MARY MAGDALENE: The Marriage You Are Moving Toward
Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On July 22, 2014
[Note: This message was given on Mary Magdalene’s feast day.]
Hello my dear one,
Thank you for reaching out to me today and requesting that I communicate with you. I realize this is a day in which I am honored by many, and I appreciate the connection I feel with so many on this day, including yourself. And so I am most happy to communicate with you, as always.
I wish to begin with a personal message for you. You have pushed yourself very hard to bring forth your new book, which includes instruction from me on sacred sexuality. [Note: Mary is referring to Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene.] I realize you wanted to have this available for everyone by today, to celebrate me. I thank you for this and affirm that this is going to be a book of great value to many. Your work and dedication is highly commendable and of great service. I also want to emphasize, as I have on previous occasions, that you must take care of yourself in the process. You have exhausted yourself through your hard work and it is important that you rest and remain balanced, even as you perceive there is so much to do. It is true that you are growing in your ability to draw upon higher energies to accomplish what you want to have done, and this is helping you tremendously. Nonetheless, you are still operating in the third dimension with physical requirements, and it is important that you continue to attend to these.
I perceive changes in your world that I see as positive. There are more and more who are awakening to the Feminine, and this is what is called for in your world at this time more than anything else. It would be more accurate to say “re-awakening,” because the connection to the Feminine was alive and strong in the distant past on Earth. But it has been suppressed and even forgotten to a large extent for a very long time. This is beginning to change.
The connection that many are feeling to me is one sign of this. The reason that my popularity is increasing at this time is because more and more people are finding their connection to the Feminine and they recognize that essence in me, even if they can’t name it as such. I seem to symbolize or embody it for many. And indeed, that is my role. I am the carrier of the Divine Feminine—not exclusively, of course, for that would be impossible and antithetical to what the Divine Feminine is. But I carry that pure quality in a form that is recognizable and identifiable for many.
This, of course, was why I was excluded and defamed for so long. You are coming out of a long period of time of conflict and competition, in which the Masculine, in its lower form—cut off from the Feminine, felt threatened by the Feminine and perceived it as necessary to suppress the Feminine in order to establish its authority and power. The results of this have been quite devastating to your world and many are now recognizing this.
This was a necessary, though painful, period of growth and exploration that humankind needed to experience, to see what the experience and results of this kind of dynamic would be. That epoch is coming to a completion. The experiment has been run and the results are clear. Now humans are increasingly ready for a new phase.
This is the phase of union between the Masculine and Feminine, of loving and cherishing both, each embracing the other to create wholeness. This is what will bring about the world so many of you envision and long for. As I have said many times before, the power is within each of you to create this, because it fundamentally will occur by each individual changing their relationship to their own Masculine and Feminine within.
This is why it was so important for the two books to be brought forward that you, Mercedes, have been the author for. In Mary Magdalene Beckons, I clarified the three arenas that everyone must strengthen to bring forth their own Divine Feminine: their relationship to their body, sexuality, and emotions. And I gave great instruction about how people can relate to their emotions, especially painful emotions, in a different way that will move them into union with God. This is the most important change for people, in general, to make at this time. It is what will do the very most to move people forward in their spiritual growth and into the next phase of spiritual evolution. It is what is least understood by most people relative to incarnating the Divine Feminine.
The second arena for people to develop to become strong in their own Divine Feminine is the area of sacred sexuality. This is what the new book, Sublime Union, is focused upon. This can be developed whether one is single or with a partner, because it is primarily an energy practice.
It is also important that people change their relationship to their body if there is any degree of shame, dislike, or dissociation from one’s physical body. I have not chosen to give instruction about this because there is already a great deal of information available to people about how to change this.
All three of these are the arenas within oneself that are the centers of your inner Feminine. If you are cut off or underdeveloped in any of these areas it is a reflection of your own suppression of the Feminine within yourself. When all of these areas are full and strong, you will have established the support for your inner Feminine so that you can reside stably in your heart, which is truly the inner throne of the Feminine. And you will also be prepared to open to your Divine Masculine within, to begin your courtship and eventual marriage with the Masculine, with both of these parts in their higher or mature form.
It is this marriage that you are all moving toward and which is also the gateway to the next dimension and your next level of spiritual growth. It is this marriage that Yeshua and I embodied and communicated to all with eyes to see and ears to hear. It is fundamentally a marriage of your own divine aspects and ultimately of yourself with God. It is the true marriage. All else is a celebration of this.
As more and more of you realize this and manifest this, your world will change to reflect this. Your world is already changing, which is a sign that this is underway. I celebrate this with you and support you all to continue in this great process. It is the calling of your heart and soul, and all are coming to recognize this in their perfect time.
I shower you with love and blessings and support as your sister in the heart.
I AM Mary Magdalene
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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and
Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. You can learn about Sublime Union at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.
Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Heart-Source life-and-relationships coaching, guidance from Mary Magdalene and other beings of light, Akashic healing and soul-path guidance, Light-Filled Intimacy™ instruction, and spiritual instruction and support. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to
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