Posts Tagged ‘dreams’

Mary Magdalene: Are We Responsible For Everything We Experience?

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On April 2, 2014


Question: Some teach that we are 100% responsible for all we create in the world. For example, if someone is rude to us, that is something we created. Others teach not to take things personally, i.e. I know what others say or do is about them, not about me. How do you see it?


Mary Magdalene: Hello my dear ones. Thank you for calling on me and asking me this question. I am very happy to respond.


This is a question that many in the spiritual community in your world are confused about. It is somewhat complex to answer, with a number of layers, which is part of why it has created confusion for so many. I will do my best to sort it out and make it more understandable.


The short answer is that both are true, with a certain understanding. I will begin with talking about the idea that you are 100% responsible for everything you experience. This is actually true, but not easy for many in your world to understand. It’s actually a central part of the spiritual process that people in your world are growing into at this time. The leaders in your spiritual world are more at a place of understanding and acceptance of this. Most of the people who have heard of this concept find it difficult to accept or perhaps even feel repelled by the idea in some way. And many, probably the vast majority in your world, are not even aware of this as a principle or possible belief.


One analogy that might help is to think of your dreams. Most people are comfortable with the point of view that you create everything that happens in your dreams. This includes yourself and your actions, as well as all the other beings and their actions. In actuality, your waking realm is fundamentally the same. It is created also—through your thoughts, emotions, and actions. Much of your life and the experiences your have within your life were created or chosen by you prior to your taking incarnation in this lifetime. This includes not just the things that you do yourself. It also includes the other people in your life and the ways that they relate to you. You chose the major events and experiences you have in your life to support you in your soul growth. Every person is working on certain lessons or arenas. Before you incarnate in a particular lifetime, you choose the major experiences in your life that will support you in that growth. You also choose others that you will interact with in major ways who will be part of your opportunity to have the soul growth you’re working on. And the others agree to interact with you and support your growth in those ways.


At the same time, those others are also working on their own soul growth and have chosen experiences and interactions with others that will support their growth. All interactions that you have with others are simultaneously supporting both your and their soul-growth, often in different but complementary ways.


You also have free will to create your life. You exercised that free will in your pre-incarnation state by choosing the experiences you’d have during your lifetime. You also have a great deal of free will during your incarnation to fill in the details and all the day-to-day aspects of your life, as well as choosing if you will carry out what you set in place prior to incarnating.


So truly, all the experiences you have are ones that you have created, either consciously through your pre-life choices, subconsciously through your past-life choices (this is sometimes called karma), or simply through your personal energetics in the present and the way creation occurs.


This part is somewhat more subtle but not really that difficult to understand. Every person has a certain frequency that they are vibrating at, which is a result of the level of consciousness they are holding in all the arenas of their being. That frequency goes out to your world, kind of like a radio signal going out. In some ways that frequency is also like an energetic magnet. It not only goes out, it also filters through all the frequencies in your realm and draws in whatever events match that frequency. Just as there are sounds that only some animals can hear, like a dog hearing a high pitched sound, similarly you will only experience the frequencies that are vibrating at the same frequency as yours.


Thus, there is a very real way that you have created all the events in your life through the frequency that you hold. You could say that the events in your life are matching your own frequency and thus serve as a mirror to yourself. This is where it is valuable to be conscious of this process. If you understand this, you then gain the power to create what you want in your life. If you are experiencing something that you’re not enjoying, your power lies with yourself and your own frequency to change that circumstance. You must change your frequency, which happens by changing your consciousness. Once you do that, it is somewhat like changing the station on a radio. You are now tuned to a different (higher) frequency and will be attracting in different experiences at that new frequency.


This is why it’s so counterproductive to focus on others as the cause of your life experiences. It’s kind of like yelling at a radio because you don’t like the music being played. All you really need to do is change to a new station. I say “all” because it’s simple in principle. But as most of you know, it’s not usually so simple in practice.


Most of you are very attached to the frequencies you’re familiar with and tend to hold onto them mightily, even if the results of those frequencies aren’t things you enjoy. This is part of the third-dimensional experience. At a core level, you identify with your frequencies and have a fear that you’ll die or become nothing is if you let go of them. So spiritual practice takes dedication and perseverance, as well as compassion, forgiveness, and kindness toward yourself. Personal transformation in your realm is not an easy process, and you all are to be commended for all the steps you take that further this ongoing evolution.


