
MARY MAGDALENE: How Ascension Will Occur

Part 2 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 21, 2013 

Question: Many light-workers on this planet are helping with the ascension. But it seems that the majority of people aren’t even aware of what’s going on. Is there going to be an instant miracle that the majority will get, and then transcendence. Or is there a different plan?


Mary Magdalene: There are many ways that the ascension can happen. It is not written, as of yet. Much has to do with the choices that you and all the beings on Earth make. You are actually in the process of creating this. It is a creation process, as every moment of life is. Yet many do not realize that is the case. But it does not change the fact that it is the case.


There are different scenarios of what could happen. Ultimately it is one scenario. As I see it and understand it, it is a given how it is going to come out. You are going to make this ascension process. The majority of beings, if not all beings, have already chosen this at the soul level. But it may not be obvious in terms of what those beings are doing in their life right now, or what they are aware of in their life right now.


Those you call light-workers tend to be the ones who are consciously aware of their choice to be here, their choice to ascend, and their choice to support the entire ascension process for all.


From my perspective, it is not clear how this will happen or the time frame in which it will happen. Many people thought it might happen at the end of your year of 2012. We did not know. But it was not the time. It appears to me that it is going to be a more gradual process than perhaps people who are incarnated on Earth initially thought. This may well be a very benign thing, for it will allow people more time to become aware, to prepare themselves for this process. It will also allow it to be potentially more gradual and, because of that, more gentle.


It is possible that it could happen through what you might see as a miracle. Different people use the word “miracle” to refer to different things. From the perspective of the higher dimensions, much of what is called miracles does not seem mysterious or unexplainable. It’s clear to us how these things can happen. But from a third-dimensional perspective, it may not be clear, or understandable, or easily explained. So the term “miracle” may be used. But it’s often just referring to a higher-dimensional process intervening in your world.


It is possible that this change can happen through challenging events. One of the reasons that challenge and hardship is given in the third dimension is because this often opens people. It opens their hearts to love. And it opens their consciousness to what is greater than they have been open to in the past. So it is possible that it may happen, at least in part, through circumstances that are challenging. These might be natural circumstances. These might be human circumstances—political or social circumstances. These might be circumstances that involve beings from other planets or outside of your Earth sphere. This is something that could bring great challenge to many people. So it is possible that it may happen in these forms. Through challenge, people may open to something much greater than they have been open to until that time.


These are the two most likely ways ascension will occur. It is a possibility that people will ascend directly from physical incarnation in the third dimension. Or they may choose to leave their physical incarnation in the third dimension, which is what you refer to as dying, and ascend from a different form of incarnation. This may be easier for some and they may choose that path.


Some beings may also choose to reunite with their soul family, who may not be manifested here on Earth. Or perhaps the part of their soul family that they would especially like to ascend with may not be manifested here on the Earth at this time. So they may choose to reunite with parts of their soul family by leaving the Earth and manifesting elsewhere. These are all possibilities.


It is an enormous process that is underway. It is much greater than just the Earth that is involved. The possibilities and options are far-reaching. From my perspective, that is a most amazing and most exciting event. I’m speaking in terms of a very large occurrence—large in terms of time, large in terms of space, large in terms of the vastness of what is occurring.


That is the most specific that I can be in answer to your question. I hope that that has helped you.


Question: What was the lesson of this most recent Mercury in retrograde?


Mary Magdalene: All of you are in the process of changing the way you’ve related to what is familiar to you—what has been familiar to you for most of this lifetime and really for many lifetimes. Part of that has been having an orientation towards things happening in a certain way in physicality. So you have physical structures that work a certain way. You’re familiar with them, you’re used to them, and you expect that they’re going to continue to work that way. At a time like Mercury retrograde, when they often don’t work that way, it can help to free you from what is really a certain form of limitation.


Coming into third dimension and being manifested here, it is totally understandable that you would relate to your world in a very physical way, because that is the nature of third dimension. More than anything else, it is physically based. In coming here, what happens for most people is you forget where you have come from and you forget who you are, outside of this physical, third-dimensional manifestation. So it becomes very easy to assume that this is all there is and that the way things operate here is the way things must operate. When that starts to break down—you have an expression “throwing a wrench in the works”—it actually is a chance, it becomes a window for you to open to greater possibilities and to begin to access them more and more. So this cycle that you call Mercury retrograde is a repeating phenomenon, which, again and again, is giving you that opportunity.


It is also calling you to rest, to take a break from functionality and doing things in the way that you’re familiar with, because they may not be working. This is part of coming into balance, and even more than balance, coming into trust—trust that things are going to work in a different way, what you might think of as a bigger way or a greater way—trust that there are other options, other possibilities, other forces at work, which will accomplish what perhaps you have thought needed to be accomplished in a more physically based, or even work-oriented way. So it is a calling. It is calling you more and more to this opening, this possibility of doing things in a way that calls upon other powers, other forces, which you might call “higher,” and which is ultimately more easeful for you to engage. But like any transition, the process of letting go of the old is not always the most easeful in the moment.


As you go further and further into the ascension process, this phenomenon of familiar processes seeming to break down is going to become stronger and stronger. The old mechanical ways of doing things are going to have more and more lapses where they’re not working as well, not working as quickly, or not working at all. And you are going to be required more and more to find other ways to do the same things, to accomplish the same things that you want to have accomplished—or perhaps to even let go of those things being accomplished, perhaps to realize they aren’t necessary.


As this cycle continues through the ascension process, it’s going to have a feeling of more and more intensity to it, showing up in stronger and stronger ways. It is part of your challenge to learn to ride this, to ride it like a wave in a certain way, to relax into it, to trust—ultimately to trust in God, and to call upon your higher self and your developing higher skills, abilities, and powers to take care of yourself in ways which again you may call “higher.” It is not to say that they are better or that the other is worse. It is simply something you are more and more growing into.


If you are confused and not sure in any moment, call upon God, call upon your higher self, ask for help. This is one of the greatest lessons of this time. I have spoken about this before, but it is such an important thing to remind you about always—the importance of asking. Higher dimensional beings respect your free choice, respect your soul path, respect what you are choosing and have always been choosing, moment to moment. We will not interfere or intercede unless you ask us. We are so happy to be involved, but we require you to ask us first. So if you want that help, which I strongly encourage you to make use of, then please, ask us. Call upon us. We are most happy and honored to support and assist you in any way we are able.


Question: I’m aware that this wonderful channel first experienced you when she came to this area of Santa Fe, New Mexico. There are many of us who have been called here over the years. There is something about this place—I almost said “portal”—that seems to profoundly have an impact on this awakening to oneness. Could you speak about how the state of New Mexico may have a role to play that perhaps we’re not aware of.


Mary Magdalene:  You were accurate in referring to it as a portal, for it most definitely is. This is sacred ground. In many parts of the state, if you are sensitive, if you focus upon this, many of you will feel this and sense it, for it is very strong. Of course, there are such places in many parts of your world. And this is one of them.


We in the higher dimensions are aware that there are places, including Santa Fe, that many people are drawn to, because they feel this energy and because it supports them in their own process. It is a co-creative process, where the Earth and the energy is supporting you, and then you are empowering the Earth and the energy in that place by what you bring. Part of this transition is what some are calling “cities of light” that are being created. Indeed, this area will become one of those cities of light, which are especially empowered for manifesting this new world that you are moving into, this new energy, supporting all of you in this new form of life that you will be having.


This area of New Mexico has long been an empowered area. It was for the Native Americans. And long before that it was connected to both Atlantis and Lemuria. The roots are very, very deep in this whole region of profound connection to Spirit. In many ways, the Native Americans have been more sensitive to this than many of the other cultures, and particularly sensitive to how this region is so deeply connected to the Earth and the Earth-mother as a living, sentient being. In many ways, it is largely because of the spiritual energy that the Native Americans have held for so long and still continue to hold that the spiritual energy is so strong and alive here. So you have much to be thankful for to all of these Native American peoples and the powerful work that they have done.


It is a beautiful place, a very unique place. All of the different sacred places that people sense and identify on your Earth all have different qualities, bringing in different aspects of the Divine in manifest form. That is part of the beauty and wonder of the Earth. The Earth is such a magnificent place, such a jewel. It is a marvel that it exists with the incredible diversity you have here. The Earth is going to come into its flowering even more. There have been many hard times. There have been many things done to the Earth that have caused great pain, to the Earth herself and to the inhabitants of the Earth. But this is changing and will be cleansed and purified. And the future ahead of you is most wondrous.


