Posts Tagged ‘light’

MARY MAGDALENE: The Secret Meaning of the Cross

Received by Mercedes Kirkel


QUESTION: Would you speak about the meaning of the cross?


MARY MAGDALENE: Blessings to all. You have asked about the meaning of the cross, and I am happy to respond to you about this.


Many associate the cross with Jesus, who I call Yeshua, and with Christianity. The cross is associated with the crucifix and with the idea that Jesus died for your sins. There is a great deal that could be said about all of this, and I will do my best to cover as much as I can.


Many of the ideas that are currently held in your time are ideas about Yeshua that have been propagated by the Christian Church. There are many reasons why these ideas have been chosen and promoted. Not all of them have to do with things that occurred during Yeshua’s life or that were a part of his teaching. It is important to remember that the Christian church didn’t completely coalesce until several centuries after Yeshua’s life, and that it has continued to develop and change since its early beginnings. The report that the church has communicated about Yeshua’s life and the meaning behind it often has had more to do with what the church leaders were interested in than what actually occurred, or what Yeshua was teaching and wanted people to understand and receive.


I say all this because I think it is essential to put the idea of the cross in perspective. And all of this is true not only in relation to the cross, but to every aspect of Yeshua’s life and teaching. Much of what occurred and much of what he taught and wanted to transmit to people has been changed or lost over time. Because of this, you must be discerning as to what you believe and accept. Where did the ideas about Yeshua that you’ve heard come from? How do you know they are valid? How do the ideas             feel  to you? Do they support light and love within you? How do the people feel to you who are embracing and promoting those ideas? Do they feel full of light and love?


Remember that your feeling-sense is a much better barometer of truth than your mind. Do not be fooled by ideas if the feelings accompanying them do not uplift you. You must learn to exercise and grow your feeling-based discernment as a powerful tool for determining what is supportive to let in and what is better to discard.


Now, having laid that foundation of understanding for the context in which this is to be understood, I return to the original question about the meaning of the cross. The cross has been a symbol of many things since ancient times, long before the life of Yeshua and his crucifixion. This is why you will find it in other traditions and cultures, including those that pre-date Yeshua’s incarnation on Earth. It is a symbol of the connection between heaven and earth, or more accurately, between the divine in it’s transcendent form and manifestation on Earth. The top of the cross represents connection with the divine and the bottom of the cross represents connection with manifestion in the form of the Earth and the physical third-dimensional plane. The horizantal part of the cross represents human beings as the pivotal form on the Earth manifesting the union of the divine with third-dimensional matter.


The cross can also be seen as a representation of a human being, with the top part being the head, the horizontal part being the arms and hands, the lower part being the legs and feet, and the intersection of the vertical and horizontal being the heart. In this representation, the heart is shown to be central, that which brings everything together and out of which everything emanates. The centrality and importance of the heart was a foundational principle that underlay Yeshua’s teaching.


In your world today, the majority of people have become imbalanced with living predominantly in their head and being disconnected from and out of touch with their heart. This is a cause of a great deal of the problems you experience in your world. If you were to come back into balance and harmony with the heart beings central and primary, many of your problems would be solved. Thus, this simple symbol of the cross holds a great secret for you in your present time as to what is before you to do in order to move forward spiritually.


Relative to the crucifixion, when Yeshua was crucified, there was more than one thing that was taking place. On one level, there were those in the religious institutions of the times who wanted to eliminate Yeshua, because he was challenging their structure. He wanted people to know God as love and compassion and forgiveness, and to realize their direct connection with God. This was different from what was being put forth through the Jewish temple at that time, which presented a fierce God of punishment and required people to follow many rules and institutionalized practices in order to stay in God’s graces. Those in power did not welcome the changes Yeshua was bringing, as it threatened their power and position. So there were those within the religious institutions of the times who wanted him eliminated.


There were also those within the political system and structure who were threatened by Yeshua, especially as people started to relate to him as a king, or “king of the Jews.” There was nervousness amongst the political leaders and authorities that Yeshua would revolt against the secular government and powers. There were those amongst the Jews who wanted this and hoped that Yeshua had come to lead that kind of uprising and revolt. But that was not Yeshua’s mission or interest. He had come to show people the way of bonding with a loving God, and to be that bridge for people.


