Posts Tagged ‘higher self’

MARY MAGDALENE: The Feminine And Masculine Forms Of Meditation

Chakra Goddess image courtesy of

Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On February 25, 2014

 Question: I recently read that while in deep meditation you should place your attention on the Ka body (energy body) to build energy, and that if your mind wanders to fantasy you reduce the energy to the Ka. Many teachers/mentors suggest something quite different, saying you should use your meditation to visualize your desires or intentions. They say that during meditation the brain is in an alpha/theta state and you can release dross from the subconscious mind and replace it or reprogram it with compassion or a visualized intention. Can you clarify this for me?


Mary Magdalene: Greetings my beloved. I have heard your call, and I am here with you and happy to answer the question that has been asked. This is a valuable question, as it points to confusion that others may have.


There are many different meditation practices and many different ways to meditate. Fundamentally, the purpose of meditation is to move you into a higher state of consciousness and to experience and rest in, at least for a temporary period of time, the higher frequencies of manifestation, which you might call a higher dimension and which correspond to the higher state of consciousness you have reached.


There are two fundamental forms of meditation. One is a consciousness form and one is an energy form. These two forms can overlap. The consciousness form relates more to the Divine Masculine approach, drawing on the qualities and strengths of the Divine Masculine, which in its purest form manifests or is experienced as pure consciousness. This is rather difficult to describe and express accurately because of the limitations in your language, which don’t allow clear and direct expression of these concepts. Your language difficulty stems from the fact that, in the third dimension, there generally isn’t clear understanding and experience of these concepts and states. So they are generally expressed as best as possible, given these limitations.


The energy form of meditation is based in the Divine Feminine approach, because energy is a characteristic and quality of the Divine Feminine.  This is all explained in great detail in the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons. It would be best to reference what is already contained in that book to understand the qualities, attributes, and differences between the Divine Feminine and Masculine in greater depth.


Fundamentally there are these two broad types of meditation, and there are many ways to access and deepen in both. There are also forms of meditation that draw on both the Masculine and the Feminine, to a greater or lesser extent.


The traditional spiritual forms of meditation that were developed in the East, especially in the traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, tend to be primarily oriented to developing and growing in consciousness. In these practices, you are primarily working with your mind, quieting the lower mind and allowing the higher mind to be accessed. You have concentration practices, such as counting your breaths, becoming aware of your bodily experiences, becoming the witness or observer of all experience, asking questions into the nature of existence, and repeating mantras. All theses are techniques for bringing discipline to the lower mind so that it can relax and subside, thus allowing the higher mind to be accessed.


When the higher mind is accessed, you start to function from a higher consciousness and higher dimension. For most people, this will initially be the fourth dimension. Once the higher mind opens, there are various things that may happen. You may continue to focus on the pure state of consciousness and go more deeply into that state. This may feel like letting go of everything—all aspects of your body-mind—and resting in a state that is deeply refreshing. There may or may not be energy experiences that accompany this, such as a blissful feelings, visions, sounds, appearances of higher beings, etc. It is the choice of the practitioner how they want to proceed when the higher mind opens. They have the choice to continue into a greater connection with pure consciousness or to choose to go into the energy experiences. Neither is right or wrong, better or worse, higher or lower. But they will tend to have different results.


I suggest that you be clear what your intention is in choosing to meditate. If your intention is to clear the mind and refresh yourself deeply in the well of pure consciousness, then choose a meditation that supports that, and follow that form. In those meditations, when the higher mind opens, you will continue to connect as deeply as possible with pure consciousness. Then the instruction would be to not get involved in other phenomena that arise, such as energy experiences, creative thoughts, or various other experiences.


However, you may have a different intention in your meditation. If your intention is to solve problems, manifest a certain experience, or connect with higher beings, etc., you may choose to allow and follow these when they arise.


If I may use you as an example, Mercedes, you spent many years practicing a consciousness-based meditation and became very strong at that. At a certain point, quite a few years ago, you went through a profound awakening in consciousness. In your case, that consciousness practice was supported by other practices of disciplining your physical body, emotions, and energy, which are Feminine aspects of your being. Bringing discipline to them supported you in coming into balance and peace, freeing you to become more aware of consciousness and to go more deeply into the state of pure consciousness.


