Isis: The Great Frontier of the Heart and Dealing with Fear
Received through Mercedes Kirkel
July 9, 2012
Blessings my very dear ones,
This is Goddess Isis. It has been a long time since I have come to you and spoken, for truly words are not my primary vehicle of communication. And yet tonight I am so moved to be with you, to share my heart with you, my love, and whatever wisdom I can bring that will help you, that I choose to be here in this form. My heart is so full of love. This is what I mostly wish to share with you. It is the woman’s way, in so many ways, the heart of the Mother, to want to share love. And of course, men are never excluded from this and have so much to share themselves. But love is the particular domain of the feminine within all of us – men and women. It is something we treasure so much, and yet oftentimes we work against it, eclipse it, busy ourselves with things that seem to bury it in the sand. So we need reminders to come back to that beautiful space of love that we love, and yet, tend to shy away from, to be afraid of at some level.
This is part of the third-dimensional journey that you experience in so many ways, in so many of your relationships or even with yourself—opening to love and then backing off, wanting to love but being afraid, testing the waters, getting hurt, deciding “should I?” —“shouldn’t I?”, or not deciding. So much of it happens at a level prior to consciousness. Much of it is the way you’ve been trained, what you learned at a very young age, what you see modeled all around you, what your society has agreed upon is acceptable, and normal, and even safe. Many of these things do not support you. They do not support your heart and they do not support you in love.
So there are teachers who come to teach about love. There are beings, such as myself, who come to remind you, to whisper in your ear. We come in all forms—in poetry, in music, in books, in words, in looks, in smiles, in embraces. There is no limit to the form that love can take. Love can take the form of helping someone. Love can take the form of challenging someone. It is all about the heart and about coming from the heart. Within that there are infinite possibilities.
As you manifest love more and more, the infinite possibilities of yourself, and who you are, and what you are to become will start to manifest as well. For love is not just about what you do. Love is about who you are. And who you are will change with love, in ways that you may not be able to even imagine at this time. If you go to the limits of what you can imagine, that may just be the barest beginning of what is possible in love. You have a great discovery ahead of you. It will be most wondrous. And for this you can celebrate.
And yes, there is a letting go in love. Sometimes it’s seen as taking the leap, jumping off the cliff. And sometimes it can feel like that, and that is a good thing. It does take courage, for everything you know will be telling you, “No, no, that’s not safe. Don’t do that. No, do this instead. Don’t be silly. Don’t be unrealistic. Don’t be a fool.” But listen to your heart, and your heart will guide you wisely.
Other people may have help for you, and it is well worth it to take their help in and consider it. But it is up to you to choose your course. And you alone know what that is. No one else does. What may have been a great help for someone else may not be your course at all. That is part of your journey. It is a hero’s journey, a journey of discovery, a journey of trust, of being guided.
Ultimately it is your higher self that is guiding you. You may experience this in many forms. You may experience this as an angel. You may experience this as another being that supports you. You may experience this as God, however you relate to God. Ultimately you will discover that all these things are true. And they are all true of you. They are all parts of who you are.
Please do not worry, dear ones. Things are fine. Even if it appears that things are falling apart, even if it appears that people are suffering or dying, there is a much greater story that is actually going on. All of these people are fine. All of these people are on their path. Can you trust that? Your life would change dramatically if you saw it that way. And curiously this is the greatest good you can do for others—to see that they are perfectly on their path and that there is no problem; there is nothing to worry about.
Of course you will do things, because you are in the third dimension right now, and the third dimension is a realm of action and doing. Of course you will do things that are aligned to this vision that everything is fine. Perhaps you will more and more feel less called to do things, less called to do things that you did in the past. That is fine, too. It is all being guided, and your challenge is to trust. Your challenge is to find the joy in your heart. What a delightful challenge! Not necessarily an easy one. And we have great compassion for what you suffer and the challenges that you face. They are real, and yet there is more. The “more” is in your heart, in the God-space in your heart. That is the treasure. The treasure chest of your stories of old was all a symbol for what you all have in your heart. And yes, you are on a journey to find it—the road back to your heart.
Well, my, my—I have gotten very philosophical. It is not my intention. I hope this has been helpful for you. But more than that, I hope that you feel your heart, that you see the shining of your heart, the light in your heart, the joy, the love of your heart, the blessing that this fills your whole self with and goes out to others with. This is the stage of the world, in your heart. Put your attention there. The news pales in comparison to that. You are loved immensely. And you are love immensely. Both are true.
