MARY MAGDALENE: How Ascension Will Occur
Part 2 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On July 21, 2013
Question: Many light-workers on this planet are helping with the ascension. But it seems that the majority of people aren’t even aware of what’s going on. Is there going to be an instant miracle that the majority will get, and then transcendence. Or is there a different plan?
Mary Magdalene: There are many ways that the ascension can happen. It is not written, as of yet. Much has to do with the choices that you and all the beings on Earth make. You are actually in the process of creating this. It is a creation process, as every moment of life is. Yet many do not realize that is the case. But it does not change the fact that it is the case.
There are different scenarios of what could happen. Ultimately it is one scenario. As I see it and understand it, it is a given how it is going to come out. You are going to make this ascension process. The majority of beings, if not all beings, have already chosen this at the soul level. But it may not be obvious in terms of what those beings are doing in their life right now, or what they are aware of in their life right now.
Those you call light-workers tend to be the ones who are consciously aware of their choice to be here, their choice to ascend, and their choice to support the entire ascension process for all.
From my perspective, it is not clear how this will happen or the time frame in which it will happen. Many people thought it might happen at the end of your year of 2012. We did not know. But it was not the time. It appears to me that it is going to be a more gradual process than perhaps people who are incarnated on Earth initially thought. This may well be a very benign thing, for it will allow people more time to become aware, to prepare themselves for this process. It will also allow it to be potentially more gradual and, because of that, more gentle.
It is possible that it could happen through what you might see as a miracle. Different people use the word “miracle” to refer to different things. From the perspective of the higher dimensions, much of what is called miracles does not seem mysterious or unexplainable. It’s clear to us how these things can happen. But from a third-dimensional perspective, it may not be clear, or understandable, or easily explained. So the term “miracle” may be used. But it’s often just referring to a higher-dimensional process intervening in your world.
It is possible that this change can happen through challenging events. One of the reasons that challenge and hardship is given in the third dimension is because this often opens people. It opens their hearts to love. And it opens their consciousness to what is greater than they have been open to in the past. So it is possible that it may happen, at least in part, through circumstances that are challenging. These might be natural circumstances. These might be human circumstances—political or social circumstances. These might be circumstances that involve beings from other planets or outside of your Earth sphere. This is something that could bring great challenge to many people. So it is possible that it may happen in these forms. Through challenge, people may open to something much greater than they have been open to until that time.
These are the two most likely ways ascension will occur. It is a possibility that people will ascend directly from physical incarnation in the third dimension. Or they may choose to leave their physical incarnation in the third dimension, which is what you refer to as dying, and ascend from a different form of incarnation. This may be easier for some and they may choose that path.
Some beings may also choose to reunite with their soul family, who may not be manifested here on Earth. Or perhaps the part of their soul family that they would especially like to ascend with may not be manifested here on the Earth at this time. So they may choose to reunite with parts of their soul family by leaving the Earth and manifesting elsewhere. These are all possibilities.
It is an enormous process that is underway. It is much greater than just the Earth that is involved. The possibilities and options are far-reaching. From my perspective, that is a most amazing and most exciting event. I’m speaking in terms of a very large occurrence—large in terms of time, large in terms of space, large in terms of the vastness of what is occurring.
That is the most specific that I can be in answer to your question. I hope that that has helped you.
Question: What was the lesson of this most recent Mercury in retrograde?
Mary Magdalene: All of you are in the process of changing the way you’ve related to what is familiar to you—what has been familiar to you for most of this lifetime and really for many lifetimes. Part of that has been having an orientation towards things happening in a certain way in physicality. So you have physical structures that work a certain way. You’re familiar with them, you’re used to them, and you expect that they’re going to continue to work that way. At a time like Mercury retrograde, when they often don’t work that way, it can help to free you from what is really a certain form of limitation.
Coming into third dimension and being manifested here, it is totally understandable that you would relate to your world in a very physical way, because that is the nature of third dimension. More than anything else, it is physically based. In coming here, what happens for most people is you forget where you have come from and you forget who you are, outside of this physical, third-dimensional manifestation. So it becomes very easy to assume that this is all there is and that the way things operate here is the way things must operate. When that starts to break down—you have an expression “throwing a wrench in the works”—it actually is a chance, it becomes a window for you to open to greater possibilities and to begin to access them more and more. So this cycle that you call Mercury retrograde is a repeating phenomenon, which, again and again, is giving you that opportunity.
