
Mary Magdalene: Are We Responsible For Everything We Experience? — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you so much. Such a wonderful explanation and filled with compassion. Wish we all could see everyone with such understanding and compassion. bless us to reach that level.

  2. yes i do believe this has been an experiment gone-wrong…too much suffering to bear in a lifetime for way too many good people

  3. I’ve been enjoying many of the blog posts here and this has been among my favorite. As I read it today, I broke off at times to go into my own process with it. The understandings and examples help me work through a difficult situation and get some realizations about my life, as well as feel a range of feelings about a long-standing issue that has caused me pain.

    Afterwards, I went back and read the email from the person who had set me off into my old pain. I could feel a difference! I saw where I had reacted defensively based on the past. Fortunately, I had waited to reply to the person because I wanted to do it from a place of wisdom. Now I don’t even think I need to say anything. I got what I needed just from feeling and realizing new layers of awareness. Thank you!

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