How To Make Use of the 12-12-12 Gateway
By Mercedes Kirkel
Tomorrow is 12-12-12. I see it as an opening of a doorway into stronger energies, leading up to 12-21-12. These energies offer a special opportunity for transformation, if we choose to make use of them in that way.
Many people are suggesting meditations and particular processes to engage on 12-12-12. If one of these resonate with you, I support you in doing that. However, it’s not necessary to follow someone else’s process. You have everything you need to fully make use of these special energies. Indeed, I strongly believe that part of the change that we’re in the midst of is the shift from the paradigm of leaders and followers into a co-creative world of self- and other-empowerment. You may still choose to follow someone else for a particular purpose, such as being part of an organized process that a group is engaging together. It’s just that you do this by choice, knowing that you have infinite choices, which includes the option of leading yourself in your own process.
If you feel moved to create your own form of consciously receiving and activating the energies of 12-12-12 for your highest good, here are my recommendations:
1. Relax. Create a clear space for yourself physically, emotionally, mentally, and energetically. Set aside “busy-ness” and minor concerns that don’t need your immediate attention.
2. Focus. Set your intention for what you want to bring in for yourself and for the world. Some possible intentions might be:
- to live stably and continuously from your heart
- to open your third eye and higher mind
- to open the channel of communication with your higher self
- to shift into unity consciousness
- to move into the fourth dimension for yourself and all beings on Earth
- for peace, compassion, and higher consciousness to be manifested on Earth
- for the transition into the next stage of our spiritual evolution to be easeful and direct
3. Create sacred space. Set aside a specific time to receive the energies of this gateway and to allow yourself to be a vessel of transformation for your intentions. You may do this with others or by yourself.
4. Call in your guides, angels, or whatever beings support you spiritually. You can do this even if you don’t know who they are. Assume that you have beings supporting you for your highest good (which you do). Acknowledge them and ask for their help.
5. Express gratitude. This is an important step which opens you to receive. Express gratitude to your guides, to the specialness of the day, for your life and blessings, or for being present at this time to go through this great transformation.
6. Ask for what you want. Give voice to your intentions, for yourself and the world. It is best to do this out loud, as the frequency of your voice integrates all of your bodies in calling this forth.
7. Open to the energies. This may be a particular form of meditation that you do. Or it may be to simply be still and intend to receive. Breathing fully and openly will support your receptivity.
8. Give thanks. Whether you experience something or not, assume that you’ve received what is perfect for you. Give thanks for what you’ve received. Thank your guides for supporting you.
May 12-12-12 be a blessed and most wonderful day for you and for all!