feel it more at this time than you actually were at the time of the winter solstice. You are feeling a sense of newness, a sense of beginning-ness in many ways. This, too, is somewhat subtle. But many of you are in touch with it and can feel, can sense that there is a newness, that something has begun that is different. We concur and agree with this.


You are at the beginning of a new phase. We are considering, for a moment, if that is entirely accurate, because you are also in the midst of a process that is very large, that has been going on for many, many years, and that you are in the midst of, truly in the center of. That is true, too. So both are going on. You might say that the center was a turning point. You have gone through that turning point at the center and now have begun something new.


It is this newness that we wish to address. It is the newness of beginning to move into a new state of consciousness and the associated outer reality that comes with that state of consciousness. It is both fourth dimensional and moving into the fifth dimension, because the fourth dimension is a transitional dimension into the fifth dimension. Depending on your unique path and journey, you are somewhere in a continuum that could be anywhere from the early stages of the fourth dimension into the fifth dimension.


The fourth dimension and fifth dimension are not the same. They are different. Part of what we want to talk about is what the differences are, so you can understand this more fully. In the fourth dimension you’re moving into being more centered in your energy body. You still are physically manifest, but it has a much lighter quality. You don’t feel as densely, grossly, purely physical as you do in the third dimension. You feel lighter, more energetically based, more of an energy being, and more energized altogether. The easiest way to understand the fourth dimension is that it is very much like what you experience when you dream. Things are not so fixed and not so physically immutable. They can change much more quickly. You can travel in ways that don’t seem possibly in the physically based third dimension. Things can manifest very quickly, as opposed to the third dimension, where things do manifest, but it seems that it’s much harder and takes more time and more work. So the fourth dimension is a much more fluid dimension. It’s also a much more emotional dimension.


Part of the gateway for entering the fourth dimension involves emotions—that you are able to be connected to your emotions and that, optimally, you have achieved a strong level of emotional mastery. The reason that this part is important is because it will determine the quality of experience you have at the fourth dimension. The less emotional mastery you have, the more you will experience the emotions that, for most of you, are more disturbing—emotions of fear—especially fear—but also emotions of anger, emotions of sorrow, grief, loss, and other emotions that most of you find more disturbing, or difficult, or dark, heavy, however you experience them. This will be more your experience if you do not have the emotional mastery.


The more that you have the emotional mastery, the more you will be able to resonate at the higher frequency levels of the fourth dimension and the more you will experience the emotions that accompany those higher frequencies. These are the emotions that most of you tend to enjoy more, emotions such as joy, peace, love, harmony, bliss, compassion—those types.


So emotions become much more important at the fourth dimension. They actually have been important at the physical, third dimensional level, also. But your physicality has oftentimes been able to mask that or override it, so that you have been able to, if you choose, not be as involved in the emotions. At the fourth dimension, emotions are unavoidable. They are a key aspect of what you experience. So your emotional skill and mastery becomes much more important there, just as your physical mastery and skill is much more important in the third dimension.


There is already more harmony and balance between the masculine and physical sides of yourself at the fourth dimension. This coincides with emotions being stronger, because that is a part of your more feminine nature. Your mind is also stronger. The fourth dimension is more of an emotional-mental realm. But most of you, at the present level of your incarnation, have already developed great strength in your mind. So for most of you, there will not be as much change in that arena.


If you have not already strengthened your will, that becomes important at the fourth dimension because your intention will very quickly be reflected in your manifestation. This is an aspect of will—what you are intending and what you are choosing. Your intentions and choices become immediately obvious at the fourth dimension through your manifestation. So your will is another arena that may need strengthening and help for some of you.


In general, you will find the fourth dimension more enjoyable than the third dimension, partly because of your ability of manifestation in that dimension. You will experience a level of wellbeing that, for the most part, you have not been able to continuously experience at the third dimension. Part of your growth at the fourth dimension will involve growth in terms of your manifestation. There is a natural learning curve with this. You will be helped with all of these things, just as you are helped in this dimension. There will be beings who will help you at the fourth dimension as you enter into that as somewhat of a fledgling, a new, young being in that dimension.


