MARY MAGDALENE: What Is Most Critical At This Time
Part 1 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On September 5, 2013
Hello everyone,
This is Mary Magdalene. Thank you to all of you who are listening and all of you who will be receiving this message in the future. I am so very happy to connect with all of you.
I wish to say a little bit about myself at this point. Some of you may already know this and some of you may be less familiar with what I’m about to share. I feel like it’s important to begin from this base of understanding about me and what I am bringing through at this time.
Many of you are familiar with me as a person who was recorded in the Bible as one of the followers of Jesus. My preferred way to refer to Jesus is through the name Yeshua, which is his Aramaic name. Aramaic was the language we were speaking at the time of his and my incarnation, two thousand years ago. So I will be referring to him as Yeshua, but this is the same one that many of you know as Jesus.
My relationship with Yeshua was a very sacred relationship. Everyone who was touched by him, who was involved with him in any way, had a sacred relationship with him. I had the great, great blessing and tremendous gift to be very close to him, in fact to be in sacred relationship with him. This is something I have explained in detail in the book Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love. This is something that was not recorded in the Bible, for various reasons. The Bible was recorded long after our lifetimes. Those who decided what would and what would not be included in the Bible had their own decisions they were making and their own purposes. As part of that, it was decided that my story would largely not be included, except in very skeletal form.
But in fact, it is the case that I was Yeshua’s partner and we were in sacred relationship together. The reason for this is quite deep, quite complex. One aspect of it is that we both had work—very, very profound and important spiritual work—that we were bringing forth. It was understood that my part of this was to bring forth what I refer to as the Divine Feminine, or the Feminine face of God. I was incarnated with Yeshua as an example and a modeling of the union of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, in the form of a human man and woman.
But we also understood—Yeshua and myself, and others as well—that the world at that time was not ready for this aspect of our work and the teaching that we were bringing forth—the aspect of the Divine Feminine, the aspect of sacred relationship, the aspect of God having attributes or aspects that were both Masculine and Feminine. (Another way of saying this is Father-Mother-God.) At that time, two thousand years ago, the world was not prepared for this. We understood this. Even back when we were both physically incarnated, we knew that it would be two thousand years before the world was ready. That time has come. This is the time now. Not only is the world ready to receive the divine in Feminine form, and to receive my teaching of the Divine Feminine, but the world needs this. Receiving the Divine Feminine is very crucial to your time period right now.
There are many who are aware of this. I am not the first to say this and this occasion is certainly not the first time of this being stated. Many, many people who are aware, who are conscious, and many people who are tuned into higher beings are quite cognizant of this, that this is the time of the Divine Feminine coming through and coming forth, and that this is absolutely necessary right now.
This is one of the reasons why I have been coming through to Mercedes, as well as to other people. Part of my work is to be a leader in the transformation that humans are in the process of undergoing. This is a transformation from having the Divine Masculine as the predominant message you received and incarnated for a very long time. That message has predominated both in terms of your spirituality and also in terms of your more mundane world and aspects of that world—your politics, culture, education, and personal development. All of these have been quite dominated by the Masculine, what you could call the Divine Masculine. Now it is time for the Divine Feminine to come forth, to be incarnated, to be understood, and for all of you—men and women alike—to become strong in the Feminine, so that you can come into balance between the Masculine and the Feminine.
First and foremost, this must happen within yourselves. You all have your own inner Feminine and Masculine, which is a reflection or manifestation of the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine. For all of you, this is where the work originates, within yourselves. For many of you, this will require strengthening the Feminine, because this has not been supported and developed for a very, very long time. Even those of you who feel great love of the Feminine and the Divine Feminine, who feel very positively oriented toward the Feminine, even you often have work within yourselves to do to strengthen your inner Feminine. This is very practical work. There are very practical arenas that need to be developed for this to become strong, because it has been withheld from you, in so many ways, for so very long.
As I talked about in the messages that are recorded in the book Mary Magdalene Beckons, there are three primary arenas where the Feminine needs to be strong. It is within these three arenas that many people need to examine themselves and see what work they may have to do to complete the strengthening of the Feminine within. This is so important for people to do at this time. First and foremost, this is work for you to do with yourself, for your own strengthening and balancing. Secondly, this work needs to be done for your sacred relationships you will be engaging in your life, that these can come into balance. The third very important reason is that you are not only doing this work for yourself. You do this as service to humanity, for your whole world. As you transform, as you strengthen and develop and grow yourself, you are affecting what is accessible for people, what is available to people, and what is becoming strong for your whole world. Any time you do growth and transformation work for yourself, it affects everyone. That is very, very important at this time.
You are all at a very critical juncture, where there is great opportunity opening up for your world, and for human beings, in particular, to transition into a higher level of consciousness. This will be reflected in a higher dimension of reality coming in and being the realm that you all inhabit, that you know, that you live in and are manifesting in. This is the great opportunity you have at this time. Those of you who are on your spiritual path, who are light-workers, very likely those of you who are listening to me at this time, many of you are quite aware of this. I, and so many beings of the higher realms, thank you for all that you are doing to support this amazing transformation that is underway in your world. This is not only affecting the Earth. This transformation is so vast and involves so many places in your universe, all of which you are affecting through the spiritual work you are doing. It is most important. We thank all of you for this.
I am aware that I have wandered away a bit from where I started, which was explaining about the Divine Feminine and the arenas through which this manifests within each of you. Now I wish to return to that. What I want to explain is that there are these three arenas that are the foundation of the Divine Feminine within each one of you: the relationship with your physical body, the relationship with your sexuality, and the relationship with your emotions. For each of you, these are the places that I strongly urge you to examine and see what may need strengthening within yourself. This is what I talked about in great depth in the messages I gave in the book Mary Magdalene Beckons, along with my guidance and instruction as to what each of you can do to strengthen these areas. As I said at that time, of these three, the area that is most critical for the most people is the way that you respond to pain.
The area of emotions, for many people, is quite confusing. Your emotions are truly a gift from the divine that is rather unique to human beings in your realm. Yet many of you do not yet fully understand how to receive this gift that has been given to you in the emotional realm and how to work with emotions, particularly your painful emotions. This is the part that is most challenging for many of you. You did not receive help and support and guidance in understanding the pathway of how to respond to painful emotions, how to receive the gift from God that’s being given to you through these emotions, and how to make use of emotions to support your spiritual journey, to support your uniting with God.
Because you did not receive that instruction and that guidance, and because you do not fully understand it, I especially focused on that in my earlier messages that are recorded in Mary Magdalene Beckons. I gave detailed instruction about how you can respond differently to your painful emotions in a way that will be most supportive of you, most supportive of your spiritual connection, and most supportive of your forward movement in your spiritual evolution. I did this because, from my vantage point, this is the area that is holding most people back from their spiritual growth in general, and specifically from the incarnation of the Divine Feminine.
This is why I said earlier that while many of you are so positively oriented to the Divine Feminine and the Feminine in all her forms (which is a most wonderful thing), even so, for many of you there may still be work to do in these three arenas, and especially in the emotional arena in terms of how you respond to pain. I urge you to make use of the instruction I have given and to learn these pathways of incarnating the Divine Feminine, which will support you and help to transform you, and in that process, transform your world.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to