Mary Magdalene: Merge With Your Feeling As Though It Was Your Lover
Part 3 Of A Message
Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on April 21, 2013
Question: For the past four years, I’ve been experiencing a loud noise in my ears, which is tinnitus. I’ve learned through spiritual work that it’s a refusal to believe what one hears, or fear of certain messages. I feel that there’s spiritual work that one can do to uncover the cause of the loud noise—the blocking or not believing. The question is, what is the process that a person can go through to believe what one hears?
I had an incidence over the past couple of days of the tinnitus disappearing for over twenty-four hours, because I received confirmation on a concrete level of what I heard on the spiritual. But now I’d like to be able to have a process where I don’t have to wait for confirmation on a concrete level, where I can find a way to believe what I hear. Am I making myself clear?
Mary Magdalene: When you say “believe what I hear,” what is it that you hear?
Questioner: Messages that everything will be alright. I have financial concerns and relationship concerns, too. I get messages from divine sources.
Mary Magdalene: About those circumstances?
Questioner: Yes, about the circumstances I’m concerned about. What I’ve learned is that these noises could be blocking what I hear, blocking messages, or unwillingness to believe what I hear. What I’m interested in is a process where I can believe what I hear.
Mary Magdalene: You want to believe the messages that you receive?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: So you receive messages and then you fall into doubt, and you don’t feel comfortable following the messages—you feel more drawn to what your mind is telling you?
Questioner: Could be that. Yeah. And there’s fear around it also.
Mary Magdalene: I would suggest that the fear is the primary element involved, fear of trusting the messages that you’re receiving. Does that seem right?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: Are you in touch with that fear right now?
Questioner: (short silence) Yes. Right now I am.
Mary Magdalene: (softly) OK. Would you like to do this process around it?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: So let yourself go into the fear. Really open to it. Find out where it lives in you, how you experience it, if it has a message for you, whatever is associated with the fear. Let yourself really open to that fully. Are you able to do that?
Questioner: Oh, yes.
Mary Magdalene: And what do you experience?
Questioner: Panic. Sadness.
Mary Magdalene: Which seems stronger?
Questioner: Right now the sadness is the strongest.
Mary Magdalene: Then let yourself be with that. Go into the sadness. Allow it. It’s fine to cry if you need to. Let your body express however it wants to. And let yourself be with that sadness.
Questioner: I’m afraid you’ll have to speak louder because this tinnitus is blocking what I’m hearing.
Mary Magdalene: (speaking louder) So let yourself be with the sadness now, in whatever way. It’s fine to cry; it’s fine to break down. Don’t hold it back. Open to it. Merge with the sadness, as though it was your lover. Be with it. See what it has to show you. To share with you. Are there words, pictures, sensations? What gift does that sadness have for you?
Questioner: The message is, “You have nothing to fear.”
Mary Magdalene: But you do have fear. Yes?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: Mmmm. (brief silence) Why are you sad?
Questioner: (softly) Why am I sad? The idea of not being able to get what I want.
Mary Magdalene: What is it that you want?
Questioner: Relationship. Financial security.
Mary Magdalene: So you’re sad because there’s a longing for relationship and a longing for financial security…
Questioner: Yes, yes!
Mary Magdalene: …and you’re sad because you don’t have that and don’t know if you will have that in the future.
Questioner: That’s exactly right.
Mary Magdalene: Yes. So there’s a sense of loss, a longing for something that you don’t have.
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: Let yourself be with that. Let your body be with that, your emotions, your energy. Let yourself be with that. (silence) Feel how much you want that. Feel the strength of it. Are you able to do that?
Questioner: (softly) Oh yeah.
Mary Magdalene: (slowly) That is very good. That is your ally, your help. It is showing you this beautiful, divine part of yourself that is so important, that you feel disconnected from—this longing for love and closeness and security, financial security. Is that right?
Questioner: Oh yes.
Mary Magdalene: (softly) Yes. Those are beautiful things. Can you find the place in yourself where you connect with the beauty of those things—the beauty of love, of connection with another person, and closeness, and security?
Questioner: It comes from the heart.
Mary Magdalene: Can you feel that beauty, that wholeness within yourself? (silence) Can you reconnect with that—the way that you always know, within yourself, that wholeness of love, closeness, connection with another person, security? (silence) Are you able to find that?
Questioner: I’m going into my heart with that.
Mary Magdalene: And are you able to find those particular frequencies, those beautiful, divine qualities within yourself?
Questioner: I’m attempting to call them up now.
Mary Magdalene: Good. Love … closeness and connection … security. They’re really parts of God, flavors of the divine … and parts of you. Are you able to connect with those?
Questioner: Beginning to.
Mary Magdalene: Wonderful. Let yourself go into that, those beautiful qualities that you long for, that you know within yourself. When you’ve connected with them, let us know.
Questioner: (long silence) I’m connected.
Mary Magdalene: Thank you. From this place of connection, what do you experience now?
Questioner: A fullness of positivity.
Mary Magdalene: Beautiful. From this place of connection, sometimes there is nothing that needs to be done, other than just experiencing this and allow it to integrate deeper within yourself. At other times, there are actions that spontaneously come to you, without in any way taking away from this connection. So for you, in this moment, are there actions coming to you? Or does this feel like it’s a completion with this?
Questioner: The action that I see is “reach out and embrace.”
Mary Magdalene: Beautiful. This seems complete to me at this point. Does it to you?
Questioner: Not totally, but I see a direction.
Mary Magdalene: It is complete for now.
Questioner: Yes, I see that it’s a repeated spiritual practice that you have to do.
Mary Magdalene: Yes. But do not burden yourself with “I have to, I have to.” Let this melt into you, like a delicious dessert that you’re savoring. Trust that it will do its process. And your work, if you want to look at it as that, is to open and allow it, to be with it. And to notice, simply notice. How does that feel to you?
Questioner: Important. Life-saving.
Mary Magdalene: Blessings to you, dear one.
I’m deeply touched by the work you have done here today. I thank you so much. I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I have great confidence and trust in all of you. I see your light. I see your love. I see the victory of light in your case—each one individually, and as a whole.
I love you so much. Thank you for calling upon me. I look forward to future connections. In love, I leave you now.
I AM Mary Magdalene.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to