The crucifixion had another significance and role. This had to do with the popular hope amongst the Jews that a messiah would appear and deliver them spiritually from a long time of being downtrodden. This was different from the hope of those who wanted a political revolution. This was a spiritual emancipation into more blessed times. This belief was intertwined with the religious stories and mythologies of the time, many of which involved a divine ruler who died and was reborn. Through that rebirth, the blessings of the divine were brought to the people. This is a very pervasive spiritual story that can be found in many cultures. Perhaps the most prevalent at Yeshua’s time was the story of Osiris dying and being brought back to life through his wife and queen, Isis. There was an expectation in the consciousness of many people at the time that a messiah would manifest in this form. Accordingly, part of the purpose of the crucifixion was to fulfill this expectation, so that ordinary people could accept the teachings of Yeshua as true and take them in.  Through fulfilling that expectation, people were able to open to Yeshua and accept him as a divine being.


The most important reason for the crucifixion, however, has largely been kept secret from people. The crucifixion was a profound process for bringing light to the Earth and implanting it within the Earth. At the time of Yeshua’s incarnation, the level of light on Earth had reached an all-time low. If the trajectory into darkness was to continue, it was likely that the Earth would not survive. Yeshua incarnated on Earth to change that. Through his own incarnation as an extremely high being of light, and through his incarnating in human form, he was able to bring a tremendous amount of light into the Earth plane. His teaching was primarily directed at instructing people how they could similarly manifest and increase the light themselves, so that the process could continue to grow through others.


Yeshua’s exoteric teaching was a very simple form of this process of increasing the light, but nonetheless very real and effective, if people truly practiced it. In essence it was all about love and the power of love. His simplest instruction – to love God with all your heart and to love everyone as yourself – was truly sufficient to continue this process of anchoring light on the Earth. There was also an esoteric teaching, for those who were ready, with more specific practices for how to do this. Those of the Essene community were especially prepared to receive and participate at this level with Yeshua, but there were others, too.


A part of the process of anchoring light into the Earth that Yeshua came to perform, was the crucifixion. This was understood by those in the inner circle around Yeshua. He knew it and we knew it. It involved him sacrificing his life-energy in a tremendous feat of spiritual work. In the crucifixion, the cross became a grid of divine energy being brought into the Earth, something like the way a tree brings the energy of light down through its extremities above the ground, going down into the Earth through its roots. It was Yeshua’s life-energy that activated this circuitry and turned the cross into a spiritual grid and conductor for divine energy to flow into the Earth and be received by the Earth. It was a literal saving of the Earth herself as a living form, charging her up like a battery with God’s light. And it changed the course of your history in Earth. It was the turning point for the return of light into your world. It has been gradual but continuous since then, and today many of you are waking up to it.


This is the true event and meaning of Easter. It was the rebirth of Earth, a literal rebirth, at profound and very high levels of spiritual transformation.


It is not accurate that “Yeshua died for your sins” in the sense that you are evil, bad, wrong, damned, or anything like that. It is also not true that the acts of another can mitigate or remove your karma, or responsibility for your spiritual path. Each soul is responsible for themselves and their own spiritual path and results. However, if you were to interpret “sin” as separation from the light, then there is an element of truth in the expression that “Yeshua died for your sins.” For he chose to give his life to perform this huge transformational act of returning the Earth to a sufficiently high quotient of light.


And so, to return to your original question, the cross is ultimately a symbol for the infusion of God’s light into the Earth, the uniting of God and matter. Yeshua was that manifestation in human form, and through his choice to undergo the crucifixion, he brought that same light into the Earth herself, to store it and share it freely with all beings of the Earth.


This is part of why it is such a tragedy that so many are choosing to damage and even destroy the Earth at this time. That must be stopped and reversed, for the Earth is your source of physical as well as spiritual sustenance, because of the light that Yeshua infused her with. You must make amends for the way that you are treating the Earth, and truly come to revere her and care for her as your most immediate spiritual source. For so she is. It is part of the return to loving the Feminine that is so necessary at this time.


