
MARY MAGDALENE: Why You Were Guided to the San Francisco Bay Area — 10 Comments

  1. Merecedes, just a quick note to say that this transmission is beautiful, and to Congratulate you not only on finding the perfect home but your ability to “hold on to the handle bars.” I know how difficult it can oftentimes be.

    Hugs to you, My Sister, and have fun settling in.

    Love and Light,

  2. I have. Been reading your mail and have read the first book : the messages from the second, like this grow more profound with your ability to trceive and your gift os sharing. The Bay Area is fortunate to receive you into it’s vast arms. It will be so much more loving with you there. I look forward to reading and feeling future messages. I know like past ones, as you’ve grown into this time, they will be even more deeply felt and alive to avid readers like me who share your pains and joys in growing who you become each day! Namaste Sara A Mann

  3. Thank you Mercedes for sharing this personal message.
    Divine timing 🙂 This is exactly how I feel. That I’m outgrowing the old conditioned personality and more and more Light is coming into my body. It’s no longer intellectual process, it’s embodiment of Christ Consciousness.
    Thank you for supporting me in this proccess.
    Many blessings for you!

  4. Mercedes,

    Just to say thank you ever so much for sharing your dilemma re: the move from New Mexico to Bay area. Your descriptions of your struggles (outer & inner) and the Magdalene material addressing these things are such a boon to anyone who is going through any kind of hard time because (or at least partly because) of a commitment to following a spiritual path.

    Yesterday, I had an unexpected gift from Spirit, and I know that these gifts always come in response to some kind of “bummer” experience to help lift us out of the miserable emotional place that the bummer has plummeted us into.

    Hope you are getting settled into your new living space and beginning to enjoy living in the beautiful San Francisco area. You will be missed in New Mexico, but we will be thankful to still be able to tune into your energy. Personally, I am going to give myself a copy of your new book for a birthday gift to myself!

    Take care…
    Maria McEwen (ABQ)

  5. You’re very welcome, Maria. Many blessings to you! I’d love to hear your feedback after you read SUBLIME UNION.

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