Question: My sense is that there were many who were in Atlantis and Lemuria who are here in this state of New Mexico now. Could you speak to that?


Mary Magdalene: Without question. And they will be more and more remembering and opening up to that. That is a wonderful thing.


There is a healing going on of the past, as well as the present. There is a healing going on relative to how choices were made, things occurred, and now bringing that into a new time, a new way, a new possibility. This most definitely includes Atlantis and Lemuria. There were tremendous gifts embodied by those peoples, those cultures, which very few remember or know how to access. But they are returning. And that is a most wonderful thing.





Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


MARY MAGDALENE: Finding The Relationship You’ve Dreamed Of

Part 1 of a Message
Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On July 21, 2013 

[Note: This message was received at a celebration of Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day.]


Blessings my dear ones. This is Mary Magdalene and I am so happy to be here with you tonight. I thank you so much for gathering together, for honoring me through this celebration, through this day, which has been selected as a time of remembering me and connecting with me. I am so happy to be here to connect with you and to have this time with you. Thank you so much, dear ones.


My heart is so full of love in this moment. I hope that you are able to feel it. I am full of love for all of you. I am full of love for all beings. But in this gathering at this time, I am especially full of love for all of you, so grateful to you for your opening to me and to so many beautiful beings of light. Of course, you are also a beautiful being of light. I see you that way, and more and more I see that you know yourself that way. That is something that I also celebrate, for that is part of what humanity is growing into at this time—each of you knowing yourself as a being of light, which you absolutely are and always have been. I and others are helping you to recognize this, to grow fully into this, and to be the manifestation of light that you have come to be.


So I am celebrating you at this time. And I am celebrating this amazing time on Earth, which, of course, I have spoken about in the past. But I feel it so strongly that I want to acknowledge it once again. This is an amazing time, which you have all chosen to be here for, to participate in, to support, and to help others in their passage through this time, in their evolution and growth into a new age, a new consciousness, most definitely a new world for all of you, and a new time of knowing yourselves in a much greater way as the beings of light that you are.


This movement into a new age is well underway. There are many things that will need to happen before you have fully made this transition. But it has begun and you are in the midst of it. It is unstoppable. There is no question that this new age will arrive. And you are all a part of ushering yourselves and all beings into this new age. It is so exciting.


In our time of being on the Earth—Yeshua and myself—we, too, were a part of this transition. 2000 years is actually a very short amount of time in terms of these kinds of openings and changes. It was the beginning, which is still going on. Many of you have a connection to Yeshua and to myself from that time, and we are still so deeply connected to you. It is a continuation.


Of course, when I speak of time, this is my effort to try and reference it in ways that make sense to you in the third dimension, at this time. (She laughs quietly.) I do not relate to time in the same way, in general. So for me, we have always been together. There has been no separation, no passage. But I understand that for many of you it seems differently. And that is fine. However you are seeing it is perfect to what it supporting you in this moment. And that will change over time, in the perfect time. It is nothing to be concerned about.


But yes, I say “hello” to you across the time, to so many I have known in different periods. You are all so special to me, so absolutely beloved. I wish I had better words with which to express this, to make it so clear to you how much I value you, how much you are a part of my heart and my joy.


I am checking to see if there is anything in particular that I sense is important to talk about at this time. (space of silence) One thing that I want to speak of is a change that is already in progress, but you may or may not be aware of it, and it may or may not have affected you directly yet. This is a change relative to relationships between men and women in your world. Part of this transition—and I have spoken of this in great depth—is the Masculine and Feminine coming into balance, into harmony, and into union with each other. This always begins with the Masculine and Feminine within each of you, and in the greater sense with all of you recognizing the aspects of God that you may refer to as Masculine or Feminine. But for many of you, it will also very much involve being in a relationship, which brings forth these qualities of the Masculine and Feminine in your relationship. There are many who have been wonderful, powerful beings of light at this time who have longed to have a relationship and have wondered when they would be in relationship, and if it was going to happen for them—particularly a relationship that was an inherent part of their spiritual path and their spiritual journey. It is this that I wish to speak about.


This is coming in for many of you who have not been in relationship and have longed for that, have wanted that, have hoped for it. This is part of the transition that we are in, that you are going to see more and more around you, and very possibly in your own life. More and more people are finding the relationships that they have been dreaming of. They are moving into relationship and finding a great sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment in this relationship. I am so happy to share this with you, because I have known the wonders of relationship with my beloved and having that inextricably woven with my spiritual path, with my spiritual work, with my heart, with my soul, with the essence of who I am. I am so happy to be able to share with you that many of you, if you have not already, will be finding this relationship and experiencing this wonder and joy in relationship. So that is very happy, very wonderful news that I have to share with you.


Some of you have not chosen to be in relationship and that is absolutely fine. You will know this wonder of the union of the Masculine and Feminine in other ways—within yourself, within God. It is not a limitation in any form. Both are fully empowered, fully wonderful in their own ways, simply two different paths that are possible.


You are going to be seeing many changes in your world. Some of them may be wonderful, some of them may be surprising, some of them may seem challenging. It is all part of this “changing of the guard,” you might say, this release and letting go of so much that has been a part of your world, so much that has been a part of your consciousness, your reality for a very long time, and new things coming in. So there is both a death of the old and a birth of the new happening simultaneously.


There may be aspects of the letting go, the release, the death process that may seem difficult or even perhaps scary. I have given a great deal of instruction that has already been received and recorded in the book by Mercedes about how to relate to this kind of thing, how to make use of situations, even where you feel afraid, to bring you to God, to stabilize you and strengthen you in your connection to God. That is what is most important. It has always been important. But at this time it may seem or appear even more important that you absolutely maintain your foundation and your stability in your connection to God.


Whatever it is that supports your connection to God—whether it’s a daily practice that you have; whether it’s the company that you keep, including being inspired by books or communications that you receive through the internet—whatever form it is that strengthens you, that maintains your absolute, unwavering connection to God is only going to become more important. I urge you to support yourself in that way. Through that you will be supporting yourself and also so many others.


Your own connection to God is the greatest form of support you can give. It is an important service at this time, to the world and to other beings, that you strengthen and increase, to the maximum you are able, that grid of connection to God. It will help make this passage easier, gentler, more graceful for all. I ask that all of you do your part, as much as you are able, to make this possible, to strengthen this, to help others, to help all in this way. And of course, it will make it most wonderful for you to do this, as well.


I am reaching out and sincerely asking for everyone’s help. Each person who participates in this way will make an enormous difference. The number one thing is your connection to God. Beyond that there is blessing, prayer, sending light. All of those things are most wonderful, but they are secondary. The most important thing is your bond, your oneness with God. That will make the greatest difference. It will also guide you and let you know what you are to be doing that is perfect for you, through all these changes. You will have clarity, you will know. It is important for yourself, as well, to have that clarity and guidance.


So I beseech you to maintain this practice, this disposition, what you might call “this asana” of connection to God with the greatest strength that you are able. Call upon your guides, call upon God directly. Ask for help in whatever form seems strongest for you and you will receive it. I thank you for doing that. It is so important that this be held on the Earth, as well, and not simply by the higher beings, who are doing so much to support this. You have your part to do, too. And it is very important.


[End of Part 1]





Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Mary Magdalene: About Monogamy

Part 2 of a Message Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On June 16, 2013

Question: When talking about the deep, love-filled union that you and Yeshua achieved together, were you a monogamous couple? Is monogamy representative of a true love or Sacred Sexuality type of relationship?


Mary Magdalene: We were in relationship at an extremely high level. At that level, relationship is so fulfilling, it is natural to simply be with one another. At that level, we do not make these kinds of pacts or delineations that you tend to make. So it never occurred to us to define our relationship in any particular way. It was a response at the highest levels of our being to each other.


I would like to understand more why you are asking this question. Can you please clarify?


Question: Yes. A lot of relationships have this issue come up. I’m wondering if being monogamous is representative of having the highest Sacred Sexuality type of relationship that you and Jesus had?


Mary Magdalene: It takes wisdom to understand where these questions come from. It takes discernment to understand if your motive is coming from your most high connection to God and your calling for that, or not. It is possible to have no limit on your loving. But it is not likely, because your desire is so fulfilled in your relationship. Yet it is possible that you may have this with more than one person.