If the physical body, emotions, and energetic self do not have that kind of balance and peace, they will tend to distract you. Then it’s more difficult to become aware of the higher states of consciousness and to follow those into a deeper union with them. This is why spiritual life is generally engaged with accompanying lifestyle changes and practices, such as having a pure diet, or making choices about the company you keep or the kinds of stimulation you bring to your mind, body, and energetic self. These things all support you becoming more free to focus on and become attuned to pure consciousness.


I have been speaking about meditation up till now in its more Masculine form of uniting with pure consciounsess, bringing the practitioner into a greater sense of liberation, peace, and a certain kind of deep ecstasy of union with God, in a very pure form. I would also like to clarify the more Feminine form of meditation, which has to do with focusing on energy. Ultimately, the Feminine is all about energy. As you know from your scientist, Einstein, and many others as well, energy always has a counterpart in matter, form, or manifestation. This counterpart can be at a much subtler than the physical. You may experience energy as sound, light, or sensations that don’t seem to have a physical base. Creativity is another form of Feminine manifestation, as are the manifestation of subtle beings, such as angels or beings in higher dimensions. All of these forms of energy may become a focus for the Feminine form of mendation.


An example of a more Feminine-based meditation would be to focus your attention on manifesting a certain outcome or on finding a creative solution to a situation or problem. Shamanic journeying is a Feminine form of meditation, because it is based upon experiences in subtler realms of manifestation. It is often guided by a drum or ingestion of a substance that moves you into a different state of energy, as well as a different dimension of existence. Sacred sexuality practice is a Feminine form of energy meditation, because it follows the energy of sexuality to move you into higher states of manifestation. Certain forms of breathwork, such as holotropic breathing, can be practiced as Feminine forms of meditation, as they make use of the energy of the breath to move the practitioner into an altered, or higher, state.


As I said earlier, it is not that one way or the other is right or wrong, better or worse, superior or inferior. They have different purposes and outcomes. So it is to your benefit to become aware of the outcome you desire and to choose a meditation practice that supports that. It is also wise to be aware that different meditation practices appeal to different aspects of your being. Whether you are naturally strong in that aspect of your being will influence whether that form of meditation is accessible or easy for you. Many people have tried the more Masculine forms of meditation and concluded that they’re not capable of meditating, because they weren’t able to quiet their body, energy, or lower mind to the point that their higher mind opened up. Often, that is a sign that these people are not naturally strong in the more Masculine aspect of their being. If they were to engage a more Feminine form of meditation, such as shamanic journeying, sacred sexuality, or a manifestation process, they may have a very different experience, with much greater ease and success.


Truly, you are all both Feminine and Masculine. Ultimately it is to your benefit to develop both Feminine and Masculine approaches to meditation. That is the most direct route to growing into the higher dimensions. If I may use you as an example again, Mercedes, you now practice a form of meditation that is very balanced. It is both a consciousness practice and an energy practice. It allows you to rest in greater and greater connection with pure consciousness. At the same time, you use a portion of your meditation time for manifestation and for connection with higher beings. This has proven to be very effective and powerful for you in regularly accessing the fourth-dimensional state, with it’s attendant higher consciousness and higher abilities in the energy realm.


Most people in your culture at this time are not so easily able to relax the Feminine parts of their being and move into the pure Masculine. This is interesting, as you tend to live in a Masculine–dominated culture. Yet the Feminine and Masculine are always in balance, so in any given circumstance, if one is predominating in a certain way, the other will always show up in another arena as a form of balance. For most of you, it is at the subconscious level that you are mightily attached to the Feminine, even as your conscious life tends to be dominated by the Masculine. The strength of your subconscious attachment to the Feminine, in the form of your physical body, emotions, energy, and sexuality, as well as your tendency to be engaged in creative thinking (without the ability to set it aside through intention), tends to make it easier for most people to access meditation in a more Feminine form in your present day and age.


