MARY MAGDALENE: Finding The Relationship You’ve Dreamed Of
Part 1 of a Message
Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On July 21, 2013
[Note: This message was received at a celebration of Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day.]
Blessings my dear ones. This is Mary Magdalene and I am so happy to be here with you tonight. I thank you so much for gathering together, for honoring me through this celebration, through this day, which has been selected as a time of remembering me and connecting with me. I am so happy to be here to connect with you and to have this time with you. Thank you so much, dear ones.
My heart is so full of love in this moment. I hope that you are able to feel it. I am full of love for all of you. I am full of love for all beings. But in this gathering at this time, I am especially full of love for all of you, so grateful to you for your opening to me and to so many beautiful beings of light. Of course, you are also a beautiful being of light. I see you that way, and more and more I see that you know yourself that way. That is something that I also celebrate, for that is part of what humanity is growing into at this time—each of you knowing yourself as a being of light, which you absolutely are and always have been. I and others are helping you to recognize this, to grow fully into this, and to be the manifestation of light that you have come to be.
So I am celebrating you at this time. And I am celebrating this amazing time on Earth, which, of course, I have spoken about in the past. But I feel it so strongly that I want to acknowledge it once again. This is an amazing time, which you have all chosen to be here for, to participate in, to support, and to help others in their passage through this time, in their evolution and growth into a new age, a new consciousness, most definitely a new world for all of you, and a new time of knowing yourselves in a much greater way as the beings of light that you are.
This movement into a new age is well underway. There are many things that will need to happen before you have fully made this transition. But it has begun and you are in the midst of it. It is unstoppable. There is no question that this new age will arrive. And you are all a part of ushering yourselves and all beings into this new age. It is so exciting.
In our time of being on the Earth—Yeshua and myself—we, too, were a part of this transition. 2000 years is actually a very short amount of time in terms of these kinds of openings and changes. It was the beginning, which is still going on. Many of you have a connection to Yeshua and to myself from that time, and we are still so deeply connected to you. It is a continuation.
Of course, when I speak of time, this is my effort to try and reference it in ways that make sense to you in the third dimension, at this time. (She laughs quietly.) I do not relate to time in the same way, in general. So for me, we have always been together. There has been no separation, no passage. But I understand that for many of you it seems differently. And that is fine. However you are seeing it is perfect to what it supporting you in this moment. And that will change over time, in the perfect time. It is nothing to be concerned about.
But yes, I say “hello” to you across the time, to so many I have known in different periods. You are all so special to me, so absolutely beloved. I wish I had better words with which to express this, to make it so clear to you how much I value you, how much you are a part of my heart and my joy.
I am checking to see if there is anything in particular that I sense is important to talk about at this time. (space of silence) One thing that I want to speak of is a change that is already in progress, but you may or may not be aware of it, and it may or may not have affected you directly yet. This is a change relative to relationships between men and women in your world. Part of this transition—and I have spoken of this in great depth—is the Masculine and Feminine coming into balance, into harmony, and into union with each other. This always begins with the Masculine and Feminine within each of you, and in the greater sense with all of you recognizing the aspects of God that you may refer to as Masculine or Feminine. But for many of you, it will also very much involve being in a relationship, which brings forth these qualities of the Masculine and Feminine in your relationship. There are many who have been wonderful, powerful beings of light at this time who have longed to have a relationship and have wondered when they would be in relationship, and if it was going to happen for them—particularly a relationship that was an inherent part of their spiritual path and their spiritual journey. It is this that I wish to speak about.
This is coming in for many of you who have not been in relationship and have longed for that, have wanted that, have hoped for it. This is part of the transition that we are in, that you are going to see more and more around you, and very possibly in your own life. More and more people are finding the relationships that they have been dreaming of. They are moving into relationship and finding a great sense of peace, joy, and fulfillment in this relationship. I am so happy to share this with you, because I have known the wonders of relationship with my beloved and having that inextricably woven with my spiritual path, with my spiritual work, with my heart, with my soul, with the essence of who I am. I am so happy to be able to share with you that many of you, if you have not already, will be finding this relationship and experiencing this wonder and joy in relationship. So that is very happy, very wonderful news that I have to share with you.
Some of you have not chosen to be in relationship and that is absolutely fine. You will know this wonder of the union of the Masculine and Feminine in other ways—within yourself, within God. It is not a limitation in any form. Both are fully empowered, fully wonderful in their own ways, simply two different paths that are possible.
You are going to be seeing many changes in your world. Some of them may be wonderful, some of them may be surprising, some of them may seem challenging. It is all part of this “changing of the guard,” you might say, this release and letting go of so much that has been a part of your world, so much that has been a part of your consciousness, your reality for a very long time, and new things coming in. So there is both a death of the old and a birth of the new happening simultaneously.
There may be aspects of the letting go, the release, the death process that may seem difficult or even perhaps scary. I have given a great deal of instruction that has already been received and recorded in the book by Mercedes about how to relate to this kind of thing, how to make use of situations, even where you feel afraid, to bring you to God, to stabilize you and strengthen you in your connection to God. That is what is most important. It has always been important. But at this time it may seem or appear even more important that you absolutely maintain your foundation and your stability in your connection to God.
Whatever it is that supports your connection to God—whether it’s a daily practice that you have; whether it’s the company that you keep, including being inspired by books or communications that you receive through the internet—whatever form it is that strengthens you, that maintains your absolute, unwavering connection to God is only going to become more important. I urge you to support yourself in that way. Through that you will be supporting yourself and also so many others.
Your own connection to God is the greatest form of support you can give. It is an important service at this time, to the world and to other beings, that you strengthen and increase, to the maximum you are able, that grid of connection to God. It will help make this passage easier, gentler, more graceful for all. I ask that all of you do your part, as much as you are able, to make this possible, to strengthen this, to help others, to help all in this way. And of course, it will make it most wonderful for you to do this, as well.
I am reaching out and sincerely asking for everyone’s help. Each person who participates in this way will make an enormous difference. The number one thing is your connection to God. Beyond that there is blessing, prayer, sending light. All of those things are most wonderful, but they are secondary. The most important thing is your bond, your oneness with God. That will make the greatest difference. It will also guide you and let you know what you are to be doing that is perfect for you, through all these changes. You will have clarity, you will know. It is important for yourself, as well, to have that clarity and guidance.
So I beseech you to maintain this practice, this disposition, what you might call “this asana” of connection to God with the greatest strength that you are able. Call upon your guides, call upon God directly. Ask for help in whatever form seems strongest for you and you will receive it. I thank you for doing that. It is so important that this be held on the Earth, as well, and not simply by the higher beings, who are doing so much to support this. You have your part to do, too. And it is very important.
[End of Part 1]
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to