
MARY MAGDALENE: The True Meaning of Easter — 9 Comments

  1. I do not believe Jesus died on the cross. He was prepared to but did not die – he survived the crucifixion. Happy Easter!!

  2. I was also shown a gift of the crucifixion here that I would like to share that might also be considered relevent, as well as a recent channeling download from Yeshua:

    In a vision, I found myself at the foot of the cross in the position of Mary Magdalene, and I was feeling all one might imagine one would feel in such a circumstance. I was caught up in deep and agonizing grief. And then I looked up to the face of Jesus and I could see that he had transcended the circumstance of what was happening to his body, and that he was in samadhi – a form of ecstatic bliss. This was also a part of the teaching. That the guilt and/or other feelings we may have been programmed into taking on as a result of this crucifixion (I know as a Catholic I have done so), are moot due to the way that Jesus was able to transform his experience into communion with God, rather than what may have been happening in his physical experience at the moment. This experience for Jesus was another jumping off point in his consciousness and connection with Source. This is a choice worthy of exploring as we encounter the life changing events that are occurring around us. How we choose to move through it and embrace it in loving conscious awareness is the key. Communion with Love and the Divine is the way through!
    In addition, I received a message just yesterday after a healing and initiation into the Order of The White Peacock with Sananda. The message is that for those of us who have experienced Death and returned, or healed from life threatening experiences, that the next important piece are the post-resurrection stories. There are many stories that say Jesus moved to India and did not actually experience death-death on the cross. Who knows what is the truth, but there are stories available. As well, there are many beings on this plane who have had near death experiences that have come back to speak about and share what they learned.
    The message that I got is that these are the wayshowers for the next level of consciousness awakening. Our planet is now undergoing a major transformation and taking many of us (who choose to be aware) with it. And for those of us who have already “recalibrated” through a death/life threatening experience, it is important for us to share and by example, help others to make the transitions required of us as this shift is occurring.

  3. This is exactly what i have been waiting for! I have been getting close to this in my work. In my lifetime of study with theology and Egyptian history I knew we were tricked by religion all these 2000 years, but i couldn’t get the whole cross thing to put it all together! THANKS SO MUCH!!! XOXOXOXOX

  4. Thank you for a beautiful and profound message!
    After reading this message of 4 years ago (I didn’t know of M.M.’s messages at that time, offered here) there’s a deep gratitude for Jeshua’s life on planet Earth, with Mary Magdalene. I’ve saved an abandoned black lamb that was almost dying from hyperthermia just before Eastern, which now grows up healthy.

    It seems to me, that by receiving Jeshua’s great service I need to be in simplicity in a receiving mode with an open heart, also open to my-self.

    And not let myself dwell on the incantations and slogans, made up by religious institutes. As if they’re a ticket that is required, before walking into church or standing at the altar. Or meeting with God.

    How much stuff, pump and circumstance has been designed, through the ages, by religious institutes, man-made, thriving on power and human submission, creating an abyss between human beings and God. The forgetting of the divine inner male and female qualities in each of us too.

    I still can unlearn some of the programming of my upbringing as a Calvinistic minister’s daughter! The art of having-ness of what is offered in freedom, in the present moment of wholeness. I’m now taking a breath of fresh air 😉

  5. Great message. Did not read where you said he was your betrothed. Also the work he preformed in the tomb of his Uncle Joseph of Arimatheia. Mom’s half brother.
    Jeshua reconnected the 3rd density/dimension to the higher ones! Thus his face radiated with joy. The Shroud of Turin was the tangible result. There was a possibility and probability he could die on the cross. He did not! This is not understood and another deception caused by the church. I also discovered you, he and many of the Essenes moved to the Renne La Chateau area in the foothills of the Pyrenees after the cruxifixion.
    That’s where you bore his three children. Does any of this ring true?
    There is much more of the story I could share. Including who the Knights Templers were and their great love for you. You see “I AM” an incarnate Cherubim Angel and before Jeshua was “I AM”! I have joined a group of fellow Cherubim incarnate on the “Masters Of Vibration” internet group.

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