However, as I said before, the Masculine and Feminine are always in unity and ultimately cannot be separated, even though one  or the other may seem to be the primary experience you are having at a given time in the third dimension. This is part of the third-dimensional consciousness and experience of separation. In the third dimension, the Masculine and Feminine seem to exist in separation. This is an illusion, but you will not fully realize it as such until you move beyond the third dimension.


Because of the inherent unity of the Masculine and Feminine, any meditation that you engage will ultimately involve both aspects of your being. While a consciousness-based meditation will lead you into a purer form of the Masculine gift of pure consciousness, it will also lead you to higher states of manifestation and abilities in those states, either during the meditation itself or afterwards in your more “ordinary” life. Similarly a Feminine-based, energy-style meditation will not only lead you to new experiences and states of energy and energetic manifestation. It will also lead you to higher states of consciousness.


Thus, any practice will ultimately lead you to the whole, because all is truly whole and in union. It is simply a matter of whether that practice leads you there more directly or more indirectly. It is also a matter of whether that practice is easy and more accessible for you. My suggestion is to choose the practice that is most natural and accessible to you, based on your own abilities, qualities, and strengths. It is also important to be aware of the intended outcome of a particular practice. Choose a certain practice based on whether it focuses on the outcome you are seeking. If you are able to connect with your higher self and your own guidance, this is the best form of directing you to the practice that is right for you. If you are not able to connect with your higher self or guidance, use your body, feelings, and intuition to guide you to the practice that is most attractive to you and to which you are drawn. Then observe the results and see if those are the results that you value and desire. If not, adjust your practice or seek a different one.


As always, you can pray and ask God to guide you to the practice that is best for you. I recommend prayer often in my messages and I do so intentionally, because so many of you forget that you can always ask for help and it will be given. My hope is to offer this reminder as a loving support, guiding you to the loving help that God always provides.


I hope this has been helpful in finding the form of meditation that is most supportive for you. Meditation is an important practice, which I highly recommend as a valuable aspect of living a spiritually-based life and experiencing the fruits of the higher dimensions and higher consciousness. May you all enjoy this. It will transform you and your world.


With much love and blessings,

I Am Mary Magdalene


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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Life & Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Trust and Let Go

Image courtesy of Arturo Mann

A Message from Mercedes Kirkel’s Guides and Higher Self

Received on January 13, 2014

[NOTE FROM MERCEDES: This message was directed to me personally. I’m sharing this because my guides told me it would be helpful to others, as well.]


Blessings dear one,


We are happy to communicate with you this day. It has been a while and you have been through a lot. You are feeling cut off a good deal of the time from your connection to Spirit, including your guides. This has been difficult for you, both personally and in terms of your work. So we would like to begin by addressing that.


You are going through a purification. You are somewhat aware of this, but don’t totally understand it and often lose your awareness in the midst of challenging aspects of the purification that come up for you. You are not alone in this. This is happening at a grand scale on the Earth right now. But you are particularly sensitive, so you notice what is going on. You feel at times like you’ve lost your direction and purpose in life. There’s a sense of ennui, of lack of energy for continuing the path you are on, or of apathy, feeling “What’s the point?” This is very hard for you, as you usually are very clear about your purpose and motivated to action based on that.


It is a very deep level of purification that is going on that produces this kind of feeling of being un-tethered, disconnected from your spiritual source. You are being asked to connect from a deeper place, beyond your mind or emotions or physical sensations or energetic experiences. You are being asked to connect from your spiritual body, your higher self, the light that is ever-abiding within you, which is not bound to experiences in your inner or outer life.


This is the purpose of traditional meditation, and many traditional paths focus on this as their primary attainment. While you have had exposure to this, and have experienced that path to a very significant depth, it has not been your primary path. Your primary path has been the more Feminine approach of the heart, the body, the emotions, and sexuality. You understand this Feminine path very well, and have advanced to a great degree through being true to yourself through this path. Now it is time for you to go beyond the confines of that path, just as a traditional eastern practitioner of meditation or yoga or any other practice focusing on the transcendent must at some point go beyond that path and come into the Feminine world of embodiment, manifestation, and form. You are being called to strengthen and become powerful in the transcendent, which is not your natural leaning, but you are fully capable of it.


