Angelus: The Gift of Being Childlike
A Message From Angelus
Received Through Mercedes Kirkel On March 3, 2013
Blessings dear ones. My name is Angelus. I am here to be with you today and very happy to be with you. I thank you for inviting all the beings of light in and for being open to receiving me.
Today I bring you the spirit of springtime, of new beginnings, of youth. You may think of it as being like the morning time, the time of openness, of new starts, like sprouts beginning to break through the earth, starting to appear in the beautiful, vibrant spring-green color.
This is the time that you are at right now in terms of your earthly cycle of the year, as you are approaching springtime. But it is also much bigger than that. You are approaching the very beginning of a new cycle—more than approaching, you have entered into it, but just barely. You are at the very beginning, like a newborn in this phase, this cycle. I have been called forth to bring the energy of this cycle to you, to talk to you about it.
This is a time of being like a child. It can be valuable to you to remember your own childhood, as well as connecting with the child that is still alive within you always, and your childlike ways. Children are open, especially in their minds and in their feeling. They are open to discover, to explore. They come to things with an open mind. This is something that would be very valuable for you to remember and to practice at this time. As much as you are able, release your sense of knowingness about the way things are, and come with a childlike sense of newness, of unknowingness, of discovery, of exploration. This will help you very much because there are many, many things that are new right now. But you will not be sensitive to them if you are carrying on as though everything is the same and you know it already.
This childlike approach to the world brings with it many benefits. One is a sense of wonder and oftentimes joy. There can be a sense of playfulness, even silliness, and a sense of following your heart and your intuition without having to know why, a sense of what may feel like abandon to you. It is not really abandon, but you are allowing yourself to be guided by a different source than you may usually be accustomed to. This can be most valuable to you at this time.
You may enjoy actually spending time with children. This may help you to be in this childlike disposition. It is very valuable to let go of all your thinking about things and your seriousness. Even the way you tend to approach letting go of your mind can be quite serious. This is a very different approach, to be in your discovery-being, to open to your perceptions, your senses, your feeling, your intuitions. It can be supported by a kind of dreaming. This could be like daydreaming, but it does not have to be. It can be more like creativity, the kind of dreaming that you do when you let yourself be very creative, not knowing what you’re going to do, but letting it come out of you as a creative process that even surprises you as it emerges. This can be a very valuable state to you at this time. You may not choose to continuously be in this state. But allow yourself to experience it regularly, to go to it, and it will help you. It will allow this process that’s unfolding at this time to occur, and to emerge, and to evolve at the speed it wants to. Your seriousness, your sense of knowingness, and even being programmed to do things in a set way that you’re used to, is actually greatly slowing down your process. This will help you to go at the speed that your being wishes to at this time, as though you had wings on your feet.
And so I encourage this and support this, and believe this will be a great service to you and a great help. This is my gift and my offering to you at this time.
I also want to say that it can be very supportive of this to allow yourself to express with your creativity. This can be in the form of singing, dancing, writing, acting, visual arts. All the forms of artistic expression can help with this and can be a particular form of joy and guidance for you at this time, and also freeing of your heart and your childlike nature. I urge you to engage in this, as well. It will also be very valuable.
You can do it as a completely creative process. You can also do it through engaging in forms that have already been created, but that you enjoy with a childlike enthusiasm and that again sets this aspect of yourself free and energizes it. That will be most valuable.
Experiment with bringing your playfulness to others, your creativity in the moment, even your sense of surprise. See if that opens things up to new possibilities that are valuable and enjoyable to you. I suspect that this will be the case and look forward to your experimentation and exploration with this.
This is a beautiful time, an exciting time of new growth, new beginnings, new things emerging. Don’t miss it. Be with it fully. And bring it to others in the way that you interact.
Thank you for allowing me to bring this message to you. Now if you have any questions of me, I would like to respond to your questions.
Question: How would you relate this to business or work? How can we be in that joyful, childlike space when we’re doing day-in and day-out type work, like computer work?
Angelus: Yes, it might feel more challenging in those circumstances. You can ask your child how to make it more enjoyable, how to make it more fun. Your child might help you to make more of a game out of it, or to somehow bring more of that delight and energy to it, which will help you to bring more lightness and joy to your work. You might be surprised at how you can include this.
