Higher Self: That Doesn’t Work Anymore
A Message From The Higher Self
Given Through Mercedes Kirkel On April 7, 2013
Note from Mercedes: This message was given to me personally from my Higher Self. However, I was guided to share it publicly because it contains so much universal truth, and because many others are experiencing similar things right now and thus can benefit from this.
Blessings my dear one,
This is your Higher Self. I am the one who is most connected to you, most in love with you, most dedicated to you in the most intimate way. There are others who are devoted to helping you—your angels, guides, teachers, loved ones, and higher beings who are connected to you. All are most lovingly connected to you and wanting to help you. But I am different because I am a part of you, your God-self part. So today I am speaking to you.
You have started to go through the ascension process for real, and it is disorienting you. This process is real and can be intense. It is not just an ephemeral, airy-fairy thing. It is about literal transformation, which includes the transformation of your physical being. You are being restructured, reconfigured, and it is affecting you at all levels. In some ways it is like what beings go through at the physical when they have surgery. That is an extreme example, but there is a certain shock and reorientation that your being is going through because you are being changed, almost like you’re being changed from the outside. That isn’t so, it’s not from the outside. It’s happening simultaneously with all of yourself, but it is foreign to you in a certain way and you’re going though a huge adaptation.
In the midst of this, you are struggling with your old, familiar mindset. So you are thinking about your obligations and responsibilities (most of which are self-created in your case) and feeling like you need to fulfill them. You are also feeling worried about your physical survival, how you’re going to make enough money to support yourself now and into the future.
What you are being called to do is to let go, at a very profound level. You’re being called to let go of your worries, especially about money and about meeting your obligations, which you have created for yourself. This will take tremendous trust on your part, to allow your life to unravel from the third-dimensional concepts of responsibility. You are being called to start to live in the fourth dimension, but you are resisting it.
You have been sick this week and you have rightly suspected that this has to do with change you need to make. This is what will happen if you don’t allow this process to unfold and progress and take over your life the way it wants to. You will become sick. Literally. So now you are sick. And you are noticing that, because you don’t have very much energy, you are reduced to only doing the things that give you energy, rather than the things you tend to do out of self-control and discipline—things you don’t necessarily want to be doing, but feel you “should” or “must” do.
At the third dimension, you can make yourself function that way and it will sort of work, although you won’t be deeply happy. But you can convince yourself with your mind that you’re happy enough and this is the best you can expect, etc.
But at the fourth dimension, that doesn’t work anymore. It won’t work to force yourself to do what you think (in a third-dimensional way) you need to do. Now, at the fourth dimension, you’re too energetically based, and that kind of forcing will simply cause your light to dim and eventually go out. It’s like starving yourself energetically. Now you need to cultivate a very different relationship to the way in which you decide how to spend your time and energy. It won’t work to do it from your mind and beliefs in a way that’s dominating and overriding your feelings and energy and body. Your feelings and energy and body have more power now and they will simply revolt, as yours have recently. They cannot be dominated by the mind in the way you’re used to from the past.
So now you must start to listen to your feelings and energy and body, and trust them. This is not easy, even for someone like you who is so emotionally based. You still have received the deep enculturation that your feelings and energy and body aren’t trustable, aren’t safe. So it’s scary for you to trust them, especially when they’re leading you somewhere other than your rational mind wants to go in the old, third-dimensional way of operating.
So what is it that your feelings and energy and body are telling you?
Mercedes: I want to cry. I want to be warm and near water. I want to be in connection with at least one other person who I feel cares about me and is there for me. I want to write the next book. I want to trust that I’ll be supported and will have enough to take care of myself as long as I’m physically manifested. I want to see my daughter. I want to be in Hawaii. I want to have more connection with people and feel like I’m serving in some way. I want to fulfill my service to Mary Magdalene.
Higher Self: And what is giving you joy right now?
Mercedes: I’ve been surprised recently that it’s actually giving me joy to do mundane things like bookkeeping and entering book contests. It brings order and structure to my life in a way that’s aligned to my circumstance of still functioning in the third-dimensional world. Doing private sessions gives me joy. The events I’ve been leading have been a mixture. They give me joy when I’m leading, but the preparation and logistics have been stressful, partly because I want to be doing other things—especially working on the next book—and partly because I’m doing them so alone. I want to have more companionship and collaboration and mutuality in the events. I really want more mutuality in my life. How can I have that?
