Archangel Michael: Remembering How To Live In More Than One Dimension
Part 2 of a Message
Received through Mercedes Kirkel on June 2, 2013
Question: Could you speak about remembering how to live in more than one dimension simultaneously?
Archangel Michael: This is the process you will naturally go through as you begin to ascend into higher dimensions. And it is true that it is a remembering process. You have done this before. But in the third dimension you have forgotten. It is part of the quality, the nature of the third dimension that there is this veil of forgetting. So you are remembering, reawakening your consciousness, your memory, your abilities to exist in higher dimensions.
As this process is taking place, it is natural that you will start to spend time in dimensions higher than the third dimension. At first it will very likely be the fourth dimension, and perhaps the fifth or sixth. Those are the most common that most people initially connect with. Most often, it is for finite periods of time, somewhat like going to sleep at night and having a dream, and then waking up. You have the dream and then you come back to your waking state that you are familiar with. You don’t feel like you’re in the dream world anymore. Yet it has its effect. You may remember the dream. You may feel altered by the dream.
Initially, spending time in the higher dimensions can be something like this. That is a good analogy, because you all have the experience of being able to shift into dream worlds. If you meditate, you oftentimes have the experience of going into other states of consciousness in meditation. If you have done shamanic work, journey work, you have oftentimes had the experience of traveling into what are most likely other dimensions. So there is precedent for this. There is historical precedent in your world and there is also personal precedent. That may help, to understand that you already have a body of experience you can draw upon.
Over time what will generally happen is that you start to spend more time—of course this is speaking of time from the third-dimensional perspective and your sense of time as you may perceive it on the third dimension—you start to spend more time in these higher dimensions. They start to become more attractive to you. They start to draw you.
There are also traditional precedents for this. In the Indian tradition, there is the story of Krishna and the Gopis. The gopis were the cowherd maidens who fell in love with Krishna. Their job was to milk the cows. But out of their love for Krishna, they were so attracted to Krishna, that when Krishna would appear they would just forget about everything—their lives, their work, their families—and go off and follow Krishna. This is an analogy of what starts to happen. You start to become more attracted to the higher dimensions. They are very attractive, especially from the perspective of the third dimension. That attraction starts to draw you more and more. It is simply a natural process, like falling in love, where your energy and attention start to go there, start to move there naturally. Out of that, you start to spend more and more time there.
This may start to happen when you are not consciously setting aside a space of time to do this—outside of your sacred occasions, your meditation, your sleep, your entering into a particular process. It might just start to happen spontaneously. It might initially happen by coming out of those processes and continuing to carry that state with you. Or just spontaneously going into that state more and more in the midst of what you might call “ordinary life.” You might be aware of this. You might not be aware of this. Perhaps you’re aware of it after the fact. You look back and say, “I’ve been operating from a different place. I’ve been in the fourth-dimensional space.” This has always been recognized by those who meditate as one of the reasons for meditating: Having an ongoing practice, with regularity, starts to change your consciousness and your reality. You start to more and more bring that higher consciousness, and the reality based on that consciousness, into your everyday life, to live more and more from that place.
This will start to happen more and more. It is very supportive to have some practice that you engage with regularity to quicken and strengthen this process—whether that’s meditation, a quiet time where you open yourself to going into higher spaces and dimensions and communing with higher beings, or whatever you find that is supportive of you. To do this with regularity can be very valuable and make the process stronger, and oftentimes smoother and easier, as well.
So there is an integration process going on where you will start to shift. You will start to spend increasing amounts of time and periods of time in these higher dimension. This is intended to be as easeful as possible. There are many beings who have gone through this process. You on Earth right now are going through it at an amazing speed, much faster than has been done before, for the most part. There may be some challenge in this, some discomfort. At the physical level, there can be challenges. At the energetic level, there can be challenges. At the emotional and mental levels—all of those levels. This is why it is very useful to have your body in as pure of a state as possible, and to do any healing or growth work that is necessary at the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental levels. The more that these levels are open and do not have blockages or wounding, the smoother and easier this process will become. So that can be very supportive—to complete any work that is necessary in those areas.
Eventually you will make the shift, where you are centered or based in that higher dimension. You may still have a part of you that is visiting or functioning on the third dimension, completing whatever your soul work is in the third dimension. But your base will primarily be at the higher dimensions.
[End of Part 2]
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Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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