You may support yourself with certain other things, certain music, or pictures, or whatever supports you in this childlike disposition. Or take breaks. Get up and dance, and sing, or do a somersault on the floor, or whatever! (laughter). And if you’re involved with other people, let yourself be a little more playful, a little bit more childlike with them. There are many, many ways you can bring this. It is mostly about your disposition, about not taking things so seriously, not assuming that everything’s always the same, and you know what it is, and you’re doing it the same as you’ve always done it in the past. That will help you.
You may choose to do things somewhat differently, as you are able. You may not have complete choice about everything. But there will be places where you will have choice and you can choose to engage your work in a more childlike, playful way, or perhaps to just make a different choice altogether and do something different than you would otherwise do. So it is possible.
Question: Sometimes it feels uncomfortable being childlike because it puts you in such a vulnerable place. The kind of innocence we naturally have as children is sometimes hard to bring forward as an adult who’s been hurt or who’s somehow lost touch with that ability to just be open like that.
Angelus: Yes. This is a valuable point you are making—being childlike does bring us into our vulnerability. You have discovered the heart of it, the secret of it. This vulnerability is both the value of it and also, in some ways, the challenge of it. This is particularly so if you have been hurt in the past, perhaps when you were a child, perhaps when you were older, but connected to this kind of vulnerability. And it may especially be so if those wounded places have not yet been healed. So this may point to some healing that you have to do. The vulnerability you experience will help you to go directly to the places where you have healing to do. And it will be most valuable to you to do that healing.
You may choose to do that healing with others, who can help you. Or you may be able to do it on your own, because you have your more adult self, who can help to heal the child. Just as you would help a being who is actually at the child age in physical years, if they were to get wounded, you can similarly help your own self—the childlike part of yourself that is still unhealed—to go through that healing.
It is a process much like Mary Magdalene has described in the book that she gave through Mercedes [Kirkel]. It is a step-by-step process of first connecting with those feelings that are still there from the unhealed incident and, first of all, validating the feelings. Many children have been told that there feelings were wrong or bad or didn’t matter or they shouldn’t be having them. This is one of the reasons why the healing never occurred in the first place, because all of those things are not the case. Your feelings are beautiful. And they are part of your childlike self. Children very naturally and easily express their feelings. Look to babies and how easily babies express their feelings. They do not hold back until or unless they are trained to do so.
So the first step is to acknowledge those feelings and validate them, that they are real and important. Then you can progress through the healing process by listening to the child as to why they are having those feelings and helping them to go through the healing. You, as an adult, are wise. You can help them. And that will be very valuable for you.
Then, in the present time, when you are acting from this vulnerable part of yourself that is very much connected to your childlikeness, you can use your wisdom to take care of yourself. You will discover you are not in the same position you were in when you were an actual child. If someone does something to you that is somehow painful, you are capable of taking care of yourself and taking care of your childlike part, as well. You can learn how to do that and this will help you to become very strong, without becoming immune or cut off from your vulnerability and your childlikeness. This will make it so that you show your beauty, which is always on the inside, in the way that you act on the outside. It will be part of your radiance.
It is very Important that you do this. You were never meant to have your vulnerability cut off. You were only meant to be protected and safe, originally by the adults who were taking care of you, and then later by your own self as you acquired those skills and abilities. If that is not fully strong in you, this is important as an area to strengthen. And if that is not fully open in you, because of past wounding, this is important as an area for you to heal.
You have everything that you need to do that healing. All that you may lack is the choice to do so. I completely encourage you to engage this. If you need support, follow the instructions that have been given through Mary Magdalene and others. Or get help from others who are skilled in these areas and can help you. It is available. You simply must choose.
Are there other questions? (There is a period of silence.)
Being sensual is very valuable in this process. Your sense of touch and taste and smell—these three especially will help you explore your world and rediscover this link to your childlikeness, your innocence, your openness. All your senses, of course, are valuable to you. But these are especially wonderful.
I sense that I have said enough for today. I encourage you to all go out and play this afternoon, in whatever way your child is calling to you. I hope this has been helpful to you. I offer you my sincere love, my bountiful love, and blessings. Sparkles of light and wonder to you all. In love, I leave you now. Many blessings to you.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to