Isis: Quickening The Shift Into Fourth Dimension
Part 1 of a Message Given Through Mercedes Kirkel
On May 5, 2013
[Note from Mercedes: This channeling was given at an ongoing group I lead that’s dedicated to supporting people in the ascension process. We had just engaged a discussion of changing the format of the group to become more co-creative by forming a council to determine what would happen in the gatherings rather than having one person (me) in charge. Isis is referring to this change as she begins her communication.]
Blessings dear ones. This is Goddess Isis.
I am thrilled to be with you this morning. I feel especially moved to be here because of the process that you have just gone through, which speaks so directly to my heart. You are moving in the direction of the higher beings and I am filled with joy by this. I see the light increasing around you and around what you are creating together. What you are underway with is so important. It is an essential part of the ascension process. For this is truly how we operate as higher beings. We operate as group entities, in different configurations—depending on the purpose, the beings that are involved, and their particular level of development. But what you are engaging is very much in the direction of the higher dimensions.
So I feel drawn to be with you and my heart is responding so strongly to what you are creating through this co-creative process. For truly it has been said—and it is absolutely the case—that the old model of having a leader and followers is coming to an end. It was something that you all needed to explore for a period of time. And it is something that you are so ready to go beyond. At this point, it is a limit to continue in that model.
It is important to clarify—because sometimes there is confusion when beings are used to this old model of the leader/follower roles—that this isn’t to say that there won’t be people stepping into leadership roles for particular functions. If someone has a gift, if someone has a talent or a strength, it is wise to allow them to lead and to offer that gift and that talent. It is just that it is done for particular purposes and functions, and it is done in service to the whole. It is not done as an authority, or as a power model or function. The authority and power are held by the group, always—by everyone in the group. It is very essential that you realize that everyone has power and that the group does not have its full power if everyone is not contributing their individual power.
Part of the old model that you’re releasing is your understanding, or awareness, or perception of what is power, what is strength, what is a gift. Many people have gifts that are currently not being recognized—often by themselves, and often by others. In the past, you have had a certain model or an image of what it is to contribute, what it is to lead, or who has those qualities, those strengths, those abilities. This is part of what you’re going beyond. You often thought that people who were assertive were the ones who should be the leaders. And there are times, of course, when that is important and that gift is very valuable. But there are times when the ones who are less assertive have gifts that are very valuable. There are times when the quiet ones are most valuable and have the most to offer. Part of the challenge that you are all going into is to recognize and embrace the gifts and powers of all—to create a form and a structure that includes all, allows all to give, allows all to receive from all.
This may seem confusing to you because you are accustomed to the old ways of operating and of interacting with others. But you will find it exceedingly doable and enjoyable and exciting, and it will feed you. You will have so much energy from operating in this way, which you haven’t had before. It will feed you and you will come to cherish this process, just the way that you cherish having a lover and exchanging your energies through sexuality. Not to say that you’re going to be having sex (as you know it) in these group situations. But you will enjoy an exchange of deep energy with others, a most wonderful exchange that will enliven you, teach you so much, bring you joy. You will come to value this in a way that perhaps is new to you or you haven’t experienced in the past. I am very excited for you to move into this experience and this kind of joy.
You have been so habituated and accustomed to separation, to a level that most of you have no idea how much it’s affected you. I am delighted and truly excited to watch as you open up, step-by-step, to going beyond these self-imposed limits of separation, which you have assumed. You oftentimes aren’t realizing how much your orientation to separation is limiting you, how much more there is to experience when you go beyond those limits. And so I applaud you, I cheer you on and support you tremendously, as you open to this new way of operating and explore it. You have so many wonderful things ahead, more than you realize.
I am aware that my words may sound surprising, or even a little hard to believe for some of you who are not experiencing joy in your life right now, who perhaps are experiencing hardship, difficulty, struggle, even disappointment or despair. I am not negating that there are hardships. Your hardships in your life are real. At this time, everything is being intensified, everything is being sped up and exaggerated. This is true for those on the ascension path—those calling in the light, those who are dedicated and committed and are even advanced themselves in being light-beings, but are still involved in the third dimension—as well as for others. This intensification process, this quickening, this exaggeration is showing up for many of you as difficulties, hardships, and struggles. It may be physical, it may be emotional—those are probably the two ways that you are experiencing the intensification the most.
There are various reasons for this. Some of you have agreed to take on things energetically for the planet as a whole, to support this process of ascension and to help everyone to make this move forward. You have agreed, at a soul level, to take on a portion of the transformation process. Thus, what you are experiencing is not entirely your own. It is to help make it possible for all to move forward.