In your world, having more than one partner is generally a distraction from the work that people have to do of growing in God. It is generally not based in the very highest motives. It is often based on a disconnection from God, where there is a sense of lack of receiving the exquisite properties that are always being offered. Out of that lack, one may feel a need to find it in a different person.


Oftentimes this lack is related to wounding. It’s related to a block within the person of actually receiving the love that they seek. They may have a deep wound, and out of that wound, a deep fear of opening to a level that will cause them to that experience that wound. Because of that fear, when they begin to approach this level of depth of love with a partner, they withdraw and seek another partner. This is done to protect them from that level of intimacy that will bring up the wound. But the best thing that they could do would be to bring up that wound, so that it could be healed.


Relationship will bring up everything that is necessary for healing. This is why it is wise to be strong in yourself and in your relationship to God, before you enter into relationship with a partner. This is why, when I began to talk today, I began with those two arenas—your relationship to yourself and to God, because they form the foundation. If they are not strong, you will bring extra challenge into your relationship.


When there is challenge in relationship, the first thing to look at is your relationship to yourself, your own inner Feminine and Masculine, and your relationship to God. See if there is work to be done there and if the challenge that is being brought up is guiding you to that work, so that you may do it.


In most cases, in your world, that will be the case with people who are considering the idea of multiple partnerships. They will see that there is actually their own work to be done, which will resolve the question in their mind.


But it is a possibility that people could be in relationships with more than one partner. Yet in your world it is not likely. Most of those relationships will tend to happen at higher levels. For some people, who are greatly drawn to seeking multiple partners, it is because they remember this possibility. But it is not what they came into the third dimension to actually experience. For most people, it is complicating their lives and their spiritual work to try to create this and sustain it. For most people, expanded relationships will be found at the subtler levels, in their relationships with their guides, in their relationship with God. It will not be necessary to manifest that at the physical level with multiple partners.


[End of Part 2]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Akashic Record Readings, and Guidance from Beings of Light. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Mary Magdalene: The Exquisite Gifts Men and Women Give to Each Other

Part 1 of a Message
Received By Mercedes Kirkel
On June 16, 2013


Blessings my dear ones—to all of you here today and all of you who will be hearing me in the future. Blessings to all of you. I am most happy to return, to communicate with you once again. I thank you for inviting me here and creating this beautiful space. To all of you beautiful beings who are holding this space and connecting with me, I say thank you from the bottom of my heart. I love you and I am honored to be with you.


And yes, there are things that I wish to communicate with you today. As Mercedes described earlier, I have already been communicating with her, speaking with her about the relationship between the Masculine and the Feminine, which is so important and so dear to my heart. It is this which I feel many are struggling with right now. They are struggling within themselves, in terms of their relationship with their own Masculine and Feminine and the play between the two. This, of course, is always the foundation, always the root and source of any other aspects of the relationship between the Masculine and Feminine that you are dealing with. So this is the first arena that is most important to work with. It is what allows you to enter into the other forms of the relationship between the Masculine and Feminine.


There is another form of this relationship of the Masculine and Feminine, which I have talked about a great deal and is recorded in the book that Mercedes has brought through [Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love]. This is the relationship of the Masculine and Feminine as aspects of God and how they relate to each other. You could call this the Masculine face of God or the Feminine face of God. You could also call it the Masculine form and the Feminine form of God. I have gone into great detail about this in the messages in the book, so I do not need to repeat that. But this is very important for people to understand and will help you in coming into balance with your own inner Masculine and inner Feminine, because they are inextricably linked to each other. Your inner Feminine is inextricably linked to the Divine Feminine and the Feminine form of God. Your inner Masculine is inextricably linked to the Divine Masculine and the Masculine form of God. So the Divine Feminine and Masculine is the next arena that is most important for people to understand.


The third most important arena in your world in the third dimension—and other dimensions as well—is to understand the relationship between men and women. This is a more outer relationship. It involves the Masculine and Feminine manifested in form as individual men and women having a particular gender. This is an area of great complication and confusion for many of you in your world. It is this that I want to speak about more today. But I began with talking about the inner Masculine and Feminine and the Divine Masculine and Feminine, because without understanding these, without being in right relationship to these, it will be very difficult for you to ever come into harmonious, easeful, and mutually supportive relationships in form between men and women, as they manifest in their unique genders.


Yet this is the place that many of you find yourselves in your life, struggling with your relationships with individuals who are of the other gender, and to a certain extent struggling with individuals who are of the same gender. Your relationships with the opposite gender and the same gender are different. At different times, in different ways, and with different people, you have struggles and challenges with each.


Some of this relates to your early childhood and what you learned in your early childhood. If you were blessed to have a mother and father who had a very healthy form of relating between men and women, then by and large you will have a much easier time in your relationships between men and women, because you learned by example and modeling at a very young and formative age how to navigate these kinds of relationships. A similar thing applies to your relationship with your siblings. It is not usually as impactful as your relationship with your parents, but for most people it will certainly have some effect. All these early relationships oftentimes influence your understanding, your ease, and your development relative to being able to relate between the Masculine and Feminine in form, in terms of men and women.


I wish to speak about my relationship with Yeshua, for I was blessed in so many ways to be in relationship with him. There is so much about our relationship that is a model for the kind of relationship that you have the potential of having and that will be deeply fulfilling for you, to the degree that you are able to experience this kind of relationship. Yeshua was the archetype, if you will, the epitome of the Divine Masculine in form in so many ways. He was deeply connected to the Masculine form of God, which is all about consciousness. His consciousness was exquisitely pure and that is the nature of consciousness. The ultimate purity is the consciousness of God.


Consciousness is that aspect which transcends this world. Because so many of you have a profound relationship to Yeshua and what he brought in, many of you understand in a very deep, whole-being way what it is to be connected to consciousness through his living, his manifestation of consciousness in human form. He brought consciousness into form so that people could have a direct experience of it. Because it was so pure, it is a very clear experience of the Masculine form of God.


There are many different ways to manifest consciousness. The highest form is to be connected to the Divine Father, the Masculine form of God, [brief pause] Divine Masculine. [brief pause] Please excuse me. I tend to lose myself as I talk about these things. I tend to find myself so drawn into this form, it is hard for me to stay focused on the communication I am making. But I will continue.


It is this aspect that men bring forth most strongly, or any person, man or woman, who is choosing a Masculine role. It is the aspect of consciousness which informs your thinking, it informs all of your mind, it informs your decision-making processes, it informs your choices as to how you will engage in the world, what actions you will choose to take. This is the form in a man-woman relationship that a man is most strong in, optimally, if he is taking the Masculine role.


It is why men tend to, you might say, come from their mind or live in their mind more, because they are more directly connected to consciousness through their minds. Many of you today are feeling imbalanced in being in your minds. And it is true that there is balance to be attained. But do not underestimate that the mind is a tremendous gift, a beautiful blessing that ultimately comes directly from God in the Masculine form.


The power of consciousness in the form of the mind is part of what makes you in the likeness of God. You are given consciousness through the Divine Masculine. The mind is part of what allows you to be a creative being, just as God is a creative being. It is an immense gift. It is also a responsibility, for there are many different ways the mind can be used. But if you align yourself to God, it will always be used in the highest form. That is what is intended and has always been intended.


I am going to shift now to the more Feminine side of God. The Feminine side of God is the beautiful form of Divine Feminine energy. In the Indian tradition there is a name for this. They call it “Shakti.” It is understood that Shakti is the creative force that manifests in form. Just as women are always the ones that bring forth new life, new beings, new creation, Shakti is the power of creativity in form. Today it is sad that many women are not naturally in touch with this Divine Feminine energy. In some ways, in today’s world, men are more in touch with it—not within themselves, but they are very clear that this is an exquisite gift that they receive from women. Sadly women have lost touch with this to a certain degree because there has been such a focus on developing the Masculine. They have lost touch with their own beauty, their power, their Divine gift of this Feminine energy. It is this Feminine energy that feeds the Masculine. It feeds the Masculine in terms of giving life-force, energy. It is nurturing and sustaining. It is the same nurturance and sustenance that allows a mother to sustain a baby, though of course, not in the same way. And not to say that men are babies by any means, once they outgrow that stage of life. But the Feminine has the power to sustain life. She does it in a different way in relationship with a man, a very blessed, exquisite way.


