Relating to Money & Twin Flames
From High Angel Pietre
Part 2 of a Message Received through Mercedes Kirkel
on January 20, 2013
Question: I would like to ask about money and have your perspective on money, as we go forward in these changing times. A lot of people live their whole life just focusing on making ends meet, which could be a limitation on how to evolve in their own development. What’s your perspective on money and how to navigate in relation to it?
High Angel Pietre: This is a very broad question and I enjoy it.
The first thing I wish to say is that money is a very third-dimensional mechanism, which is very much based in the physical kind of consciousness. In the third dimension, when people are very physically based, very dualistically based, they often lose connection with their life-purpose, which gives meaning to their life. When this happens, individuals find other things to give meaning to their life. And one of the things that many people have found is money—the attainment of money, the collection of money, the keeping of money, the spending of money, the flaunting of money. (Pietre laughs)
Really, money is only a vehicle that you have created in the physical realm for representing energy. It is a way of storing energy in a physical, concrete form—not the actual energy but the exchange of energy. Rather than giving energy to someone in the present moment, you can give them money. Then they can give that to someone else later as a form of energy and it can be stored. It’s an understood system. You can exchange energy in this way so that you do not have to exchange it in the moment. You can do it over time. There is some ingeniousness to this system. It does address some of the challenges you face in the third dimension with physicality relative to space and time. But it also has its limits.
The greatest limit of money is that it gives people the sense that energy is limited, that there is only so much available, because money is finite. And usually the money that any particular individual has is finite. Any time there is a sense of limitation like this, it is generally accompanied by a sense of fear—fear of there not being enough. This is another characteristic of the third dimension. There is a sense of there not being enough of what you need—whether that be money, things that money can buy, resources, or things that you need to survive and sustain you in the physical dimension. It can also take subtler forms, feeling that there is not enough friendship, not enough love, not enough community, not enough caring, not enough whatever.
This consciousness that there is not enough is one of the hallmarks of the third dimension. And money greatly reinforces this consciousness. This is probably the greatest limitation that most people suffer relative to money, this reinforcement of the idea of there not being enough. In truth, there is plenty. You might say there is more than enough. There is certainly always enough.
This is part of the shift to the fourth dimension. When you are in the fourth dimension, if you need something, you will realize that you have the power to manifest it. You have that power now in the third dimension. But because your consciousness is so tied into physicality, duality, limitation, and the sense of there not being enough, it is difficult to make use of that power. It is difficult to believe in it. When you make the transition to the fourth dimension, it will become easeful and obvious that you have that ability, that power. When you have that, it will change everything.
Imagine that you had enough of whatever you needed or even wanted at this time. How would you change your world? How would you change your life? Would you still do what you do now during the daytime? Or during the nighttime? Would you still spend your time and your energy in the same way? Would you care about money? (Pietre laughs) Would you need money? Would you relate to other people differently? These are valuable things to consider, because they give you a glimpse of what you’re moving into.
In some ways, a person’s sense of dependence on money, or their attachment to money, or their feeling of being confined or limited by money is a reflection of where their consciousness is primarily resting right now in the spectrum of moving from completely third-dimensionally based consciousness into fourth-dimensionally based consciousness. The greater freedom you have in your consciousness, the greater freedom you will have relative to money. Ultimately, that freedom will allow you to interact with money very freely. But at that time, you also may not need money anymore as a method of exchanging energy. It will have become obsolete.
For many of you, that will be a great joy. It will free up energy because there is energy bound in the way that your consciousness is relating to money and assuming limitation around money. So that is very much involved in this transition being talked about. That does not mean that overnight everyone will let go of money, and you won’t need it, and everything will change. That is always a possibility, but it is relatively unlikely in the scale of possibilities. It is more likely that you will change gradually in your relationship to energy and exchange of energy, because this tends to support stability in individuals, as well as groups. And it is generally the way that is most easeful for change to occur.
Question: I would like to ask about how to stay centered when one has the feeling of having one foot in the third dimension and one foot in the fourth dimension, and not really doing either one of them solidly. There can be confusion that arises or just deep inner angst around having one foot in this dimension and one foot in the next.
High Angel Pietre: This is natural for the kind of change and the speed of change that many of you are undergoing. It is unfamiliar, which often brings a certain level of fear with it.