You have already understood correctly that your daily practice of meditation is very important for finding your stability and centering in something other than the world as you know it. You must begin to allow more time in your meditation for simply resting in the higher dimensions, without manifesting intentions or receiving guidance. Instead, let yourself simply come to rest, to receive whatever is being given to you, beyond form or comprehension. Trust in this process. It is important and will lead you to your next level of growth and development.


Whenever the familiar is being gone beyond, it is challenging. There is a death of the old before, or sometimes as, the new comes in. Particularly at the third dimension, and in your culture especially, there is struggle with this, because it is not understood or embraced with acceptance and surrender. Rather it tends to be fought against out of fear. We understand this and have compassion for you, yet want you to know there is another way. It is the way of trust and faith.


We ask you to have trust and faith, to allow the process that is underway in your life to unfold, to find new avenues of connection to God that are right for you now that will take you to new vistas and horizons of communion with Spirit. Allow it to unfold. Embrace your fear but do not make it your idol. It is a part of you that needs love and attending to, so it can join you on the journey. We are here with you, even though you may not feel us in the ways you are used to. We have not abandoned you. By no means is that case, nor would we want that. We love you and are here with you.


When you are dissatisfied with your life, it is a sign of the old dying. It may also be a sign that you are resisting that death, not allowing it to move forward. Take your dissatisfaction as a sign that it is time to let go. Push off from the banks of the river and allow the current to carry you. It is the current of your life. It has wisdom. It knows what you need in ways that you don’t. Let yourself be carried. You are very good at doing whatever work is involved. Now is a time of trust and allowing yourself to be carried. It is not about self-effort and directed action. Of course there are actions you will take in your life. You know what those are. But at the deeper level, that is not the primary movement of your life. Right now it is about being carried and allowing. We bless you to trust that process, to give yourself to it and to let it take you to the next unfoldment of your life.


You have done this in the past. It is how you were brought to where you are now. You tell your story and it inspires many people. And it is absolutely true. Yet now you are being called to a greater level of this, and even your own past doesn’t necessarily make it easy or clear. Such is the nature of growth and transformation. This is why we are here to support you. We love you and are dedicated to helping you. We are so glad you have opened to us today. We recommend that you do this regularly, so we can regularly infuse you with our clarity and direction.


We are so proud of you and pleased with the work you do. You tend to be quite hared on yourself, which has its benefits because it supports you in striving for the highest. But your view is not always balanced. We want you to know that you are doing superbly well and we are extremely pleased with all you have done and continue to do. To you, it often seems like not enough or so little that you’ve accomplished, but that is because you only understand a small part of what is going on. This is why it takes great faith and release into the greater process, even if you can’t understand  or grasp what that greater process really is at this time. That will change at some point, quite possibly after this lifetime, when you will gain great clarity about what you were actually doing and why. But that is not necessarily going to be the case until then, which also has its purpose. That being the case, we urge you to trust, to continue to strive and stretch into the light and love, as you have and continue to do, but with great letting go and allowance as the primary director of your life altogether.


We love you so much and hope this has been helpful for you. We trust that you understand and will make perfect use of this.


In light and love,

Your Guides and Higher Self


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Copyright 2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Relating Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction, and Spiritual Instruction and Support. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: Knowing Your Soul Path and Soul Agreements

Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel

On November 7, 2013 

Question: Do we each have an individual path that we have already decided upon before our birth or are things changing as time moves on? For instance, maybe God planned to use us (those of us who pray to surrender our lives) in one way, but with the way things have gone, could better use us in an entirely different way? What is the best way to serve God and the highest good of all involved?


Mary Magdalene: Thank you for your question. This has to do with the process of what beings decide before taking on an incarnation and how that affects them in their incarnation. It is true that before a being incarnates on the third dimension—on Earth, as the example we’re talking about right now—that individual makes very specific agreements relative to what they want to experience in their lifetime and how they want to serve. They decide how they want to make use of their spiritual gifts and their spiritual energy, for the greater good of many. This is what you might call living your life purpose. It is a combination of both furthering your own personal soul growth through your incarnation, and also bringing energy and manifesting for the greater good of many beings while you are incarnate.


