
MARY MAGDALENE and YESHUA: How Ascension Will Happen — 2 Comments

  1. Dear Mercedes, I’m sure you don’t remember me, I believe I may have been one of your earliest readings. But I too was homeless (altho not at the time of the reading) and I mean no money, no food, no possessions, no family. For me I do believe it led to many “spiritual awakenings” and visitations from Yeshua while on the Reiki table years later! I would never wish to go through homelessness again, however, today, wouldn’t trade the experience for anything materialistic. Did you know that Jon Mundy, a minister and teacher of A Course in Miracles was once also homeless? So yes, I believe we are in good company too. I also was once told I came with Mary M in the boat to France! Of course, I’d love that to be true as I love MM’s energy!! Anyway, this is the long way around of saying, I really just wanted you to know that I prefer the authentic you! Please know you are Safe and that the outcome will be just perfect for you, of that I am sure. Sending Love, Gratitude, Kindness and Prayers, Dru

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