Embracing The Body And Feelings Versus Letting Go
By Mercedes Kirkel
I recently received this question from a woman in Australia: “How can I reconcile the feminine path of looking more to the body and the feelings with the ascension process of slowly losing the physical body and also “mastering” the emotions? These seem to contradict, yet I know they can’t really.”
I really appreciate the depth of consideration I feel in this question. I wanted to share my response in this blog because I think others may be wondering something similar.
Mary Magdalene talks a lot about the differences between the Feminine and Masculine paths in Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love. The first thing she emphasizes is that we all have the Feminine and Masculine within ourselves, regardless of whether we’re male or female. And all of us have received the same cultural training (for the most part) which, for a very long time, has greatly favored the Masculine, at the expense of the Feminine. As a result, most of us—including most women—are out of balance, being well-developed in our Masculine and underdeveloped in our Feminine.
So what exactly is the Feminine and Masculine? That’s a very large topic, which is addressed in depth in Mary Magdalene Beckons. Part of what Mary tells us is that within humans, the Feminine has three foundational arenas: our body, sexuality, and emotions. When our relationship tall three is strong, we’re able to live from our heart and embody the Divine Feminine aspect of human-beingness. The path to strengthening these three arenas (our body, sexuality, and emotions) is to fully embrace them as sacred functions and to heal any blocks we have to doing so (such as shame or dislike relative to our body). This form of embrace and love ultimately leads to union with God.
The Masculine path also leads to union with God, but through a different course. In the Masculine form, we overcome or transcend our blocks to God-union through discipline of body and mind, and we move into union through setting intentions and following through with action. This initially is directed through the will and lower mind. When both the Masculine and Feminine foundations are strong and the heart is open, the inner Divine Feminine leads us into union with the inner Divine Masculine, whose seat is in the higher mind.
Most of us are at a stage right now where we’ve strengthened our will and lower mind. Our educational system and culture in general is highly geared toward accomplishing this. What most of us are needing is to strengthen our Feminine foundations through embracing all the aspects of our body, sexuality, and emotions and relating to them as sacred. This is not generally taught and reinforced in our culture. Most of us have picked up our training in these areas in a somewhat “potluck” or happenstance way. So many of us have “holes” we’re still needing to strengthen in order to open fully to our inner Divine Feminine.
When we’ve completed our work of strengthening our inner Feminine and are seated in our heart, our inner Divine Feminine will naturally call to her partner, the inner Divine Masculine. It’s the nature of the Feminine is to be in union with the Masculine. This inner union is what Mary Magdalene refers to as the marriage of the sacred heart and sacred mind, and it’s currently our primary requirement for ascending into the fourth dimension. Mary states in no uncertain terms that our lack of balance and union between the Masculine and Feminine is the principle thing that’s holding most of us back in our spiritual evolution. And it really comes down to the embrace of our body, sexuality, and emotions—the parts of ourselves that have generally been most neglected, especially within spiritual traditions or paths.
So the embrace of our fully manifest aspects comes first. That embrace leads to mastery of the third dimensional levels of incarnation—mastery in relationship to the physical, sexual, emotional, the will, and the lower mind. That mastery is a big part of what we, as souls, came here (meaning to Earth and the third dimension) to experience and accomplish, both at the personal and the collective level.
Once we’ve fulfilled our soul’s purpose, relative to experiencing and mastering these levels, as well as completing any karma we have in these same arenas, we’re free to move on to the next dimension. It’s kind of like graduating from one grade to the next in the cosmic school of Earth.
At the fourth dimension, our situation and experience will be different. One of the main differences is that our physical circumstance will be much lighter and much less binding. So there’s a natural “letting go” that will happen relative to the physical, not because we’re trying to let go, but because our circumstance is different and it will be natural to us to relate to the physical in this lighter, freer way.
Simultaneous with that, our relationship to our emotions and lower mind will become much more important, because the fourth dimension is more concentrated in these arenas. So our mastery in these areas will become more essential. The degree to which we’ve achieved mastery prior to entering the fourth dimension will be a great support for us and will allow us to locate ourselves in the higher frequencies of the fourth dimension, which we generally will enjoy much more than the lower frequencies.
I think what’s most important about all of this is to understand what our “next steps” are that are before us now. I believe this whole process is a very natural, evolutionary process, similar to what a child goes through in any of its developmental leaps into a new stage. A child who is learning to walk doesn’t need to know that walking will lead to running, leaping, jumping, hopping, skipping, etc., not to mention dancing, playing football, or any of the myriad things walking allows to happen. A child has an advantage, in a sense, that their mind isn’t developed, so it doesn’t interfere with their one-pointed focus and perseverance in whatever they’re mastering.
We do have our minds, and they serve us very well in many ways. In our present circumstance, they can help us to understand what our current work is and help us to focus on that. It may be useful to understand the larger context in which all this is happening and where it’s all leading, as long as we don’t let that distract us from doing the real work of transformation that’s right in front of us.
Like a moth that’s becoming a butterfly, we’re all in a process of becoming, which may be confusing or unclear at times, especially if we’re accustomed to knowing what’s going to happen with our mind. I believe there’s something much bigger than our mind that’s directing this magnificent process, and we’re being given everything we need—even though it may not always appear that way. At some point, I think we’ll look back and see what a wonder this whole process has been, just as we might do now relative to our current lifetime and all we’ve gone through in our various steps of learning and development to become what we are now. Who would have known, from an earlier vantage point, where it was all leading. Yet from this perspective looking back, it may seem like a perfect, perhaps even miraculous, plan that had an amazing logic all along. We just couldn’t see it at the time.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address (www.mercedeskirkel.com) is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.