It is also calling you to rest, to take a break from functionality and doing things in the way that you’re familiar with, because they may not be working. This is part of coming into balance, and even more than balance, coming into trust—trust that things are going to work in a different way, what you might think of as a bigger way or a greater way—trust that there are other options, other possibilities, other forces at work, which will accomplish what perhaps you have thought needed to be accomplished in a more physically based, or even work-oriented way. So it is a calling. It is calling you more and more to this opening, this possibility of doing things in a way that calls upon other powers, other forces, which you might call “higher,” and which is ultimately more easeful for you to engage. But like any transition, the process of letting go of the old is not always the most easeful in the moment.
As you go further and further into the ascension process, this phenomenon of familiar processes seeming to break down is going to become stronger and stronger. The old mechanical ways of doing things are going to have more and more lapses where they’re not working as well, not working as quickly, or not working at all. And you are going to be required more and more to find other ways to do the same things, to accomplish the same things that you want to have accomplished—or perhaps to even let go of those things being accomplished, perhaps to realize they aren’t necessary.
As this cycle continues through the ascension process, it’s going to have a feeling of more and more intensity to it, showing up in stronger and stronger ways. It is part of your challenge to learn to ride this, to ride it like a wave in a certain way, to relax into it, to trust—ultimately to trust in God, and to call upon your higher self and your developing higher skills, abilities, and powers to take care of yourself in ways which again you may call “higher.” It is not to say that they are better or that the other is worse. It is simply something you are more and more growing into.
If you are confused and not sure in any moment, call upon God, call upon your higher self, ask for help. This is one of the greatest lessons of this time. I have spoken about this before, but it is such an important thing to remind you about always—the importance of asking. Higher dimensional beings respect your free choice, respect your soul path, respect what you are choosing and have always been choosing, moment to moment. We will not interfere or intercede unless you ask us. We are so happy to be involved, but we require you to ask us first. So if you want that help, which I strongly encourage you to make use of, then please, ask us. Call upon us. We are most happy and honored to support and assist you in any way we are able.
Question: I’m aware that this wonderful channel first experienced you when she came to this area of Santa Fe, New Mexico. There are many of us who have been called here over the years. There is something about this place—I almost said “portal”—that seems to profoundly have an impact on this awakening to oneness. Could you speak about how the state of New Mexico may have a role to play that perhaps we’re not aware of.
Mary Magdalene: You were accurate in referring to it as a portal, for it most definitely is. This is sacred ground. In many parts of the state, if you are sensitive, if you focus upon this, many of you will feel this and sense it, for it is very strong. Of course, there are such places in many parts of your world. And this is one of them.
We in the higher dimensions are aware that there are places, including Santa Fe, that many people are drawn to, because they feel this energy and because it supports them in their own process. It is a co-creative process, where the Earth and the energy is supporting you, and then you are empowering the Earth and the energy in that place by what you bring. Part of this transition is what some are calling “cities of light” that are being created. Indeed, this area will become one of those cities of light, which are especially empowered for manifesting this new world that you are moving into, this new energy, supporting all of you in this new form of life that you will be having.
This area of New Mexico has long been an empowered area. It was for the Native Americans. And long before that it was connected to both Atlantis and Lemuria. The roots are very, very deep in this whole region of profound connection to Spirit. In many ways, the Native Americans have been more sensitive to this than many of the other cultures, and particularly sensitive to how this region is so deeply connected to the Earth and the Earth-mother as a living, sentient being. In many ways, it is largely because of the spiritual energy that the Native Americans have held for so long and still continue to hold that the spiritual energy is so strong and alive here. So you have much to be thankful for to all of these Native American peoples and the powerful work that they have done.
It is a beautiful place, a very unique place. All of the different sacred places that people sense and identify on your Earth all have different qualities, bringing in different aspects of the Divine in manifest form. That is part of the beauty and wonder of the Earth. The Earth is such a magnificent place, such a jewel. It is a marvel that it exists with the incredible diversity you have here. The Earth is going to come into its flowering even more. There have been many hard times. There have been many things done to the Earth that have caused great pain, to the Earth herself and to the inhabitants of the Earth. But this is changing and will be cleansed and purified. And the future ahead of you is most wondrous.
Question: My sense is that there were many who were in Atlantis and Lemuria who are here in this state of New Mexico now. Could you speak to that?
Mary Magdalene: Without question. And they will be more and more remembering and opening up to that. That is a wonderful thing.
There is a healing going on of the past, as well as the present. There is a healing going on relative to how choices were made, things occurred, and now bringing that into a new time, a new way, a new possibility. This most definitely includes Atlantis and Lemuria. There were tremendous gifts embodied by those peoples, those cultures, which very few remember or know how to access. But they are returning. And that is a most wonderful thing.
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Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to