Mary Magdalene: The Steps Of Moving Beyond Fear
Part 2 of a Message
Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on April 21, 2013
Question: How do we deal with fear, move through it, and not be paralyzed by it?
Mary Magdalene: Is there a particular circumstance that you are thinking of in relationship to this?
Questioner: Changing a career path—scary. Monetizing it. Wondering if it’s going to work.
Mary Magdalene: So I will walk you through the steps of allowing your pain—with fear being an aspect of pain—allowing pain to move you into union with God.
The first step, which it seems like you have already accomplished, is to become conscious of whatever emotion or feeling you are having. Many of you have learned to suppress your emotions so completely that you often don’t even realize that you are having them. So that is why this first step is important for so many of you. It seems you have already done this and have gotten clear that fear is the emotion you are dealing with. Is that accurate?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: Alright, excellent. So the next step is to open yourself bodily, energetically, and emotionally to the emotion—in this case fear. Let yourself really be with the fear. Experience it fully. How do you experience it? Where do you experience it? Does it have a certain sensation or an image? Are there words associated with it? Really let yourself have the full experience, and rather than pushing it away, actually open yourself to it and embrace it.
Are you able to do that with this fear?
Questioner: Lately I’ve been getting dizzy, like whirling around my head. It’s like an imbalance.
Mary Magdalene: Are you able to do that in this very moment, to experience the fear right now?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: And how would you describe your experience of it?
Questioner: Tightening in the chest. Heart rate increasing. Feeling numb, like what to do, anxious.
Mary Magdalene: Excellent. And can you let yourself open to those feelings, rather than fight them off?
Questioner: That’s harder.
Mary Magdalene: Give it a try in this moment. Just fully allow those feelings to be, and fully allow yourself to have the experience. It is a kind of merging with those sensations.
This is a very Feminine process. The Masculine parts of ourselves want to fix it, go to battle, make it go away. There’s nothing wrong with that. It has a very important place. But in this process we want to set that aside for now and open to the Feminine process of opening, merging, allowing, being with.
Are you able to do that?
Questioner: Yes. There’s like a tug of war between surrendering to the feelings and wanting to manage them, so they don’t get out of control.
Mary Magdalene: So I am hearing that there are two levels of fear going on. There’s the fear of your circumstance of change relative to your job. But there’s also fear of the feelings themselves that are being stimulated by that change.
Questioner: Right.
Mary Magdalene: Let’s go to the second level of fear. I suspect that is deeper, the fear of the fear. The fear of experiencing fear.
Can you locate that with your sensations, how you’re experiencing that right now?
Questioner: Tightness in the back of my head, like a headache starting.
Mary Magdalene: Excellent. Can you let yourself be with that feeling of tightness in the back of your head?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: (softly) Good. Excellent.
And now from that place of being with the feeling, we’re going to go to the source—the source within you, which is what I call your inner divine qualities. It’s some aspect of your inner divinity, a beautiful quality of yourself that is not being fulfilled through this circumstance of fear arising and being afraid of the fear.
I am going to make some guesses. I’d like you to tell me if you feel like these are accurate. Or if other things come to you, please express those.
I’m guessing that the fear is emanating out of survival, a sense that if you open yourself to fear that you won’t be able to function, in a way that threatens your survival.
Questioner: That seems accurate.
Mary Magdalene: (softly) Yes. So the inner divine quality that you’re needing is protection, support for your survival. Is that right?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: (softly) Good. So now what I want you to do is focus on that. Focus on those qualities in their wholeness, the way they live in you—the two qualities of protection and support for your survival.
Questioner: It feels like I have to go to my heart for that.
Mary Magdalene: That’s fine. Go wherever you need to.
When you’re able to connect with those qualities—of protection and support for your survival—in their fullness and wholeness within you, let me know.
Questioner: Yeah, I feel it more now. A calmness.
Mary Magdalene: (slowly) Yes. That is the sign that happens when you reconnect with your wholeness.
Now what I’m going to ask you to do is this: From that place of connection with protection and support for your survival—in their wholeness within you—from that place, go back to the circumstance of feeling fear and see if there’s any change relative to the possibility of experiencing fear.
Questioner: Well, it seems like I could shortcut it a little, go into the heart. But I start to feel the fear.
Mary Magdalene: Yes, that is a possibility. But I’m not asking you to do this in the future. Right in this moment, is there any change that you feel relative to the circumstance of feeling fear?
Questioner: Well, I don’t feel so alone in trying to decide things.
Mary Magdalene: Mm-hm. Do you feel more open to the possibility of feeling your fear?
Questioner: I guess I have a feeling that fear is a part of the human condition, that it comes and goes, that I can’t get rid of it forever. In this moment, at this time it feels lesser, less in control, less potent.
Mary Magdalene: Mm-hm. I’m not asking you to try to make it go away. I’m simply asking you…
This is a little, maybe, more challenging because we’re working with two different levels. I’m focusing just on the second level, where you said it was hard for you to allow yourself to feel the fear. So we went into just working with that aspect, just the possibility of letting yourself feel fear.
So I’m wondering if that shifted in any way for you?
Questioner: Yes, in that I don’t feel like I’m going to go down a black hole and never come out.
Mary Magdalene: (softly and emphatically) Yes! Yes, that’s wonderful.
So my sense is that that may be enough for right now. But let’s try and see if we can take it a step further. With that sense, are you able to go back to the first level that we were dealing with, of your fear relative to changing your work? Is it possible for you to just let yourself feel that sensation of fear now around changing your work?
Questioner: Uhmm, yes. In fact, I think I can use it in my work, because I’m going to train and teach around self-reliance and change, especially for women.
Mary Magdalene: Mm-hm.
Questioner: So, I’m sure I’m not the only person who feels fear.
Mary Magdalene: (gently laughing) No, it is a very human condition. I would expect that there are endless people that you can encounter to work with in this way.
So let’s go back to your fear around your work situation. Would you like to do that?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: Alright. Let yourself feel how you experience that, your fear in this moment relative to changing your work.
Questioner: Do you mean the shift that I’m feeling?
Mary Magdalene: Feel whatever it is right now. Are you still experiencing fear relative to the possibility of changing your work, and your sustenance, and that kind of thing?
Questioner: You know, I do feel lighter. Most of the time, I can say, “It’s going to work out. I’m going to be OK.” I think that’s how I feel right now.
Mary Magdalene: Is it coming from a feeling place or from a mental place?
Questioner: Right now it’s feeling.
Mary Magdalene: (slowly) Wonderful.
Questioner: A calmness.
Mary Magdalene: Wonderful.
The last part of this process is—from this place of calmness, this feeling—in this moment, are there any actions coming to you that you wish to engage based on this new opening?
Questioner: I want to do some journaling and writing, because it’s part of my work. So I think when I get home this evening that I’ll do that.
Mary Magdalene: (softly) Wonderful.
So, was this helpful to you?
Questioner: (quietly) Yes, actually. Thank you.
Mary Magdalene: (slowly) You’re welcome.
I am very happy to go through this kind of process with people. It is the best way I know of for people to come to understand what these steps actually are and how to engage them. It is helpful that I’ve described it in words and that your mind can help you to understand this process. But truly, it is a process in feeling. So to go through the feeling avenue is, for many, the strongest way of learning how to integrate this, so it’s really available to you.
[End of Part 2]
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
Mary Magdalene: There Is A Drama Going On
Part One of a Message
from Mary Magdalene
Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on April 21, 2013
Blessings my dear ones and welcome. I am so happy to have you here. I thank you all for coming on this morning, to be with me and to share with me in all the ways that you are. I love you. I have so much love for you. I am so passionate and full with my love, pregnant with my love, so much that I want to share with you, to help you, to offer whatever I can to be of service to you. In that spirit, I come to you this morning.
There is much that I have already shared, as was spoken about earlier and is recorded in the book that Mercedes has brought through from me. I do not feel I need to duplicate that at this time, for that is available to you always through the book and through Mercedes’s help. So I would like to share with you other things that are on my mind at this point and that I hope will be of value to you.
There is so much going on in your world. It is quite a juxtaposition right now between so many people moving forward at amazing speed, with great progress in their spiritual path and spiritual growth. And of course, you who are here today are all a part of that group. I acknowledge you and hope that you realize how strongly you are serving the spiritual process—for yourself but also for your world and for many beings, simply by the work that you are doing in the spiritual realm. You are doing it very well, amazing well, considering all the change you are all going through at such a rapid speed. For that is what is happening at this time—there is tremendous change and acceleration of change, so that you are all growing in a way that is unprecedented. It is so sped up. You are all to be acknowledged for the work that you are doing, and for even being able to go through this. For it is not an easy process. The kind of change that you are undergoing generally happens over a much greater period of time so that it is easier for the being to adapt, much the way you might think of evolution of a species happening in your world. It happens very slowly and very gradually. And it often happens through the birth process, where one generation will come through and be slightly different or altered from the previous generation. That is one of the more easeful ways that change can happen, especially in the third-dimensional realm.
But that is not what’s happening at this time. At this time, you are being changed as already incarnated, manifested beings. That is a much more difficult process. You’re even being changed physically, at the core of your being, in your DNA, in so many ways at the cellular level. But you are simultaneously being changed at all levels. You are being changed in terms of your emotions, in terms of your mind and your beliefs and thoughts. Energetically you’re being changed. All of this is part of the progression that I have described before, of moving into a higher dimension based on manifesting a higher consciousness.
It may sound very simple or straightforward when I speak about it or when you think about it. But the way that it actually happens in life is not simple and straightforward. It is challenging, oftentimes, for your body and whole being to change in these ways. And many of you are experiencing this. You’re experiencing change, upheaval, turmoil, unknowingness, discomforts, new symptoms, things happening in your life in ways they’ve never happened before. All of this can be confusing, disconcerting, can cause fear, insecurity, all sorts of things. It’s kind of like riding on a ship in a storm. It’s quite a wild ride and you don’t necessarily know what the outcome is going to be. This is what so many of you are experiencing right now.