This is the fundamental play between the Masculine and the Feminine. The Masculine brings the force of consciousness—of clarity, insight, understanding, and determining direction. The Feminine brings the force of support, nurturance, energy, which feeds and gives life to this form of consciousness. The two together are able to manifest in life. It takes both to manifest. And the two feed each other. The Masculine (in the form of a man) cares for the Feminine (in the form of a woman) through bringing his consciousness to the woman. And the Feminine (in the form of a woman) cares for the Masculine (in the form of a man) through bringing her life-force and supportive energy to the man.


Of course, each individual can bring this to themselves. This is why you are able to live as individuals. But in general, a man will be stronger in the Masculine. And in general, a woman will be stronger in the Feminine. This is because it is natural for men and women to bring these gifts to each other and to create together through their unique gifts. The beauty of this is that when what they bring is pure and true, what can be created is greater than the sum of what they could create on their own.


This is the beauty of relationship, as I knew it with Yeshua. He brought me the force, the purity, the exquisite Masculine nature of his consciousness filled with God. He brought that light to me. I brought him the full blessings of the Feminine—the life-force that sustains and supports and cherishes. We both cherished each other in our own ways. And out of that we created together. We created the seed form for his teaching, his work, his gifts, for our gifts that we brought together to take root and to hold and to manifest. You can understand the strength of what we brought forth by seeing what has manifested for 2000 years and continues to manifest—perhaps not perfectly, perhaps influenced by other forces, other inputs. But there is an unmistakable manifestation that is still in process in the world that is of Yeshua and of our union together.


As a woman, it is my great delight to do everything I can to support the light that Yeshua brought into the world. As a man, it was his great delight to receive all of my love, my energy, my support, and to bring his light to me, to care for me in the most ultimate way. This is one of the greatest things that you can manifest in life, this union between the Masculine and the Feminine, when it is aligned to the highest purpose of the soul and to receiving God’s work, God’s direction, God’s being-ness in the highest, fullest form.


Many, many of you are in touch with this. You have this sense of longing for your partner of this nature. Some may call it their soul mate or their twin flame. The name is not significant. It is the relationship that is significant. When you find it you will know it, because your hearts are so fully open to each other, and your desire is to give to the other in this exquisite way and to receive the gifts of the other in this equally exquisite way.


For many of you, there will be aspects of your relationship that are not entirely easeful, that are challenging. This is actually another gift of relationship, because it reflects back to you anything that is still needing completion, healing, growth, or purifying in your own personal manifestation process—either of manifesting the Masculine and Feminine, or of opening fully to the Masculine and Feminine. Relationship is a great gift if you understand it in this way, which helps you in your own work of completion. When that work is complete, you will no longer experience those challenges.


Ultimately, when that work is complete, you will no longer experience this realm. This is a realm of physicality, of duality, of limitations in many ways, so it is inherently challenging. But since you are manifesting here now, it is a sign that you are not complete, that you are still in the process of completing your work here. As such, relationships can be a great support to you in showing you the areas that are needed for completion, as well as reconnecting you with this beautiful union of the Masculine and Feminine.


All forms of union of the Masculine and Feminine are ultimately a mirror of the union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine as Mother-Father God, who are always in union with each other. This is what brings the joy, the love, the rapture, the light in the male-female relationship. You are simply experiencing the perfection of the union of the Divine Masculine and Feminine.


[End of Part 1]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Akashic Record Readings, and Guidance from Beings of Light. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Archangel Michael: Understanding Killing, Emotions, and Imagination

Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel on June 2, 2013


Question: I heard a story that you intervened in one of the world wars to protect a soldier by killing other soldiers. I was wondering about killing other people. Is is justified at all for self-defense? What does that look like in the other realms when you kill another person?


Archangel Michael: This is a complex question.


Part of the reason beings have come into the third dimension is to explore all aspects of power. Taking the life of another being is one aspect of power. It is something that we, at the higher dimensions, do not engage in, nor do we have need to. In general, at the higher dimensions there is a very firm law about not interfering with the free will of another. Exerting your power over another being to take their life would be considered a form of interference in that way, a very strong form.


Yet at the third dimension, overriding another’s free will has been allowed because of this exploration of power. Interfering with another being’s free will has been perceived as supportive of the exploration of power. At this point, it is generally held that there has been enough of that exploration. There is no need for it to go any further, and there is much suffering and pain that has been created by this exploration.


We at the higher levels are not stopping this exploration, for it is not ours to stop. We simply encourage beings, if they are complete with their own personal soul work in the arena of third-dimensional power, to move out of that form of engagement at the third dimension. We urge such ones to shift in their awareness and their focus to integrating the lessons they have learned through their ascension process and move into greater love and greater light, which ultimately will carry them into higher dimensions. This is our recommendation for those who ask and are open. It is the thrust of our support for people, with no judgment for those who have engaged in any forms, because all have been doing their soul work.


Higher dimensional beings may intervene in the free will choices of beings in the third dimension, but the form of intervention may be different than you understand. Our form of intervention varies from circumstance to circumstance, but in general it is to bring light and to bring love. It is rare for us to intervene in other ways in free will choices. But there are occasions where that is done, if it is felt that it will prevent something happening that is not aligned with the current universal program, if you will. That is all that I am allowed to say about that at this time.


Question: In this journey to higher consciousness and love, we still live in the third-dimensional world. How would you suggest for us to stay grounded? Sometimes we get swayed by personal emotions, so that at times we might fall off the tracks, though we know that it is minor and we have to look beyond it. How can we get past that, so we can continue on the path and not get swayed, and yet live in the third-dimensional world?


Archangel Michael: Many of you have made a great error by looking at emotions as minor. There is really no such thing as “minor.” It is kind of like saying a finger is minor. How minor is it? It’s a part of who you are.


Emotions are very important. They are part of what you’ve come to the third dimension—and this world in particular—to experience and to become masters of. Many of you have the wrong idea that emotions are something that is interfering with your spiritual process. If emotions are showing up, it is oftentimes a sign that this is something you need to actually engage, to work with. Your lack of grounding may very well be due to the fact that you are not properly working with emotions. If you are somehow distancing yourself from them, that would be very ungrounding.


You may need help in understanding this. This has been a great weakness in the Earth’s spiritual development for a very long time, where there has been very little understanding of emotions and how emotions are a part of the spiritual process. This has a lot to do with the fact that for a very long time in your history, the spiritual process on Earth has been largely guided by the Masculine—not only men, but the Masculine energy. And the Masculine energy tends to be less understanding of emotions.


So the emotional incidents you’re noticing may be a sign that you have emotional work to do. This will only become more important at the higher dimensions. The fourth dimension is a very emotional dimension. If you have not done your work in the third dimension, you will find it even more unbalancing in the fourth dimension. This is another reason that it is very important that you become strong in your emotions, become wise, become spiritually mature in that area.


Understanding how to engage emotions is part of the work that Mary Magdalene has been doing. She has been bringing in the emotional component, which is so important for people on the Earth to understand. She has rightly judged that this is an area of great weakness for many humans, and something that many humans need help with at this time.


There are four bodies—some have referred to them as the four lower bodies—the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental bodies. All four need to be strong for you to stay grounded. They are the foundation in the third dimension that allows you to launch into the higher dimensions. If any of them are not strong, you will tend to be imbalanced, which may very likely show up as being ungrounded.


Most of you are quite developed in the mental. Your world has done a very good job of schooling you in the mental. Many of you are quite imbalanced, in that you’re developed in the mental only and not strongly developed in the other three bodies: the physical, emotional, and energetic. This has been done on purpose in your world because, while most of you think the mind is very strong, it is actually very easy to control a being who is primarily in their lower mind.


Very many of you—speaking to you as the greater humanity who are interested in the ascension process—have work to do to develop your physical, energetic, and emotional bodies. Many of you have more understanding of the physical and what your work is to do at that level. Many of you are less aware of the emotional and energetic. The energetic is working with things like your chakras and all the features of your energy body that ultimately will help you to make the shift into the fourth dimension and be strong there—the opening of your pineal gland, your third eye, your merkaba, all of the aspects of your energy body. But that actually is an easier process for most of you than your emotional work.


