
MARY MAGDALENE: Becoming a Child of God — 2 Comments

  1. This was a wonderful one; what a great session. I just had my 68th birthday; and feel very good; I feel more myself and more ‘powerfull’ than ever before. This just happened to be like a discussion I had with my daughter yesterday in letting go of her FEARs of wanting commitment; yet being afraid of it at the sametime. I will most certainly send her this right now; She’s going on a trip tomorrow with her daughter (who is just almost 7 going on 14; it’s ostensibly to decide) whether or not she’s willing to give her ‘relate-sonship’ another chance with a freer heart, mind and SPIRIT or NOT. I have told her that I support her whatever her decision is; but it is HERS. Forgiving and releasing the hurt and pain of the past; not just recent past is a big part of it. I hope she reads and perhaps follows the questions to her own end.
    Thank you for the videos as well; My sweetie bought me your second book this bday; he bought the first last Xmas. I have been enjoying the excerpts all along; but a reading physically is always stronger the second time around; etc . Have a wonderful holiday season….Namaste Sara A Mann

  2. An amazing and beautiful story, that filled me with joy and so many other emotions as I read this article, I hope you understand that this is a story full of bliss, and full of confronting the truths within ones self, and so many others would love to have greater access to this wonderful story of transformation, this is a beautiful story that I hope everyone will one day have access to, because we need more stories like this one, stories that don’t have lies surrounding the truth, stories that are honest, and real, a story many around the world are able to connect with.

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