You are to be greatly commended for your stalwartness, your perseverance, your dedication, your willingness to go through this. It is remarkable. It is a testimony to your strength and to your commitment to your spirituality, your spiritual growth, and spiritual path. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for what you are going through, and what you will continue to go through as part of this transition.
It will have different phases. Some phases will be easier. Some phases may seem more turbulent, or chaotic, or wild, or hard, or however they seem. It is an unfolding process. It is something that you, and we, cannot see in advance exactly how it will happen. But you are underway. You are on this course of transforming, like the caterpillar becoming a butterfly in your world. This is a very good analogy. But you are not becoming butterflies. You are becoming fourth-dimensional beings, energy beings. This is an enormous step forward in your evolution on all levels. That is what you are in the midst of.
While all this is happening, there is something else going on, which is that there is resistance to this in your world. There are many people who do not understand what is happening, who are not even aware that this transformation is going on. They see any signs of this transformation, this change as a threat to their world. They are fighting this change because they believe it is a kind of annihilation of themselves or the world as they know it. And in truth, change is always a kind of a death process. You are always letting go, releasing, dying to the old way, your old self, whatever that was. So there is truth in this point of view, to a certain extent, in that there is a death process underway.
But it is not only death, of course. It is death and rebirth, into so much of a more wonderful form, which even those who are resisting would enjoy so much more, if only they understood and could allow it. Yet they have their process to go through, too. They are not just the bad ones, the evil ones, the dark ones, resisting what should be happening. It may appear that way to you. But that is not actually an accurate understanding. They are as much a part of this change as you are, as the light workers are, as the ones who are trying to bring this change forth. You all have your roles and parts that you are playing. Their part is significant, as well. It is part of their spiritual evolution to do what they are doing. And it is part of your spiritual evolution for them to be doing that. It is all part of the entire process. So it is not that you are trying to do one thing and they are holding you back, or perhaps making it not work, making it impossible, capsizing the ship, whatever it is. That is not actually the case. This is all part of the grand process.
It is a delicate thing to describe your relationship to all of this, because I do not want to give the impression that you don’t need to do anything, that everything is perfect and just allow it all to be. That’s not the case. You have your role. Part of your role, which all of you have come here to do, is to be the light yourself, first and foremost—to be anchors for that light and holders of the light, to be part of creating this great network of light amongst all the beings who are doing this. That is, more than anything else, going to allow this transformation in your world to occur. Your role is also to carry out your individual life-purpose and life-plan, to further the light in your way. And that is your work to do. It is not simply to be passive, or to know that everything is fine and there’s nothing that needs to be done. That is not an accurate understanding, for it is very important that you do the work that you came to do, whatever that is.
If you are not clear about what your work is, it is to your benefit to become clear about that. You may ask for help from higher beings like myself, from your own personal guides, your angels. You can ask for help from those individuals who help others to connect with their guidance. You can ask for help directly from God, from your higher self, from all of your spirit-beings—however it is that you do that—through prayer, through talking with them, whatever form you use. You can look for signs in your life such as your passion, such as the things that bring in the light for you, such as the things that you do because you love them, you can’t help yourself but to do those. These are all signs that that is part of your path, which you have committed to and which you have taken on in this lifetime. So that is all of your work to do.
But, as I was saying, there are apparently beings who are not consciously on this path, and seem to be doing things that are obstructing or making this transformation more difficult, who are not supportive of this transformation—perhaps that is the best way to express it. These being need your love, more than anything else. They need your blessing and your prayers. Of course, there are things you can do to redirect the actions they’re taking. There might be political things, there might be personal things. Again, your action is important. But even more important is your understanding that these beings are on the path, also, and for you to find their light and to shine your light to them. You can always help them in that way, as well as by taking whatever practical steps you feel called to in relation to any particular beings or events.
In some ways, you might say there is a drama going on, a certain play of light versus dark, because this is a birth process into much greater light, and it’s real. It actually is happening. It is a death process of the old ways, the ways in which you have adapted to a certain frequency of light and darkness, a certain form that it has taken and with which you have become familiar. Now you are calling for the death of that. It is a real process, just as in the death of the physical body. In most cases, it is a process, which doesn’t just happen in a moment or by a single decision. It happens through a process because there are a great many things that must shift, that must release and let go before the transformation can occur.
So you will need to relax with this process, to flow with it. In the book I give the analogy of learning to open, the way a woman in childbirth learns to open. This is a good analogy that may be helpful to you. Any woman who has gone through childbirth knows that it is very real, there are real pains, real hardships that are involved, and that it is possible to relax in the midst of this and to flow with it in ways that make it much easier. So it is with your time now.
I think that is all that I wish to say at this time as a general communication to all of you who are listening to this.
[End of Part One of this message.]
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
Mary Magdalene: Receiving The Divine Feminine
An Excerpt From
by Mercedes Kirkel
Greetings, beloved ~
I am here. Do not doubt my presence. Doubt is part of your mind. I am here to help free you from your doubting mind.
I have waited two thousand years to come forth, for the turning of the ages when the Divine Feminine can be received, honored, and reinstated in her rightful place as the equal partner and lover of the Divine Masculine. There is much to be done for this to be accomplished, for the Divine Feminine has suffered much repression and denial so that most are afraid of her and no longer know her. I am here to help change that. This is the time for the Feminine to come to the front, to lead in this progression into the new age. It is the time of love and honoring of the Feminine, listening to the Feminine, and allowing the Feminine to lead so that balance may be reestablished and we may become whole.
And what does this mean for all of you? You are in the process of learning to reconnect with, trust, and open to the Feminine within yourself—as your body, your sexuality, your emotions. You are learning to surrender your thinking to pure presence, to surrender your lower mind to the heart. In doing this, the veils surrounding your sacred mind can be lifted, and the marriage of the sacred heart and sacred mind can occur. You are to celebrate that marriage through the ongoing joy of bringing the light into your body, merging it with love, and sending this empowered love-light out into the world.
Many of you have become alienated from the Feminine within yourself. You’ve become afraid and cut off from your body and your emotions and your sexuality and your feeling heart. It will take practice and engagement of these sacred parts of yourself to reopen to these pathways of the Divine within you.
It is not enough to think about this change. It is not enough to gather knowledge. You are tending to be unbalanced with your collecting knowledge about the world, yourself, and what is happening. It can be helpful to understand, but that will not make a difference if it is not balanced with practice and action. It is like raising a child. If you are a parent and are raising a child, it can be helpful to read books, go to classes, and talk with others about raising children. But if that is all you do, you will not serve the children. Most important is what you actually do with the children that will make a difference for them, your engagement with them every day.
Right now, you are in a grand process of transformation and growth, and you are the parent to yourself. The most important thing is your engagement, your practice with yourself on a daily basis. The Feminine parts of yourself have suffered and are shut down, atrophied, from not being embraced and engaged for so long. So now it will take practice and engagement to change that.
There are some who understand this, who have engaged this practice themselves, and who can help you to learn these practices. This one who channels this message is such a one. Now is the time to learn these practices and engage them continually. It will take time, but such a short time compared to the eons of time that these parts of you have been shut down.
Your body is beautiful. Your sexuality is sacred. Your emotions are pathways to God. Your presence is a blessed gift. Your open heart is the most powerful vessel of transformation, of receiving divine light and empowering it with love. Understand this, but do not stop there. Learn the practices for receiving and transmitting love-light through all these channels, and practice this until it becomes a dance, a joy, a beautiful part of who you are and what you bring to all.
I love you most dearly. I champion your transformation, and through that the transformation of your world.
In love and light,
I AM Mary Magdalene
This was the first transmission I received from Mary. I had just begun meditating when I felt a distinct, tangible presence near me. The presence seemed especially strong around my throat, where I clearly sensed a blockage of energy. I focused my intention on releasing whatever obstructions were keeping me from opening my throat center and allowing the energy to come through. Suddenly the voice of Mary Magdalene began to speak through me, and she gave the entire message, exactly as it is written above.
After receiving her communication, I rested for a moment, glowing with the wonder and beauty of what I’d been given. My sense of peace was short-lived, however, as a disturbing thought arose in my consciousness: I probably wouldn’t remember most of what she’d said! Without hesitating, I asked Mary to give me the message again while I typed it into my computer. And she did just that, repeating word for word exactly what she’d expressed the first time. If I had any remaining doubt that she had actually communicated with me, this second round of transmission totally dispelled my disbelief.
By the time she had finished, I felt infused with Mary’s energy and was in a transformed state. I felt blissful, yet balanced and calm: my body was rested, my heart wide open, and my mind clear and energized. I was thrilled to have received this exquisite, powerful message. And I was amazed at her brilliance, not only in terms of the quality of her ideas but also the way she delivered her entire message in perfect form. I simply recorded her words without changing anything, and suddenly I became the custodian of impeccable insight and wisdom.
At a deeper level, I was struck by the love and compassion flowing through her words. These qualities proved to be a hallmark of all her messages: Mary didn’t shy away from speaking directly about any topic, yet she voiced her ideas with kindness and care—as though shining the light of love on areas of darkness or shadow. I was amazed at the way she could address complex topics with grace and economy while still packing an enormous depth of meaning into each sentence. I came to see her style as characteristic of the way a higher-dimensional being thinks and communicates.
Mary began this communication by saying that doubt is part of our mind and that she is here to free us from it. It seems that living with chronic levels of doubt is an effect of separation from the Divine Feminine. When our minds are disconnected from the rest of ourselves—from our bodies, our sexuality, and our emotions (which Mary describes as the Feminine parts of our being)—one result is habitual doubt. I believe she wants to free us from our doubting minds through reuniting us with the Divine Feminine.
Because I have a strong tendency to doubt myself, Mary’s opening statement about doubt felt personal to me. I was immediately confronted with my doubt: Was she actually communicating with me? Or was I just fabricating this whole thing? Was I evolved enough as a spiritual being to be receiving a message from Mary Magdalene? And why would she choose me?
