Mary Magdalene: The Steps Of Moving Beyond Fear
Part 2 of a Message
Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on April 21, 2013
Question: How do we deal with fear, move through it, and not be paralyzed by it?
Mary Magdalene: Is there a particular circumstance that you are thinking of in relationship to this?
Questioner: Changing a career path—scary. Monetizing it. Wondering if it’s going to work.
Mary Magdalene: So I will walk you through the steps of allowing your pain—with fear being an aspect of pain—allowing pain to move you into union with God.
The first step, which it seems like you have already accomplished, is to become conscious of whatever emotion or feeling you are having. Many of you have learned to suppress your emotions so completely that you often don’t even realize that you are having them. So that is why this first step is important for so many of you. It seems you have already done this and have gotten clear that fear is the emotion you are dealing with. Is that accurate?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: Alright, excellent. So the next step is to open yourself bodily, energetically, and emotionally to the emotion—in this case fear. Let yourself really be with the fear. Experience it fully. How do you experience it? Where do you experience it? Does it have a certain sensation or an image? Are there words associated with it? Really let yourself have the full experience, and rather than pushing it away, actually open yourself to it and embrace it.
Are you able to do that with this fear?
Questioner: Lately I’ve been getting dizzy, like whirling around my head. It’s like an imbalance.
Mary Magdalene: Are you able to do that in this very moment, to experience the fear right now?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: And how would you describe your experience of it?
Questioner: Tightening in the chest. Heart rate increasing. Feeling numb, like what to do, anxious.
Mary Magdalene: Excellent. And can you let yourself open to those feelings, rather than fight them off?
Questioner: That’s harder.
Mary Magdalene: Give it a try in this moment. Just fully allow those feelings to be, and fully allow yourself to have the experience. It is a kind of merging with those sensations.
This is a very Feminine process. The Masculine parts of ourselves want to fix it, go to battle, make it go away. There’s nothing wrong with that. It has a very important place. But in this process we want to set that aside for now and open to the Feminine process of opening, merging, allowing, being with.
Are you able to do that?
Questioner: Yes. There’s like a tug of war between surrendering to the feelings and wanting to manage them, so they don’t get out of control.
Mary Magdalene: So I am hearing that there are two levels of fear going on. There’s the fear of your circumstance of change relative to your job. But there’s also fear of the feelings themselves that are being stimulated by that change.
Questioner: Right.
Mary Magdalene: Let’s go to the second level of fear. I suspect that is deeper, the fear of the fear. The fear of experiencing fear.
Can you locate that with your sensations, how you’re experiencing that right now?
Questioner: Tightness in the back of my head, like a headache starting.
Mary Magdalene: Excellent. Can you let yourself be with that feeling of tightness in the back of your head?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: (softly) Good. Excellent.
And now from that place of being with the feeling, we’re going to go to the source—the source within you, which is what I call your inner divine qualities. It’s some aspect of your inner divinity, a beautiful quality of yourself that is not being fulfilled through this circumstance of fear arising and being afraid of the fear.
I am going to make some guesses. I’d like you to tell me if you feel like these are accurate. Or if other things come to you, please express those.
I’m guessing that the fear is emanating out of survival, a sense that if you open yourself to fear that you won’t be able to function, in a way that threatens your survival.
Questioner: That seems accurate.
Mary Magdalene: (softly) Yes. So the inner divine quality that you’re needing is protection, support for your survival. Is that right?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: (softly) Good. So now what I want you to do is focus on that. Focus on those qualities in their wholeness, the way they live in you—the two qualities of protection and support for your survival.
Questioner: It feels like I have to go to my heart for that.
Mary Magdalene: That’s fine. Go wherever you need to.
When you’re able to connect with those qualities—of protection and support for your survival—in their fullness and wholeness within you, let me know.
Questioner: Yeah, I feel it more now. A calmness.
Mary Magdalene: (slowly) Yes. That is the sign that happens when you reconnect with your wholeness.
Now what I’m going to ask you to do is this: From that place of connection with protection and support for your survival—in their wholeness within you—from that place, go back to the circumstance of feeling fear and see if there’s any change relative to the possibility of experiencing fear.
Questioner: Well, it seems like I could shortcut it a little, go into the heart. But I start to feel the fear.
Mary Magdalene: Yes, that is a possibility. But I’m not asking you to do this in the future. Right in this moment, is there any change that you feel relative to the circumstance of feeling fear?
Questioner: Well, I don’t feel so alone in trying to decide things.
Mary Magdalene: Mm-hm. Do you feel more open to the possibility of feeling your fear?
Questioner: I guess I have a feeling that fear is a part of the human condition, that it comes and goes, that I can’t get rid of it forever. In this moment, at this time it feels lesser, less in control, less potent.
Mary Magdalene: Mm-hm. I’m not asking you to try to make it go away. I’m simply asking you…
This is a little, maybe, more challenging because we’re working with two different levels. I’m focusing just on the second level, where you said it was hard for you to allow yourself to feel the fear. So we went into just working with that aspect, just the possibility of letting yourself feel fear.
So I’m wondering if that shifted in any way for you?
Questioner: Yes, in that I don’t feel like I’m going to go down a black hole and never come out.
Mary Magdalene: (softly and emphatically) Yes! Yes, that’s wonderful.
So my sense is that that may be enough for right now. But let’s try and see if we can take it a step further. With that sense, are you able to go back to the first level that we were dealing with, of your fear relative to changing your work? Is it possible for you to just let yourself feel that sensation of fear now around changing your work?
Questioner: Uhmm, yes. In fact, I think I can use it in my work, because I’m going to train and teach around self-reliance and change, especially for women.
Mary Magdalene: Mm-hm.
Questioner: So, I’m sure I’m not the only person who feels fear.
Mary Magdalene: (gently laughing) No, it is a very human condition. I would expect that there are endless people that you can encounter to work with in this way.
So let’s go back to your fear around your work situation. Would you like to do that?
Questioner: Yes.
Mary Magdalene: Alright. Let yourself feel how you experience that, your fear in this moment relative to changing your work.
Questioner: Do you mean the shift that I’m feeling?
Mary Magdalene: Feel whatever it is right now. Are you still experiencing fear relative to the possibility of changing your work, and your sustenance, and that kind of thing?
Questioner: You know, I do feel lighter. Most of the time, I can say, “It’s going to work out. I’m going to be OK.” I think that’s how I feel right now.
Mary Magdalene: Is it coming from a feeling place or from a mental place?
Questioner: Right now it’s feeling.
Mary Magdalene: (slowly) Wonderful.
Questioner: A calmness.
Mary Magdalene: Wonderful.
The last part of this process is—from this place of calmness, this feeling—in this moment, are there any actions coming to you that you wish to engage based on this new opening?
Questioner: I want to do some journaling and writing, because it’s part of my work. So I think when I get home this evening that I’ll do that.
Mary Magdalene: (softly) Wonderful.
So, was this helpful to you?
Questioner: (quietly) Yes, actually. Thank you.
Mary Magdalene: (slowly) You’re welcome.
I am very happy to go through this kind of process with people. It is the best way I know of for people to come to understand what these steps actually are and how to engage them. It is helpful that I’ve described it in words and that your mind can help you to understand this process. But truly, it is a process in feeling. So to go through the feeling avenue is, for many, the strongest way of learning how to integrate this, so it’s really available to you.
[End of Part 2]
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Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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