For most of you, the emotional work is unclear, muddled. And for many of you it is imbalancing you. I recommend that you evaluate your strength in those four arenas—the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental—and see where you need further work, where there is either healing to do or learning to do, so that you become strong and balanced in those four arenas. Then you will stay grounded.


Question: I have a question regarding imagination. When I was young, it was very easy and useful for me to use my imagination. Now that I’m older in my life, it’s become difficult for me to recapture the power of imagination. I use it to construct my life. Do you have a comment on how imagination works and how I can strengthen it to improve my life.


Archanchangel Michael: That is a very accurate understanding of imagination. Constructing life is exactly the intent and purpose of imagination, ultimately. Imagination is an aspect of consciousness. It is the creative aspect of consciousness, both in terms of being a creative process and in terms of creating your life, as you said.


If there is a block or a breakdown in your being able to access imagination, it points to some blockage or wounding in one of the four bodies I was referencing earlier, most likely the energetic. It may have an emotional component, but it is most likely the energetic. What may support you the most is learning how to open all the energetic functions and pathways. There are many who understand this. This being who is channeling is one of those who understands this. Others do, as well.


It is not a difficult task for you to reconnect with your imagination if you have become disconnected from it. It is valuable to do so.


[There is a space of silence.]


Perhaps we are complete for today. I thank you. This has been most wonderful. I value my time with you, my connection with you. I am so refreshed by being in your company, experiencing your beauty, your light. Thank you, dear ones, for all you bring.


With this, I go with great love. I AM Archangel Michael.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Akashic Record Readings, and Guidance from Beings of Light. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Archangel Michael: Remembering How To Live In More Than One Dimension

Part 2 of a Message
Received through Mercedes Kirkel on June 2, 2013

Question: Could you speak about remembering how to live in more than one dimension simultaneously?


Archangel Michael: This is the process you will naturally go through as you begin to ascend into higher dimensions. And it is true that it is a remembering process. You have done this before. But in the third dimension you have forgotten. It is part of the quality, the nature of the third dimension that there is this veil of forgetting. So you are remembering, reawakening your consciousness, your memory, your abilities to exist in higher dimensions.


As this process is taking place, it is natural that you will start to spend time in dimensions higher than the third dimension. At first it will very likely be the fourth dimension, and perhaps the fifth or sixth. Those are the most common that most people initially connect with. Most often, it is for finite periods of time, somewhat like going to sleep at night and having a dream, and then waking up. You have the dream and then you come back to your waking state that you are familiar with. You don’t feel like you’re in the dream world anymore. Yet it has its effect. You may remember the dream. You may feel altered by the dream.


Initially, spending time in the higher dimensions can be something like this. That is a good analogy, because you all have the experience of being able to shift into dream worlds. If you meditate, you oftentimes have the experience of going into other states of consciousness in meditation. If you have done shamanic work, journey work, you have oftentimes had the experience of traveling into what are most likely other dimensions. So there is precedent for this. There is historical precedent in your world and there is also personal precedent. That may help, to understand that you already have a body of experience you can draw upon.


Over time what will generally happen is that you start to spend more time—of course this is speaking of time from the third-dimensional perspective and your sense of time as you may perceive it on the third dimension—you start to spend more time in these higher dimensions. They start to become more attractive to you. They start to draw you.


There are also traditional precedents for this. In the Indian tradition, there is the story of Krishna and the Gopis. The gopis were the cowherd maidens who fell in love with Krishna. Their job was to milk the cows. But out of their love for Krishna, they were so attracted to Krishna, that when Krishna would appear they would just forget about everything—their lives, their work, their families—and go off and follow Krishna. This is an analogy of what starts to happen. You start to become more attracted to the higher dimensions. They are very attractive, especially from the perspective of the third dimension. That attraction starts to draw you more and more. It is simply a natural process, like falling in love, where your energy and attention start to go there, start to move there naturally. Out of that, you start to spend more and more time there.


This may start to happen when you are not consciously setting aside a space of time to do this—outside of your sacred occasions, your meditation, your sleep, your entering into a particular process. It might just start to happen spontaneously. It might initially happen by coming out of those processes and continuing to carry that state with you. Or just spontaneously going into that state more and more in the midst of what you might call “ordinary life.” You might be aware of this. You might not be aware of this. Perhaps you’re aware of it after the fact. You look back and say, “I’ve been operating from a different place. I’ve been in the fourth-dimensional space.” This has always been recognized by those who meditate as one of the reasons for meditating: Having an ongoing practice, with regularity, starts to change your consciousness and your reality. You start to more and more bring that higher consciousness, and the reality based on that consciousness, into your everyday life, to live more and more from that place.


This will start to happen more and more. It is very supportive to have some practice that you engage with regularity to quicken and strengthen this process—whether that’s meditation, a quiet time where you open yourself to going into higher spaces and dimensions and communing with higher beings, or whatever you find that is supportive of you. To do this with regularity can be very valuable and make the process stronger, and oftentimes smoother and easier, as well.


So there is an integration process going on where you will start to shift. You will start to spend increasing amounts of time and periods of time in these higher dimension. This is intended to be as easeful as possible. There are many beings who have gone through this process. You on Earth right now are going through it at an amazing speed, much faster than has been done before, for the most part. There may be some challenge in this, some discomfort. At the physical level, there can be challenges. At the energetic level, there can be challenges. At the emotional and mental levels—all of those levels. This is why it is very useful to have your body in as pure of a state as possible, and to do any healing or growth work that is necessary at the physical, energetic, emotional, and mental levels. The more that these levels are open and do not have blockages or wounding, the smoother and easier this process will become. So that can be very supportive—to complete any work that is necessary in those areas.


Eventually you will make the shift, where you are centered or based in that higher dimension. You may still have a part of you that is visiting or functioning on the third dimension, completing whatever your soul work is in the third dimension. But your base will primarily be at the higher dimensions.


[End of Part 2]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Archangel Michael: News Flash from the Higher Dimensions

Part 1 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel on June 2, 2013


Blessings dear one. This is Archangel Michael. It has been a while since we have communicated in this form and I am moved to be with you again. It is my delight and pleasure to be with you today.


I wish to give you somewhat of an update of how I perceive things are going for you in your world. You might think of it as a news flash or a weather report from my station in the higher dimensions. What I see is very good. I see the light on Earth increasing. This is a direct effect of each person and the light they are anchoring, the light they are opening to. This is a great process. It is a process that, especially in the third dimension, is not easily accomplished. Yet it is happening in your world, in ways that I suspect many of you may not fully realize. It is happening gradually and continuously. Often things that are gradual and continuous are not as obvious. It is also happening at deep and profound levels. Because all of you are still involved in third-dimensional functioning, you are required to spend at least a certain part of your energy and awareness in functioning in more third-dimensional, superficial ways. So that, too, may contribute to you being less than fully aware of what is happening on the deeper levels. So I come to confirm this, to lend you my viewpoint, perhaps my “sight.”


Ultimately, what is happening in any place of manifestation is very simple. It is a process of consciousness made manifest. Such manifestation happens, in the most subtle form, through light. As light becomes increasingly drawn into manifestation, it takes other forms, more solid forms, if you will. Thus you eventually have things like physicality. This is one aspect of your world, the consciousness/light aspect. Then there is the aspect of love. These two go together. They are partners, if you will.


At this time, many of you are starting to understand how consciousness comes into play and affects the quality of light in your world, the clarity of light in your world, the accessibility of light in your world, the abundance or lack of abundance of light in your world. So many of you are beginning to work at the level of consciousness, which is a most wonderful thing.


There are two approaches. You can approach transformation and growth through consciousness, and this will open you to love. Or you can approach transformation and growth through love, and this will open you to consciousness. These are not in conflict. They are very harmonious. As a matter of fact, they are both inextricably connected. But some of you may resonate with one or the other more. Some of you may find more ease in working more consciously with one or the other, consciousness or love. And that is fine.


It is most valuable to do what is strong for you. You will progress the most clearly and directly in that way. You will also contribute most valuably in that way, by bringing your strength, your gift, your uniqueness. Do not worry if the other parts are not as strong, clear, or accessible for you. Everything you require is being given. If pieces that you see others involved in are not, perhaps, your path, they are simply not your path. (quietly laughs) Those gifts will come to you in other ways.