However, as soon as she had connected with me and my feelings of doubt, she moved on to a universal message, which I sensed was what she really wanted to speak about. It was as though she was speaking to me and through me—addressing everyone who experiences doubt in any form, since the roots of doubt reside in our divorce from the Feminine parts of ourselves.
After her initial references to doubt, Mary began speaking directly about the Divine Feminine, saying she’s waited two thousand years—since Yeshua’s life—to bring this message. The Divine Feminine has been suppressed and denied to the point that most of us fear the Feminine and are alienated from that part of life. But now, with the “turning of the ages,” the Divine Feminine is stepping forth to lead us into a new age. We are being called to love, honor, and listen to the Feminine, allowing her to lead us back into balance.
I understand the “turning of the ages” as a reference to a number of things: the transition out of the astrological age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius; the galactic alignment in 2012, which will usher in a new age of unity consciousness; and the predictions that we are on the brink of entering a new epoch in human history, which indigenous peoples sometimes refer to as the fifth world. Mary tells us that this new era is a time when the Divine Feminine can be reinstated in her rightful place as the equal partner and lover of the Divine Masculine.
Mary’s emphasis on creating a foundation of understanding about the Divine Feminine was evident in her tone of calm urgency. I realized that she wants people to understand that right now is a very special time, a time that is significantly different from times past. Through her inspiring, galvanizing words I understood that she is here as an emissary of the Divine Feminine to help guide us into a new chapter in our evolution. As she clearly proclaims, the time has finally come: the Divine Feminine can now take her seat alongside the Divine Masculine. That she has been waiting two thousand years to do so is quite remarkable to me. And her reference to the Divine Feminine as partner to the Divine Masculine strongly evokes her connection with Yeshua, opening a door in my heart of great tenderness and vulnerability as I am reminded of the love bond between them that’s at the core of her revelations.
Every time I return to this first message, I’m struck by Mary’s power as she calls for this change. Yet, her call does not in any sense indicate a desire for the Divine Feminine to take precedence over the Divine Masculine. She’s inviting us to equality, partnership, and ultimately to a union of the two. The Divine Masculine has been deprived of his partner for a very long time, and at last the partnership with her can be reestablished. This union isn’t just “out there” somewhere, outside of us. Mary emphasizes that this same partnership lives within each of us. Thus, she’s simultaneously calling us to partnership in the external world and to our wholeness as individually manifest beings.
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Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
Higher Self: That Doesn’t Work Anymore
A Message From The Higher Self
Given Through Mercedes Kirkel On April 7, 2013
Note from Mercedes: This message was given to me personally from my Higher Self. However, I was guided to share it publicly because it contains so much universal truth, and because many others are experiencing similar things right now and thus can benefit from this.
Blessings my dear one,
This is your Higher Self. I am the one who is most connected to you, most in love with you, most dedicated to you in the most intimate way. There are others who are devoted to helping you—your angels, guides, teachers, loved ones, and higher beings who are connected to you. All are most lovingly connected to you and wanting to help you. But I am different because I am a part of you, your God-self part. So today I am speaking to you.
You have started to go through the ascension process for real, and it is disorienting you. This process is real and can be intense. It is not just an ephemeral, airy-fairy thing. It is about literal transformation, which includes the transformation of your physical being. You are being restructured, reconfigured, and it is affecting you at all levels. In some ways it is like what beings go through at the physical when they have surgery. That is an extreme example, but there is a certain shock and reorientation that your being is going through because you are being changed, almost like you’re being changed from the outside. That isn’t so, it’s not from the outside. It’s happening simultaneously with all of yourself, but it is foreign to you in a certain way and you’re going though a huge adaptation.
In the midst of this, you are struggling with your old, familiar mindset. So you are thinking about your obligations and responsibilities (most of which are self-created in your case) and feeling like you need to fulfill them. You are also feeling worried about your physical survival, how you’re going to make enough money to support yourself now and into the future.
What you are being called to do is to let go, at a very profound level. You’re being called to let go of your worries, especially about money and about meeting your obligations, which you have created for yourself. This will take tremendous trust on your part, to allow your life to unravel from the third-dimensional concepts of responsibility. You are being called to start to live in the fourth dimension, but you are resisting it.
You have been sick this week and you have rightly suspected that this has to do with change you need to make. This is what will happen if you don’t allow this process to unfold and progress and take over your life the way it wants to. You will become sick. Literally. So now you are sick. And you are noticing that, because you don’t have very much energy, you are reduced to only doing the things that give you energy, rather than the things you tend to do out of self-control and discipline—things you don’t necessarily want to be doing, but feel you “should” or “must” do.
At the third dimension, you can make yourself function that way and it will sort of work, although you won’t be deeply happy. But you can convince yourself with your mind that you’re happy enough and this is the best you can expect, etc.
But at the fourth dimension, that doesn’t work anymore. It won’t work to force yourself to do what you think (in a third-dimensional way) you need to do. Now, at the fourth dimension, you’re too energetically based, and that kind of forcing will simply cause your light to dim and eventually go out. It’s like starving yourself energetically. Now you need to cultivate a very different relationship to the way in which you decide how to spend your time and energy. It won’t work to do it from your mind and beliefs in a way that’s dominating and overriding your feelings and energy and body. Your feelings and energy and body have more power now and they will simply revolt, as yours have recently. They cannot be dominated by the mind in the way you’re used to from the past.
So now you must start to listen to your feelings and energy and body, and trust them. This is not easy, even for someone like you who is so emotionally based. You still have received the deep enculturation that your feelings and energy and body aren’t trustable, aren’t safe. So it’s scary for you to trust them, especially when they’re leading you somewhere other than your rational mind wants to go in the old, third-dimensional way of operating.
So what is it that your feelings and energy and body are telling you?
Mercedes: I want to cry. I want to be warm and near water. I want to be in connection with at least one other person who I feel cares about me and is there for me. I want to write the next book. I want to trust that I’ll be supported and will have enough to take care of myself as long as I’m physically manifested. I want to see my daughter. I want to be in Hawaii. I want to have more connection with people and feel like I’m serving in some way. I want to fulfill my service to Mary Magdalene.
Higher Self: And what is giving you joy right now?
Mercedes: I’ve been surprised recently that it’s actually giving me joy to do mundane things like bookkeeping and entering book contests. It brings order and structure to my life in a way that’s aligned to my circumstance of still functioning in the third-dimensional world. Doing private sessions gives me joy. The events I’ve been leading have been a mixture. They give me joy when I’m leading, but the preparation and logistics have been stressful, partly because I want to be doing other things—especially working on the next book—and partly because I’m doing them so alone. I want to have more companionship and collaboration and mutuality in the events. I really want more mutuality in my life. How can I have that?
Higher Self: Mutuality is a very fourth-dimensional quality. In the third-dimensional world, mutuality is usually manifested through a family, a church, or a business—occasionally through a club or social group. But the first three have more motivating force and cohesiveness because they are meeting more core needs—for family and love and personal support in the case of family; financial support and purpose in the case of a business; and spiritual communion and companionship in the case of a church. Right now you don’t have that kind of mutuality in any of those areas. So it is natural that you should be feeling a desire for that, especially because the need for mutuality is intensifying from your fourth-dimensional growth and manifestation.
In your case, you have leadership qualities, but you do not entirely enjoy being in the leadership role. You also have fear of letting go and allowing others to take charge. You have fear of asking others to help. On top of that, you are extremely sensitive and are extremely aware of any differences or lack of coherence between yourself and others. All these things create challenges for you in manifesting mutuality in your life.
Mercedes: Would it be helpful for me to strengthen my Masculine aspect of living in gratitude more, appreciating what I do have rather than focusing on what I don’t have?
Higher Self: For you, it will be more valuable to follow your feelings. You can follow your feelings while still maintaining respect for others and gratitude for what you’re receiving. But your feelings will set you on the course you need to be on, where as the other approaches can easily mislead you.
Mercedes: I’m afraid to follow my feelings. They seem like they’ll lead me to doing what I want, but I can’t see how that will support me.
Higher Self: When you need to change what you’re doing, your feelings will guide you to that. This is a profound shift for you into trusting the Feminine and Mother God.
Do you remember the story you like to tell of the beaver? If a beaver breaks one of its front teeth, the other tooth will continue to grow unchecked, because the two teeth hold each other in balance and in check. Eventually the remaining tooth will grow so big that the beaver can no longer close its mouth and it will starve to death. This is what has happened in your world in general relative to the Masculine and Feminine. The Feminine has been so suppressed and you have been so cut off from her that it’s as though she doesn’t exist. The Masculine, in turn, has grown beyond all proportion and bounds, and now you are starving, especially spiritually, from the overgrowth of the Masculine, which is not in balance and held in harmony by the Feminine.
So now, to trust the Feminine and open to Her in a real way feels like you may be committing suicide, when in actuality the opposite is true. You’re committing suicide to not open to her. I know that seems extreme, but look at what you’re experiencing in your life. You can’t function in the old way anymore of just listening to your mind (the Masculine) and ignoring the rest. It’s not working. And to start to listen to your feelings and heart, and then follow that, seems like you’re blotting out and negating the Masculine. But that’s not what’s really happening. You’re just coming back into balance. It’s like you’ve leaned so far to one side for so long that eventually that starts to feel normal and balanced, as though you’re centered. Then when you actually come back to center, standing up straight with the two sides of your body really balanced, it will initially feel like you’re leaning to the other side. That’s just the way it is, until you readjust.
You are going to be fine. You have been told this many times. When will you believe it? Are you ready to let yourself be supported by the universe, by God, by others? That is part of the Feminine and you’re resisting it, out of fear. The more you resist it, the worse you will feel and the harder your life will become. Are you ready to receive, to open to a new way of operating in the world? That’s what you’re being called to. It’s funny because you’re worried about having enough, surviving, and ultimately receiving if you let go of your old way of operating. And yet the new way you’re being called to is all about receiving.
