Going Beyond Subtle Forms of Overpowering Free Will & Knowing Your Life-Purpose
From High Angel Pietre
Part 1 of a Message Received through Mercedes Kirkel
on January 20, 2013
Blessings dear ones,
This is high angel Pietre, who you may also call Peter, and I would like to communicate with you today. I thank you all for inviting me here today, for holding space for me, for yourselves, for all beings. This is a beautiful space of love and blessing that you have created and it is wonderful that you are doing this. I acknowledge you, and thank you, and support you in this. And I particularly thank you for making space for one of the higher beings to come through, and for allowing me to come through and to talk to you.
I am mostly interested in being with you, in having this time of connecting with you, and sharing with you in what you might call an energetic way. I have blessings to bring to you and they do not require words. They simply require my connection with you and my communion with you, which I feel and which we are already engaging together. As you more and more move into higher consciousness and the higher dimensions associated with being in higher consciousness, you will find less and less of a need for words and verbal communication. Those of us who are already living in these higher dimensions rarely use words. We are able to connect in a different way, which has more of an energy basis. So for me it is more natural to connect with you in this energetic way.
Yet I know that for many of you, words are what you are very familiar with and what helps you to communicate—to feel understood and heard in what you want to communicate, and to understand and hear what others communicate to you. It is why I am speaking in words through this channel, to make it completely mutual between the two of us, so that you have as much ease in communicating with me as I do with you. So I invite you to use words and to communicate with me, through your words, that which you would like to communicate. And I am happy to communicate back in words. Even so, know that as we do this, I am also communicating with you in this other way that is more natural to me, which does not involve words.
Know that when I communicate with you in this way, there is no transgression involved. You are completely at choice as to whether you wish to receive my communication or make a communication back to me energetically. I say this to make sure there is no fear or concern on anyone’s part that I may be doing something to you that you are not in choice about or would not want to be done to you if you realized that was happening. Your energy body is completely at choice and I do not have power to do anything to you, nor do I choose to do anything to you, that you do not want or invite at the energetic level. I hope that sets you at ease and peace that there is no transgression involved.
Transgression of that nature is something that is anathema to beings at higher levels of consciousness. We have greatest respect for beings’ free choice, and we understand that it is a grave error to try to override free choice in any way—an error for ourselves as well as for the other one involved. So that is not attractive to us to do that.
This is something that beings at the third dimension are very much learning about. Part of the reason that beings have come into the third dimension is to learn about this, to experiment and explore with the power that you have to transgress and override the free choice of another being, as certainly you are aware of at this dimension. Part of your exploration in coming here, part of the experience you have come to gather and garner is to discover what the outcome is of doing that—when you override another beings’ free choice. What is the outcome for yourself when you do that? What is the outcome for others when you do that? What is the outcome when others do that in relationship to you or when others do that in relationship to others other than yourself?
Many of you are aware of the more obvious ways in which this is done, which are physical ways, where someone physically overpowers another being. There can be all different reasons why someone would choose to do this. Generally it involves some sense of threat. There is some sense of threat to yourself or to others, such that you feel it is necessary to overpower another beings’ choice and even overpower them physically. Sometimes that threat may be real. Oftentimes that threat is real in the sense that the being experiencing it really feels a sense of threat. But it may not be real in the sense that they are not controlled by the other. They have the power to take care of themselves such that they no longer feel threatened. But oftentimes they are not aware of this. They feel it is necessary to overpower another to relieve the threat. But this is not actually the case.
Sometimes beings in your realm try to convince others that it is for the highest good that some form of this overpowering of free will take place. We at the higher realms see that this is very rarely the case. It is very rarely beneficial to overpower another. There are, of course, exceptions—when a parent is caring for a child, when you’re caring for someone who, for whatever reason, is not capable of caring for themselves, perhaps mentally they’re not capable or whatever. There are exceptions when someone has made a choice that will hurt others and, in the broader picture, you are preventing some form of hurt by overpowering someone’s free choice. But this must be handled with great care, with great caution, because it is so easy to assume that you are “right,” “doing the right thing,” “more right than the other person,” and that you have “the right” to forcefully take away another’s free choice. This is one of the great traps of the third dimension. This is a very delicate arena that you want to handle with great care. At all times, if at all possible, always respect and support all beings’ free choice.
Your leader, Gandhi, was a great example of this. He saw harm being done and wanted to change that. But he did not want to change it by bringing force to others in ways that would potentially bring more harm. He was a very inspired being who brought the consciousness of the higher dimensions in practical ways into your world. He is a great example of that.
What many of you are coming to learn about is subtler aspects of the way that you might bring force, subtler ways that you might try to overpower another’s free will. (And when I say “you,” I do not mean you specifically. I mean all people who are functioning at the level of the third dimension and that consciousness.) There are subtler ways of doing this. Many of you are familiar with this. There are ways of bringing what you might call emotional force or mental force, where you say things or think things that are a way of trying to force someone to do something. Perhaps you tell yourself that others are forcing you in certain ways. Your language often reflects this. You have words that you use that communicate this belief in subtler kinds of force. You say things like this person “made you” do something, or that you “have to” do something. A subtler form of that is to say that you “should” do something, or another person “should” do something. You also use words that imply that other people force certain things upon you, such as saying that another person “abandoned” you, or “betrayed” you, “hurt” you, whatever it is.