What is important is that you contribute your gift and that you understand the vastness, the whole, and are supportive of others and their gifts, while not necessarily needing to pursue them yourself. Ultimately you are supported by the strengths and differences of others. It is part of why you do not need to pursue all paths, because you are part of the whole. It is like your body. The heart does not need to do what the liver does. They each benefit from the work of the other.


What I see is that your work is progressing beautifully. The light is increasing—your personal light and the light of your whole planet. You are involved and underway with this ascension process. Some of you may have wanted to see certain signs, certain events, which may or may not have happened. Or perhaps there are other events that are disturbing you, causing you to be worried or even fearful about the future of your planet. It is most helpful if you allow these to be without giving them energy, not getting involved in them. They are helping others to complete certain things, release certain things that are important for them. If it is not your work, you do not need to become involved.


It is best to be involved with the highest level of light that you can connect with. Support that within yourself and in your world in whatever way is true for you. Become sensitive to whether you are engaged in things that lower your light, diminish your brightness, and extricate yourself from those circumstances. They are not necessary and they are not most supportive. Each of you will have your own path for doing that. But you are free-will beings. You are in choice. You are not stuck or limited to any circumstance.


Do not beat yourself up with this. If you are in a circumstance that is challenging, there is a reason for that in your life. You may have a learning or a karmic debt that you are completing. Bring the light into that circumstance. Choose light where you are.


There are forms of choosing light. Gratitude is a form of choosing light. Connecting with God is a form of choosing light. Prayer is a form of choosing light. Communion in any way is a form of choosing light. Become sensitive to when the light is strong for you. Become sensitive to how you feel. Become sensitive to the effects in the world around you. Become sensitive to your mind, your heart. Become aware. Then it will be easier for you to notice the changes, the shifts, what increases the light, what dims the light.


You are all light bringers, light bearers, light rejoicers. Do not forget to celebrate the light, in whatever way fills your heart with joy.


This is my message for you this morning. I thank you for listening, for allowing me the opportunity to share this with you.


[End of Part 1]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Isis: The Temples of Isis and the Black Madonna


Part 2 of a Message
Received through Mercedes Kirkel on May 5, 2013


Question: Could you share your history with us—if you had an incarnation on this planet or if you have a soul fragment on this planet? I’ve heard about the temples of Isis. Were a lot of women related with your temple and can you share what they were doing with you at the temple of Isis?


Isis: Thank you so much. I am most happy to respond to this question.


I have not had an incarnation on the Earth plane. I operate through the higher levels into the Earth plane, from my incarnations in Venus and, through Venus, going back to Sirius.


There have been many temples of Isis and many beings associated with them—not only women, also men—although there were many more women who were involved. The majority of those men and women were connected with me through Venus and through Sirius, and know me very well as part of the greater soul group that we are all a part of. But they chose to come and incarnate on the Earth plane. So we maintain our very strong connection through the form of the temple.


Really that is what a temple is, more than anything. It is a soul group coming together. It is not the physical structure so much as the living energy of a soul group and their spiritual purpose on Earth, and even beyond Earth. Our soul group is very much focused on the qualities of the Divine Feminine in union with the Divine Masculine. In some ways, the purpose is more about manifesting the Divine Feminine, so that it can be in union with the Divine Masculine.


So that was always the purpose in the temples and it took many forms. It took the form of blessing the Earth, honoring the Earth. It took the form of blessing fertility and creation, in terms of plant life, animal life, food for all beings, human birth and fertility and supporting that process, and raising young beings into maturity. It took the form of healing work, of care and love for the physical and the other bodies as well—healing the emotional, the etheric, the mental, the spiritual. It took the form of Sacred Sexuality as a manifestation of a powerful avenue for connecting with God. And it took the form of ritual and ceremony—ways of connecting with God that are more expressive of the Divine Feminine. Whereas the Divine Masculine tends to be expressed through practices that are often exemplified by the monastic life—silence, meditation, disciplines—the Feminine is more characterized by compassion, love, joy, and energy expressions.


There were also the mystery schools that were connected with the temples. The mystery schools were especially devoted to the understanding, expression, and development of what you might call subtler energy features that human beings are able to access and work with. These are things like your chakra system and the energy that runs through your spine. There are also higher states of energy that can be accessed, which are associated with higher dimensions and abilities in the higher dimensions that you do not, in general, possess at the third dimension.


Some of these abilities have been called “magic,” and perhaps that is a way that you can understand what is being talked about. You may be more familiar with that term than the way it was described more commonly in the temples of Isis. It refers to the same thing. In the temples, we only used these powers and abilities for the highest good—for blessing, for connection with God, and doing God’s work.


Question: There’s so much going on in ourselves, our home, our community, our work, and also in our government, where there’s such a breakdown in polarity. I was wondering if you could say something about the breakdown in polarity and how we can assist. What would that look like?


Isis: You must understand that the old way is dying. Much of what you see is the death process, or the resistance to the death process. There is not that much that you can do, just as when you see an individual dying. They are on their path. You can bring your blessings. This is true of any circumstance—you can always bring your blessings. But in some ways, because of the ways that power has been manipulated in the past, the old forms have drawn their energy, their food source from your attention. If you continue to give them attention, you will continue to feed them. This will actually prolong this death process, as opposed to allowing it to take its more natural course.


I would encourage you to allow the old way to die. The best way to do that is to not feed it. Do not give it energy. Instead, focus on yourself, first and foremost. Focus on what you need and what is supporting you. Focus on the birth that is happening through you. There is an amazing birth happening right now. Do not miss it! (Isis laughs) Stay aware of that birth. That is what needs your life energy. It is happening in you. And it is going to be happening between you, in your connections with one another. It is not going to happen because some great leader is going to step forth and lead a charge into the new age. (Isis laughs again) It is happening just the way birth happens, one being at a time.


This birth is going to happen in the way a mother loves a child that comes in—through your heart and your body and your energy. That is why the Divine Feminine is so important right now. This is why your thoughts are going to have very little to do with it. For the most part, you don’t have to use your thoughts when you’re in the birth process. Occasionally there are times when that is most valuable, if there is help that is needed, or change, or whatever. But for the most part, your body knows what to do, your heart knows what to do, your energy knows what to do. That is what you can do. That is what will support this shift more than anything.


You have no idea how powerful you are. Sadly, access to your power has been held back for so long. There have been these institutions, these bodies that have supported the idea that you are not powerful, that there’s nothing you can do. That is almost the exact opposite of what’s the truth. You are so powerful and there is everything that you can do. In fact, it all rests with the individuals. This is part of the great shift in consciousness that you are going through right now. One by one you are awakening to this, like light bulbs suddenly turning on—realizing your power, realizing your strength, realizing that the power is not with these structures, these organizations, these institutions, these bodies. They are only as powerful as the power you give them. The way you take your power back is simply to withdraw your attention from those structures and bring your attention back to yourself.


And when they are affecting you, speak! Shout! Shout your “NO!”—that you will not allow that. Show them the strength of your body and your emotions and your voice. Be the strong Feminine that you are! You are powerful! (quietly) And you are going to discover it.


Question: I used to think I had to control thought, somewhat like someone who’s into gambling would control gambling. It hit me that I just have to let it go completely, not just be able to control my brain and not think when I meditate. But it’s hard for me to let that go and I’m not sure if I’m on the right path.


Isis: It is not necessary that you let go of thought. But it is necessary that you let go of control of thought. Controlling thought takes tremendous energy and will distract you from your higher work. For most of you, the way that you can let go of control of thought is through a choice to do so. But then you will often find that you are deluged with thoughts.


What you are called to do is to bring yourself to stillness. The way that you do this is through your heart, through connecting with your heart. This is what will calm the thoughts. It is also what will open you to your higher mind. Then that energy that was previously generating thought will, more and more, feed your higher mind. You will not be having this kind of lower mind activity. So it is well that you are letting go of control of thought. The idea of it being beneficial to control thought is a misunderstanding.


You cannot solve thought with thought.  The heart is higher. But to be in your heart, you must do the foundation work. That work is what Mary Magdalene is bringing forth. It is through your emotion, your feeling, your energy, your body. If you have not done that work, you will not be able to stay in your heart. And then you will be dominated by thought. So the work is not with thought. It is with your heart and the foundation practices that allow you to be in your heart.  If you are not clear about those practices, it would be well to study this. The book that Mary Magdalene has brought through, via Mercedes, is an excellent form of that study. This is a very serious process—serious, not in the terms of weighty or heavy, but real.


