Mary Magdalene: Receiving The Divine Feminine
An Excerpt From
by Mercedes Kirkel
Greetings, beloved ~
I am here. Do not doubt my presence. Doubt is part of your mind. I am here to help free you from your doubting mind.
I have waited two thousand years to come forth, for the turning of the ages when the Divine Feminine can be received, honored, and reinstated in her rightful place as the equal partner and lover of the Divine Masculine. There is much to be done for this to be accomplished, for the Divine Feminine has suffered much repression and denial so that most are afraid of her and no longer know her. I am here to help change that. This is the time for the Feminine to come to the front, to lead in this progression into the new age. It is the time of love and honoring of the Feminine, listening to the Feminine, and allowing the Feminine to lead so that balance may be reestablished and we may become whole.
And what does this mean for all of you? You are in the process of learning to reconnect with, trust, and open to the Feminine within yourself—as your body, your sexuality, your emotions. You are learning to surrender your thinking to pure presence, to surrender your lower mind to the heart. In doing this, the veils surrounding your sacred mind can be lifted, and the marriage of the sacred heart and sacred mind can occur. You are to celebrate that marriage through the ongoing joy of bringing the light into your body, merging it with love, and sending this empowered love-light out into the world.
Many of you have become alienated from the Feminine within yourself. You’ve become afraid and cut off from your body and your emotions and your sexuality and your feeling heart. It will take practice and engagement of these sacred parts of yourself to reopen to these pathways of the Divine within you.
It is not enough to think about this change. It is not enough to gather knowledge. You are tending to be unbalanced with your collecting knowledge about the world, yourself, and what is happening. It can be helpful to understand, but that will not make a difference if it is not balanced with practice and action. It is like raising a child. If you are a parent and are raising a child, it can be helpful to read books, go to classes, and talk with others about raising children. But if that is all you do, you will not serve the children. Most important is what you actually do with the children that will make a difference for them, your engagement with them every day.
Right now, you are in a grand process of transformation and growth, and you are the parent to yourself. The most important thing is your engagement, your practice with yourself on a daily basis. The Feminine parts of yourself have suffered and are shut down, atrophied, from not being embraced and engaged for so long. So now it will take practice and engagement to change that.
There are some who understand this, who have engaged this practice themselves, and who can help you to learn these practices. This one who channels this message is such a one. Now is the time to learn these practices and engage them continually. It will take time, but such a short time compared to the eons of time that these parts of you have been shut down.
Your body is beautiful. Your sexuality is sacred. Your emotions are pathways to God. Your presence is a blessed gift. Your open heart is the most powerful vessel of transformation, of receiving divine light and empowering it with love. Understand this, but do not stop there. Learn the practices for receiving and transmitting love-light through all these channels, and practice this until it becomes a dance, a joy, a beautiful part of who you are and what you bring to all.
I love you most dearly. I champion your transformation, and through that the transformation of your world.
In love and light,
I AM Mary Magdalene
This was the first transmission I received from Mary. I had just begun meditating when I felt a distinct, tangible presence near me. The presence seemed especially strong around my throat, where I clearly sensed a blockage of energy. I focused my intention on releasing whatever obstructions were keeping me from opening my throat center and allowing the energy to come through. Suddenly the voice of Mary Magdalene began to speak through me, and she gave the entire message, exactly as it is written above.
After receiving her communication, I rested for a moment, glowing with the wonder and beauty of what I’d been given. My sense of peace was short-lived, however, as a disturbing thought arose in my consciousness: I probably wouldn’t remember most of what she’d said! Without hesitating, I asked Mary to give me the message again while I typed it into my computer. And she did just that, repeating word for word exactly what she’d expressed the first time. If I had any remaining doubt that she had actually communicated with me, this second round of transmission totally dispelled my disbelief.
