
MARY MAGDALENE: Attracting a Partner for Your Highest Good — 3 Comments

  1. Feeling Love ❤️ deeply
    attracts more Love ❤️

    How do I feel more Love?
    Surrendering Ego
    Opening Heart

    Humming in my inner divine 🙆🏻

  2. If it’s true that I attract the perfect person in my life, which I feel I do as the perfect mirror to that person, I sincerely hope that the implication in this message isn’t about having to live with that person. For that’s a different thing to me. When I think of it it already drives me up the wall 🙂

  3. I must add that I now live in circumstances, in the UK, where a huge amount of elderly men walk around in desperate need of a woman in their lives. Not coming from love, but solely for having someone who cares for them. I’m tall and attractive, for a 65 year old woman, an easy target for those dogs wagging their tails, to say it in a disrespectul way. I’m not keen on men of my age or older.

    Oh my, they’re not in for a treat, I’m afraid. Their hunger is made clear to me in their way of watching and body language, with a neediness and ignorence of good manners that is totally unsexy. I can’t go to a folkdance night with mainly elderly men. It’s horror, they’re obsessed!

    And so, this is why I feel the way I expressed my view in my former reply. I’m usually avoiding eye contact and physical nearness with these men. I usually can get on with male busdrivers much better. They need their eyes on the road 😉

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