
MARY MAGDALENE: The Way for Women to Become Empowered — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you for this message. Connecting to my emotional part with the help of Mercedes’ book on Mary Magdalene’s messages helped me feel feminine and thus in touch with my identity. It helped me to feel powerful as I overcame guilt and shame very often attached to being a woman.

  2. HI Mercedes, thank you once again for the profound message from Mary Magdalene, and the youbtube video of the bowling ball wave. It reminded me very strongly of the D N A spiral which is the building block of life.
    Love Glenda

  3. I love Mary’s implicit message of wholeness for all humans, both those with gender certainty and those with uncertainty. In each gender, both the mind and the heart need to be fully developed and empowered as I see it. I think and feel that it is fear which inhibits wholeness…the fear that somehow our genitals and not our mind and heart should be the source of our identity.

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