MARY MAGDALENE: My Union With Yeshua In Spirit Form
Part 4 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On November 7, 2013
Question: I would like to ask something regarding your sacred union with Yeshua while he was in a physical vessel and also after he ascended back into his light body. I heard that when Yeshua ascended, he still came to be with you and this continued to the end of your earth life. How did you continue this physical/spiritual relationship? Was it different with Yeshua being in spirit or the same as when he was in human form? And with Yeshua in spirit form, was it possible for him to be or feel just as physically real? How did you handle having Yeshua in spirit form? How did it sustain you until you returned to the higher realms in your light body?
Mary Magdalene: I thank you for your beautiful question. I feel your love, I feel your openness, and I feel your heart so strongly in what you’re asking, and I am very happy to respond.
It is true that after Yeshua was no longer embodied in the physical plane, that I still maintained my contact with him through his light body, in many ways not different from what many of you experience through your ability to open to beings in other dimensions. And so I was able to continue my relationship with Yeshua while I was still physically embodied and manifest in the Earth plane, in the third dimension, even though he was no longer here. It is something that I could initiate or he could initiate, and we very much valued our connection with each other.
Of course, it was different than when he was physically manifested. We did not have the physical interactions that we had before. And there is something very beautiful—very, very beautiful—about the physical. It was one of the great beauties that we experienced that in our time together on Earth.
On the other hand, when connecting with a being purely through the energetic–via the ethereal or the spiritual bodies—where the physical is not involved, this has a sweetness and a beauty all unto itself. In many ways it is even more wonderful, more sublime than the physical union. Some of you have had this experience and know what it is like to have this kind of exquisite contact with another being in a higher realm.
The challenge in this form of relating is that when you are not having that experience, it is much easier to forget it, to doubt it with your mind, to wonder if it was real, and to have it fade and seem to be preempted in some ways by the density of third-dimensional reality. This is not really different from what happens for all beings in their spiritual connection and their spiritual work at the third dimension. Many of you have this experience when you do your spiritual practices, whether they are meditation, prayer, or whatever form you find that supports you in your deepest and greatest connection with God and Spirit. You will have occasions where this connection seems very strong for you. These may occur during your private, daily occasions. They may be occasions when you’re with a teacher who supports you most fully in making your connection with Spirit. It may happen on occasions where you’re with a group and the group energy supports you, occasions when you’re in nature—this can be very strong for many people; occasions when you’re doing your work and you feel so blessed and happy. Whatever it is that opens you to Spirit most fully, you have these occasions and then they come to an end, and many of you have the experience of that higher reality seeming to fade, going back into the background, and somewhat getting lost in the day-to-day experience of third-dimensional reality.
This is the challenge with relationships with loved ones when one is physically incarnated and one is not physically incarnated at that time. It takes the same thing that any spiritual work takes in the third dimension. It takes spiritual strength. It takes trust. It takes faith. It takes intention and actually doing the things that support you spiritually. You are creating a relationship. And any relationship takes a certain kind of work, a certain kind of opening. You might call this a unique form, unique to many, although there are many who are having this experience, as well. And it will continue to grow as people open more and more to the higher dimensions, and understand more and more how to be with beings in the higher dimensions.
So it is entirely possible and entirely wonderful. But in some ways you are bridging the worlds and living, you might say, with a foot in each world. There is a certain art to doing that. It can be done, but there is an ease and relaxation when both beings are spiritually present in the same world. It was a great, great, wonderful reunion when I was reunited in the higher realms at the same level with my beloved Yeshua. And we continued to enjoy that wonderful sharing. A part of that sharing is that our primary home is again in the same dimension.
I hope that that was helpful to you. I send my heart blessings to you and my great, great love. Know that love, as it manifests in any form, is a divine gift. Love with another who is manifested in another dimension is certainly no less of a gift—in some ways, even a more wonderful gift, but with its unique challenges. I bless you for whatever you are going through to be strong, to have your heart open to the blessings you are receiving, to know that there is growth in whatever the challenges are, and to have faith to draw upon and to ask for help in whatever your challenges are.
Many blessings to you, with great love. I AM Mary Magdalene.
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Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Relating Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction, and Spiritual Instruction and Support. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to