You are ready for this. That’s why it’s appearing in your life. It doesn’t mean it will be totally easy. It means that you’ll be successful in going through this and moving into the next level. We are all here supporting you and you are not alone, even though you still feel alone many times. Your aloneness comes from your disposition. You assume you’re alone and then operate in such a way that you block out your awareness of others, both at the physical level and at higher levels. Even though you have the capacity to communicate with beings at higher levels whenever you consciously choose and open to us, your indoctrination into the old, third-dimensional mindset of separation and fundamental aloneness is so strong that you still operate from that consciousness most of the time. That is changing and will inevitably change. And the strongest way you can cooperate with that change is to follow your feelings. It really is that simple.
This is what Mary Magdalene communicated through you in the book she gave to you. It’s what you share with others when you talk about her messages and what she communicated. And now it’s time for you to fully give yourself to this process. You’re ready and it will benefit you. You can trust this.
I love you and I believe in you. I am here to help you and I am always available to you. You will find me most directly through your feelings.
In love and service,
I AM your Higher Self
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
Angelus: The Gift of Being Childlike
A Message From Angelus
Received Through Mercedes Kirkel On March 3, 2013
Blessings dear ones. My name is Angelus. I am here to be with you today and very happy to be with you. I thank you for inviting all the beings of light in and for being open to receiving me.
Today I bring you the spirit of springtime, of new beginnings, of youth. You may think of it as being like the morning time, the time of openness, of new starts, like sprouts beginning to break through the earth, starting to appear in the beautiful, vibrant spring-green color.
This is the time that you are at right now in terms of your earthly cycle of the year, as you are approaching springtime. But it is also much bigger than that. You are approaching the very beginning of a new cycle—more than approaching, you have entered into it, but just barely. You are at the very beginning, like a newborn in this phase, this cycle. I have been called forth to bring the energy of this cycle to you, to talk to you about it.
This is a time of being like a child. It can be valuable to you to remember your own childhood, as well as connecting with the child that is still alive within you always, and your childlike ways. Children are open, especially in their minds and in their feeling. They are open to discover, to explore. They come to things with an open mind. This is something that would be very valuable for you to remember and to practice at this time. As much as you are able, release your sense of knowingness about the way things are, and come with a childlike sense of newness, of unknowingness, of discovery, of exploration. This will help you very much because there are many, many things that are new right now. But you will not be sensitive to them if you are carrying on as though everything is the same and you know it already.
This childlike approach to the world brings with it many benefits. One is a sense of wonder and oftentimes joy. There can be a sense of playfulness, even silliness, and a sense of following your heart and your intuition without having to know why, a sense of what may feel like abandon to you. It is not really abandon, but you are allowing yourself to be guided by a different source than you may usually be accustomed to. This can be most valuable to you at this time.
You may enjoy actually spending time with children. This may help you to be in this childlike disposition. It is very valuable to let go of all your thinking about things and your seriousness. Even the way you tend to approach letting go of your mind can be quite serious. This is a very different approach, to be in your discovery-being, to open to your perceptions, your senses, your feeling, your intuitions. It can be supported by a kind of dreaming. This could be like daydreaming, but it does not have to be. It can be more like creativity, the kind of dreaming that you do when you let yourself be very creative, not knowing what you’re going to do, but letting it come out of you as a creative process that even surprises you as it emerges. This can be a very valuable state to you at this time. You may not choose to continuously be in this state. But allow yourself to experience it regularly, to go to it, and it will help you. It will allow this process that’s unfolding at this time to occur, and to emerge, and to evolve at the speed it wants to. Your seriousness, your sense of knowingness, and even being programmed to do things in a set way that you’re used to, is actually greatly slowing down your process. This will help you to go at the speed that your being wishes to at this time, as though you had wings on your feet.
And so I encourage this and support this, and believe this will be a great service to you and a great help. This is my gift and my offering to you at this time.
I also want to say that it can be very supportive of this to allow yourself to express with your creativity. This can be in the form of singing, dancing, writing, acting, visual arts. All the forms of artistic expression can help with this and can be a particular form of joy and guidance for you at this time, and also freeing of your heart and your childlike nature. I urge you to engage in this, as well. It will also be very valuable.
You can do it as a completely creative process. You can also do it through engaging in forms that have already been created, but that you enjoy with a childlike enthusiasm and that again sets this aspect of yourself free and energizes it. That will be most valuable.
Experiment with bringing your playfulness to others, your creativity in the moment, even your sense of surprise. See if that opens things up to new possibilities that are valuable and enjoyable to you. I suspect that this will be the case and look forward to your experimentation and exploration with this.
This is a beautiful time, an exciting time of new growth, new beginnings, new things emerging. Don’t miss it. Be with it fully. And bring it to others in the way that you interact.
Thank you for allowing me to bring this message to you. Now if you have any questions of me, I would like to respond to your questions.
Question: How would you relate this to business or work? How can we be in that joyful, childlike space when we’re doing day-in and day-out type work, like computer work?
Angelus: Yes, it might feel more challenging in those circumstances. You can ask your child how to make it more enjoyable, how to make it more fun. Your child might help you to make more of a game out of it, or to somehow bring more of that delight and energy to it, which will help you to bring more lightness and joy to your work. You might be surprised at how you can include this.
You may support yourself with certain other things, certain music, or pictures, or whatever supports you in this childlike disposition. Or take breaks. Get up and dance, and sing, or do a somersault on the floor, or whatever! (laughter). And if you’re involved with other people, let yourself be a little more playful, a little bit more childlike with them. There are many, many ways you can bring this. It is mostly about your disposition, about not taking things so seriously, not assuming that everything’s always the same, and you know what it is, and you’re doing it the same as you’ve always done it in the past. That will help you.
You may choose to do things somewhat differently, as you are able. You may not have complete choice about everything. But there will be places where you will have choice and you can choose to engage your work in a more childlike, playful way, or perhaps to just make a different choice altogether and do something different than you would otherwise do. So it is possible.
Question: Sometimes it feels uncomfortable being childlike because it puts you in such a vulnerable place. The kind of innocence we naturally have as children is sometimes hard to bring forward as an adult who’s been hurt or who’s somehow lost touch with that ability to just be open like that.
Angelus: Yes. This is a valuable point you are making—being childlike does bring us into our vulnerability. You have discovered the heart of it, the secret of it. This vulnerability is both the value of it and also, in some ways, the challenge of it. This is particularly so if you have been hurt in the past, perhaps when you were a child, perhaps when you were older, but connected to this kind of vulnerability. And it may especially be so if those wounded places have not yet been healed. So this may point to some healing that you have to do. The vulnerability you experience will help you to go directly to the places where you have healing to do. And it will be most valuable to you to do that healing.
You may choose to do that healing with others, who can help you. Or you may be able to do it on your own, because you have your more adult self, who can help to heal the child. Just as you would help a being who is actually at the child age in physical years, if they were to get wounded, you can similarly help your own self—the childlike part of yourself that is still unhealed—to go through that healing.
It is a process much like Mary Magdalene has described in the book that she gave through Mercedes [Kirkel]. It is a step-by-step process of first connecting with those feelings that are still there from the unhealed incident and, first of all, validating the feelings. Many children have been told that there feelings were wrong or bad or didn’t matter or they shouldn’t be having them. This is one of the reasons why the healing never occurred in the first place, because all of those things are not the case. Your feelings are beautiful. And they are part of your childlike self. Children very naturally and easily express their feelings. Look to babies and how easily babies express their feelings. They do not hold back until or unless they are trained to do so.
So the first step is to acknowledge those feelings and validate them, that they are real and important. Then you can progress through the healing process by listening to the child as to why they are having those feelings and helping them to go through the healing. You, as an adult, are wise. You can help them. And that will be very valuable for you.
Then, in the present time, when you are acting from this vulnerable part of yourself that is very much connected to your childlikeness, you can use your wisdom to take care of yourself. You will discover you are not in the same position you were in when you were an actual child. If someone does something to you that is somehow painful, you are capable of taking care of yourself and taking care of your childlike part, as well. You can learn how to do that and this will help you to become very strong, without becoming immune or cut off from your vulnerability and your childlikeness. This will make it so that you show your beauty, which is always on the inside, in the way that you act on the outside. It will be part of your radiance.
It is very Important that you do this. You were never meant to have your vulnerability cut off. You were only meant to be protected and safe, originally by the adults who were taking care of you, and then later by your own self as you acquired those skills and abilities. If that is not fully strong in you, this is important as an area to strengthen. And if that is not fully open in you, because of past wounding, this is important as an area for you to heal.
You have everything that you need to do that healing. All that you may lack is the choice to do so. I completely encourage you to engage this. If you need support, follow the instructions that have been given through Mary Magdalene and others. Or get help from others who are skilled in these areas and can help you. It is available. You simply must choose.
Are there other questions? (There is a period of silence.)
Being sensual is very valuable in this process. Your sense of touch and taste and smell—these three especially will help you explore your world and rediscover this link to your childlikeness, your innocence, your openness. All your senses, of course, are valuable to you. But these are especially wonderful.
I sense that I have said enough for today. I encourage you to all go out and play this afternoon, in whatever way your child is calling to you. I hope this has been helpful to you. I offer you my sincere love, my bountiful love, and blessings. Sparkles of light and wonder to you all. In love, I leave you now. Many blessings to you.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
Sol: What Happens After Death, Diet In The New Age, And Functioning After Spiritual Awakening
Part 2 of A Channeled Message from Sol
Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on March 17, 2013
Question: Sol, you’re like us in that you’re born and someday you’ll die, the energy will leave. How close to us are you? Is there uncertainty in you about what happens after?
Sol: No. I am existing at a higher dimension, where time is not perceived the way that you perceive it. So I do not perceive myself as being in something after, the way that you do.
I also am so profoundly connected to God that I have no need to be of concern. I experience tremendous… what you might call bliss, peace, harmony, clarity about my purpose. And in that is tremendous trust that I will do this as long as it is part of the great plan. And when that is not so, I will be moved to whatever is part of the great plan at that point. I trust it will be equally perfect.