You actually need to learn this because most of you have been disenfranchised. You had these abilities when you came in as a baby. But one way or another, most of you were trained out of it. And it is greatly impairing you. It is very real that you need to connect with this. You are not going to be able to bypass it. These steps are real and necessary. If you want to grow, it is imperative that you take yourself to school. If need be, find help. Find a teacher. Find a guide. Whatever is necessary, this transformation must occur.


Question: I find that I’m being very drawn to the black Madonna. From what I understand, there’s a lot of written information that talks about your connection with the black Madonna. Could you explain about that?


Isis: The Black Madonna was part of the inner school, the mystery secrets within the temple. It was a representation of the higher powers that were developed through the temple practices and training. Those powers had the possibility to be used for what you might call “dark” or “light.” But it was the power of the Feminine. Just as the moon is the dark energy to the sun, the Black Madonna was the power of the Feminine. And it includes the power of energy. It’s an enormous power, a sacred practice.


The Black Madonna was held with great love, great honoring, great respect, great reverence for the power of the Feminine and the use of it. Those who were schooled and understood those powers and practices often find, as they come back into incarnation once again, that they’re drawn to this icon, this symbol of the Feminine, in the form of the Black Madonna. If you find that draw within yourself, it is a sign that you are one of those who were schooled in this way.


Now I sense it is time for us to close. I have tears of joy being with you. I love you so much. You are so precious. The work you are doing as beings of God, beings of love and light is so extremely valuable. Thank you to each and every one of you. You are dear to my heart.


Now I leave you with great love. Blessings to all of you.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Isis: Quickening The Shift Into Fourth Dimension

Part 1 of a Message Given Through Mercedes Kirkel

On May 5, 2013


[Note from Mercedes: This channeling was given at an ongoing group I lead that’s dedicated to supporting people in the ascension process. We had just engaged a discussion of changing the format of the group to become more co-creative by forming a council to determine what would happen in the gatherings rather than having one person (me) in charge. Isis is referring to this change as she begins her communication.]




Blessings dear ones. This is Goddess Isis.


I am thrilled to be with you this morning. I feel especially moved to be here because of the process that you have just gone through, which speaks so directly to my heart. You are moving in the direction of the higher beings and I am filled with joy by this. I see the light increasing around you and around what you are creating together. What you are underway with is so important. It is an essential part of the ascension process. For this is truly how we operate as higher beings. We operate as group entities, in different configurations—depending on the purpose, the beings that are involved, and their particular level of development. But what you are engaging is very much in the direction of the higher dimensions.


So I feel drawn to be with you and my heart is responding so strongly to what you are creating through this co-creative process. For truly it has been said—and it is absolutely the case—that the old model of having a leader and followers is coming to an end. It was something that you all needed to explore for a period of time. And it is something that you are so ready to go beyond. At this point, it is a limit to continue in that model.


It is important to clarify—because sometimes there is confusion when beings are used to this old model of the leader/follower roles—that this isn’t to say that there won’t be people stepping into leadership roles for particular functions. If someone has a gift, if someone has a talent or a strength, it is wise to allow them to lead and to offer that gift and that talent. It is just that it is done for particular purposes and functions, and it is done in service to the whole. It is not done as an authority, or as a power model or function. The authority and power are held by the group, always—by everyone in the group. It is very essential that you realize that everyone has power and that the group does not have its full power if everyone is not contributing their individual power.


Part of the old model that you’re releasing is your understanding, or awareness, or perception of what is power, what is strength, what is a gift. Many people have gifts that are currently not being recognized—often by themselves, and often by others. In the past, you have had a certain model or an image of what it is to contribute, what it is to lead, or who has those qualities, those strengths, those abilities. This is part of what you’re going beyond. You often thought that people who were assertive were the ones who should be the leaders. And there are times, of course, when that is important and that gift is very valuable. But there are times when the ones who are less assertive have gifts that are very valuable. There are times when the quiet ones are most valuable and have the most to offer. Part of the challenge that you are all going into is to recognize and embrace the gifts and powers of all—to create a form and a structure that includes all, allows all to give, allows all to receive from all.


This may seem confusing to you because you are accustomed to the old ways of operating and of interacting with others. But you will find it exceedingly doable and enjoyable and exciting, and it will feed you. You will have so much energy from operating in this way, which you haven’t had before. It will feed you and you will come to cherish this process, just the way that you cherish having a lover and exchanging your energies through sexuality. Not to say that you’re going to be having sex (as you know it) in these group situations. But you will enjoy an exchange of deep energy with others, a most wonderful exchange that will enliven you, teach you so much, bring you joy. You will come to value this in a way that perhaps is new to you or you haven’t experienced in the past. I am very excited for you to move into this experience and this kind of joy.


You have been so habituated and accustomed to separation, to a level that most of you have no idea how much it’s affected you. I am delighted and truly excited to watch as you open up, step-by-step, to going beyond these self-imposed limits of separation, which you have assumed. You oftentimes aren’t realizing how much your orientation to separation is limiting you, how much more there is to experience when you go beyond those limits. And so I applaud you, I cheer you on and support you tremendously, as you open to this new way of operating and explore it. You have so many wonderful things ahead, more than you realize.


I am aware that my words may sound surprising, or even a little hard to believe for some of you who are not experiencing joy in your life right now, who perhaps are experiencing hardship, difficulty, struggle, even disappointment or despair. I am not negating that there are hardships. Your hardships in your life are real. At this time, everything is being intensified, everything is being sped up and exaggerated. This is true for those on the ascension path—those calling in the light, those who are dedicated and committed and are even advanced themselves in being light-beings, but are still involved in the third dimension—as well as for others. This intensification process, this quickening, this exaggeration is showing up for many of you as difficulties, hardships, and struggles. It may be physical, it may be emotional—those are probably the two ways that you are experiencing the intensification the most.


There are various reasons for this. Some of you have agreed to take on things energetically for the planet as a whole, to support this process of ascension and to help everyone to make this move forward. You have agreed, at a soul level, to take on a portion of the transformation process. Thus, what you are experiencing is not entirely your own. It is to help make it possible for all to move forward.


Most of you who are in the ascension process are also very sensitive. You are experiencing the changes going on in a very strong, powerful way because these are strong, powerful changes. They are playing on your system, kind of like radio waves in the air that are picked up by a radio. That is similar to the way that you are experiencing these changes.


And then of course, you, yourself, are changing, which you are experiencing, as well. So it is understandable that all this could be challenging in many ways. There is so much that you are facilitating and drawing through your being at this time.


I want to acknowledge this, too, to thank all of you who are doing this. I encourage you to stay with it, to support yourselves in all the ways that you know how. It is very important to support yourself through your meditation and any other ways that are dedicated to connecting with God and with Spirit. This is extremely important, and only becoming more important, because you are becoming a being that is more directly connected to God. You are becoming more fed through your connection to God and less fed through the more third-dimensional, physical ways. Those ways will still support you and are still important, but your connection to God is becoming more important, along with your connection to the highest, most refined, sublime frequencies of energy that you are able to contact and connect with.


So I certainly encourage you all to support yourself. I also encourage you to begin, more and more, to support each other. This goes back to what I was talking about earlier. Your mutual support is going to become increasingly important because you are not living as separate beings anymore. You are beginning the transition of going beyond separation. Thus your dependence on each other is becoming greater. Your bonds to each other are becoming more important. It is very important that you understand this and start to shift in your orientation towards others.


It is important that you start asking others for help. This is one of the biggest things… When you are in the mode of separation, there is this idea of “I am on my own now. I need to handle things on my own.” And even, “I should be able to do it all on my own. There’s something the matter with me if I need to ask others for help.” This is a result of deep third-dimensional thinking of separation, of understanding yourself as separate and isolated and alone.


Now, as you are growing beyond that into the fourth dimension and beyond, you must shift. You must not see it as something being the matter with you if you need someone else’s help—that you are somehow lacking, or you’re weak, or you’re a burden to other people. Actually, you are simply starting to operate in greater wholeness. It is the way that the cells of your body operate. Your body would not be very functional if the cells did not depend on each other and function together in community, communicating with each other and expecting that they will all work together. This is the process that is going to be more and more the way that you, as seemingly individual beings, are going to be operating with other individual beings. When you ask them for help it will be a gift to them. They will be fed by your asking because you are simply reinforcing your oneness, your wholeness, your interconnection with all beings. And when they offer the help to you, they will experience themselves receiving from that, as well, because this is the nature of your relationship with each other, your non-separation. As you are in the process of making the shift from this third-dimensional consciousness into the fourth-dimensional consciousness, the mechanism that will bring this about most directly is through asking for help.


