Healing Trauma and the Consciousness of Nature
Part 2 of a Message from The Lord of Consciousness
Given through Mercedes Kirkel on August 13, 2012
Question: I have two dear friends that have come to me. I believe it’s because of my heart connection. They both are suffering from their war experiences in Viet Nam and holding tight to those stories. I want so much to be able to help them release that old story. Can you give me some insight into how to approach them?
The Lord of Consciousness: Yes. When people have a story they are holding onto, it is because there is some kind of emotion that has not been released. When it is a very traumatic story, it is often very traumatic emotion, great shocks that have been experienced that the beings do not know how to integrate and resolve. Talking and telling the story is an attempt to create this kind of resolution. It is often limited in its ability to achieve that, especially when it is a very powerful, strong experience.
There are a number of things that you can do to help. You can point the person towards the feelings that are behind the story, because that is what is trapped like ghosts within the person’s being—those feelings that they are still containing and have not felt the freedom or the safety to let them out. So that is one thing—to identify the feelings that are behind the story. That alone is a great support. If you are comfortable, you can invite the person to express or experience the feelings. But simply the identification alone will help tremendously. Giving it a name—words like horror, or shock, or whatever it is—and asking, “Is that what you felt?” or “Is that what you feel now?” can be extremely helpful.
There are two other things that can help. One is that beneath whatever feelings are there for the person, those feelings are always tied to something you might call “positive” that the person values. If you can identify the positive underneath the feeling, it is helpful. For example, in a war situation, the person might be feeling gut-wrenching pain over taking someone’s life because the positive is that they want to protect life, they want to support life. So with painful experiences, there’s a kind of duality in there. There’s the extremely painful emotion, but it’s tied to something beautiful, life-positive. If you can identify what’s underneath and hold both—hold the emotion and help the person to clarify what the positive was that that emotion is connected to—there is healing in that.
However, do not do this as a way to get out of painful feelings. Do not do this to suppress or push down the feelings, or to say, “Don’t feel that,” or “Yes, you feel that but really it was about this.” Do not make it an either-or. Hold both. “Yes, you have these feelings and they’re so strong, and it’s because of this positive thing that was blocked, that was not allowed to be the case.” Hold both at the same time, the painful feeling and the positive quality. That can be very helpful.
Then, when that is complete—and that may take a very long time to complete… It can happen in pieces, in stages. But you do not want to rush this. You need to give full space for that. When it feels like that is complete, then the last piece is the forgiveness piece. Most often what people are suffering is forgiveness of themselves. They have not forgiven themselves for what they engaged, what they experienced, what they participated in. This is something you can help people with.
Ask them what they need forgiveness for. Do they need to forgive others? Are they angry at others? Do they need to forgive them? What would they need to forgive them?
Do they need to forgive themselves?
Simply ask the question. Let them find the answer. If you have a strong intuition, you might suggest this thing or that thing, but only as a suggestion. Always turn it back to the person. Let them find it. They know. Their higher self knows what they need. But they may tremendously need support because it feels so overwhelming.
Is that helpful?
Questioner: Thank you. Yes.
The Lord of Consciousness: Always hold the person in love as you’re doing this. Always see them in their perfection. See the beautiful person, no matter what they did or others did. See them in their completeness, their wholeness, and their divinity. Do not use that to deny their pain. That is your work, as you are holding the container for them to fully express, and connect with, and own their pain.
Many people feel that the way to handle pain is to put it aside, move on, forget about it, let it go. Most of the time, this doesn’t work. Pain has a function. It is part of our healing. The way to most directly heal is to receive the gift of the pain. This is another thing that you can do, to ask them, “What is the gift of this pain? What has this pain brought to you that is a gift?” Until we receive the gift, it continues, because it’s for a purpose. It’s to help us. So rather than running away from the pain, trying to lose it, we need to receive the gift.
So it is very wonderful that these people have come to you. It is a sign that they are ready. They may not realize what they’re ready for or what they can do. But it is a sign. And it is a gift to you to help these people, as well.
Question: Can you speak to us about the consciousness of the mountains surrounding us in this region? [Santa Fe, New Mexico] What is the best way to connect with and amplify the message that that consciousness wants to bring forward?
The Lord of Consciousness: Mountains are a very strong aspect of the element of earth. They also hold a great deal of consciousness. Mountains have been understood throughout history as places of pilgrimage, places to receive spirit-messages from, because they are uniquely suited to connect you to earth and to consciousness, the sky-energy, at the same time. Part of receiving the gifts of mountains is to walk on the mountain, to hike, to be with the mountain physically. If you are able to do this with direct skin contact—bare feet, bare skin contact on the mountain, this is even stronger. Or perhaps a natural material, such as the Native Americans understood with leather, which carries the frequency of the mountain into your body. This is very valuable.
It is valuable to do ceremony, to honor the elements and to invite in your connection with spirit and spirit-beings. Fire, in particular, is valuable on mountains, the element of fire as part of your ceremony. And nighttime is also very strong on mountains.
Any natural feature that you bring your love, your devotion, your energy to, will respond. Mountains are very responsive. And so you engage your interaction with the mountain as a holy ceremony. You ask permission of the spirits to enter into this sacred space. You communicate with the spirits. You receive their messages. Listen to the trees. Let the trees guide you. Touch the trees. Receive the trees into your body, the trees’ energy, the trees’ wisdom. All the elements—the wind is especially strong in mountains and this carries the spirit. Be attuned and let the spirits guide you.
This is my recommendation.
[Silence for a time.]
Do you feel the spaciousness… the quiet… the vastness? These are the signs of consciousness. The depth… the sense of liberation… these are my gifts. And they are given in love.
With this, I have said enough for tonight. Blessings to all. I thank you for this time we have shared, this interchange.
Copyright 2012 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address (www.mercedeskirkel.com) is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.