As I am seen with wings, your heart has wings. Your soul flies on those wings when you unlock the doors. I urge you all to do this. I encourage you and support you. I whisper in your ear, “Remember your heart, dear ones. Remember your heart.” Do you know that everything happens within your heart? It is all within your heart. This is the great frontier to discover. And you have wonderful discoveries ahead, as you go more and more into the heart.
That is my message for you that I bring. Now I would like to hear from you. What are your questions that you have for me?
Question: I’ve been out of work since October. Just recently I’m starting to get frightened. So I’m seeking guidance and some assurance, I guess.
Isis: About your survival?
Questioner: Yes.
Isis: It is understandable that you would be frightened. The third dimensional world is a very frightening place, where people are left to their own, for better or for worse. And yet these things can also be the very things that transform us, that become gifts, that cause us to go beyond our limits—self-imposed and other imposed.
The first step in a circumstance of this nature—any type of crisis where you feel scared—is to, first of all, care for yourself. Love yourself in your fear. It is like the Mother-love that I spoke about. You give it to yourself. That love that says, “I understand. Of course you feel scared. I’m here with you. I won’t desert you. I love you. We will see this through. We will find our way. I am here for you.” This is your heart speaking to yourself and it is a very important step. For in our fear, we often lose ourselves and lose connection with our own heart. So that is the first step, the step of loving yourself and embracing yourself with Mother-love.
Again, this is not just for women. This is for men. This is for all beings to find. We all have Mother-love and Father-love within ourselves. And it is beyond just within ourselves. It is part of the divine. It is part of what we receive, that Mother-love that so many people connect with through the Earth. It is our divine nature. And so you connect with yourself, and you give this beautiful, nurturing loving to yourself.
You may need to connect with it through others who are nurturing to you, or through connecting with the Earth, through connecting with the Mother in that form, through connecting with the Mother in whatever form you experience her. Many people have the experience of connecting with the Mother through a particular personality or being, such as Mother Mary. That is wonderful, if that is your path. If it is not, do not be concerned. Everyone has access to the Mother’s love, to the divine Mother. So you begin with that, with nurturing yourself with the love of the divine Mother.
Through that, you find your connection to your heart. And when you find your connection to your heart, you find your connection to God. It doesn’t have to be a certain figure of God that you were taught as a child or in any particular religion. It is your relationship with God, and it is found through your heart. When you find that, you will be guided to what you need to do, because there is a plan to all of this. It is not just a random set of gruesome events that you are pitted against, and you are struggling, like running on a conveyer belt, trying to keep up so you don’t fall off and get eliminated. That is not the nature of the world. But in the third dimension, it can feel like that. It can appear like that. It is as though you have glasses on, and the glasses are coloring the way everything looks. This is why it is so important to connect with your heart, and through that to connect with God. Because through connecting with God, you will start to know your life’s plan. You will start to know what you are to do. This knowingness comes in different ways for everyone. There is no need to compare yourself to anyone else. But your heart will know.
And the truth is that you are supported in this circumstance for the perfect amount of time, the amount of time that you have selected at the soul level. When you are no longer supported being here, when it is no longer your time to be here, you will be supported to leave, and to go where you’re meant to be then. The truth is that you are always supported. But this particular third dimension can be a scary place. It’s like signing up to go on a roller coaster. You signed up for some fear! (laughs) And that’s part of the ride. So it can be scary. And there’s a purpose to that, too. There’s a purpose to your soul’s knowing that experience and understanding what that is—the experience of separation, which is ultimately separation from God. That is what all fear boils down to—separation.
This is part of what you have come here to know and to explore and to learn. It is all perfect. Your challenge is to trust. What can help you beyond these steps that I have given is to ask for help, which is simply prayer. This asking can come in a verbal form. It can come in a heart form. It can come in whatever form is true for you. But asking is an important step. So when you are connected to your heart, to your higher self, to the divine, ask for help. And you will be helped.
Are there other questions?
(Period of silence)
I take this as a sign that you are deeply in your hearts. What I invite you to do now is to be in that heart space. I invite you to simply be aware of what you experience in that heart space and to receive whatever is being given to you from the heart in this moment.
(Period of silence)
This is the space that you will more and more be living from. This is the space you will meet others in. This is the space you will create your new world from.
I love and bless you all most fully, from the depths and breath of my heart. I enfold you in my wings of love. I see the highest blessings for all. I am filled with joy to be with you tonight.
I leave you now. Blessings of Isis to you all.
Copyright 2012 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to