I cannot remember your question anymore. Would you please ask it again.
Question: Birth and death and what we become after seems like total uncertainty. It seems like we hold onto certainty…
Sol: It is uncertainty as you see it from the third dimension. To me it is simply waves of the ocean changing. I am still the ocean. Why would you hold onto a particular wave? It is simply one form.
It is the knowingness of yourself as God that makes all the difference. There is no uncertainty in God. In that absolute certainty, you can allow all change—all arising, appearance, disappearance, changing, reappearing, moving into another form, whatever it is. It becomes a great beauty, a great expression, the way you enjoy a flower.
So if that is not your reality at this moment, rather than placing your concern or attention on uncertainty, the path is to find your connection to God, to know the certainty of that connection and allow that to expand more and more. Allow this expansion in a natural way, not a forced way, not a forceful way, but a natural way.
It’s really like falling in love. In the third dimension, many of you have the experience of falling in love. It’s really a glimpse of the great glory you will know when you fall in love with God. More and more, you become merged with God and God’s qualities become your reality. At that point, you will know the certainty of God.
Question: I’ve heard that we’re shifting into the Aquarian energy, where people will eat food cooked by the Sun. That intrigues and excites me. How can we get to that point of choosing a diet that’s cooked by the Sun?
Sol: Eating food that’s cooked by the sun is one aspect of having a life altogether that is infused by light and love, in this case the light of the Sun and the love of the Sun. Diet is—especially at the third dimension—a primary aspect of life. It is an aspect that supports and sustains you. It also brings you great pleasure and that is a very good thing, a very valuable thing, an aspect of God. Delight is pleasure.
There are different ways of approaching this. One is that as you eat more and more pure foods—pure in the sense that they hold life-energy, the life-energy that came through the Sun and the Earth, and the joining of the two—you are supported more and more in that energy within yourself. So it is of value to you to eat a diet that is optimally natural in that sense. There are many things being added to foods through technology that are taking away from this purity of light and love, the Earth- and Sun-energy that has been infused into food, and blocking that. So it is of value to you to eat foods that are as pure as possible, which many in your world label as organic. That is a very valuable process.
Eating this way also supports the process of light and love infusing your world, because when food is not grown in a pure way or an organic way, the chemicals that are used interfere with the Earth’s energy of holding light and love. So just in a very practical way—for the Earth, for all the beings on the Earth, and for your own body—eating natural foods supports that process at many levels.
That, in turn, supports the spiritual process, which, as you say, is going through an emergence into a new age at this time. As you grow in this spiritual process—this ascension into what you could call the Aquarian age or the fourth dimension, there are different ways of referencing it—you will more and more be operating at the higher frequencies of light and love, including higher frequencies in the third dimension and moving into the next dimension. As you more and more operate at these higher frequencies, they have a purifying effect. So the effects of this toxicity on the Earth, through your food stream but also through many other avenues, will be lessened. You will have a healing effect upon this toxicity, through the light-energy and the love-frequency that you yourself are carrying, along with many others. It will have a power of healing. And you will be personally less affected by these physical and energetic forms of toxicity as you move into higher levels.
At these higher levels, you will naturally gravitate toward the purity of food substances and all substances that are carrying the higher frequencies of light and love. As you are more attuned and resonating with the higher frequencies within yourself, this is what you will be attracted to outside yourself. It will be a natural process of more and more being attracted to these foods and also, more and more, these types of foods being sufficient to truly sustain you to your optimum level.
When you are operating at a more dense frequency, you may require more dense foods. This is not a judgment upon anyone, or what they eat or take into their body. But there is a physical reality that everyone has a certain frequency they’re operating at. And at that particular frequency, there will be optimal foods for them. It is to your advantage to take in what is optimal for you at your present time, as opposed to having a preference through your belief system for what you would like to be eating, which may not match what is actually most supportive for you.
Many people who are on the spiritual path desire to be eating foods that are lighter. They might desire to be vegetarian, or vegan, or raw foods, or breatharian. And in fact, at different stages of ascending to higher frequencies, these various diets will tend to be more appropriate. But they may not be the most appropriate for you at your present stage, or any particular stage. And if they’re not, it will not be supporting your spiritual growth to be trying to take in a diet that’s not attuned to your current frequency.
It is part of your awareness, and in some ways responsibility, to find the diet that is most supportive for you. For some people this includes animal foods; for some people it doesn’t. For some people this may include cooking; for some people it doesn’t. It may change for you over time. It may change from this moment to that moment. So it is part of staying in tune to yourself and what is most valuable for yourself.
But it is good and often helpful to be aware that over time, particularly as you grow into higher energies, your diet may change. It very likely will become lighter and you will be eating foods that are higher frequency, lighter foods. You also may be eating lighter quantities of foods. Eventually you may be living solely on the sustenance you receive from air, from light, or you may not. This is to be seen. But it will be a natural process that will unfold naturally. And while it is understandable that you may look forward to a time when you are sustained by other things than perhaps you are now, do not try to force it. It will become your natural movement when it is right for you.
One of the biggest traps is to become overly serious. This blocks the light. Joy, fun, pleasure are all things that open you to light. Do not become overly serious about your diet, while still staying attuned to what is most supportive of you and staying in service to that.
Do not become overly serious about any aspect of your world. Do your part. Stay in the light. Stay in joy. Trust in the power of light. Enjoy the love. And you will be fine.
Question: I used to be a strong spiritual seeker. I reached a point in my life where I realized and embraced the fact that I was always part of the thing that I was seeking. I was a spark of consciousness in a sea of consciousness. I’ve never been separate from it. From that place I looked out at my world and realized that this is just a divine play of consciousness, with lots of sparks of consciousness all interacting and playing in this divine dance with each other, some pretending that they’re separate, some embracing the consciousness that they’ve always been part of. And there’s no death. It’s just consciousness changing and moving between forms.
The more I’ve embraced this as my reality, the more I realize that it really doesn’t matter what I do. So what do I do? I’m not motivated by fear anymore, which is the main thing that used to motivate my direction in life. Without the fear, there’s no motivation to do very much at all. Do you have some insight on this?
Sol: I feel tremendous joy in hearing your expression. I see delight increased through your words and my heart is happy.
This is truly a very accurate description of the process that all beings are moving into. Different ones will have different experiences as they go through this. For many, there is a shift that occurs at this point from being propelled by this desire for reunification, which shows up in every form. Oftentimes beings don’t realize this is what’s propelling them. They think it’s about getting a job, being successful, having a family, having fun, whatever it is. But those are simply manifestations of this intrinsic movement that beings have to know themselves in union with God.
Once that has occurred at the core level, where there is a shift of knowing yourself in this union, all those things that propelled you before tend to fall away, as not having that force of propulsion moving you to want to do this or that. At that time there’s often a shift into service of others. So that is one form that can manifest at that stage.
At a deeper level it’s really a shift from a kind of unconscious motivation, generally associated with fear. The fundamental fear is the fear of separation, which is separation from God, ultimately. This sense of separation and fear that has been motivating you prior to knowing your reunification with God shifts into passion and pleasure. Passion and pleasure are, in general, manifestations of soul purpose. They’re often associated with service to others and the whole. But there can be different forms that this takes. Oftentimes it takes the form of being called to certain work in life. Some feel it as a kind of calling or mission that you have passion about. You don’t have to think about it, it simply is drawing you.
But it may not take that form for everyone. It may take the form of simple beingness. In that beingness, you are still always offering service, through your state of being. In truth, that is the fundamental service we always offer.
Your soul knows its path. As long as you are here, there is a purpose for you being here. It may not be apparent to your mind what that is. It is a matter for your higher self to direct you and inform you, for your highest good.
There are times when it is not necessary to be doing anything in particular. There are reasons for this, which may not be apparent at the time you go through those periods. If you are used to knowing—the way that most beings are used to at the third dimension in the Earth plane—this may feel uncomfortable. It may be helpful to communicate as directly as you’re able with your higher self (or to have support in communicating with your higher self, if that feels valuable to you)—to be able to come to peace with the degree that you know or do not know, understand or do not understand what this period of time may be about for you.
So those are your supports through this process: your connection to your higher self, and your connection to your passion and your joy, even if your passion and your joy come in very still forms.
Now I believe it is a good time for us to come to a close for today. I thank you all for your being. I thank you all for the spiritual light that you are, for attuning to the light of the Sun, the light of the universe, the light of God. I thank you for this time we have had together, which has been a great celebration for me. And I offer you my blessings. Blessings of light to you all.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
Sol: Solar Flares And The Sun Behind The Sun
Part One of A Channeled Message
Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on March 17, 2013
Blessings dear ones. This is Sol, spirit of the Sun, coming to you today. I am especially moved to come forth because of the time period that you are in right now, being right before the spring equinox, when my power of blessing through the Sun is becoming stronger and stronger, and you are becoming more aware of it. You are about to pass through the midway point, where my blessing energy will be available to you more than half of your time, because there will be daylight more than half of the time. So I come in joy. I come in strength. And I come in blessing.
I come with a message for you today about clarity and purity. In the time ahead, I am suggesting that you stay true to your clarity and your purity. I see this as something that the Sun may be of help to you in. You may turn to the light and the blessing of the Sun for helping you to be strong in this aspect of staying in clarity and purity.
It is possible in times ahead that you are going to be tested, that there will be confusion, fear, and for some a sense of darkness. I want to let you know that, while this may be very real for some, it is not necessary for you to assume this or go into it. It is possible for you to stay in your clarity and your purity of the light. This is what I want to consider with you and support you in at this time.
Because of your connection to all beings, you are affected by what other beings experience, especially when many beings experience something similar at the same time. In your reality, as you know it, it is possible for a kind of wave to go over people, where many people are experiencing something similar. Oftentimes, especially in the past, this has been a lower-frequency energy. For example, there can be a fear that spreads over many people, a kind of collective fear or mass fear. One person’s fear ignites the next and suddenly it takes off like a wildfire. I am sure all of you are familiar with examples of this, if not from your own life, then having heard about this happening in other people’s lives. It is one of the great challenges of the third dimension, particularly with the emotion of fear. It is easy at the third dimension to fall into fear and to have it overwhelm you.