What does it mean to change your frequency or raise your consciousness? This is not easy to describe, but it’s basically the core of what spiritual practice involves. Your consciousness is your core sense of who you are and how you relate to everything else. The closer your consciousness is to God-consciousness, the higher it is. The further away it is from God-Consciousness, the lower it is. God-consciousness could be seen as pure love, resting in Source, complete forgiveness and compassion, total peace, unity with all. These are some of the attributes, though not a total description. But it is probably sufficient for you to understand what raising your consciousness means. Anything that moves you closer to these attributes is movement toward higher consciousness.


I think it would be helpful at this point to give a concrete example. I can use the example given in the question. Let’s say that you walk into a room where someone you know is talking with others, and they don’t acknowledge you or introduce you to the other people. You could focus on the person you know and judge them for being wrong in some form, calling them rude or whatever other internal arguments you come up with to justify your position that they’re in the wrong somehow. This will probably have the effect of keeping you stuck in your mind ruminating about them, as well as keeping you stuck in your painful emotions of feeling hurt, angry, insecure, or whatever else is coming up.


If you were to choose instead to focus on yourself, you could make the assumption that you have created this and consider how you have attracted this frequency into your life. Perhaps you are rude in this way with others, and are not aware of what you’re doing or how it affects others. Perhaps you need to work on being more assertive and standing up for yourself through communication or other actions. Perhaps you’re not tending to be aware of others feelings, and this situation is reflecting that back to you.


Let’s say that this second one is the case —that you’re working on creating more equality in your life. By assuming the “underdog” role, you have attracted in people who are also involved in this dynamic, either as “bullies” or as similar underdog roles to yours. You can take responsibility for this by looking at the opportunity being given to you through this situation. You’re being given an opportunity to expand and change your frequency, by assuming a different relationship to what’s happening.


Instead of being the “victim” and reacting from that position, you could introduce yourself to the others and greet the person you know. In doing so, you’re contributing to a new frequency in yourself. You’re helping yourself shift from the oppressor-oppressed frequency to a frequency of relating as equals. As this frequency becomes stronger for you and you increasingly practice it, you will release the old frequency. Over time, you will no longer attract oppressor-oppressed circumstances into your life. You will have fulfilled your growth in that area and you won’t require those circumstances any longer. You will have moved to a higher frequency in that domain and will be attracting in different experiences.


This is why two individuals can go through the same circumstances and have very different experiences. You sometimes see this in a family, where two children have very different reactions to very similar circumstances. You also see it in group dynamics, where different individuals report having very different experiences in the same situation.


One thing that can help is to realize that any circumstance in which you feel an emotional charge is usually a circumstance you’ve called in for your growth. The reason you have the charge is because it is reflecting something within yourself that is hard for you to see and is causing you  pain in some way. This is the great benefit of physical incarnation. Your circumstances make it very clear what you need to do for your own growth. The more you realize this, the better off you will be. You will grow more quickly and with greater ease. And you will more directly enjoy your outer circumstances as the kind you like.


You may be wondering right now, What about people who have really difficult or awful circumstances. Why would they create this? This is a question many of you have, and it is understandable that you would have it. The answer is not an easy one. Pain and suffering are part of what people have come to experience in your world. It is not only that pain is given to help you grow, which is true most of the time. It’s also that it’s part of the totality of experience that beings chose to have by incarnating here. It is a way of knowing the totality of all, which pain and suffering are a part of. It is also the case that it is most severe at the third dimension. Many have said that humans were never intended to drop to the levels of pain and suffering that you have, and that in some ways this realm and the results of free will can be seen as an experiment gone wrong. Regardless of how you see that, it is true that it is now time for this phase of humanity’s experience to come to completion and for humans to move on to their next phase, which means moving to the next dimension of experience. This requires moving to higher consciousness. Taking full responsibility for yourself and the results of your creation is one of the fastest ways to do that.


I want to address why this is difficult for so many people. This has to do with the concepts of right and wrong or good and bad that are so entrenched in third-dimensional thinking. Many of you believe that taking responsibility for all of your experience is the same as saying you’re to blame for them or that you’re at fault for doing something wrong. This is most unfortunate. It’s also an inherent part of growing into higher consciousness. You are not at fault or to blame for creating painful experiences, any more than a child in elementary school is to blame for not knowing higher subjects. You are simply at the level you’re at, and you need that level of reflection to help you with your growth. This requires great self-compassion to understand this and shift into this disposition. Whatever you are experiencing is ultimately a gift from God to help you, even though it may not seem like it at the time. How many times do you look back at difficult experiences from your past and realize that they were the vehicle of some important growth for you? This is actually always the case.


