Mary Magdalene: The Essenes Are a Model for You
Part 3 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On June 16, 2013
Question: We each have the Masculine and Feminine within us, and some have stronger aspects than others. In relating and supporting the Masculine and Feminine, we can sometimes be off balance. What is a good reminder to get back in balance?
Mary Magdalene: It is always to return to whatever connects you with God and realigns you with God, using whatever form you have developed for doing that. It is most important that everyone have a form that they engage with regularity for connecting and aligning with God. For many it is meditation. If this is the form you use, it is most important that you meditate with regularity. Do it when you find yourself out of balance or find yourself in struggle in any way. Return to balance through your practice of meditation.
Your practice may take other forms. Perhaps your form is prayer. Perhaps your form is being in nature. Perhaps your form is music. Whatever it is that reunites you and aligns you to God in the highest is what you should call upon. That will inherently rebalance you.
This is oftentimes one of the challenges that couples get into. You’re struggling and you keep trying and trying to work it through. Yet the more you try, the more the situation seems to devolve. Your trying seems to take you away from your access to God and your higher self, your higher nature. One of the aspects of consciousness that the Masculine can bring in—and of course this can be through a woman or a man, whoever is strong in it, but it is most wonderful if it can come through the man—is to have the clarity, the insight to say, “Let us stop. Let us take space to reconnect with God, to realign ourselves, and come back when we are refreshed, when we are balanced, when we are whole.” This is an aspect of the Masculine coming in to support both people in the relationship.
The Feminine will never stop. (soft laughter) The Feminine is the force that will give until she dies.
Question: What was your relationship to St. John?
Mary Magdalene: St. John was a beautiful being who was a great support to me, because he understood the Feminine and honored the Feminine. He was a great support to Yeshua’s mother, Lady Mary, as well. In some ways he was like a younger brother to me, a most beautiful high being, very pure in his own right. I loved him immensely, as did Yeshua.
You must understand that all of the beings who were involved with us are part of our closest soul family. We all came into that time period with our own roles to play, our own parts to bring in, in support of all beings. And we knew this. We loved each other immensely because we recognized our eternal bonds, our huge commitment, our great love and strength in God, together.
Question: Were you part of the Essene community, because that was very important in those days for continuing the traditions and the knowledge.
Mary Magdalene: We were very much a part of the Essene community. Yet we were bigger than the Essene community. I had very powerful roots to the Temple of Isis. Yeshua’s training and influence was enormous. It included so many beings, so many traditions. But the Essenes were our closest family and greatest supporters. They had a very important role in allowing us to do the work that we did and supporting us.
In many ways, the Essenes operated more like the way that we operate at the higher dimensions. They are a wonderful model for you in your world of what is possible in spiritual relationship, at a more expanded level than just the man-woman relationship or the parent-child relationship. They were very high beings. And they held a force-field through their spiritual relating that was essential for the work that was being done. So it was more than the physical, much more.
This is what you are all being called to grow into today. Part of coming into the third-dimensional plane and reality involved breaking very far away from this kind of spiritual relationship that soul groups embody. This was intentional. It was for the purpose of learning, growing, understanding, and experiencing this kind of individuation in its most extreme form.
Now you are ready to return. For most of you, you are complete and you are in the process of opening to these deeper and most wonderful relationships. The man-woman relationship is an essential part of this, as the Essenes understood and honored. It expands out from there to relationships that are spiritually based with whole groups of people. As you move into the higher dimensions, this will be naturally occurring for you and will be part of the beauty and wonder that you experience. Some of you are moved to try to create this on Earth, in the third dimension. It is not easy here, but it is possible. The Essenes were a wonderful model for that.
We shall end here. My heart is filled with such loving depth of openness and compassion, reaching to you in love, receiving your love. Thank you so much for this time together. I love you greatly, as do so many.
With this, I leave, with my blessing. I AM Mary Magdalene.
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Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to