Isis: The Temples of Isis and the Black Madonna
Part 2 of a Message
Received through Mercedes Kirkel on May 5, 2013
Question: Could you share your history with us—if you had an incarnation on this planet or if you have a soul fragment on this planet? I’ve heard about the temples of Isis. Were a lot of women related with your temple and can you share what they were doing with you at the temple of Isis?
Isis: Thank you so much. I am most happy to respond to this question.
I have not had an incarnation on the Earth plane. I operate through the higher levels into the Earth plane, from my incarnations in Venus and, through Venus, going back to Sirius.
There have been many temples of Isis and many beings associated with them—not only women, also men—although there were many more women who were involved. The majority of those men and women were connected with me through Venus and through Sirius, and know me very well as part of the greater soul group that we are all a part of. But they chose to come and incarnate on the Earth plane. So we maintain our very strong connection through the form of the temple.
Really that is what a temple is, more than anything. It is a soul group coming together. It is not the physical structure so much as the living energy of a soul group and their spiritual purpose on Earth, and even beyond Earth. Our soul group is very much focused on the qualities of the Divine Feminine in union with the Divine Masculine. In some ways, the purpose is more about manifesting the Divine Feminine, so that it can be in union with the Divine Masculine.
So that was always the purpose in the temples and it took many forms. It took the form of blessing the Earth, honoring the Earth. It took the form of blessing fertility and creation, in terms of plant life, animal life, food for all beings, human birth and fertility and supporting that process, and raising young beings into maturity. It took the form of healing work, of care and love for the physical and the other bodies as well—healing the emotional, the etheric, the mental, the spiritual. It took the form of Sacred Sexuality as a manifestation of a powerful avenue for connecting with God. And it took the form of ritual and ceremony—ways of connecting with God that are more expressive of the Divine Feminine. Whereas the Divine Masculine tends to be expressed through practices that are often exemplified by the monastic life—silence, meditation, disciplines—the Feminine is more characterized by compassion, love, joy, and energy expressions.
There were also the mystery schools that were connected with the temples. The mystery schools were especially devoted to the understanding, expression, and development of what you might call subtler energy features that human beings are able to access and work with. These are things like your chakra system and the energy that runs through your spine. There are also higher states of energy that can be accessed, which are associated with higher dimensions and abilities in the higher dimensions that you do not, in general, possess at the third dimension.
Some of these abilities have been called “magic,” and perhaps that is a way that you can understand what is being talked about. You may be more familiar with that term than the way it was described more commonly in the temples of Isis. It refers to the same thing. In the temples, we only used these powers and abilities for the highest good—for blessing, for connection with God, and doing God’s work.
Question: There’s so much going on in ourselves, our home, our community, our work, and also in our government, where there’s such a breakdown in polarity. I was wondering if you could say something about the breakdown in polarity and how we can assist. What would that look like?
Isis: You must understand that the old way is dying. Much of what you see is the death process, or the resistance to the death process. There is not that much that you can do, just as when you see an individual dying. They are on their path. You can bring your blessings. This is true of any circumstance—you can always bring your blessings. But in some ways, because of the ways that power has been manipulated in the past, the old forms have drawn their energy, their food source from your attention. If you continue to give them attention, you will continue to feed them. This will actually prolong this death process, as opposed to allowing it to take its more natural course.
I would encourage you to allow the old way to die. The best way to do that is to not feed it. Do not give it energy. Instead, focus on yourself, first and foremost. Focus on what you need and what is supporting you. Focus on the birth that is happening through you. There is an amazing birth happening right now. Do not miss it! (Isis laughs) Stay aware of that birth. That is what needs your life energy. It is happening in you. And it is going to be happening between you, in your connections with one another. It is not going to happen because some great leader is going to step forth and lead a charge into the new age. (Isis laughs again) It is happening just the way birth happens, one being at a time.
This birth is going to happen in the way a mother loves a child that comes in—through your heart and your body and your energy. That is why the Divine Feminine is so important right now. This is why your thoughts are going to have very little to do with it. For the most part, you don’t have to use your thoughts when you’re in the birth process. Occasionally there are times when that is most valuable, if there is help that is needed, or change, or whatever. But for the most part, your body knows what to do, your heart knows what to do, your energy knows what to do. That is what you can do. That is what will support this shift more than anything.
