Mary Magdalene: Balancing the Masculine and Feminine
Received through Mercedes Kirkel
[Note: This is Part 2 of a channeled message that Mary Magdalene gave at a gathering in honor of her feast day on July 22nd, 2012.]
What is in your heart?” What is it that you would like me to help you with, that you would like to hear from me?
Question: I would like to know about our children. Our children are being bombarded with so many left-brained structures and technology, which have become almost an appendage, like the cell phone. I would like to hear what you have to say about this in reference to the heart.
Mary Magdalene: The children who have come in, for quite some time now, are very remarkable beings. They have come from many places of the universe and beyond, and have responded to the call to be here at this amazing time of transformation and transition. Many of them are quite advanced in their souls and in their development. In some ways your technology and your left-brained thinking is a game for them, it is an entertainment, because they are capable of so much more. They are working on many levels, many of them. The one that you might see is not all that is going on. So you do not need to be concerned about the children. The children are here to help you and they are well prepared for this.
They are part of the network that has allowed this transformation to come through. The frequencies that they are holding, the level of light that they resonate with is quite high. They are working at other levels that you may not be aware of or notice. It may not be the same as the work that you are doing. But they are doing their work very well and they are well positioned. And that is part of what has allowed everything to come into place that needed to be here for this time.
So celebrate your children. Allow them to lead. Allow them to show you their remarkable talents. Do not be concerned.
Question: Can you speak to us about economic injustice, knowing there is more than enough for everyone to thrive on the planet, but there are yet great imbalances due to greed. Can you share with us the changes that are afoot in terms galactic consciousness?
Mary Magdalene: Your economics is simply a reflection of your relationship to power. It is something that many came into this realm to explore, to learn about, and to experience what is possible with power and what happens when there are different arrangements, different structures of power—how does it feel, how does it work, what are the end results, the repercussions. In some ways, and many are aware of this, you might say that the beings on Earth have gotten a bit off track for a period of time. This is one of the dangers of coming into a realm like this. Because it is a realm of such gross vibration or frequency. And by gross, I mean slow, that the vibration level is slow here compared to many, many other places. So the consciousness adapts to this realm and to this frequency, and you have what you all have experienced and known for a very long time of third-dimensional consciousness. In that consciousness, there is forgetting of the higher dimensions and the higher levels of consciousness.
So this exploration that has been going on for a long time in your world of power has somewhat gotten detoured because the beings involved have forgotten their own consciousness that could have extricated them from it and extricated your world from it. As a result, you have experienced many things that have been painful for many people, including the withholding of resources or the taking of resources by select groups or select beings and withholding it from others. There has always been enough for everyone. Yet this has not been what the experience of most people on Earth has been. In order to extricate yourself from this seeming ceiling of consciousness, where you have been exploring the different aspects of power in all these ways, it is requiring your power structures and your economics to get to a rather extreme place. And truly, you have gotten to a rather extreme place.
This is a realm of free choice. It was created that way and it is not something that other beings choose to interfere with. So it must be the choice of beings on Earth to change the structures, the dynamics. What supports you in doing this is for it to get to this extreme level, where so many people are feeling the effects, and so many people are noticing that so many people are feeling the effects. People are starting to wake up, starting to question, “Why, are we doing this? Why, if so many people are being hurt, being challenged by this, why are we accepting it? Why are we not changing it?” And that, indeed, is the beginning of the change, and you are seeing it.
This is a time when your economic systems are part of the change that will happen. It has to do with the Divine Feminine coming in, for the Divine Feminine would not withhold from others. Not that the Divine Masculine would do that, per se. It is that the Divine Masculine has attention on other things. And power/strength is one of those things. So when the Divine Masculine is not in union with the Divine Feminine, you see the results along the lines that have occurred in your Earth realm, where there has been much play of power without the force of love, compassion, caring for all. That is part of what is changing.
We at the higher levels are supporting this change very much. It must happen in consciousness first. So that is the place where we are beginning. We are working with each individual’s consciousness who is open to a change, to seeing the possibilities for living in a very different way, where everyone is taken care of and everyone is cared for.
Even your system of money is relatively unique to the Earth. There are very few places that use money. And you see the results of what money allows. It allows people to hoard and withhold and compete and even battle for what they think is valuable.
The consciousness is growing, where people are saying, “No, money is not what is important. It is not what is valuable. It is not what gives us our value. In truth, we give it value, if we choose. And it has not served us well in many, many ways.” So yes, you are seeing the beginning of a huge change. You might call it a revolution. It is in consciousness, first and always. As your consciousness changes, so will your world. Your consciousness is creating your world.
It is through love, it is through caring about all, it is through this process of fully incarnating the Divine Feminine in union with the Divine Masculine, that this change will take place. There are many ways that it can happen. We are supporting, as much as possible, that it will happen in a peaceful way, in an easeful way. That would be most optimal. Of course, that always is up to you, individually and as a group. But it all begins with consciousness. It all begins with changing your consciousness. Through that you begin to change who you are, what you do, your actions.
Each of you has tremendous power. Do not ever assume, “Oh, I can’t do anything. This is so huge. It’s so beyond me. The economy is this enormous thing that happens at the national level and the international level, and what can I do? I’m just one person with no power.” This is not true. You are the one who empowers the whole system, always. Each one of you is that one. Each one of you is huge and your choices absolutely matter.
But the choice, first and foremost, is in your heart. You must choose in your heart that you cannot accept this any longer and you choose something new. It will change and it will manifest.
Question: The moon, the satellite and companion of our Earth, has always been considered a representative of the Divine Feminine, as the sun is the Divine Masculine. But recently it has come to light that the moon is hollow and it is artificial intelligence. It was placed there, in its orbit, by beings from another dimension. I wanted to know what Mary Magdalene has to say about the moon and the Divine Feminine.