Higher Self: Mutuality is a very fourth-dimensional quality. In the third-dimensional world, mutuality is usually manifested through a family, a church, or a business—occasionally through a club or social group. But the first three have more motivating force and cohesiveness because they are meeting more core needs—for family and love and personal support in the case of family; financial support and purpose in the case of a business; and spiritual communion and companionship in the case of a church. Right now you don’t have that kind of mutuality in any of those areas. So it is natural that you should be feeling a desire for that, especially because the need for mutuality is intensifying from your fourth-dimensional growth and manifestation.
In your case, you have leadership qualities, but you do not entirely enjoy being in the leadership role. You also have fear of letting go and allowing others to take charge. You have fear of asking others to help. On top of that, you are extremely sensitive and are extremely aware of any differences or lack of coherence between yourself and others. All these things create challenges for you in manifesting mutuality in your life.
Mercedes: Would it be helpful for me to strengthen my Masculine aspect of living in gratitude more, appreciating what I do have rather than focusing on what I don’t have?
Higher Self: For you, it will be more valuable to follow your feelings. You can follow your feelings while still maintaining respect for others and gratitude for what you’re receiving. But your feelings will set you on the course you need to be on, where as the other approaches can easily mislead you.
Mercedes: I’m afraid to follow my feelings. They seem like they’ll lead me to doing what I want, but I can’t see how that will support me.
Higher Self: When you need to change what you’re doing, your feelings will guide you to that. This is a profound shift for you into trusting the Feminine and Mother God.
Do you remember the story you like to tell of the beaver? If a beaver breaks one of its front teeth, the other tooth will continue to grow unchecked, because the two teeth hold each other in balance and in check. Eventually the remaining tooth will grow so big that the beaver can no longer close its mouth and it will starve to death. This is what has happened in your world in general relative to the Masculine and Feminine. The Feminine has been so suppressed and you have been so cut off from her that it’s as though she doesn’t exist. The Masculine, in turn, has grown beyond all proportion and bounds, and now you are starving, especially spiritually, from the overgrowth of the Masculine, which is not in balance and held in harmony by the Feminine.
So now, to trust the Feminine and open to Her in a real way feels like you may be committing suicide, when in actuality the opposite is true. You’re committing suicide to not open to her. I know that seems extreme, but look at what you’re experiencing in your life. You can’t function in the old way anymore of just listening to your mind (the Masculine) and ignoring the rest. It’s not working. And to start to listen to your feelings and heart, and then follow that, seems like you’re blotting out and negating the Masculine. But that’s not what’s really happening. You’re just coming back into balance. It’s like you’ve leaned so far to one side for so long that eventually that starts to feel normal and balanced, as though you’re centered. Then when you actually come back to center, standing up straight with the two sides of your body really balanced, it will initially feel like you’re leaning to the other side. That’s just the way it is, until you readjust.
You are going to be fine. You have been told this many times. When will you believe it? Are you ready to let yourself be supported by the universe, by God, by others? That is part of the Feminine and you’re resisting it, out of fear. The more you resist it, the worse you will feel and the harder your life will become. Are you ready to receive, to open to a new way of operating in the world? That’s what you’re being called to. It’s funny because you’re worried about having enough, surviving, and ultimately receiving if you let go of your old way of operating. And yet the new way you’re being called to is all about receiving.
You are ready for this. That’s why it’s appearing in your life. It doesn’t mean it will be totally easy. It means that you’ll be successful in going through this and moving into the next level. We are all here supporting you and you are not alone, even though you still feel alone many times. Your aloneness comes from your disposition. You assume you’re alone and then operate in such a way that you block out your awareness of others, both at the physical level and at higher levels. Even though you have the capacity to communicate with beings at higher levels whenever you consciously choose and open to us, your indoctrination into the old, third-dimensional mindset of separation and fundamental aloneness is so strong that you still operate from that consciousness most of the time. That is changing and will inevitably change. And the strongest way you can cooperate with that change is to follow your feelings. It really is that simple.
This is what Mary Magdalene communicated through you in the book she gave to you. It’s what you share with others when you talk about her messages and what she communicated. And now it’s time for you to fully give yourself to this process. You’re ready and it will benefit you. You can trust this.
I love you and I believe in you. I am here to help you and I am always available to you. You will find me most directly through your feelings.
In love and service,
I AM your Higher Self
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel, http://www.mercedeskirkel.com, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address (www.mercedeskirkel.com) is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at www.marymagdalenebeckons.com. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to www.mercedeskirkel.com.