Most of you who are in the ascension process are also very sensitive. You are experiencing the changes going on in a very strong, powerful way because these are strong, powerful changes. They are playing on your system, kind of like radio waves in the air that are picked up by a radio. That is similar to the way that you are experiencing these changes.
And then of course, you, yourself, are changing, which you are experiencing, as well. So it is understandable that all this could be challenging in many ways. There is so much that you are facilitating and drawing through your being at this time.
I want to acknowledge this, too, to thank all of you who are doing this. I encourage you to stay with it, to support yourselves in all the ways that you know how. It is very important to support yourself through your meditation and any other ways that are dedicated to connecting with God and with Spirit. This is extremely important, and only becoming more important, because you are becoming a being that is more directly connected to God. You are becoming more fed through your connection to God and less fed through the more third-dimensional, physical ways. Those ways will still support you and are still important, but your connection to God is becoming more important, along with your connection to the highest, most refined, sublime frequencies of energy that you are able to contact and connect with.
So I certainly encourage you all to support yourself. I also encourage you to begin, more and more, to support each other. This goes back to what I was talking about earlier. Your mutual support is going to become increasingly important because you are not living as separate beings anymore. You are beginning the transition of going beyond separation. Thus your dependence on each other is becoming greater. Your bonds to each other are becoming more important. It is very important that you understand this and start to shift in your orientation towards others.
It is important that you start asking others for help. This is one of the biggest things… When you are in the mode of separation, there is this idea of “I am on my own now. I need to handle things on my own.” And even, “I should be able to do it all on my own. There’s something the matter with me if I need to ask others for help.” This is a result of deep third-dimensional thinking of separation, of understanding yourself as separate and isolated and alone.
Now, as you are growing beyond that into the fourth dimension and beyond, you must shift. You must not see it as something being the matter with you if you need someone else’s help—that you are somehow lacking, or you’re weak, or you’re a burden to other people. Actually, you are simply starting to operate in greater wholeness. It is the way that the cells of your body operate. Your body would not be very functional if the cells did not depend on each other and function together in community, communicating with each other and expecting that they will all work together. This is the process that is going to be more and more the way that you, as seemingly individual beings, are going to be operating with other individual beings. When you ask them for help it will be a gift to them. They will be fed by your asking because you are simply reinforcing your oneness, your wholeness, your interconnection with all beings. And when they offer the help to you, they will experience themselves receiving from that, as well, because this is the nature of your relationship with each other, your non-separation. As you are in the process of making the shift from this third-dimensional consciousness into the fourth-dimensional consciousness, the mechanism that will bring this about most directly is through asking for help.
The other mechanism that will bring this about very directly is revealing yourself more openly to each other, showing yourself. The challenge for most of you in this will be showing yourself when you are going through difficulty—when you are emotionally disturbed or when you are upset with another person, when you’re confused and you don’t know how to proceed, when you’re in fear, when you’re sad… All of these are times when it will be important to start to reveal yourself. For most of you, this will be a new way of operating that’s different from the past. This, too, will help you to start to shift into this higher way of functioning.
As you develop, it will not be so necessary to do this in a verbal way, through speech. More and more you will be operating telepathically, empathically. You will start to be aware of each other the way that you are aware of yourself. But most of you are not fully there. Most of you are still being strongly affected by the strong pull of separation —almost like the pull of gravity. So especially in the beginning stages of making this transition, speech and communication will be very important.
There are ways to learn to communicate with greater skill. It is essential to always take responsibility for yourself, where you are not blaming others for what you are experiencing. But do not hold back, either. Openly show what your own experience is. The skill in doing this will become increasingly important.
So communicating what is going on with you and asking for help from others will support you.
Many of you overuse communication. Many of you use many words to say very little, because you are not truly connected to what is behind all the words. Part of your growth is to do deeper work, to understand yourself better so you know what is behind all the words you tend to use. It is a burden on others to use so many words. You do not realize how much this drains you and drains others, when the words are not connected to what is truly going on with you at a deeper level. A skill that would also be valuable for many of you to develop is to wait to speak until you are truly connected to your heart, your body, and your emotions, and to let your speech come out of that. It will not take nearly as many words as many of you tend to use. And when you do use words, they will be much more connecting for you with each other.
I sense I have said enough for now, and I hope that this has been helpful to you.
[End of Part 1 of this message.]
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to