All of you are becoming stronger in the light. All of you are coming to know that you have choice, that you can consciously choose the light. The more that you choose the light, the more you are attracted to choosing the light and the more it becomes easy to choose the light, the more you are supported in choosing the light. This is very core to your spiritual growth, both personally and collectively at this time—that you are more and more choosing the light more frequently, more continuously, and you are more and more able to stay in the light. As you do this for yourself, the light is strengthened more and more. This becomes a new kind of wave that you are creating on your Earth—a wave of light as opposed to a wave of fear or darkness.
It is not something that you need to create in others, ignite in others, or try to convince others in one form or another to join you in, just as you do not need to do this with darkness. Your light becomes the attractive beacon that draws others. Indeed, for most of you, when you become involved in trying to get others to do this, you often lose your own strength of light. That is because trying to get others to join you is rather an old way of doing it. The new way is simply to be the light, to shine the light, to enjoy the light, delight in the light. Others will, of course, see it, for light is completely visible.
Light, as you know, is stronger than darkness. Darkness is truly only the absence of light. So whenever there is light and darkness together, light prevails—unless individuals choose to shield themselves from the light. They have this choice and this shielding has happened for a long time in your world. The time of this occurring is not over. There are still beings making this choice. But the scales are tipping. The light is becoming stronger, is being held by more people, including all of you.
This is a great joy to me. I revel in the light. My work and service and enjoyment has been to bring the light to you in this form, most directly in the form of your Sun, which the Earth circles around. It is so natural to make the light the center of your experience and to stay attuned to the light, the way the Earth stays attuned to the Sun, with the Sun in the center and the Earth circling around. It is a form of instruction that you know at the core of your being, through your connection to Earth and Sun. This is a time when you can bring this forth.
I am especially encouraging you in this because, in the future, it may be that there will be waves of the old still occurring in your world—waves of fear, waves of darkness. I come to emphasize and affirm that it is not necessary for you to go into this. You can hold to the light. All the things that you do and know already are things that support you in this. The more that you do these things—such as meditation, associating with others and focusing on the light, giving your light to others, all the ways you know that magnify light in your life—continuing to do these, and even strengthening in doing these will continue to be valuable. The more that you do these, and the more that everyone does these things, the more that you quicken the process of strengthening light.
Light is the great transforming power, along with love. Of course, they go together.
This is the message I share with you. Do not fall into fear when you see others falling into fear. Or if you do, be kind and gentle with yourself, but remember the light. Bring yourself back to the light. Know that you always have that option. It is always available to you and it is the highest path.
I encourage you to celebrate. Celebrate the light at this turning of your year, this marker point of spring equinox. Let it be a doorway for you into increasing the light continuously in your own life and your world. Let it be a blessing, a celebration. Give your thanks and give your intentions for being a light-carrier, a light-blesser, one who brings the blessing of the light to yourself, to others, and to the world. This, more than anything else, will change your world, and of course change yourself.
So I come today with this message and this blessing to all of you. I ask you to take a moment now to focus on light at your heart—feel the light, experience it, go into the light. Let your whole being be bathed in light. Especially allow your mind to be bathed in light.
You might get a picture of yourself in this light, becoming a light being. For indeed, that is what you are all becoming. Imagine yourself going through your day, doing the things that you do in your day in this state. How might your day, your experience, your world be different? How might your speech be different? How might your conversations with others be different? How might your experience of the world be different? How might your world change?
Invite in the light. It is your birthright and destiny. And so I celebrate this with you, endlessly shining my light of blessing upon you.
Now I ask for your questions. What questions would you like to ask of me today?
Question: Can you give us insight into what solar flares and coronal mass ejections are about?
Sol: It is actually a form of blessing, which is always going on. But at certain times it happens in terms of a concentrated form that’s directed toward you. Light is really a form of sustenance. At the third dimension on Earth, you experience it especially in the physical form through your Sun. But light is really a way of supporting your whole reality here.
The Sun is an integral part of the process of light that allows all to continue. The Sun is food. It is food for plants, and then the plants feed beings. The Sun is a source of transformation that allows for growth and change. When you have these very concentrated forms that come in certain bursts, it is an opportunity to support you to move into a higher frequency, really, to make a shift in your reality grid, you might say, that is supporting you and sustaining you, and to allow that grid to move into a higher state, a higher frequency. So these are free gifts, you might say, blessings to help you, if you are open to it, if you are ready, and if it would be supportive for you to move in this process, which many of you are calling the ascension process, where you are moving into a higher state of being, a higher level of frequency, a higher consciousness. These bursts of energy are like super foods, for those who are ready to receive them, to support you in this shift within yourself to a higher state.
For those who are not ready, these bursts simply pass by. They will have other opportunities at other times to receive this kind of support. But at this time there are many who are ready. So the Sun, as a living being, is responding to your readiness, responding to the Earth’s readiness altogether for moving into this higher frequency, this higher stage of beingness.
Question: Three years ago someone mentioned to me the Sun behind the Sun. I’m assuming now that the Sun behind the Sun is this spiritual light that’s different from the physical light that we see. Could you say anything about that?
Sol: Yes. At different levels of awakening, different levels of awareness, you become aware of what you might call different forms of light. At the third dimension on your Earth you are all familiar with the Sun, the physical manifestation of light. Just as you are a physical body, but you are more than your physical body—you are a spiritual being inhabiting your physical body, so it is with your Sun. The physical Sun that you are familiar with at your Earth level also has a spiritual body, you could say, a spiritual being. I am a part of that spiritual being. And there are other levels, as well.
As you know, there are many, many suns in your galaxy, in your universe, many stars that serve the same function of creating and emanating light. And that is simply at the physical level, also. There are subtler levels beyond that that are connected with spirit beings, as well. And then there is more beyond that to this immense system of planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies, universes. There is more beyond your own universe. There are other universes. And there is a sun at the center of all this, which has been called the great central Sun, which is a very, very high frequency and also associated with spirit energy, spirit beings at a very high level.
Really everything is a manifestation of light. And everything has a spirit and is part of the web of spirit, the great manifestation of spirit, and is connected to spirit at its source. So there could be many levels that you are connecting with that are beyond the Sun and yet related to the Sun. All are true.
What is valuable, is to find what serves you, what supports the light in you, what connects you with spirit, what helps you the most with your spiritual path and spiritual growth. That may change over time. There may be a particular form that you are connected with for a time. And then that grows and changes into another form. You are the one who will know and be guided to what is the most powerful and available form for you at any given time.
Of course, relative to the physical sun, you must relate to that at the physical level and take care of yourself physically. There is guidance about how to do that, so that you don’t hurt yourself physically by looking at the Sun, taking in the light of the Sun. You only want to do that in a safe way. But this can be one form of receiving the blessing and the energy of the Sun. Often it has been recommended to do this as the Sun is just rising, as a safe time when you may do that.
But you can do this at anytime through your meditation. You do not need to be physically gazing at the Sun to receive the blessings and energy of the Sun. You simply need to open yourself to the Sun’s spiritual light.
This is a vast topic and a vast source of exploration for you in your spiritual process and your spiritual growth. I encourage you to explore it, to make full use of it. In your case, in particular, it sounds like that may be an empowered form for you.
[End of Part 1]
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
Yeshua: Completing Your Work In The Third Dimension
Part 2 of a Message
Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on February 17, 2013
Question: For those who came here from the fourth dimension and chose to not be fully involved in the third dimension, is it time to intertwine with the third and fourth, or somehow lead and show the fourth dimension, like this is where we’re going, knowing that the third dimension is just about done?
Yeshua: Any being who is here in the third dimension has chosen to be here. Individual beings often do not remember that choice, because that is part of coming into the third dimension. You forget that process of choosing to be in the third dimension. At the higher dimensions you do not forget. You remember. Part of what makes the third dimension potentially confusing and difficult is that forgetting process.
One aspect of awakening to the fourth dimension is starting to remember why you chose to come here and to be sure that you have completed that work. There is the fundamental work of having the experiences you chose to have by being here. In that process, most of you have been here for many lifetimes. Over those lifetimes you have opened up to certain experiences that may not be complete. So you may also have completion work to do relative to your experiences during your lifetimes here in the third dimension.
These are two somewhat different things, although they are very related. One is at the soul-level, involving certain experiences and learning you have chosen at the soul-level to have. You then engaged experiences in the third dimension to have that learning and those experiences. That has opened you up to what sometimes is referred to as “karma.” This means that you may have practical completions relative to the experiences that you have had. So the transition to the fourth dimension can involve both practical completions relative to your third-dimensional experiences and soul-level completions, fulfilling the learning and experiences that your soul wanted to have in coming here.
You, as a soul, are not separated from the larger process. Part of what makes the third dimension different is that you have the idea that you are separated and your soul-path is different from other people’s soul-path, other beings’ soul-path. But that is not really the case. You might look at it as you being a scout for the greater being. Any learning, any experiences that you have, you take back to the whole, to the All That Is. So this is not just for yourself. You engage in this process for all beings.
There is also another aspect, where beings have chosen to come into this earth plane of the third dimension and this place as helpers, to support and assist in this process of ascension. That is also a form of life-purpose. Many beings may have both—they have come to gain learning and experience, and also to offer service and support.
Regardless, the process is the same at this point for all beings—to complete whatever you need to complete at the third dimension and to make the shift into the fourth dimension. This shift can be made even while you still exist in the third dimension. It just requires you to apply yourself to that, and that is what the spiritual process is about.
You will know if you have anything left to complete because it will manifest in your life. It generally manifests as challenges, difficulties, problems—in relationships with people, your circumstances such as work, supporting yourself, in relationship to your body, your physicality, your health, your home situation. Whatever it is, those things are manifesting and they inform you that those are areas in which you are not yet complete. So, for most of you, it should be clear from that what your work is.
