MARY MAGDALENE: The Greater Abundance You Are Moving Toward
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On May 13, 2014
Question: How do I expand my receptivity and openness to greater financial abundance? I want to allow the flow of abundance, so that my struggle or constricted energy in relation to abundance can be gone and I can be free to put my energy into the work I do, rather than still having my focus on living in the physical world and supporting myself.
Mary Magdalene: As I imagine you are well aware, this is a challenge for many people who are dedicated light-workers on the Earth at this time.
There is a notion that is common in your world today that you are the creator of your reality and you can create the abundance that you want. Part of this belief is that if you are not experiencing abundance, it represents some blockage within yourself—which may be a mental blockage, a blockage based in your beliefs, or an emotional blockage. That is the idea that many people are proposing at this time.
Like many ideas, there is an aspect of truth and accuracy to this. Many people who are drawn to be light-workers do have blocks within themselves relative to abundance. Some of this is oftentimes an overlay from a past life. It can be a past life on Earth where you made a vow of not being abundant, because it was held that abundance was not part of the spiritual life. So you took on ideas and beliefs that to be spiritual meant being poor, impoverished, not being involved with receiving money and worldly goods. Sometimes this is affecting people.
But oftentimes it is a much deeper reason that is affecting people. It can be a personal reason, involving purifying something that has to do with you personally or learning about money in a certain way. These experiences of struggling and not having enough may be supporting you in that process, either through learning more about abundance and energy exchange, or perhaps supporting something very personal for you in your relationship to abundance and energy exchange. So there can be many personal reasons. But there are also larger reasons that are not broadly understood by people at this time.
Many of the people who are light-workers have soul-level memories and experiences of a different kind of abundance. This does not involve money. It does not involve being compensated for your work the way most people experience on the Earth. It involves a sharing of the Earth’s resources and supporting everyone on the Earth. At the soul level, those who are most awakened are not only those who remember this, but also those who are drawn to this higher level of abundance. This is an abundance that includes everyone, where no one is struggling to survive or anxious about their survival in any way, where everyone is supported for as long as they are choosing to be on Earth.
In fact, that is the way that it always works. Everyone is supported for as long as they are choosing to be here on Earth. But most people at the Earth level don’t recognize this. Even the more advanced spiritual souls, who we often call light-workers or light-beings, are not necessarily at the point yet where they are aware of this. So it is an interesting play because your survival is truly guaranteed. Yet when you are not aware of this, you may feel anxious about your survival. And that anxiousness may be blocking your receptivity with ease of, not just your survival, but all of your life-level needs. When you relax and start to trust that all of those needs will be provided, you are completely open to what’s already the case. They are provided because you are doing your soul-level work and you are meant to be here.
What most people don’t realize is that as long as you are doing your soul-level work, you will be supported. Your soul design is to do your spiritual work. And part of that spiritual work is to contribute, both to yourself and to the whole.
Truly, what human beings are moving into is a very different understanding of how life works altogether and what abundance is. Abundance is really opening yourself to receive everything that you are always being given so that you can do your spiritual work. True abundance only happens when that is the case for everyone. No one is truly abundant when there are those who are in need or in doubt as to whether their needs will be provided.
So the concept of abundance as a strictly individual matter is, in some ways, contrary to this greater abundance that humans are all moving toward. At the soul level, light-workers often find themselves somewhat torn or pulled in different directions, because their soul is aware of this movement toward this greater abundance and that is where they truly want to go. Yet they are in a physical circumstance and in their own spiritual evolution, where they oftentimes are not fully aware of all of the spiritual principles they are moving into. So in this very human circumstance, there is an awareness of needing to support oneself, as this greater spiritual principle has not yet been realized.
For humans like yourself, especially the ones who are more aware and are further along in this spiritual evolution that all humans are in the process of, it’s a bit of a dance because you’re somewhat betwixt and between. It is required that you still support yourself at the human level because this transition hasn’t yet been made on the broad scale for everyone. But it’s also true that you are absolutely supported and will be as long as it’s your time to be here, which is ultimately your soul’s choice. Some of your work while you’re here is to explore these different aspects of limitation, including financial limitation, that create your third dimension.
The best way I can suggest to approach this is with deep trust and love. Trust in the divine spirit that is in charge of all, love yourself and others, and bring as much humor and lightness as you can to it, as though it were a game in some ways. In some ways, that’s exactly what it is. It is a theatre, a game, however you want to look at it, for your growth. These lessons around abundance are truly lessons in greater surrender and greater letting go, much more than the practice that is popular today of trying to create abundance in a mental way. In some ways, that’s just a higher frequency or higher plane of trying to create abundance in a physical way. Both work, and there is truth to both of them. But neither one is where you are ultimately headed.
Where you are ultimately headed is into this profound trust and love of God, doing your work as you are guided and allowing yourself to be supported in the midst of that. If there are instances where you feel nervous or anxious about “Will I have enough, will I be supported?”, allow yourself to use that as a kind of housecleaning, a light shining on you to show you the areas where you can open to greater trust of God and turning it over to God.
Question: Is there something more I can do to attract the people I’m meant to assist in this lifetime?
Mary Magdalene: Absolutely. It is so simple: pray. Pray and ask for guidance. Ask for clarity. Ask for the people to be drawn to you, and for you to know and recognize whatever you need to do for that to be so. Ask for this to be supported, for it to happen easefully, and that it is for your highest good and the highest good of all. If that is your heart’s intention, that is absolutely what will happen.
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Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Heart Source Relationships and Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
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