
Am I Ascending or Dying? — 8 Comments

  1. Oh wow, Mercedes, I can so relate to what you’re writing about the integration of that depth of feeling, that opening to what I call surrender. It’s been my experience, since the end of April, that I can find myself reading or listening, about some sort of suffering in the world, a universal collective suffering, that causes me to cry tears suddenly, very deep. The newness in it, is, that I can fully allow it to be present, no attachment. I can enter it fully, let it pass through me and be done with it. Wiping my eyes, blowing my nose and continue with my life, without hanging on to it or feeling remorse. Like a child, that’s fully present when in pain and forgetting when it’s over. It’s a very new experience and extremely liberating. I’ve always felt like a sort of midwife for planet Earth and this experience seems to be a part of it. Beautiful isn’t it? I’m so happy with this profound message! Thanks a bunch.

  2. Thank you!

    Hallo, Mercedes,

    Both the channeling and your share brought me to tears. I can see generations of women in my lineage holding it strong… My grandmother, whose husband was dragged through concentration camps, my mother whose father was an alcholholic and whose husband had a heart attack and other major surgeries and who didn’t have her lineage help in rising her kids…

    Turning back I can also see the experiences that ”toughened” me up. I can hear my mother asking me, ”why do you need feelings?”, when refering to my relationships, I can see suffering the loss of my girlfriend for years at the age of 7, the first man I loved… I always felt alone. Until I realized this is a shared experience, and if I am tough, I do not allow connection as others cannot feel my authentic core.

    I can share that since I softened, I have had intuitive revelations of and consequtive confessions of several women that have been raped or who had rape in their lineage. I also experienced my own prior life rape during a spontaneous past life regression. As I became more porous, I also experienced the energy of being burned at the stakes, of fearing going out after dusk, because such women deserve rape… and other experiences that still lived in my energetic body. Whether these were truly my own experiences or I was tapping into the female collective pain body, I would not know. And on some level it may not even matter… As I know why being porous is essential and at the same time so hard and vulnerable. I can see, I can feel, I weep!

    Lot’s of love your way!

  3. I can relate to the need to access my pain in order to feel joy. In my heart I know this is true, but it’s often a leap I need to be taught to take. It certainly doesn’t come easily. As far as the Masters crying, I have felt Saint Germain crying but didn’t trust the feeling. Now I think differently. Thanks.

  4. Dear Mercedes
    Heart felt thank you for sharing your experience after the channeling Of Mary Magdalen. You are not alone, I can assure you. I have had the honour and privilege to be part of a support group over the last 13 years, which evolved into this work of learning, clearing, healing and coming closer to our authentic selves. As each participant felt lead, we continue to support each other through the healing work which involves experiences that you describe in releasing a lifetime of surpassed pain, personally and collectively. Much dedicated prayer and opening to Spirit prepares the leaders and ones who support, as well as learning to live our truth. We have learned that as we heal, we are able to hold space in Spirit’s Love and Light for each other and from my experience that is what makes it safe. We use the term “trusting the process” and no one will go deeper than ready for, and to ensure before we leave the healing time, that every one is grounded. It is not easy, but the results are far reaching. Spiritual work is always gentle, loving and supportive, and bonds are created that are lasting. You are wise and are guided, you are strong and brave
    in your vulnerability to share so authentically. It is a great encouragement to be connected with you in this way. Many blessings

  5. ~ Ascending and Dying ~

    Oh – Mercedes – you’re surely not without my Heart’s companionship on this transmutative journey of all things stuck, stunted and stoic; the human condition has led the ‘many’ to avoid suffering at its own peril – has it not! How joyous I AM to be traveling the feminine Path of Ascension with the Mercy of Mary’s tears dropping as petals on which to step forward. As the vessel cracks open to release understanding ‘gone south’ … let us rise upwards instead … shining – TOGETHER – like the ONE Star WE ARE – Julia

  6. Mercedes…

    I cannot tell you how much this particular sharing of yours has touched me. I don’t know about what others may do, but you can count on me to continue to be a part of what you are learning, because it is what I am learning, too.

    Feeling the pain…learning to truly “release into healing” (this is what I call “forgiveness” because I don’t have a fight with myself when I call it that)…and learning to give other people the space to feel their pain and do their releasing in their own timing–not mine!….all of this and more is what I’ve been slowly and sometimes excruciatingly learning over the past several months. And then, tonight–when I least expected it–I heard from someone dear to me…someone whom I had inadvertently hurt and who had withdrawn from me to deal with the pain. Ways of forgiveness truly do generate miracles, I guess–at least some of the time!

    I keep in the kitchen the copy you autographed for me of MARY MAGDALENE BECKONS, and when I’m waiting on something to finish cooking or eating alone–in those brief times, I read and re-read and allow little bits and pieces to sink in. However much time it takes, it just takes what it takes.

    You are not a “wolf in sheep’s clothing,” though, I don’t think. Those wolves are purposely disguising themselves as sheep to intentionally deceive people and take advantage of them, and I don’t feel you doing that. You are just in the process of re-aligning yourself with your natural way of being, and it is just taking however long it takes. That’s all.

    Thank you again for doing what you do and for your generous sharing. I know that eventually I am going to get SUBLIME UNION, I just don’t know exactly when. When the time is right–however long that takes!

    Take care of yourself,

    Maria McEwen

  7. This touched me deeply! Beautifully written and expressed. I so understand the idea of “not feeling” to try to feel “safe” I’ve been doing it most my life. I do believe you are on the right path! I hope I have the courage to follow you on that path! I’ve had glimpses of Pure states of Unconditional love and it’s the most amazing feeling. Thanks for showing us that it’s ok to show our feminine side and by showing ALL our feelings we will be able to feel more love and joy in our lives. I’m staying put! I want to hear more…. can you tell us how you have been feeling since you are starting to feel more deeply? Much love.
    Kelly V.

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