These are ways that your language reflects your thinking. Your thinking is still based, in these subtler ways, on the idea that other people are overpowering you or you are overpowering other people. This is a subtler form that people who are more advanced in their progress in consciousness are coming to work with, and to understand, and to go beyond—just as at an earlier stage you’re learning to go beyond more physical forms, which you might call “bullying” or “war” or all sorts of things. Now you’re learning these subtler forms and learning to go beyond these.
Your words are very important, because they both reflect and reinforce your consciousness. When you use these words, they reinforce the idea that one person is a victim, or that one person is “right” and one person is wrong,” or even that “there is a right way and a wrong way to do things and that someone—probably you—knows what that way is. (Pietra laughs softly). All of these things are forms of subtle traps. They trap your energy. They trap you into dualistic thinking, and even more, into thinking in terms of opposition, thinking that it’s you against others, you against the world, you against God, whatever it is.
So these are things that I wish to make you aware of, to the degree you are not already aware of them, and to support you in moving beyond. This will liberate your heart, will liberate your mind, will liberate your consciousness, will liberate your energy, will liberate your whole being to what is so much more joyful. You will not lose your power in any sense at all. Indeed, what you are doing now is actually losing a great deal of your power, giving it away in many forms that you do not realize. So this will also be a form of empowerment and strengthening. But it will be a very different kind of power than the one that is based in third dimensional ways of thinking. It is a power that increases love, that increases connection, harmony, union. closeness. It is a beautiful form of power, a power of connection, of being together, a power of unity. I highly recommend this and support you most fully in it.
I feel complete with this communication and I thank you for listening to my words. Now I would like to change the format and listen to your words. I ask you to please give voice to what you would like me to hear, what you would like help with, what I can support you with. Please voice that to me at this time.
Question: I would like to ask for guidance on the next level of service I’m supposed to be doing. I’m delving deeply into evolutionary consciousness and it feels like that’s what I’m supposed to be doing. But I don’t know in what way I’m supposed to be using that to be of service.
High Angel Pietre: It is very possible that this kind of evolutionary consciousness you are feeling called to is a reflection of the higher consciousness that many people are moving into at this time. You are in a special time on the earth, you as human beings. There is tremendous change going on. You may not remember other times, but this is not like other times. You are changing at an extraordinarily fast rate. And you are changing into another dimension, and with that into higher consciousness.
It is natural that many of you will start to feel called to change what you have been doing with your life, your time, your energy, your work, perhaps where you live, perhaps the people that you are associating with. It is very natural that that kind of change would accompany the sort of shift that is happening in your world and in yourself.
What you have called service, I might call life-purpose. It is the form through which you manifest your life-purpose. For some people, this may be something you do for work, which helps to support you in practical ways. For others, it may be something that you do that is, in some ways, different from your work, but that you do in the midst of your work. Or perhaps you do it at other times, outside your work. There are different ways that this can be manifested.
Of course, everyone’s life-purpose, at its deepest level, is all the same. Everyone’s life-purpose is to know yourself as God and to return to total union with God. This can take different forms at different times. Right now, it is taking the form for most of you of moving from the third dimension into progressively higher dimensions. Some of you are calling this the ascension process. This is the larger process in which all of this is happening.
It is not for anyone else to tell you what your service or your life-purpose is. If you were to listen to another person, you would not be engaging an integral part of your growth process, which is to go deeply into your heart and your higher self, and to receive the communication of what your life-purpose is. This is an essential part of the growth work that is particularly involved in the transition from the third to the fourth dimension.
In the third dimension, many of you lost your connection to your life-purpose. This is a very sad thing, because when this happens you tend to lose the sense of meaning, and joy, and fulfillment in your life. Not all of you have lost this, but that can happen at the third dimension. Beginning with the fourth dimension and beyond, it is virtually assured that you will be aware of your life-purpose and connected to it in an ongoing way.
One of the characteristics of the transition from the third dimension to the fourth dimension is that you are reconnecting with your life-purpose with clarity and allowing the guidance to come through of how to manifest that in practical ways, in your life and in the world. If this is not clear to you—either what your life-purpose is, or how to manifest it in practical ways—the work is to learn how to go into your heart and from your heart to connect with your higher self. Then you can ask your higher self these questions. That is where you will receive your guidance.
So if you are not sure, if you are not clear, that is most likely what needs strengthening. And that is something you can have practical help from others with, to learn how to do that—to go into your heart, to connect with your higher self in your heart, and to receive guidance as to what your life-purpose is, as well as how to manifest that in your life. This is a fundamental fourth dimensional process. If this is coming up for you as a question, an unsure-ness, a desire for greater clarity and understanding, it is a sign that you are ready for that kind of learning. And I would urge you to receive help with that.
Blessings to all of you.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address (www.mercedeskirkel.com) is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.