
MARY MAGDALENE: Response to U.S. Election — 6 Comments

  1. Beautiful and soulful response to feel feelings all the way through, then acting and meditate, go into nature and turn off the news!!! To know that we all want the same things and to hold the hearty open; that’s the gift and the challenge. I do like how many people are coming together in peaceful demonstration response to discrimination pushed by DT.

  2. And so it is, and so it shall be as incoming Ascension waves change all through fourth dimensional energies which are infused with the highest of Love frequencies that are of key value in activating manifestations of higher dimensional qualities which will result in the soon to be completion of Earths restoration back to where we were before being rendered amiss of who we really were, by the blocks put upon us,when Love was limited of the key that rules the infinite, Gods Love !, which is unlimited in this great cosmos. Prepare to be re connected !, As all will be made whole once again.

  3. Dear Mercedes, Thank you so much for sharing your most personal story of your mother’ s passing. It was reaffirming for me. I am feeling full of love for you and your process and am grateful for your guidance with the Magdelene heart path course. Many Blessings to you. Raj Inder

  4. Please cancel my subscription to your newsletter. Until this particular message I thought we were in agreement in many ways. But now it is very obvious we are miles apart. I thought you would know better than to bring politics into a spiritual arena. It is not a good mix. And in reply to Vicki. If you think the democrats are having peaceful demonstrations you are a true democrat, blind to the truth. They are burning and destroying properties as well as hurting others. It is just really sad to see.

  5. Excellent piece.

    The animosity, anger, and moral outrage over the election results has really surprised me. It was an election. One side loses. To vote for Trump is not necessarily a vote for hate. There are many reasons, including the desire to end US military interventions in the Middle East, to have voted for him. Who are we to judge? Work on your own light.

    Thank you.

  6. Thank you for this message. I am remembering our interconnectedness and to focus/identify commonality vs difference. It was a huge shock to me but I am calming down now with lots of quiet time & reflection. It was a shock but if you look at the message that all want change but go about it differently. (found out a good friend voted that way for that reason). I believe Trump is a mirror for us- we all have a shadow self, so let’s bring the emotions, etc we deny or suppress up to the light for healing. We always have a choice: Love or Hate, Peace or War, Anger or Kindness, Unity or Separation. Make your choice, thoughts & emotions of the higher vibration and positive. Let’s participate in the Kindness revolution. It’s taking place right now at work and in my neighborhood. We are matter and we all make a difference. This is a challenge and test. I’m up for it- what about you?

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