Yeshua was a great lover of the Feminine. He understood and honored and loved the Feminine. Of this, I can attest. I received his love in limitless forms and amounts. And it was not limited to me. Yeshua’s love was boundless and given freely to all. He loved without limit of any kind. And he bequeathed his love to everyone through his love of the Earth, and his spiritual endowment of that love into the Earth. It is there for all in this time as well, waiting for you to receive and continue the process of raising the light on Earth. Those of you who are reading this are surely called to this purpose and are already on that path. My hope is that these words and explanation may help you to continue and go further in that process.


With great love,


I AM Mary Magdalene


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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and Yeshua. Her books are available at All messages are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


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MARY MAGDALENE: Finding Divinity In Challenges

Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On January 29, 2014


[Note from Mercedes: This is a personal message that was given to me. I am sharing it because Mary affirmed that this will apply to many people.]


Blessings my dear beloved,


Once again you have been going through a difficult time. I commend you on the way you have been going through this. You are doing an admirable job of traversing this passage, surfing the waters of your challenge, doing what needs to be done in the midst of this in terms of handling your business commitments and practical life, taking care of yourself, staying connected to Spirit, and nurturing yourself through this time. More than anything, what is most commendable is that you are not getting stuck in trying to figure out what to do, analyzing the problem, or discovering why this is happening. You are surrendering to it and staying on course in the midst of it, like a sailor at sea in the midst of a storm, trusting that you will be guided through. This is excellent, and the fruits of your choices are already manifesting, even if you cannot see them yet.


This is a deep test of your faith—more than a test, really. It is an opportunity for you to move into a deeper, more profound form of trust in the divine. And you are doing just that. This is why I am commending you, because I see what is happening in ways that you may not yet understand. You are also correct in believing that this is happening at a much larger scale, with many people. Your insights into how to traverse this passage are valuable and reassuring for many. So it is important that you continue to communicate what you are experiencing and how you are responding, along with your insights and understanding relative to the process.


You have noticed that your anger seems to be coming up in various “small” situations and ways. Of course no situation is small, ultimately. They are all important. What is small is the way that you are manifesting anger. Nonetheless, I am aware that this is disturbing and surprising for you, because you have not experienced yourself responding angrily in a very long time and believed that you had purified this part of yourself and would not be having these kinds of responses to people and situations any longer. This is evidence of a very deep psychic “housecleaning” that is going on. Again, this is happening for many people at this time, not only with you. But in your case, it is manifesting as a re-visiting of your pattern of getting angry in certain situations.


For you, this is about frustration and impatience with people being seemingly locked into third-dimensional ways of seeing things, when you see things in a different way, what could be called a “higher” form of consciousness, without meaning this in any sense of feeling superior.  You have rightly understood that getting beyond the anger that is arising is about you seeing the divine in the people you’re encountering, even when the responses they are making are difficult for you. This is not just a form of compassion for their humanity—compassion for their sense of limitation in their circumstances or even actual hardship they are dealing with. What you’re being called to is deeper and more far-reaching than compassion, even though compassion is important and necessary.


What you are awakening to is a form of love. It’s about falling in love with the divinity of that being, even as they manifest or act out a form of limitation or challenge. You still see their divinity and you not only love it, but you assume your union with that divinity. You feel the sense of uniting in love with their essence, the heart of that individual. In that love, you feel the same acceptance, compassion, and forgiveness of them that you give to yourself in your own challenges. You actually feel supported by them at a profound level, because you recognize that they are you. That is stronger for you than the sense of separation.


This is a very profound and important shift. I am emphasizing it to help you to be aware of it. Then you can cooperate with it, flow with the river of what is happening, which is so much more important than the challenges you are experiencing. In fact, the challenges are helping you to make this shift. If all was going well and easily, you would most likely persist in your old mode of assuming separation. Your difficulties are helping you to open your heart to God in a whole new way. And you are responding perfectly. Yes, it is difficult. But my dear, I want you to see the ray of exquisite light of God that is emerging from your tender heart, and to celebrate that. I celebrate it most fully and welcome you into this new space with open arms and overflowing love.