In relative amounts of time, your time at the fourth dimension will be considerably shorter than the time that you have spent at the third dimension as a soul, because, as we said earlier, it is a transitional dimension and you will be moving into the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension is the beginning of becoming a full energy-light being and releasing the physical. At the fifth dimension you are grounded in the spiritual values and truths that many of you aspire to at this point, that many of you realize to a certain degree, but are not fully manifesting at all times. These are values such as unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, harmony. At the fifth dimension, you realize your non-separateness from all in a much more profound way, because you are not experiencing the separateness that comes with physicality. This is a great shift for many of you.


Many of you have had experiences of this. This is part of what starts to happen as you make this transition. You start to have experiences. At first it’s perhaps a one-time thing or a very rare experience. As you become stronger, it becomes more of an occasional experience. That continues to increase, becoming more frequent, until you are having somewhat regular experiences. Over time, it becomes more and more the majority of your experiences, until that is where you are based and that is your experience on an ongoing basis.


Many of you are in that phase where you are having increasing experiences, with more and more frequency. That is a most wonderful thing. It is a sign of what is happening. It is kind of like an image we see of beings becoming lighter and lighter and starting to float slowly into the next dimension. In general, it doesn’t happen all at once. It happens in this gradual way.


You can support this process. Your meditation is a very important time for supporting this process. The more frequently, the more regularly you meditate, the more you extend your period of meditation so that you’re spending time in these higher frequencies, these higher states of consciousness and dimensions—the more that becomes strengthened within you and the more you will be able to experience that in your more everyday, functioning aspect of life. You can also intend to spend time in these realms, in this consciousness, in your sleep—through your will, through your intention. These are two of your most supportive ways of increasing this in your life.


You can also spend time with other people who share this commitment to moving into these higher states, and who are available to openly communicate about this and express this, and to hear your expression about it. Your expression will support each other and your fields of energy will support each other. Eventually you will more and more choose to stay in connection with other beings who are sharing this process and sharing these higher states with you. You will choose to create your life and your living and working circumstances so that you are sharing your spaces with others of like consciousness and like commitment. These will be forms of spiritual community that you will more and more choose, so that you share this support and companionship and this process of increasing the potency of your experience of these higher states, through the magnification that occurs when you are in the company of others who are doing the same process that you are engaged in.


We encourage this as well. It will not be as difficult as it has been in the past to cooperate with others, to share space, to share joint endeavors with others. That was the old, heavier, denser consciousness that was creating conflict and competition and struggle. Those things are falling to the wayside, giving way to these newer, lighter energies of care and inclusion for others, of joy in others’ joy, others’ growth, others’ wellbeing and fullness. It will create an ease of sharing with each other that will be part of what feeds you, part of what supports you, gives you all energy.


So we come to reassure you about this. This is part of the new age that you are moving into. It will not be as difficult in your heart-connecting, higher-mind-connecting with others. It will be more flowing, more joyful, more easeful.


[This is the end of the Part 1 of this message.]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Are We Still In The Third Dimension?

After the last blog, I received this question from Keith Vencel:

“I have a question about the channelling with Angel Pietre. In his message, he made me think that we are in the 3rd dimension still. He said “when you get out of the 3rd dimension.” So are we still in the 3rd dimension? And if so, when will we pass into the 4th and 5th? I thought we passed into the 4th and 5th on Dec. 21. 2012.”

I appreciate Keith’s question because I think a lot of people are wondering this same thing. I’ve heard some people say that we’ve already ascended into the fourth or fifth dimension. I personally don’t think that’s the case, at least for most of us. Here’s how I see it.

First of all, it’s important to be aware that different people have put forth different schemas for how many dimensions there are and what each dimension is. So various individuals might be meaning different things when they talk about the fourth or the fifth dimension.

In Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of LoveI explain my map of the dimensions and what I understand to be the makeup of each dimension. Here’s a quote from Chapter 8 that talks about how I see the fourth dimension:

The fourth dimension … is sometimes referred to as the astral plane. In this dimension, we still experience ourselves as individuals in a world of duality, but our world is much more mutable. We’re now aware that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. The laws of time and space are quite fluid, similar to what we experience in our dreams. And like dreams, things can change quickly here.

Because the astral plane is an emotionally based dimension, a person’s level of emotional mastery will determine which parts of the astral dimension they will experience. The lower astral plane, ruled by fear and sorrow, is where we experience nightmares and is often portrayed as hell or the hell-realms. The higher astral plane, characterized by love, is where we experience happiness, harmony, and the higher vibrations that eventually lead us to even higher dimensions. Mary’s focus on our need to learn to respond to painful feelings is aimed at helping us master this emotional plane and move on to the higher realms.

It’s in the fourth dimension that we become aware of our six bodies: the physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, and spiritual bodies. The etheric (energy) body acts as an interface between the physical and our other bodies. The emotional body, or astral body, is where we learn emotional mastery, which includes abilities for advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic powers, intuition, magic, and creativity. The mental body is the domain of mastery of our thoughts and the ability to consciously create our reality. The causal body is the source of our sense of self, our conscience, and the record of our soul’s journey through time. Our spiritual body contains our I AM presence, which is our individualized connection to the Supreme Creator as well as the link to the higher dimensions.

I think there are many things that would indicate whether or not an individual is in the fourth dimension. One is that the fourth dimension is like what we experience in our dreams. We still have a body, but it feels much less dense than what we’re used to at the third dimension. And because the physical is less solid, things can change much more easily and quickly, the way they do in dreams. Along with this, whatever we put our attention on, through our emotions or mind, manifests very quickly. As a result, it’s much clearer to us that we’re responsible for everything that we experience, because we’re actually manifesting it.

I think most of us aren’t at the point where we’re continuously living in the state we’re familiar with from our dreams. Nor are we able to immediately manifest whatever we choose. And the majority of people that I know are in varying stages of taking full responsibility for their experiences. So that makes me think that most of us haven’t transitioned to living in the fourth dimension yet.

However, I do think that many of us are having experiences of higher dimensions with increasing frequency. It’s like we’re visiting these higher realms—in our dreams, our meditations, and sometimes in our ordinary life—just the way we visit other realms in our dreams, but then “come back” to the third dimension when we wake up. As we grow spiritually, I believe we’ll spend more and more time in these higher dimensions until, at some point, we cross over. At that point, I believe the fourth dimension will become our next “home base,” or what we call our reality.

I also don’t think we’ll skip over the fourth dimension and go directly into the fifth dimension. I think there are important changes and growth we go through in the fourth dimension that we need for our continued evolution. I do see our time in the fourth dimension as relatively short, compared to other dimensions.

I believe at the fourth dimension we will no longer have illness or aging. We will manifest our bodies to be healthy and youthful and beautiful. We will live much longer, until at some point we choose to let go of our body consciously. We will go beyond the idea of competition and begin to enjoy true cooperation and closeness and sharing in a joyful way. We won’t be bound to survival, because we will manifest whatever we need. So our energy will be put into experiencing the wonderful energies we’re in touch with, including sexual energy and the energy of nature, and exploring the cosmos. We will be able to teleport easily and we will start to understand the nature of reality and creation in a much deeper way.

Speaking personally, I have had experiences of traveling to the fourth dimension in my merkaba (light-body), and I was very aware of how it’s different from what I experience at the third dimension. I will be sharing some of those experiences as part of my next book. I found it to be a wonderful place and look forward to having that be my home.

One last thing I want to say is that the next two blogs will be parts 1 and 2 of a channeled message from Archangel Michael and Isis. They talk a lot more about the fourth dimension and how we’re in the midst of transitioning into it. They also talk about the timeline for making this transition. So reading that will shed further light on this whole topic.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


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