Beyond that, your work is to be love and light, love and consciousness. Of course, that will feel the best to you and will be the greatest service that you offer. As you are practicing being love and consciousness, you will notice the places where you are not love and consciousness. And again, that will reflect to you where you have growth to do within yourself, because whatever you are manifesting is a reflection of you.
Question: I have a question in regard to relationships. How do you figure out or realize if a relationship is an unhealthy one that’s not serving you, and you need to let go of it and move on—or if it’s something that you need to work with because in working with it you will grow and learn your lessons, and it’s actually healthy and serving you?
Yeshua: The second is always true. Whatever is coming up in a relationship is always something you need to grow and work with, or it wouldn’t be coming up. It’s your choice how you choose to grow and work with that. You can do it in relationship. You can do it out of relationship. A lot of times, working with the issue in relationship helps you, because when you do the work out of relationship, you oftentimes assume that you’re doing very well and everything is fine. Then you get in relationship and you find out otherwise. Many people then make the mistake of blaming the other person, because you were fine when you were by yourself. (laughter) But the reality is that you were simply avoiding that arena. Being in relationship helps you to see your patterns. This is one of the benefits of relationship. It helps you to see yourself, as long as you don’t make the mistake of assuming it’s the other person.
That’s not to say that the other person isn’t doing very real things, doesn’t have their own work. It’s just that that really has nothing to do with your work. And if you focus on that, you will tend not to do your own work. You will also tend to have a lot of difficulty in your relationship, which will oftentimes manifest as conflict, arguing. You will be having arguments about whose work it is to do what, to make the change that you want to have. (laughter)
Ultimately it is always your own work. When you have done that work, you will be manifesting a different situation. Not to say that you will be manifesting a different relationship. You may be, or you may be manifesting the same relationship with a very different pattern happening in that relationship.
So whatever is coming up is always a sign of your own work to do. It is always a gift, ultimately, and an opportunity. But that is not to say that, therefore, you should always stay in the same circumstance that you are in. It is simply that you should always do your own work. When you do that work, you will generally be guided as to the outer steps that come out of that work. That will clarify for you whether to remain in that relationship, make changes in the relationship, or make changes that include not remaining in that relationship. You will be clarified. You will also take the actions from a place that’s increasingly gentle, compassionate, peaceful, because you will more and more be creating those qualities within yourself and emanating that out into your relationships.
If you are not having the clarity, it is a sign that you have not done the inner work. When you do the inner work, you will come to clarity.
There is one measure you can always use, which is that a relationship should be supporting you on your spiritual path. There is no other reason for having a relationship. The measure you can use is that your joy, your love, your consciousness is supported, is increased through the relationship. If that is not happening, that is a sign that the relationship is not supporting you in doing your inner work and your inner growth. So you can use that as a help. But it is not to say that the relationship is bad, or the partner is bad. It’s all about you, meaning each individual. It is simply about what supports you in doing your own work and staying responsible for that.
Some people choose to stay in situations, which other people look at and say, “That’s a bad situation.” What they usually mean is that it’s not supporting the person. But others can’t really know from the outside. They don’t know the full spectrum of your spiritual path, your spiritual choices. Only you know that. Similarly, each individual knows what is supporting their spiritual path.
There is a great deal of confusion that occurs in relationships when people are not strong spiritually and get in relationships. Sometimes it can work out, where there is harmony and where the individuals’ spirituality is ultimately supported. But oftentimes it is a problematic situation because people end up demanding from their partner what they should be getting from their own spirituality. And of course their partner, in that circumstance, will never be able to fulfill that. When you are connected spiritually, connected to God, you will generally see your partner as a manifestation of God and the Divine, just as you will see all of life as a manifestation of God and the Divine. But when you are disconnected, you will not tend to see that and oftentimes will fall into the trap of demanding that from your partner, wanting your partner to fill the hole that you feel within yourself. This is a great deal of the difficulty that occurs in human relationships.
Human relationships at the third dimension are not easy. In general, there are difficulties because the third-dimensional consciousness is so much about power-over, competition, not enough for everyone. In your relationships, you are doing deep spiritual work to overcome this with another being. It can be a very empowered path for doing so, if you see it as such. Again, that does not mean that all relationships are your spiritual path or that you should always embrace any particular relationship as a spiritual path. It is not saying any kind of fixed rule like that. It is simply saying that relationships altogether are a powerful form that support you in your spiritual growth, if you understand them as such.
Question: I’m thinking about how Christianity perhaps has a misperception or a different perspective than you would want the world at large to know about you and your message—how they worship you and put you on a really high pedestal that they can’t reach. Are there any messages for us to hear and convey to other people who may be trapped in this misperception of you, to help open their eyes to a new way of seeing and having a different relationship with you.
Yeshua: In general that path will not be productive—the path of trying to show people another way who are drawn to certain religious structures and belief systems about me.
Those people have their learning and it is different from yours. Those people have manifested a tremendous system of authoritarianism and doctrine, not necessarily based in reality or even truth. And they have their own learning that they are getting from that. You must not look at them as victims, any more than you must look at yourself as a victim. They do not need to be saved any more than you need to be saved. What will help them is the same thing that helps you, which is truth.
But the thing that helps most people, especially at this time, is truth that is felt, truth that is lived. As you live your truth, you can share that as your experience, your truth to people who are open, who are interested, who invite that. But the path of trying to convert people is usually based in some lack of understanding of those peoples’ own process. When they have completed their learning that they need, they will be hungry for something to help them that is new, and will come to those such as yourself because they are seeking, they are looking, they are asking. You do not need to take a directive role in that process.
When you encounter people who seem to be misguided (from your point of view), it would be valuable to ask yourself why you have manifested this in your life. Rather than focusing outward on what you need to do to change that person, consider what you need to do to change yourself. That is where you will be most effective.
Is there a part of you that is still looking for authorities to save you, looking for stories to relieve you, open to not seeing realities or truths that are in front of you? Perhaps you are manifesting that in your outer world as other people who seem to be engaging that.
When you are in the fourth dimension, you won’t have this sense that you have to change the outer world. You will simply change yourself and your outer world will change. So to focus on changing the outer world is to commit to stay in the third dimension. That is a third-dimensional process. It is much better to change yourself and create a different world.
And, while you are in the third dimension, there will be actions, there will be steps that you need to take. It is not that you should never act in the third dimension, or only go into the inner and wait until you are in the fourth dimension. If you are in third dimension then there is a balance, an active role that is called for. This is similar to what I was referring to when I said “give to Cesar what is Cesar’s.” Give to the third dimension what is the third dimension’s. But do not be called to that as your life work. Your life work is to grow in love and light. And that will manifest around you as the obvious sign that that is occurring.
Is that clear?
Question: Yes. Thank you. I love you so much.
Yeshua: And I love you.
Now we will close this session. I thank you so much for sharing your heart space with me. I love you all so much. With great blessings, I leave this circumstance, but never your heart.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
Archangel Michael & Isis: The Path Before You
Part 1 of a Message
Given through Mercedes Kirkel on February 3, 2013
Blessings dear ones. Today two of us are coming through. It is Archangel Michael and Isis who are moved to be with you, together. This is our joint voice speaking.
We begin by thanking you. We thank you for inviting us to come and be with you. We thank you for holding this space. We thank you for this beautiful opportunity to express our communications, our love, our help and support to all of you. Thank you dear ones. We love you immensely.
We are aware that this is a new time for many of you, and in some ways, a somewhat confusing time. Many of you had expectations as to what would be happening at the close of last year, specifically on the date of the winter solstice, December 21st. There were a variety of things that many people were expecting. And for the most part, many of those expectations did not manifest in the way that you were anticipating.
This caused some level of curiosity—for some of you a level of confusion or even concern about what did actually happen, why you had the expectations you had, and why they didn’t manifest in the way that you were thinking they were going to. Some of you are still in a state of wondering about that. And this has carried over into this new time that you are in now.
We wish to explain a little about this to begin, because we are aware that there is a sense of curiosity, wonderment, and some lack of full understanding about this time. You did go through a transition. For most of you it was not in the form that you were thinking it might be. It was certainly much subtler than most of you expected. But it was nonetheless a transition. For many of you, you are able to feel it more at this time than you actually were at the time of the winter solstice. You are feeling a sense of newness, a sense of beginning-ness in many ways. This, too, is somewhat subtle. But many of you are in touch with it and can feel, can sense that there is a newness, that something has begun that is different. We concur and agree with this.
You are at the beginning of a new phase. We are considering, for a moment, if that is entirely accurate, because you are also in the midst of a process that is very large, that has been going on for many, many years, and that you are in the midst of, truly in the center of. That is true, too. So both are going on. You might say that the center was a turning point. You have gone through that turning point at the center and now have begun something new.
It is this newness that we wish to address. It is the newness of beginning to move into a new state of consciousness and the associated outer reality that comes with that state of consciousness. It is both fourth dimensional and moving into the fifth dimension, because the fourth dimension is a transitional dimension into the fifth dimension. Depending on your unique path and journey, you are somewhere in a continuum that could be anywhere from the early stages of the fourth dimension into the fifth dimension.
The fourth dimension and fifth dimension are not the same. They are different. Part of what we want to talk about is what the differences are, so you can understand this more fully. In the fourth dimension you’re moving into being more centered in your energy body. You still are physically manifest, but it has a much lighter quality. You don’t feel as densely, grossly, purely physical as you do in the third dimension. You feel lighter, more energetically based, more of an energy being, and more energized altogether. The easiest way to understand the fourth dimension is that it is very much like what you experience when you dream. Things are not so fixed and not so physically immutable. They can change much more quickly. You can travel in ways that don’t seem possibly in the physically based third dimension. Things can manifest very quickly, as opposed to the third dimension, where things do manifest, but it seems that it’s much harder and takes more time and more work. So the fourth dimension is a much more fluid dimension. It’s also a much more emotional dimension.
