MARY MAGDALENE: Alternating Between 3D And Higher Dimensions
Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 21, 2013
Question: Many of us are experiencing having one foot in the third dimension and the other foot, so to speak, in the other dimension. We feel ourselves rocking back and forth and it affects our physical body. Do you have any advice how to deal with that?
Mary Magdalene: Yes. That is very accurate—your description. The transformation you are going through is not an entirely easy one.
It is a very organic process that is happening. One way you might think of it is likening it to what a child goes through in incarnating into the physical realm. The process of changing from an infant to an adult is quite a process, and not an entirely easy one. There are things that support that process. Many of them are very practical things, like getting enough rest. You may need much more rest than you tell yourself, in your mind, you “should” be needing or than you think you need. Or your rest may be very erratic. At times you may need quite a bit of rest, being suddenly tired at times you’re not used to being tired. As much as you can, support yourself at those times by giving yourself the rest that you need. That is a very helpful thing.
Not worrying is another thing that can be very supportive. I say that, not to tell yourself to suppress yourself, but to take your worry to Source, through the process that I have spoken about in depth in the messages that were given to Mercedes. [Mercedes’s note: Mary is referring to her instruction in the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love.] If you find yourself in the position of worry, anxiety, or concern, engage the processes I described so that you resolve them truly at Source. In doing so, you will also make use of the reason that you are having those feelings. There is always an important reason why those things are occurring. If you simply try to hold your feelings back or suppress them, you will be depriving yourself and potentially others of what was being given to you through that circumstance.
Taking care of yourself emotionally is becoming more and more important. The next dimension, the fourth dimension, is a very emotional dimension. As you are spending more time in that dimension, you may find yourself feeling more emotional. It is important to understand how to work with that, whether these are emotions you’re enjoying or emotions you’re not enjoying—either way, it is very important. That is why I gave so much of the instruction I did, which is recorded in the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons.
You are becoming more sensitive energetically. Because of that, it is more important that you be aware of what supports you energetically. This might involve the company that you keep and the kind of energy you experience in that company. It might involve the purity of the air you’re breathing or the food you’re eating. It might involve allowing yourself to be fed by the Earth energy, having your physical body in contact with the Earth, or in contact with elements connected to the Earth, such as trees, which can support you with Earth energy. The Earth is ascending, too, and Her energy is very tuned, the Earth frequency is very subtly aligned to this process. So connecting with the Earth can be very supportive.
Of course, as I spoke earlier, your spiritual practice and your connection to God will only become more important. And that can support you, as well.
It is helpful to talk about what is happening with others who understand. That is a strong form of support, for you and them. You will support all by doing this. Inspiring others and being inspired is a form of support. That is important, too.
Ultimately this process is going to happen whether you support it or not. (Mary laughs gently.) But the more that you support it, the more easeful it will be—and possibly the more direct and even quick it will be. You can ask that it happens at the perfect speed, so that you are able to adjust and that it is easeful for you. This is a very good request to make. And that you have the resources necessary for it to be as easeful and graceful as possible for you.
[End of Part 3]
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to