
5 Ascension Insights Most People Aren’t Talking About: Insight #2 — 2 Comments

  1. Yes, that’s something beautiful, be at peace with doubt.. sort of. I fully agree with you, Mercedes, that we’re leaving our familiar 3D experiences and paradigm, growing familiar with a new experience of who we are and what life is about, or might be about, in a sort of fluidity.

    At this moment, it seems that this year is significant for this aspect in my life, I can recognize the urge to be in control, like when I can’t find something (I recently moved to a new home). Or when I try to hold in my memory when the bus goes, where that one shop is that I saw the other day, etc. etc. all these little manoeuvers joining the process of moving to a new location and grow familiar with it. It’s great to be still in that moment when the feeling of distress rises, the sense of hanging in mid-air and ungroundedness. I can give it a smile.

    With the help of my observer, I can easily let it go and move to an acceptation of my not-knowing. In other words, allowing doubt about my ability to memorize and the unsettling it causes. I learn to allow for a new moment to bring the solution forward and not freeze in agony, having a tantrum like a toddler in a supermarket, screaming for an icecream “Mommie, I want it NOW!!”

    By the way, there once was a very wise Mommie, witnessing her toddler on the floor in such a tantrum. She joined the child, on the floor and began screaming for the same treat. The child looked at its Mommy, wide eyed. It fell silent and sat upright after a while, fully calmed down. Many people smiled, witnessing that scene. Isn’t it fun?

  2. LOL!!! I used to throw a tantrum with my kids too when they were small. The look on their little faces was priceless.

    Thank you for reminding us to use low level feelings and thoughts as a spring board to reach for something better. I think the first place we go when these feelings bubble up is to a pity party to assign blame. Thank goodness for metacognition; the bodies way of helping us become more loving to ourselves.

    I give thanks to this community:)

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