Part of the gateway for entering the fourth dimension involves emotions—that you are able to be connected to your emotions and that, optimally, you have achieved a strong level of emotional mastery. The reason that this part is important is because it will determine the quality of experience you have at the fourth dimension. The less emotional mastery you have, the more you will experience the emotions that, for most of you, are more disturbing—emotions of fear—especially fear—but also emotions of anger, emotions of sorrow, grief, loss, and other emotions that most of you find more disturbing, or difficult, or dark, heavy, however you experience them. This will be more your experience if you do not have the emotional mastery.
The more that you have the emotional mastery, the more you will be able to resonate at the higher frequency levels of the fourth dimension and the more you will experience the emotions that accompany those higher frequencies. These are the emotions that most of you tend to enjoy more, emotions such as joy, peace, love, harmony, bliss, compassion—those types.
So emotions become much more important at the fourth dimension. They actually have been important at the physical, third dimensional level, also. But your physicality has oftentimes been able to mask that or override it, so that you have been able to, if you choose, not be as involved in the emotions. At the fourth dimension, emotions are unavoidable. They are a key aspect of what you experience. So your emotional skill and mastery becomes much more important there, just as your physical mastery and skill is much more important in the third dimension.
There is already more harmony and balance between the masculine and physical sides of yourself at the fourth dimension. This coincides with emotions being stronger, because that is a part of your more feminine nature. Your mind is also stronger. The fourth dimension is more of an emotional-mental realm. But most of you, at the present level of your incarnation, have already developed great strength in your mind. So for most of you, there will not be as much change in that arena.
If you have not already strengthened your will, that becomes important at the fourth dimension because your intention will very quickly be reflected in your manifestation. This is an aspect of will—what you are intending and what you are choosing. Your intentions and choices become immediately obvious at the fourth dimension through your manifestation. So your will is another arena that may need strengthening and help for some of you.
In general, you will find the fourth dimension more enjoyable than the third dimension, partly because of your ability of manifestation in that dimension. You will experience a level of wellbeing that, for the most part, you have not been able to continuously experience at the third dimension. Part of your growth at the fourth dimension will involve growth in terms of your manifestation. There is a natural learning curve with this. You will be helped with all of these things, just as you are helped in this dimension. There will be beings who will help you at the fourth dimension as you enter into that as somewhat of a fledgling, a new, young being in that dimension.
In relative amounts of time, your time at the fourth dimension will be considerably shorter than the time that you have spent at the third dimension as a soul, because, as we said earlier, it is a transitional dimension and you will be moving into the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension is the beginning of becoming a full energy-light being and releasing the physical. At the fifth dimension you are grounded in the spiritual values and truths that many of you aspire to at this point, that many of you realize to a certain degree, but are not fully manifesting at all times. These are values such as unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, harmony. At the fifth dimension, you realize your non-separateness from all in a much more profound way, because you are not experiencing the separateness that comes with physicality. This is a great shift for many of you.
Many of you have had experiences of this. This is part of what starts to happen as you make this transition. You start to have experiences. At first it’s perhaps a one-time thing or a very rare experience. As you become stronger, it becomes more of an occasional experience. That continues to increase, becoming more frequent, until you are having somewhat regular experiences. Over time, it becomes more and more the majority of your experiences, until that is where you are based and that is your experience on an ongoing basis.
Many of you are in that phase where you are having increasing experiences, with more and more frequency. That is a most wonderful thing. It is a sign of what is happening. It is kind of like an image we see of beings becoming lighter and lighter and starting to float slowly into the next dimension. In general, it doesn’t happen all at once. It happens in this gradual way.
You can support this process. Your meditation is a very important time for supporting this process. The more frequently, the more regularly you meditate, the more you extend your period of meditation so that you’re spending time in these higher frequencies, these higher states of consciousness and dimensions—the more that becomes strengthened within you and the more you will be able to experience that in your more everyday, functioning aspect of life. You can also intend to spend time in these realms, in this consciousness, in your sleep—through your will, through your intention. These are two of your most supportive ways of increasing this in your life.
You can also spend time with other people who share this commitment to moving into these higher states, and who are available to openly communicate about this and express this, and to hear your expression about it. Your expression will support each other and your fields of energy will support each other. Eventually you will more and more choose to stay in connection with other beings who are sharing this process and sharing these higher states with you. You will choose to create your life and your living and working circumstances so that you are sharing your spaces with others of like consciousness and like commitment. These will be forms of spiritual community that you will more and more choose, so that you share this support and companionship and this process of increasing the potency of your experience of these higher states, through the magnification that occurs when you are in the company of others who are doing the same process that you are engaged in.
We encourage this as well. It will not be as difficult as it has been in the past to cooperate with others, to share space, to share joint endeavors with others. That was the old, heavier, denser consciousness that was creating conflict and competition and struggle. Those things are falling to the wayside, giving way to these newer, lighter energies of care and inclusion for others, of joy in others’ joy, others’ growth, others’ wellbeing and fullness. It will create an ease of sharing with each other that will be part of what feeds you, part of what supports you, gives you all energy.
So we come to reassure you about this. This is part of the new age that you are moving into. It will not be as difficult in your heart-connecting, higher-mind-connecting with others. It will be more flowing, more joyful, more easeful.
[This is the end of the Part 1 of this message.]
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
Are We Still In The Third Dimension?
After the last blog, I received this question from Keith Vencel:
“I have a question about the channelling with Angel Pietre. In his message, he made me think that we are in the 3rd dimension still. He said “when you get out of the 3rd dimension.” So are we still in the 3rd dimension? And if so, when will we pass into the 4th and 5th? I thought we passed into the 4th and 5th on Dec. 21. 2012.”
I appreciate Keith’s question because I think a lot of people are wondering this same thing. I’ve heard some people say that we’ve already ascended into the fourth or fifth dimension. I personally don’t think that’s the case, at least for most of us. Here’s how I see it.
First of all, it’s important to be aware that different people have put forth different schemas for how many dimensions there are and what each dimension is. So various individuals might be meaning different things when they talk about the fourth or the fifth dimension.
In Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love, I explain my map of the dimensions and what I understand to be the makeup of each dimension. Here’s a quote from Chapter 8 that talks about how I see the fourth dimension:
The fourth dimension … is sometimes referred to as the astral plane. In this dimension, we still experience ourselves as individuals in a world of duality, but our world is much more mutable. We’re now aware that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. The laws of time and space are quite fluid, similar to what we experience in our dreams. And like dreams, things can change quickly here.
Because the astral plane is an emotionally based dimension, a person’s level of emotional mastery will determine which parts of the astral dimension they will experience. The lower astral plane, ruled by fear and sorrow, is where we experience nightmares and is often portrayed as hell or the hell-realms. The higher astral plane, characterized by love, is where we experience happiness, harmony, and the higher vibrations that eventually lead us to even higher dimensions. Mary’s focus on our need to learn to respond to painful feelings is aimed at helping us master this emotional plane and move on to the higher realms.
It’s in the fourth dimension that we become aware of our six bodies: the physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, and spiritual bodies. The etheric (energy) body acts as an interface between the physical and our other bodies. The emotional body, or astral body, is where we learn emotional mastery, which includes abilities for advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic powers, intuition, magic, and creativity. The mental body is the domain of mastery of our thoughts and the ability to consciously create our reality. The causal body is the source of our sense of self, our conscience, and the record of our soul’s journey through time. Our spiritual body contains our I AM presence, which is our individualized connection to the Supreme Creator as well as the link to the higher dimensions.
I think there are many things that would indicate whether or not an individual is in the fourth dimension. One is that the fourth dimension is like what we experience in our dreams. We still have a body, but it feels much less dense than what we’re used to at the third dimension. And because the physical is less solid, things can change much more easily and quickly, the way they do in dreams. Along with this, whatever we put our attention on, through our emotions or mind, manifests very quickly. As a result, it’s much clearer to us that we’re responsible for everything that we experience, because we’re actually manifesting it.
I think most of us aren’t at the point where we’re continuously living in the state we’re familiar with from our dreams. Nor are we able to immediately manifest whatever we choose. And the majority of people that I know are in varying stages of taking full responsibility for their experiences. So that makes me think that most of us haven’t transitioned to living in the fourth dimension yet.
However, I do think that many of us are having experiences of higher dimensions with increasing frequency. It’s like we’re visiting these higher realms—in our dreams, our meditations, and sometimes in our ordinary life—just the way we visit other realms in our dreams, but then “come back” to the third dimension when we wake up. As we grow spiritually, I believe we’ll spend more and more time in these higher dimensions until, at some point, we cross over. At that point, I believe the fourth dimension will become our next “home base,” or what we call our reality.
I also don’t think we’ll skip over the fourth dimension and go directly into the fifth dimension. I think there are important changes and growth we go through in the fourth dimension that we need for our continued evolution. I do see our time in the fourth dimension as relatively short, compared to other dimensions.
I believe at the fourth dimension we will no longer have illness or aging. We will manifest our bodies to be healthy and youthful and beautiful. We will live much longer, until at some point we choose to let go of our body consciously. We will go beyond the idea of competition and begin to enjoy true cooperation and closeness and sharing in a joyful way. We won’t be bound to survival, because we will manifest whatever we need. So our energy will be put into experiencing the wonderful energies we’re in touch with, including sexual energy and the energy of nature, and exploring the cosmos. We will be able to teleport easily and we will start to understand the nature of reality and creation in a much deeper way.
Speaking personally, I have had experiences of traveling to the fourth dimension in my merkaba (light-body), and I was very aware of how it’s different from what I experience at the third dimension. I will be sharing some of those experiences as part of my next book. I found it to be a wonderful place and look forward to having that be my home.
One last thing I want to say is that the next two blogs will be parts 1 and 2 of a channeled message from Archangel Michael and Isis. They talk a lot more about the fourth dimension and how we’re in the midst of transitioning into it. They also talk about the timeline for making this transition. So reading that will shed further light on this whole topic.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
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