MARY MAGDALENE: Helping Our Children
Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On September 5, 2013
Question: What more can we do to help the Divine Feminine and also to help our children?
Mary Magdalene: Blessings to you. I feel you so strongly in my heart. I shine my light upon you. Thank you so much for your love, your caring, your dedication to your spiritual path.
Your inner work is always where it begins. Look first to yourself and what you can do to strengthen yourself within. Make use of the book [Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love] and the instruction I have already given through Mercedes. This is an excellent starting place for looking at how you can strengthen that Divine Feminine within yourself, so that you become a beacon of light for the Divine Feminine. This will affect your children more than anything else and absolutely will affect your world, as well.
There’s so much that I could say about this. I love your question about the children. I have such caring and passion for children. What the children need more than anything else is your example of loving your body, of loving their bodies, of showing them that they are a perfect manifestation of God. This is true even with any challenges that they have, any lessons that they have come to learn and to grow. This does not in any way diminish their absolute perfection as a divine being. Know this about yourself and know this about your children. Affirm this to them.
Show children their perfection in terms of their beautiful bodies. Show them how to care for their bodies as temples of God—how to eat healthy food, how to enjoy their bodies, how to take care of their bodies. Along with this, show them how to care for other aspects of the physical—how to care for their environment, how to care for their pets and their animals, how to care for the Earth. All of these things are so important.
As it is appropriate, as they grow, show children another path with their sexuality. Show them how sexuality is a divine energy from God, to be understood, to be honored, and to be engaged with responsibility as a gift from the divine. When they are ready, when they are older, give them access to higher wisdom about their sexuality, how it can be engaged in a sacred way. In general, this would be appropriate for the teenage years, to start to bring this wisdom to young people as they transition into becoming young adults and start to experience their sexuality awakening. Help them understand that this is a sacred energy and how it can be used for opening their heart, for having amazing interactions with another being that are based in love and honoring of the divine in both partners, and that can grow them spiritually.
For many of you, this will perhaps require you to become more educated relative to the sacred in sexuality. This is a most wonderful arena that I urge everyone to become educated in, if you are involved in sexuality in your own life. Truly, everyone is involved in sexuality, for everyone has sexual energy. Whether you are expressing your sexuality with a partner or not, this is something that you can learn to make use of for your wholeness, for your wellbeing, for the flowering of your union of your Feminine and Masculine within, and for your greater opening spiritually. This is instruction that I am in the process of bringing in with Mercedes for a second book, which will be especially focusing on this arena of Sacred Sexuality.
The other arena that is so important for all of you to learn for yourselves, as well as for helping children, is relative to emotions. If you are involved with children, educating yourself relative to emotions is a tremendous gift you give to children. In particular, help children to understand the beautiful gift and opportunity available to them when they experience pain. This is actually much easier with children than adults, the younger they are. This is because they are less inculcated in the path of suppressing their emotions or projecting their emotions outward onto other forms to avoid feeling them and dealing with them themselves.
As you engage this transformational work for yourself, it will naturally reach more and more people. It simply expands out in greater and greater circles into your world. Know that your world is always a reflection of your own reality. As you change yourself, your world will absolutely be changing.
The final thing that I would always recommend is prayer. Prayer is so powerful, for you and for others. Yet it is so easy to forget in the third dimension, where things seem so physically based. But prayer is your great help. Do not hesitate to bring in prayer for anything that you see that needs strengthening or help in any way.
I hope that this is helpful to you, and I thank you again for your question.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to