I love you so much,

I Am Mary Magdalene


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Copyright 2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Life & Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

MARY MAGDALENE: Responding to Challenge

Part 1 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On October 3, 2013


Blessings beloved ones,


This is Mary Magdalene, here with you again. I am so happy to have this opportunity to communicate with people and to answer people’s questions. As you know, it is my great, great passion to help people in their spiritual growth. The truth is that your spiritual growth is reflected in all the parts of your life. So if there is any part of your life in which you are having a challenge or wanting help with, that is actually part of your spiritual path and your spiritual growth. Those are all arenas in which I love to offer help, to bring my blessing and my point of view forth to support all of you.


As I have said before, you are at a wonderful moment right now. You’re on the precipice of great change, great growth. I think many of you are already seeing the signs in your world that this is so. Some of those signs feel wonderful and beautiful. Your life may seem more blessed, more easy. Things may be flowing in a more beautiful way, where it feels like you’re more connected to Spirit, more in the flow of life, and doing the work you came to do.


Some of the symptoms of the change may not seem so easy. It may seem that things are happening that are more challenging. Things may be coming up in parts of your life that you thought you already dealt with. Or things may be coming up that you never experienced before—difficulties, problems, challenges. This is part of the preparation for the change that is happening. You’re being given the opportunity to purify any blocks that remain. Some of them may not even be from this lifetime. Some of them may be from previous lifetimes. Some of them may be from earlier times in this life. Some of them may be things that you’ve been dealing with, which seem to be intensified or even getting more difficult.


You might relate this to what sometimes happens when you’re physically unwell—when you have some kind of illness or even a disease. The healing path can take a course where things seem to get worse before they get better. Oftentimes, what’s actually happening is that things that have been buried at a deep level are coming to the surface to be released. But in coming to the surface, you experience them more directly, more strongly, more powerfully. So you may have the sense, “What’s going on? My life seems to be harder, more difficult, getting worse.” I hope it is helpful to hear my perspective—that this can be part of the process of change, growth, and opening to the new, which really will be more wonderful and more easeful.


As much as you can, have trust and faith. Know that your life is being guided. Do the things that you know how to do to support yourself in the midst of such challenges. You may need to do certain things more than you’re used to. You may need to have more sleep. You may need to nurture yourself more. You may need to be more careful about the diet you’re eating. You may be more sensitive to things that didn’t affect you in the past, but now they are. Perhaps you’re more sensitive to people’s energies. Perhaps you need to be more conscious of the people you’re spending time with and the energy that you’re bringing into your world and reality. There are many levels to this. Hopefully most of you are aware of what things help you and what things are not supportive. Take steps to support yourself if you are experiencing more challenge. I hope this is helpful to all of you.


I want to say that, from my perspective, things are moving forward. You are progressing in this transition. I am very happy about that. Many of the beings at the higher levels want this progress and change for you, support you in this, and celebrate the transition that is happening.


Just as you may be having the experience of things in your personal life seeming to be more difficult or getting worse, this also may happen at the larger scale of your society, or your culture, or even worldwide. There may be difficulties in the political realm, or socially, or you may have experiences of challenging natural phenomena, or manmade phenomena such as technology that’s not working. There are many different ways this might appear. But it might be larger than just your individual life or people’s individual circumstances. It might be group situations that seem to be getting more challenging. This is also part of the process.


What you can do in these circumstances, first and foremost, is to support yourself in maintaining your center. Stay in the light yourself and do whatever you need to do to support the light within yourself. Then, radiate light and love to the larger circumstance. Bring your prayers, light, and blessing to these circumstances. These are the most important things. Out of that, yes, there may be practical steps and actions that you are to take, as well. But these are always secondary. The primary is through blessing, prayer, light, and love. I support you in remembering this and bringing this to your world, as best you can.


[End of Part 1]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Archangel Michael: News Flash from the Higher Dimensions

Part 1 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel on June 2, 2013


Blessings dear one. This is Archangel Michael. It has been a while since we have communicated in this form and I am moved to be with you again. It is my delight and pleasure to be with you today.