By the time she had finished, I felt infused with Mary’s energy and was in a transformed state. I felt blissful, yet balanced and calm: my body was rested, my heart wide open, and my mind clear and energized. I was thrilled to have received this exquisite, powerful message. And I was amazed at her brilliance, not only in terms of the quality of her ideas but also the way she delivered her entire message in perfect form. I simply recorded her words without changing anything, and suddenly I became the custodian of impeccable insight and wisdom.
At a deeper level, I was struck by the love and compassion flowing through her words. These qualities proved to be a hallmark of all her messages: Mary didn’t shy away from speaking directly about any topic, yet she voiced her ideas with kindness and care—as though shining the light of love on areas of darkness or shadow. I was amazed at the way she could address complex topics with grace and economy while still packing an enormous depth of meaning into each sentence. I came to see her style as characteristic of the way a higher-dimensional being thinks and communicates.
Mary began this communication by saying that doubt is part of our mind and that she is here to free us from it. It seems that living with chronic levels of doubt is an effect of separation from the Divine Feminine. When our minds are disconnected from the rest of ourselves—from our bodies, our sexuality, and our emotions (which Mary describes as the Feminine parts of our being)—one result is habitual doubt. I believe she wants to free us from our doubting minds through reuniting us with the Divine Feminine.
Because I have a strong tendency to doubt myself, Mary’s opening statement about doubt felt personal to me. I was immediately confronted with my doubt: Was she actually communicating with me? Or was I just fabricating this whole thing? Was I evolved enough as a spiritual being to be receiving a message from Mary Magdalene? And why would she choose me?
However, as soon as she had connected with me and my feelings of doubt, she moved on to a universal message, which I sensed was what she really wanted to speak about. It was as though she was speaking to me and through me—addressing everyone who experiences doubt in any form, since the roots of doubt reside in our divorce from the Feminine parts of ourselves.
After her initial references to doubt, Mary began speaking directly about the Divine Feminine, saying she’s waited two thousand years—since Yeshua’s life—to bring this message. The Divine Feminine has been suppressed and denied to the point that most of us fear the Feminine and are alienated from that part of life. But now, with the “turning of the ages,” the Divine Feminine is stepping forth to lead us into a new age. We are being called to love, honor, and listen to the Feminine, allowing her to lead us back into balance.
I understand the “turning of the ages” as a reference to a number of things: the transition out of the astrological age of Pisces into the age of Aquarius; the galactic alignment in 2012, which will usher in a new age of unity consciousness; and the predictions that we are on the brink of entering a new epoch in human history, which indigenous peoples sometimes refer to as the fifth world. Mary tells us that this new era is a time when the Divine Feminine can be reinstated in her rightful place as the equal partner and lover of the Divine Masculine.
Mary’s emphasis on creating a foundation of understanding about the Divine Feminine was evident in her tone of calm urgency. I realized that she wants people to understand that right now is a very special time, a time that is significantly different from times past. Through her inspiring, galvanizing words I understood that she is here as an emissary of the Divine Feminine to help guide us into a new chapter in our evolution. As she clearly proclaims, the time has finally come: the Divine Feminine can now take her seat alongside the Divine Masculine. That she has been waiting two thousand years to do so is quite remarkable to me. And her reference to the Divine Feminine as partner to the Divine Masculine strongly evokes her connection with Yeshua, opening a door in my heart of great tenderness and vulnerability as I am reminded of the love bond between them that’s at the core of her revelations.
Every time I return to this first message, I’m struck by Mary’s power as she calls for this change. Yet, her call does not in any sense indicate a desire for the Divine Feminine to take precedence over the Divine Masculine. She’s inviting us to equality, partnership, and ultimately to a union of the two. The Divine Masculine has been deprived of his partner for a very long time, and at last the partnership with her can be reestablished. This union isn’t just “out there” somewhere, outside of us. Mary emphasizes that this same partnership lives within each of us. Thus, she’s simultaneously calling us to partnership in the external world and to our wholeness as individually manifest beings.
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Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
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