MARY MAGDALENE: Responding to Challenge
Part 1 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On October 3, 2013
Blessings beloved ones,
This is Mary Magdalene, here with you again. I am so happy to have this opportunity to communicate with people and to answer people’s questions. As you know, it is my great, great passion to help people in their spiritual growth. The truth is that your spiritual growth is reflected in all the parts of your life. So if there is any part of your life in which you are having a challenge or wanting help with, that is actually part of your spiritual path and your spiritual growth. Those are all arenas in which I love to offer help, to bring my blessing and my point of view forth to support all of you.
As I have said before, you are at a wonderful moment right now. You’re on the precipice of great change, great growth. I think many of you are already seeing the signs in your world that this is so. Some of those signs feel wonderful and beautiful. Your life may seem more blessed, more easy. Things may be flowing in a more beautiful way, where it feels like you’re more connected to Spirit, more in the flow of life, and doing the work you came to do.
Some of the symptoms of the change may not seem so easy. It may seem that things are happening that are more challenging. Things may be coming up in parts of your life that you thought you already dealt with. Or things may be coming up that you never experienced before—difficulties, problems, challenges. This is part of the preparation for the change that is happening. You’re being given the opportunity to purify any blocks that remain. Some of them may not even be from this lifetime. Some of them may be from previous lifetimes. Some of them may be from earlier times in this life. Some of them may be things that you’ve been dealing with, which seem to be intensified or even getting more difficult.
You might relate this to what sometimes happens when you’re physically unwell—when you have some kind of illness or even a disease. The healing path can take a course where things seem to get worse before they get better. Oftentimes, what’s actually happening is that things that have been buried at a deep level are coming to the surface to be released. But in coming to the surface, you experience them more directly, more strongly, more powerfully. So you may have the sense, “What’s going on? My life seems to be harder, more difficult, getting worse.” I hope it is helpful to hear my perspective—that this can be part of the process of change, growth, and opening to the new, which really will be more wonderful and more easeful.
As much as you can, have trust and faith. Know that your life is being guided. Do the things that you know how to do to support yourself in the midst of such challenges. You may need to do certain things more than you’re used to. You may need to have more sleep. You may need to nurture yourself more. You may need to be more careful about the diet you’re eating. You may be more sensitive to things that didn’t affect you in the past, but now they are. Perhaps you’re more sensitive to people’s energies. Perhaps you need to be more conscious of the people you’re spending time with and the energy that you’re bringing into your world and reality. There are many levels to this. Hopefully most of you are aware of what things help you and what things are not supportive. Take steps to support yourself if you are experiencing more challenge. I hope this is helpful to all of you.
I want to say that, from my perspective, things are moving forward. You are progressing in this transition. I am very happy about that. Many of the beings at the higher levels want this progress and change for you, support you in this, and celebrate the transition that is happening.
Just as you may be having the experience of things in your personal life seeming to be more difficult or getting worse, this also may happen at the larger scale of your society, or your culture, or even worldwide. There may be difficulties in the political realm, or socially, or you may have experiences of challenging natural phenomena, or manmade phenomena such as technology that’s not working. There are many different ways this might appear. But it might be larger than just your individual life or people’s individual circumstances. It might be group situations that seem to be getting more challenging. This is also part of the process.
What you can do in these circumstances, first and foremost, is to support yourself in maintaining your center. Stay in the light yourself and do whatever you need to do to support the light within yourself. Then, radiate light and love to the larger circumstance. Bring your prayers, light, and blessing to these circumstances. These are the most important things. Out of that, yes, there may be practical steps and actions that you are to take, as well. But these are always secondary. The primary is through blessing, prayer, light, and love. I support you in remembering this and bringing this to your world, as best you can.
[End of Part 1]
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to