
MARY MAGDALENE: Healing Shame — 1 Comment

  1. Thank you, for this broadening of understanding shame, it’s helpful in the present process of seeing my thoughts, reactions about my behavior, easily feeling guilt, shameful for not having paid attention to prevent an awkward situation. When I verify this with the person involved, there’s never a problem on their side, it’s all within me, that this “story” is made up.
    That’s a valuable lesson to me, that how I feel is fully caused by my own
    reaction, coming from a strict religious upbringing, using guilt as control.
    The discernment of “is this really me?” and that programming of old, becomes clearer every day. At times I comfort myself in an embrace, being a kind nanny to myself, saying “You’re alright, you’re okay, don’t worry”.
    For a woman, to speak her mind, herheart, is a healing. Many women circles exist here in the UK, due to the pagan interest and the Mists of Avalon movie, priestess-circles. Now also circles of yogini’s, goddesses, fairies, mad- hatter-women clubs are emerging. It wouldn’t surprise me if that’s the case or beginning to happen in more places in the world.

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