Mary Magdalene: There Is A Drama Going On
Part One of a Message
from Mary Magdalene
Received Through Mercedes Kirkel on April 21, 2013
Blessings my dear ones and welcome. I am so happy to have you here. I thank you all for coming on this morning, to be with me and to share with me in all the ways that you are. I love you. I have so much love for you. I am so passionate and full with my love, pregnant with my love, so much that I want to share with you, to help you, to offer whatever I can to be of service to you. In that spirit, I come to you this morning.
There is much that I have already shared, as was spoken about earlier and is recorded in the book that Mercedes has brought through from me. I do not feel I need to duplicate that at this time, for that is available to you always through the book and through Mercedes’s help. So I would like to share with you other things that are on my mind at this point and that I hope will be of value to you.
There is so much going on in your world. It is quite a juxtaposition right now between so many people moving forward at amazing speed, with great progress in their spiritual path and spiritual growth. And of course, you who are here today are all a part of that group. I acknowledge you and hope that you realize how strongly you are serving the spiritual process—for yourself but also for your world and for many beings, simply by the work that you are doing in the spiritual realm. You are doing it very well, amazing well, considering all the change you are all going through at such a rapid speed. For that is what is happening at this time—there is tremendous change and acceleration of change, so that you are all growing in a way that is unprecedented. It is so sped up. You are all to be acknowledged for the work that you are doing, and for even being able to go through this. For it is not an easy process. The kind of change that you are undergoing generally happens over a much greater period of time so that it is easier for the being to adapt, much the way you might think of evolution of a species happening in your world. It happens very slowly and very gradually. And it often happens through the birth process, where one generation will come through and be slightly different or altered from the previous generation. That is one of the more easeful ways that change can happen, especially in the third-dimensional realm.
But that is not what’s happening at this time. At this time, you are being changed as already incarnated, manifested beings. That is a much more difficult process. You’re even being changed physically, at the core of your being, in your DNA, in so many ways at the cellular level. But you are simultaneously being changed at all levels. You are being changed in terms of your emotions, in terms of your mind and your beliefs and thoughts. Energetically you’re being changed. All of this is part of the progression that I have described before, of moving into a higher dimension based on manifesting a higher consciousness.
It may sound very simple or straightforward when I speak about it or when you think about it. But the way that it actually happens in life is not simple and straightforward. It is challenging, oftentimes, for your body and whole being to change in these ways. And many of you are experiencing this. You’re experiencing change, upheaval, turmoil, unknowingness, discomforts, new symptoms, things happening in your life in ways they’ve never happened before. All of this can be confusing, disconcerting, can cause fear, insecurity, all sorts of things. It’s kind of like riding on a ship in a storm. It’s quite a wild ride and you don’t necessarily know what the outcome is going to be. This is what so many of you are experiencing right now.
You are to be greatly commended for your stalwartness, your perseverance, your dedication, your willingness to go through this. It is remarkable. It is a testimony to your strength and to your commitment to your spirituality, your spiritual growth, and spiritual path. I thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for what you are going through, and what you will continue to go through as part of this transition.
It will have different phases. Some phases will be easier. Some phases may seem more turbulent, or chaotic, or wild, or hard, or however they seem. It is an unfolding process. It is something that you, and we, cannot see in advance exactly how it will happen. But you are underway. You are on this course of transforming, like the caterpillar becoming a butterfly in your world. This is a very good analogy. But you are not becoming butterflies. You are becoming fourth-dimensional beings, energy beings. This is an enormous step forward in your evolution on all levels. That is what you are in the midst of.
While all this is happening, there is something else going on, which is that there is resistance to this in your world. There are many people who do not understand what is happening, who are not even aware that this transformation is going on. They see any signs of this transformation, this change as a threat to their world. They are fighting this change because they believe it is a kind of annihilation of themselves or the world as they know it. And in truth, change is always a kind of a death process. You are always letting go, releasing, dying to the old way, your old self, whatever that was. So there is truth in this point of view, to a certain extent, in that there is a death process underway.
But it is not only death, of course. It is death and rebirth, into so much of a more wonderful form, which even those who are resisting would enjoy so much more, if only they understood and could allow it. Yet they have their process to go through, too. They are not just the bad ones, the evil ones, the dark ones, resisting what should be happening. It may appear that way to you. But that is not actually an accurate understanding. They are as much a part of this change as you are, as the light workers are, as the ones who are trying to bring this change forth. You all have your roles and parts that you are playing. Their part is significant, as well. It is part of their spiritual evolution to do what they are doing. And it is part of your spiritual evolution for them to be doing that. It is all part of the entire process. So it is not that you are trying to do one thing and they are holding you back, or perhaps making it not work, making it impossible, capsizing the ship, whatever it is. That is not actually the case. This is all part of the grand process.
It is a delicate thing to describe your relationship to all of this, because I do not want to give the impression that you don’t need to do anything, that everything is perfect and just allow it all to be. That’s not the case. You have your role. Part of your role, which all of you have come here to do, is to be the light yourself, first and foremost—to be anchors for that light and holders of the light, to be part of creating this great network of light amongst all the beings who are doing this. That is, more than anything else, going to allow this transformation in your world to occur. Your role is also to carry out your individual life-purpose and life-plan, to further the light in your way. And that is your work to do. It is not simply to be passive, or to know that everything is fine and there’s nothing that needs to be done. That is not an accurate understanding, for it is very important that you do the work that you came to do, whatever that is.
If you are not clear about what your work is, it is to your benefit to become clear about that. You may ask for help from higher beings like myself, from your own personal guides, your angels. You can ask for help from those individuals who help others to connect with their guidance. You can ask for help directly from God, from your higher self, from all of your spirit-beings—however it is that you do that—through prayer, through talking with them, whatever form you use. You can look for signs in your life such as your passion, such as the things that bring in the light for you, such as the things that you do because you love them, you can’t help yourself but to do those. These are all signs that that is part of your path, which you have committed to and which you have taken on in this lifetime. So that is all of your work to do.
But, as I was saying, there are apparently beings who are not consciously on this path, and seem to be doing things that are obstructing or making this transformation more difficult, who are not supportive of this transformation—perhaps that is the best way to express it. These being need your love, more than anything else. They need your blessing and your prayers. Of course, there are things you can do to redirect the actions they’re taking. There might be political things, there might be personal things. Again, your action is important. But even more important is your understanding that these beings are on the path, also, and for you to find their light and to shine your light to them. You can always help them in that way, as well as by taking whatever practical steps you feel called to in relation to any particular beings or events.
In some ways, you might say there is a drama going on, a certain play of light versus dark, because this is a birth process into much greater light, and it’s real. It actually is happening. It is a death process of the old ways, the ways in which you have adapted to a certain frequency of light and darkness, a certain form that it has taken and with which you have become familiar. Now you are calling for the death of that. It is a real process, just as in the death of the physical body. In most cases, it is a process, which doesn’t just happen in a moment or by a single decision. It happens through a process because there are a great many things that must shift, that must release and let go before the transformation can occur.
So you will need to relax with this process, to flow with it. In the book I give the analogy of learning to open, the way a woman in childbirth learns to open. This is a good analogy that may be helpful to you. Any woman who has gone through childbirth knows that it is very real, there are real pains, real hardships that are involved, and that it is possible to relax in the midst of this and to flow with it in ways that make it much easier. So it is with your time now.
I think that is all that I wish to say at this time as a general communication to all of you who are listening to this.
[End of Part One of this message.]
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to