Mary Magdalene: About Monogamy
Part 2 of a Message Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On June 16, 2013
Question: When talking about the deep, love-filled union that you and Yeshua achieved together, were you a monogamous couple? Is monogamy representative of a true love or Sacred Sexuality type of relationship?
Mary Magdalene: We were in relationship at an extremely high level. At that level, relationship is so fulfilling, it is natural to simply be with one another. At that level, we do not make these kinds of pacts or delineations that you tend to make. So it never occurred to us to define our relationship in any particular way. It was a response at the highest levels of our being to each other.
I would like to understand more why you are asking this question. Can you please clarify?
Question: Yes. A lot of relationships have this issue come up. I’m wondering if being monogamous is representative of having the highest Sacred Sexuality type of relationship that you and Jesus had?
Mary Magdalene: It takes wisdom to understand where these questions come from. It takes discernment to understand if your motive is coming from your most high connection to God and your calling for that, or not. It is possible to have no limit on your loving. But it is not likely, because your desire is so fulfilled in your relationship. Yet it is possible that you may have this with more than one person.
In your world, having more than one partner is generally a distraction from the work that people have to do of growing in God. It is generally not based in the very highest motives. It is often based on a disconnection from God, where there is a sense of lack of receiving the exquisite properties that are always being offered. Out of that lack, one may feel a need to find it in a different person.
Oftentimes this lack is related to wounding. It’s related to a block within the person of actually receiving the love that they seek. They may have a deep wound, and out of that wound, a deep fear of opening to a level that will cause them to that experience that wound. Because of that fear, when they begin to approach this level of depth of love with a partner, they withdraw and seek another partner. This is done to protect them from that level of intimacy that will bring up the wound. But the best thing that they could do would be to bring up that wound, so that it could be healed.
Relationship will bring up everything that is necessary for healing. This is why it is wise to be strong in yourself and in your relationship to God, before you enter into relationship with a partner. This is why, when I began to talk today, I began with those two arenas—your relationship to yourself and to God, because they form the foundation. If they are not strong, you will bring extra challenge into your relationship.
When there is challenge in relationship, the first thing to look at is your relationship to yourself, your own inner Feminine and Masculine, and your relationship to God. See if there is work to be done there and if the challenge that is being brought up is guiding you to that work, so that you may do it.
In most cases, in your world, that will be the case with people who are considering the idea of multiple partnerships. They will see that there is actually their own work to be done, which will resolve the question in their mind.
But it is a possibility that people could be in relationships with more than one partner. Yet in your world it is not likely. Most of those relationships will tend to happen at higher levels. For some people, who are greatly drawn to seeking multiple partners, it is because they remember this possibility. But it is not what they came into the third dimension to actually experience. For most people, it is complicating their lives and their spiritual work to try to create this and sustain it. For most people, expanded relationships will be found at the subtler levels, in their relationships with their guides, in their relationship with God. It will not be necessary to manifest that at the physical level with multiple partners.
[End of Part 2]
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Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Akashic Record Readings, and Guidance from Beings of Light. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to