It also means that you must get beyond comparing yourself to others. It is true that beings are not all at the same stage of development spiritually. This again can be seen as being a grand school. You can be respectful and compassionate toward yourself and all others, regardless of the level you’re at. This in itself will shift you into a higher level of consciousness, in many cases.


I feel I have said enough at this time about this approach of assuming 100% responsibility for all the events of your life. I hope it has been helpful. I will respond to the second part of this question on another occasion.


I send you my love and blessings for all of your diligent work and growth into higher consciousness.


With great love and compassion,

I AM Mary Magdalene


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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at www.sublime-union.comAll messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Heart-Opening Communication and Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to





MARY MAGDALENE: Visiting the Fourth Dimension in Dreams

Photo by Nick Hobgood

Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On March 12, 2014


Question: I have lucid dreams that leave me physically exhausted the following day. Some I can recall in great detail, others I can’t remember at all. What happens to our bodies after these powerful dream states and what information, if any, are we receiving?


Mary Magdalene: In the third dimension, dreams are one of the ways in which you are able to experience the fourth dimension and interact with your reality in a fourth-dimensional way. What most of you are familiar with and recognize as the dream state is a fourth-dimensional realm. During much of your sleep time, you are resting in this realm and getting refreshed.


In the fourth dimension, beings enjoy constant rejuvenation. So they do not experience aging, degeneration, and disease the way that you do in the third dimension. Part of resting in the fourth dimension during the sleep state is to revitalize and rejuvenate your physical body. Because you are still based in the third dimension—where aging, degeneration, and disease are part of your reality—it is not possible to entirely reverse or eliminate the effects of these processes. They are part of what you, and all beings in the third dimension, have come to the third dimension to experience. Nonetheless, the time you spend in the fourth dimension during sleep has an effect of counteracting these processes, to a certain extent.


During your dream time, you are more consciously and actively involved in the fourth dimension. You experience some of the other qualities of the fourth dimension, especially the ability to manifest instantly. During your dreams, you are able to manifest virtually anything simply by thinking about it. Your thought calls it into manifestation.


Another quality of the fourth dimension is that it is very emotionally based. This is reflected in your dreams, as well. Most dreams have a strong emotional component or characteristic. If your dreams are nightmares, you tend to experience the emotion of fear very strongly. Some dreams are very enjoyable and pleasurable, such as sexual dreams or flying dreams. In these, the emotion you experience may be bliss, or ecstasy, or joy. Other dreams may be characterized by emotions such as curiosity, or stimulation (such as mental stimulation), or intrigue. All these are emotions that are common in the fourth dimension, which is also referred to as the astral plane.


Sometimes your dreams are a way of working out issues from your third-dimensional life or resolving karmas that you are carrying in your present incarnation. If you work through these things in your dreams, they are resolved just as powerfully and effectively as if you were to work through them in your waking consciousness. It is easier to do this kind of purifying work in the dream state than in your waking state. In general, it happens much more quickly and with much less effort. Nonetheless, you may wake up from these kinds of dreams feeling tired, as though you have just done a great deal of work. And indeed you have.


Some cultures have emphasized remembering, recording, and sharing dreams as way of fully receiving the benefits and gifts they provide. While this can be a valuable practice, it is not required for you to reap the benefits of the dreams or the work you do within the dreams. Those benefits occur whether you remember the dreams or not. However, remembering, recording, and sharing dreams may support you in integrating your third-dimensional world with the fourth dimension, and in that way may support you in your process of ascending into the fourth dimension. Remembering, recording, and sharing your dreams may help you to understand things in your current world differently—to take some things more easefully or with more lightness, and perhaps to value other things that you might not have tended to be aware of or considered significant. All this can be helpful.


If you are feeling exhausted from your dreams, I suggest you explore the option of recording and sharing them with others. Beyond that, I recommend taking care of yourself in all the ways I have recommended that people care for themselves in general in the midst of the ascension process. Get extra rest, as you need it. Eat well. Exercise. Spend time in nature. Meditate and pray regularly. Nurture yourself in life-supportive ways. And support yourself with relationships with others whose frequency of light and love supports you in maintaining the highest frequency you can.


With much love,

I AM Mary Magdalene


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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Life & Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to




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