In general, souls do make soul agreements before they incarnate. The major events of your life are chosen at that time, prior to your birth. However, within that there is a great deal of space for your free choice during your lifetime and your incarnation as to the more day-to-day aspects of what you will be choosing in your life. You also have choice, to a certain extent, as to the ways you will be fulfilling the agreements you made. So it is a combination. There is free choice after you incarnate, and it is also true that you have exercised your free choice as a soul prior to incarnating. Some of what you are experiencing in your Earth life is the continuation and the fulfillment of those choices at this level.


However, one of the challenges in the Earth plane is that you do not remember this process. You do not remember the soul choices you made. For many, it is a confusing process to have clarity about what your soul path is and to feel confident that you are on your soul path.


There are two things I would suggest that are most helpful in knowing and being clear about your soul path, and being confident that you are following your soul path. One is to be very connected to your heart and to allow your heart to guide you. This is something that I have spoken about before. I talked about this in depth in the book that I gave through Mercedes, Mary Magdalene Beckons. That book contains many messages from me about how to be in your heart. This is very important for many people at this time.


What many people don’t understand is that it is not simply about desiring or intending to be in your heart. That must be supported by your very real relationship with your body, your sexuality, and your emotions. Your degree of development and mastery in these three areas will greatly influence your ability to be in your heart or not. So I have urged many times that people focus on and become strong in these three arenas, handling anything that you need to handle that is not full and strong in these areas.


The one that is most challenging for people, in general, is the emotional arena and the way that people respond to emotional pain. I have given great instruction through Mercedes and through the book that she created out of my instruction, which is available to people to help you in that area. I again urge people to make use of this to help you to stay in your heart, which will inform you as to what your true soul path is. It’s confusing if you are coming from your mind. Your mind is important and your mind supports you in many ways. But your mind is not capable of having the kind of clarity at the soul level that your heart does. This is why being strong in your heart will be a great support.


The other reason that being strong in your heart is a great support is because it allows you to open to your higher self. Your higher self has access to your soul wisdom and your soul path. So once you are strong and able to be stably seated in your heart, you will be able to make this connection with your higher self. And your higher self can help to give you the information you need as to what your soul wants you to be doing.


It is not so much that there is another, separate being, who you might refer to as “God,” who has plans for you as to what you should be doing for your soul work or soul purpose in this lifetime. It is your higher self that will be guiding you. Your higher self is an aspect of God manifesting individually for you. You will understand over time that God is not a separate being somewhere else who is directing the play of events here on Earth. Everything that is here, everything that is manifested is an aspect of God. You are an aspect of God. All is an aspect of God. Your higher self is the part of you that remembers this most clearly. Your higher self can help you to remember your God-self and know your path as your God-self. As you grow spiritually, this will all become much clearer. But for most beings at the third-dimension, this tends to be a confusing area.


Opening to your higher self will help you to have the clarity you need. This is a very important part of the transformation that all beings are in the process of right now. Opening to your higher self will help you to move into the next stage of spiritual growth that humanity as a whole is prepared to move into and is in the process of going into at this time. In whatever way you are able to connect with your higher self, that will help you.


For most people, this will involve a progression that requires that you first have the ability to open your heart and to live from your heart. Within that step, there is a progression of doing things that allow you to be in your heart—mastering the areas of your body, your sexuality, and your emotions so that your heart can open and you can become stable in living from your heart. On that basis, you will find an ease in opening to your higher self. And your higher self will begin to guide you.


This is the most personal form of your guidance in God. It does not come from a separate God who is in charge. Your higher self is God, and this is the aspect of God that is most directly accessible to you.


I offer you my fullest blessings and love, and support you in your process. I urge you to strengthen whatever needs strengthening. And of course, I am not just speaking to you. I am speaking to all beings in saying this, that all may become full in living in their heart and connecting with their higher self, which will give you the wonderful gift of understanding what is right for you in each moment of living your path in God.


Blessings to you my dear one.