Mary Magdalene: The moon has the quality of a mirror. It has mirrored back the Feminine to the Feminine on Earth. The strongest manifestation of the Feminine on Earth is truly the Earth herself. And the moon has been the mirror—the mirror of the sun and the radiance of the sun. But it has also been the mirror of the Feminine on Earth.
You see, the Feminine has been displaced from the Earth for a very long time. The Feminine has not been welcomed on the Earth, which is a very sad thing. Of course, this has not been true of every person, every culture. But in general, there has been more and more of a ban, this holding down in darkness of the Feminine. And so the moon has taken up that place of being a focus for the Feminine that was not welcomed upon the Earth.
Truly, nothing is Masculine or Feminine, per se, because the Feminine and the Masculine love each other and are drawn to each other like magnets. So when you see something as Masculine or you see something as Feminine, it’s what is coming to the fore. It is what is connecting with you in that moment. But everything contains both. Perhaps not fully actualized. But the Feminine and the Masculine are inextricably connected to each other. And this is why it is so painful when one is held back, suppressed, because it is not the movement of this world at all for that to be so.
So it is not in conflict that the moon has been the refuge of the Feminine for a very long time and that there has also been Masculine influence and affect and interaction upon the moon. Any body, any being that is not in its wholeness will gravitate towards its opposite in time, over time, because that is the nature of the Divine. The Divine is in union, the Masculine and the Feminine. All that exists is in that form, in that model. It is like the holographic nature that your scientists have discovered—the whole is in everything.
You have much that you will learn about so many things in your world. You have viewed things as best you could, as best you were able to understand them for a very long time. You will be amazed what you are going to be learning in the not-too-distant future. Allow these new things that come to you to integrate with the old. Feel into what is true for yourself, what you resonate with. Do not take it on someone else’s say so. Find your truth. But know that there will be much being revealed in the future—about your world, about yourself, about so many things. Do not throw out the baby with the bathwater.
There are always kernels of truth. For centuries, I have been called a prostitute. Now it is being said I was not a prostitute. But there was a kernel of truth in that. It was not understood. It was not communicated in truth, in wholeness. But there was a seed truth to that because I was a priestess of the Divine Feminine. I was a sacred priestess and I practiced Sacred Sexuality of the Goddess. And that has often been called prostitution, or whatever word you have for it, by some. It was not what many thought. It was not the connotation that many people ascribe to the term “prostitute.” But there was seed truth in that. I was bringing forth the Divine Feminine practice, a very, very sacred, most holy experience of divine union in human form through sexuality. And I was engaging this with Yeshua. We both were engaged in this. Your world and your power structure were not ready to acknowledge this. And so they did what they did. They told the stories, turned it into this or that. But there was seed truth in there. And now it is starting to become accepted more and more that Yeshua I were married, which of course for many people goes with the understanding that we engaged in sexuality in human form, that there were children that were created out of this union. But there is even more to it than that, much more, which is just starting to enter into the consciousness of so many.
So do not throw out the baby with the bathwater. Let this process reveal itself to you; let your mind be open; call upon your highest understanding, insight, and wisdom and you will come to know much. There is much that may seem quite different than you understood in the past.
Question [from a man]: I am told that it’s important that each man’s heart opens. How can I be of assistance to other men in opening to the Divine Feminine?
Mary Magdalene: The primary way that you will help others is through your being, what you are founded in in your being, and what you are living and modeling to others. The question that so many men have, the fear that they have, is that the Divine Feminine coming forth will mean that the Divine Masculine, or men—in whatever form that they are manifestations of the Masculine—are going to be suppressed, punished. There is fear that the Feminine and women will be angry at men, or at the least will want to be in the power position over men, as has happened so much in the past relative to men and women, with men being in the power position. But this is not what is meant to happen at all.
The greatest service you can do to others is to shine your strength as a man, as the Divine Masculine, and to embrace the Feminine—within yourself, but especially with women. Be a demonstration that you, in your Masculine, will be supported as you support women.
Also, it is important for men to reach out to other men. In doing so, they are accessing their own inner Feminine. For men have so often suffered being in competition with each other, feeling threatened by each other. Many men are afraid to let down their guard, afraid that if they become vulnerable, open, they will lose in the great game of competition, they will be taken advantage of. So it takes skill, as a man, to reach out to other men and to create a different kind of connection with them that is not founded in competition, that is founded in care for that man and that man’s wellbeing, founded in the understanding that it feeds you to support another man, and that you are suffering the lack of that quality of connection as much as the other.
This is not something that can be, for the most part, done through talk or even ideas. It is something that must be lived. One of the things that will help is if you are able to change the form in which you live. Right now, most people live very separately. Many people live entirely separately, all by themselves. But if they don’t live all by themselves, they usually only live with their partner, sometimes with children, or occasionally another family member, perhaps an aging parent, or another family member. But this is not actually the most supportive form. It is much more supportive for you to be living in ways where men are close to other men, women are close to other women, and you are supporting each other. If you are able to change the form in which you live, this kind of transformation will happen much more quickly. The foundation for trust will be laid and it will start to grow. That is what it will really require. Many men trust women more than they trust other men. This must change and will change. If you want to support this change, those are the arenas that are most in need of help.
I love you all so much. I thank you for all that you do, the courage that you bring, the commitment and dedication to your spiritual growth, the transformation that is underway and that you are all supporting in your world. It is such a beautiful thing. I thank you so much. And I thank you for this time. I thank you for this celebration.
I love you. I bless you.
I AM Mary Magdalene.
Copyright 2012 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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