MARY MAGDALENE: Finding The Inner Marriage
Part 4 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 21, 2013
Question: If you and your loved one have separated, in what ways can you embody the Masculine and Feminine on your own?
Mary Magdalene: All of you have your inner Masculine and Feminine. This is something I spoke about in great depth through the messages that were given to Mercedes and then recorded in the book. [Mercedes’s note: Mary is referring to the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love.] It would be very helpful to familiarize yourself with the different paths of the inner Masculine and Feminine first. Then you can consider if there is anything that needs strengthening within yourself.
For most beings on the Earth at this time, there is an imbalance happening in the inner aspect. Most of you are developed and, in general, dominated by your inner Masculine, while being underdeveloped and weak in your inner Feminine. This is true for men, as well as women. It will often show up in different ways for men than it does for women. But both require their inner Feminine and inner Masculine to be strong.
Once you educate yourself about these different ways that the two manifest within, you can take stock and evaluate if there are parts of yourself that are underdeveloped. For most people, that will be the Feminine. Even for women today, it is still often the Feminine that is underdeveloped and causing imbalance. This is one of the things that causes many problems in relationships between partners. If you come into a relationship not being in balance yourself, you place demands on the relationship to try to establish that balance. These demands are often a great strain and even can be a breaking point for the relationship.
It is very important, as part of your spiritual work, to become familiar with these different parts of yourself, which are ultimately different parts of God. I call them the Masculine and Feminine face of God. For some people, referring to them as Feminine and Masculine is not comfortable. That is fine. They can find other ways of referring to them. But I think it is helpful. It is the way I see them, and know them, and have been trained to understand them. So I speak of them this way.
This is important for your own spiritual growth. A very important part of what is going to allow you to engage the ascension process is to complete your own inner work in the Masculine and Feminine. They must be in balance within yourself so that you can find the inner marriage, which is a wonderful state to experience and know. This is the inner marriage of the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine—ultimately the marriage of your heart, which is the seat of the Divine Feminine, and your sacred mind, which is the seat of the Divine Masculine. When these come into union through this sacred inner marriage, it becomes the doorway for moving into the next higher dimension.
This is quite important and valuable work. I encourage you to familiarize yourself with what I have offered in the past, because I believe that this will help people in ways that many people are not aware of yet.
[End of Part 4]
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Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to