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Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Relating Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Record Readings, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


MARY MAGDALENE: Your Soul Group And Soul Family


Part 4 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel

On October 3, 2013 

Question: I understand that we have a soul group/family. Are they the same? What is our soul family? Where would that family live or be? How many souls make up a family?


Mary Magdalene: Thank you for your question. I believe this is a somewhat confusing area for many people. Some of the confusion comes from different people using different terms, or labels, or names for the same things. That has added to the confusion because there isn’t always consistency of what these things are called.


What I consider a soul group is a very, very large entity of beings who have very much the same frequency and very much of a similarity in terms of their soul purpose and the soul path they are on. Yet members of that group may be doing their individual work in very individual ways.


You tend to stay connected to your soul group regardless of where you incarnate. When you’re in the third dimension, you will generally have people in your life who are part of your soul group. You may have incarnated together with those particular individuals or other individuals from your soul group through many lifetimes. In between your incarnations on the earth—when you go to the fourth dimension (or you may go to other dimensions, as well)—you will continue on with your soul group. This may be with some of the same people you were with in the third dimension, or it may be with others.


There is a kind of familiarity you experience with members of your soul group, but it is at the deeper soul level. You may not recognize it with your more everyday, thinking mind—what you might call your rational mind. But at your core, at your soul essence, you recognize your connections with these people. When you meet someone for the first time and you have the feeling you’ve always known them, or it’s so easy to be with them, or you seem to flow with them, or they bring out the best in you naturally—these all tend to be signs that you’re meeting someone who is a part of your soul group.


The people in your life who are the most challenging for you are also oftentimes members of your soul group. These can be people who you made a pre-life agreement with, agreeing to have certain experiences with these members of your soul group. Those experience may be supported by them taking a position that may seem very difficult for you or may seem very conflictual. That may actually be a person who is very close to you and is supporting you very directly in working on something for your specific soul growth.


So people who are members of your soul group can show up in different forms and with different qualities. It’s not always a feeling of bliss and easiness. Nevertheless, the people who are most important in your life, the key figures, are very often members of your soul group.


There may be other people in your life who you feel like you have a very hard time relating to. You just can’t understand them or they don’t make any sense to you. Sometimes this can be a sign that they are not part of your soul group. You are struggling because there are some basic differences between you and this person, or maybe even between you and a group of people. So that may be helpful to understand, as well.


Within your soul group, there are sub-groups. There is a smaller group that you might call your soul family. These, in particular, are people who tend to play key roles in your life. They’re also people who you tend to incarnate with in various dimensions again and again. You tend to stay close to them, just as in this lifetime you have your blood family or birth family, who you tend to stay close and connected to in a unique way. As I said, those relationships are not always easy. Some of those relationships might be some of the most difficult relationships you deal with. Yet they may be serving you in particular areas of growth and experience that you came to have in this lifetime.


As you go into the higher dimensions, you will find your experience of separation becomes less. It becomes lighter. Your feeling of connection, union, and unity with others becomes greater and greater. As this happens at the higher dimensions, you will, in general, be having more of a feeling of continuity and ongoing-ness with both your soul family and your soul group. When you get to the significantly higher dimensions—which may be the eighth, or ninth, or tenth, or above—you won’t tend to relate to yourself as an individual the way that you do now. You will tend to relate to yourself much more as an aspect of your soul group or the soul family. This is why we, at the higher levels, often speak as “we,” rather than “I.” It is because our consciousness of being continuously connected and not separate from our soul group is so much greater.


I hope this has been clarifying for you. What I suggest, if you want more personal clarity relative to this, is that you connect with your higher self and ask your higher self for more guidance about your soul group and soul family. Ask: “Who are the beings who are in my soul family and soul group?” “Which of these beings am I aware of right now?” “Which of these beings am I incarnating with right now?” or “Which of these beings do I have a connection with?” You may find you have connections with beings in other dimensions in your soul group or soul family. Asking your higher self these questions may help you to personalize all this, so that you understand your soul group and soul family even more from your own position.


I thank you for your question. Blessings to you.


[End of Part 4]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Record Readings, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


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