I wish to give you somewhat of an update of how I perceive things are going for you in your world. You might think of it as a news flash or a weather report from my station in the higher dimensions. What I see is very good. I see the light on Earth increasing. This is a direct effect of each person and the light they are anchoring, the light they are opening to. This is a great process. It is a process that, especially in the third dimension, is not easily accomplished. Yet it is happening in your world, in ways that I suspect many of you may not fully realize. It is happening gradually and continuously. Often things that are gradual and continuous are not as obvious. It is also happening at deep and profound levels. Because all of you are still involved in third-dimensional functioning, you are required to spend at least a certain part of your energy and awareness in functioning in more third-dimensional, superficial ways. So that, too, may contribute to you being less than fully aware of what is happening on the deeper levels. So I come to confirm this, to lend you my viewpoint, perhaps my “sight.”


Ultimately, what is happening in any place of manifestation is very simple. It is a process of consciousness made manifest. Such manifestation happens, in the most subtle form, through light. As light becomes increasingly drawn into manifestation, it takes other forms, more solid forms, if you will. Thus you eventually have things like physicality. This is one aspect of your world, the consciousness/light aspect. Then there is the aspect of love. These two go together. They are partners, if you will.


At this time, many of you are starting to understand how consciousness comes into play and affects the quality of light in your world, the clarity of light in your world, the accessibility of light in your world, the abundance or lack of abundance of light in your world. So many of you are beginning to work at the level of consciousness, which is a most wonderful thing.


There are two approaches. You can approach transformation and growth through consciousness, and this will open you to love. Or you can approach transformation and growth through love, and this will open you to consciousness. These are not in conflict. They are very harmonious. As a matter of fact, they are both inextricably connected. But some of you may resonate with one or the other more. Some of you may find more ease in working more consciously with one or the other, consciousness or love. And that is fine.


It is most valuable to do what is strong for you. You will progress the most clearly and directly in that way. You will also contribute most valuably in that way, by bringing your strength, your gift, your uniqueness. Do not worry if the other parts are not as strong, clear, or accessible for you. Everything you require is being given. If pieces that you see others involved in are not, perhaps, your path, they are simply not your path. (quietly laughs) Those gifts will come to you in other ways.


What is important is that you contribute your gift and that you understand the vastness, the whole, and are supportive of others and their gifts, while not necessarily needing to pursue them yourself. Ultimately you are supported by the strengths and differences of others. It is part of why you do not need to pursue all paths, because you are part of the whole. It is like your body. The heart does not need to do what the liver does. They each benefit from the work of the other.


What I see is that your work is progressing beautifully. The light is increasing—your personal light and the light of your whole planet. You are involved and underway with this ascension process. Some of you may have wanted to see certain signs, certain events, which may or may not have happened. Or perhaps there are other events that are disturbing you, causing you to be worried or even fearful about the future of your planet. It is most helpful if you allow these to be without giving them energy, not getting involved in them. They are helping others to complete certain things, release certain things that are important for them. If it is not your work, you do not need to become involved.


It is best to be involved with the highest level of light that you can connect with. Support that within yourself and in your world in whatever way is true for you. Become sensitive to whether you are engaged in things that lower your light, diminish your brightness, and extricate yourself from those circumstances. They are not necessary and they are not most supportive. Each of you will have your own path for doing that. But you are free-will beings. You are in choice. You are not stuck or limited to any circumstance.


Do not beat yourself up with this. If you are in a circumstance that is challenging, there is a reason for that in your life. You may have a learning or a karmic debt that you are completing. Bring the light into that circumstance. Choose light where you are.


There are forms of choosing light. Gratitude is a form of choosing light. Connecting with God is a form of choosing light. Prayer is a form of choosing light. Communion in any way is a form of choosing light. Become sensitive to when the light is strong for you. Become sensitive to how you feel. Become sensitive to the effects in the world around you. Become sensitive to your mind, your heart. Become aware. Then it will be easier for you to notice the changes, the shifts, what increases the light, what dims the light.


You are all light bringers, light bearers, light rejoicers. Do not forget to celebrate the light, in whatever way fills your heart with joy.


This is my message for you this morning. I thank you for listening, for allowing me the opportunity to share this with you.


[End of Part 1]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

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