You have no idea how powerful you are. Sadly, access to your power has been held back for so long. There have been these institutions, these bodies that have supported the idea that you are not powerful, that there’s nothing you can do. That is almost the exact opposite of what’s the truth. You are so powerful and there is everything that you can do. In fact, it all rests with the individuals. This is part of the great shift in consciousness that you are going through right now. One by one you are awakening to this, like light bulbs suddenly turning on—realizing your power, realizing your strength, realizing that the power is not with these structures, these organizations, these institutions, these bodies. They are only as powerful as the power you give them. The way you take your power back is simply to withdraw your attention from those structures and bring your attention back to yourself.
And when they are affecting you, speak! Shout! Shout your “NO!”—that you will not allow that. Show them the strength of your body and your emotions and your voice. Be the strong Feminine that you are! You are powerful! (quietly) And you are going to discover it.
Question: I used to think I had to control thought, somewhat like someone who’s into gambling would control gambling. It hit me that I just have to let it go completely, not just be able to control my brain and not think when I meditate. But it’s hard for me to let that go and I’m not sure if I’m on the right path.
Isis: It is not necessary that you let go of thought. But it is necessary that you let go of control of thought. Controlling thought takes tremendous energy and will distract you from your higher work. For most of you, the way that you can let go of control of thought is through a choice to do so. But then you will often find that you are deluged with thoughts.
What you are called to do is to bring yourself to stillness. The way that you do this is through your heart, through connecting with your heart. This is what will calm the thoughts. It is also what will open you to your higher mind. Then that energy that was previously generating thought will, more and more, feed your higher mind. You will not be having this kind of lower mind activity. So it is well that you are letting go of control of thought. The idea of it being beneficial to control thought is a misunderstanding.
You cannot solve thought with thought. The heart is higher. But to be in your heart, you must do the foundation work. That work is what Mary Magdalene is bringing forth. It is through your emotion, your feeling, your energy, your body. If you have not done that work, you will not be able to stay in your heart. And then you will be dominated by thought. So the work is not with thought. It is with your heart and the foundation practices that allow you to be in your heart. If you are not clear about those practices, it would be well to study this. The book that Mary Magdalene has brought through, via Mercedes, is an excellent form of that study. This is a very serious process—serious, not in the terms of weighty or heavy, but real.
You actually need to learn this because most of you have been disenfranchised. You had these abilities when you came in as a baby. But one way or another, most of you were trained out of it. And it is greatly impairing you. It is very real that you need to connect with this. You are not going to be able to bypass it. These steps are real and necessary. If you want to grow, it is imperative that you take yourself to school. If need be, find help. Find a teacher. Find a guide. Whatever is necessary, this transformation must occur.
Question: I find that I’m being very drawn to the black Madonna. From what I understand, there’s a lot of written information that talks about your connection with the black Madonna. Could you explain about that?
Isis: The Black Madonna was part of the inner school, the mystery secrets within the temple. It was a representation of the higher powers that were developed through the temple practices and training. Those powers had the possibility to be used for what you might call “dark” or “light.” But it was the power of the Feminine. Just as the moon is the dark energy to the sun, the Black Madonna was the power of the Feminine. And it includes the power of energy. It’s an enormous power, a sacred practice.
The Black Madonna was held with great love, great honoring, great respect, great reverence for the power of the Feminine and the use of it. Those who were schooled and understood those powers and practices often find, as they come back into incarnation once again, that they’re drawn to this icon, this symbol of the Feminine, in the form of the Black Madonna. If you find that draw within yourself, it is a sign that you are one of those who were schooled in this way.
Now I sense it is time for us to close. I have tears of joy being with you. I love you so much. You are so precious. The work you are doing as beings of God, beings of love and light is so extremely valuable. Thank you to each and every one of you. You are dear to my heart.
Now I leave you with great love. Blessings to all of you.
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Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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