The other mechanism that will bring this about very directly is revealing yourself more openly to each other, showing yourself. The challenge for most of you in this will be showing yourself when you are going through difficulty—when you are emotionally disturbed or when you are upset with another person, when you’re confused and you don’t know how to proceed, when you’re in fear, when you’re sad… All of these are times when it will be important to start to reveal yourself. For most of you, this will be a new way of operating that’s different from the past. This, too, will help you to start to shift into this higher way of functioning.


As you develop, it will not be so necessary to do this in a verbal way, through speech. More and more you will be operating telepathically, empathically. You will start to be aware of each other the way that you are aware of yourself. But most of you are not fully there. Most of you are still being strongly affected by the strong pull of separation —almost like the pull of gravity. So especially in the beginning stages of making this transition, speech and communication will be very important.


There are ways to learn to communicate with greater skill. It is essential to always take responsibility for yourself, where you are not blaming others for what you are experiencing. But do not hold back, either. Openly show what your own experience is. The skill in doing this will become increasingly important.


So communicating what is going on with you and asking for help from others will support you.


Many of you overuse communication. Many of you use many words to say very little, because you are not truly connected to what is behind all the words. Part of your growth is to do deeper work, to understand yourself better so you know what is behind all the words you tend to use. It is a burden on others to use so many words. You do not realize how much this drains you and drains others, when the words are not connected to what is truly going on with you at a deeper level. A skill that would also be valuable for many of you to develop is to wait to speak until you are truly connected to your heart, your body, and your emotions, and to let your speech come out of that. It will not take nearly as many words as many of you tend to use. And when you do use words, they will be much more connecting for you with each other.


I sense I have said enough for now, and I hope that this has been helpful to you.


[End of Part 1 of this message.]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Mary Magdalene: Merge With Your Feeling As Though It Was Your Lover


Part 3 Of A Message

Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on April 21, 2013


Question: For the past four years, I’ve been experiencing a loud noise in my ears, which is tinnitus. I’ve learned through spiritual work that it’s a refusal to believe what one hears, or fear of certain messages. I feel that there’s spiritual work that one can do to uncover the cause of the loud noise—the blocking or not believing. The question is, what is the process that a person can go through to believe what one hears?


I had an incidence over the past couple of days of the tinnitus disappearing for over twenty-four hours, because I received confirmation on a concrete level of what I heard on the spiritual. But now I’d like to be able to have a process where I don’t have to wait for confirmation on a concrete level, where I can find a way to believe what I hear. Am I making myself clear?


Mary Magdalene: When you say “believe what I hear,” what is it that you hear?


Questioner: Messages that everything will be alright. I have financial concerns and relationship concerns, too. I get messages from divine sources.


Mary Magdalene: About those circumstances?


Questioner: Yes, about the circumstances I’m concerned about. What I’ve learned is that these noises could be blocking what I hear, blocking messages, or unwillingness to believe what I hear. What I’m interested in is a process where I can believe what I hear.


Mary Magdalene: You want to believe the messages that you receive?


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: So you receive messages and then you fall into doubt, and you don’t feel comfortable following the messages—you feel more drawn to what your mind is telling you?


Questioner: Could be that. Yeah. And there’s fear around it also.


Mary Magdalene: I would suggest that the fear is the primary element involved, fear of trusting the messages that you’re receiving. Does that seem right?


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: Are you in touch with that fear right now?


Questioner: (short silence) Yes. Right now I am.


Mary Magdalene: (softly) OK. Would you like to do this process around it?


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: So let yourself go into the fear. Really open to it. Find out where it lives in you, how you experience it, if it has a message for you, whatever is associated with the fear. Let yourself really open to that fully. Are you able to do that?


Questioner: Oh, yes.


Mary Magdalene: And what do you experience?


Questioner: Panic. Sadness.


Mary Magdalene: Which seems stronger?


Questioner: Right now the sadness is the strongest.


Mary Magdalene: Then let yourself be with that. Go into the sadness. Allow it. It’s fine to cry if you need to. Let your body express however it wants to. And let yourself be with that sadness.


Questioner: I’m afraid you’ll have to speak louder because this tinnitus is blocking what I’m hearing.


Mary Magdalene: (speaking louder) So let yourself be with the sadness now, in whatever way. It’s fine to cry; it’s fine to break down. Don’t hold it back. Open to it. Merge with the sadness, as though it was your lover. Be with it. See what it has to show you. To share with you. Are there words, pictures, sensations? What gift does that sadness have for you?


Questioner: The message is, “You have nothing to fear.”


Mary Magdalene: But you do have fear. Yes?


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: Mmmm. (brief silence) Why are you sad?


Questioner: (softly) Why am I sad? The idea of not being able to get what I want.


Mary Magdalene: What is it that you want?


Questioner: Relationship. Financial security.


Mary Magdalene: So you’re sad because there’s a longing for relationship and a longing for financial security…


Questioner: Yes, yes!


Mary Magdalene: …and you’re sad because you don’t have that and don’t know if you will have that in the future.


Questioner: That’s exactly right.


Mary Magdalene: Yes. So there’s a sense of loss, a longing for something that you don’t have.


Questioner: Yes.


Mary Magdalene: Let yourself be with that. Let your body be with that, your emotions, your energy. Let yourself be with that. (silence) Feel how much you want that. Feel the strength of it. Are you able to do that?


Questioner: (softly) Oh yeah.


Mary Magdalene: (slowly) That is very good. That is your ally, your help. It is showing you this beautiful, divine part of yourself that is so important, that you feel disconnected from—this longing for love and closeness and security, financial security. Is that right?


Questioner: Oh yes.


Mary Magdalene: (softly) Yes. Those are beautiful things. Can you find the place in yourself where you connect with the beauty of those things—the beauty of love, of connection with another person, and closeness, and security?


Questioner: It comes from the heart.


Mary Magdalene: Can you feel that beauty, that wholeness within yourself? (silence) Can you reconnect with that—the way that you always know, within yourself, that wholeness of love, closeness, connection with another person, security? (silence) Are you able to find that?


Questioner: I’m going into my heart with that.


Mary Magdalene: And are you able to find those particular frequencies, those beautiful, divine qualities within yourself?


Questioner: I’m attempting to call them up now.


Mary Magdalene: Good. Love … closeness and connection … security. They’re really parts of God, flavors of the divine … and parts of you. Are you able to connect with those?


Questioner: Beginning to.


Mary Magdalene: Wonderful. Let yourself go into that, those beautiful qualities that you long for, that you know within yourself. When you’ve connected with them, let us know.


Questioner: (long silence) I’m connected.


Mary Magdalene: Thank you. From this place of connection, what do you experience now?


Questioner: A fullness of positivity.


Mary Magdalene: Beautiful. From this place of connection, sometimes there is nothing that needs to be done, other than just experiencing this and allow it to integrate deeper within yourself. At other times, there are actions that spontaneously come to you, without in any way taking away from this connection. So for you, in this moment, are there actions coming to you? Or does this feel like it’s a completion with this?


Questioner: The action that I see is “reach out and embrace.”


Mary Magdalene: Beautiful. This seems complete to me at this point. Does it to you?


Questioner: Not totally, but I see a direction.


Mary Magdalene: It is complete for now.


Questioner: Yes, I see that it’s a repeated spiritual practice that you have to do.


Mary Magdalene: Yes. But do not burden yourself with “I have to, I have to.” Let this melt into you, like a delicious dessert that you’re savoring. Trust that it will do its process. And your work, if you want to look at it as that, is to open and allow it, to be with it. And to notice, simply notice. How does that feel to you?


Questioner: Important. Life-saving.


Mary Magdalene: Blessings to you, dear one.


I’m deeply touched by the work you have done here today. I thank you so much. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have great confidence and trust in all of you. I see your light. I see your love. I see the victory of light in your case—each one individually, and as a whole.


I love you so much. Thank you for calling upon me. I look forward to future connections. In love, I leave you now.


I AM Mary Magdalene.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

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