It is probably more the foot, as you say, in the old ways, the old dimension, the old consciousness that is more experiencing the fear. The third dimension is very much centered around fear, in general. And it is fear specifically about survival, because it is a physically-based realm with this sense of limitation and this pervasive sense of separation. For many people, at the physical level, that is represented by death—separation from life. So at the most physically based level, there’s a sense of “How can I spend my time doing these things?” or “How can I allow myself to be in this way that might be dangerous, that might not support my survival?” That is a third dimensional fear that arises, when you stop doing the things you have learned to do at the third dimension to insure your survival.
There are things you can do to make it easier. One is to know that you’re going to feel a certain level of discomfort, or fear, or anxiety because you’re experiencing new things. Just that awareness can help. Oftentimes children go through this, when they’re experiencing something new to them in this lifetime. What can help them is to have others who are older, who they trust, who have already gone through this who reassure them. If you have connection with guides, angels, beings who you sense are operating at a higher dimension, you might ask them for their help, their support, their reassurance, if that is open to you.
You can always ask for help. You can always ask God directly for help. You can always ask for help from whoever feels most available, accessible, and aligned to you to ask for that help. It is good to ask for help that is for your highest good and the highest good of all. That is always a valuable thing to do. But you can ask for help in very practical ways. You can ask for help for very day-to-day things: “I’m struggling with this.” “I’m feeling tired.” “I’m feeling grumpy.” “I’m feeling confused.” “I’m feeling unsure.” “Please help me.” You can ask for those. Oftentimes people don’t realize that you can ask for help, just the way you might ask one of your best friends for help.
And you can also ask your friends for help! (Pietre laughs.) One of the things that’s very, very valuable to do is to talk to other people who you sense are going through something similar. This is why gatherings of this nature are very important, for you to talk to others about what’s occurring, because support is very valuable. For those of you who are in the forefront, who are the leaders in going through this change, it is very valuable to have support from others who are in a similar position. So talk to them. Tell them what you’re experiencing. Ask what they’re experiencing. Ask how they’re dealing with it. That will be helpful, to support each other in that way.
It’s also very valuable to notice your own process and be aware of it. Notice that you might be feeling confused, overwhelmed, tired, whatever it is. Then notice, “Oh, things still worked out alright, even though I felt strange, funny, I didn’t do things the way I usually do them. Things still worked out alright.” That can help reassure you that you can take the next step and you will be alright.
Or you might reflect back and say, “Well, things worked out alright in this way. And this could have been better if I had made these choices instead.” Then you can modify your next steps. So this can also help you, by being aware of your own process and how it’s working or not working. Allow that to inform you.
Do the things you already know how to do. If you know how to take care of your body well, do that. If you know how to take care of yourself well socially, do that. Do it even more than you might tend to do. It’s like preventive medicine. It will support you and you might be surprised. There might be things that you’re needing more of that you don’t realize. You might be needing more of physical strengthening, more of getting out in fresh air and having exercise, more of being nice to yourself, being gentle and nurturing with yourself, things like taking a bath or a nap or a special dessert for yourself or whatever it is. Think about the things that help you and do more of them.
Relate to yourself the way you might relate to a good friend who is going through something like this. What advice would you give to them? Give it to yourself and follow it.
One other thing that I strongly recommend is to create a regular practice, a meditation practice. I use that word cautiously, because some of you have very confined notions of what meditation is. It does not have to be sitting in a certain position and stilling you mind in the way that perhaps you have thought was meditation. It means doing what you do to allow yourself to access higher states of consciousness. Create a regular rhythm, a regular form and practice, where you do that as often as you need to to maintain that, to support yourself in that, where you don’t lose it. That will tell you what regularity you require. How often do you need to do that so that it is maintained, rather than forgotten about and then you re-access it and go, “Oh yes, now I remember again.” Find that. Support yourself with the regularity that you find is optimum for you. This I highly recommend.
The other thing that can be very helpful at times like these is to offer help to others, especially others who are close to the level that you are dealing with but maybe not quite there, so that you have your own experience to offer them and your own sense of confidence in the path. That can also be very helpful.
Question: Is there a twin flame for each one of us?
High Angel Pietre: There is a twin flame for everyone, but not necessarily manifesting in the same realm that you are currently manifesting in. Even if you are currently manifesting in the same realm as your twin flame, it is not necessarily for the highest good of both of you and the highest good of all that you meet and recognize each other as twin flames at this time. But there is absolutely a twin flame for each being.
In your meditation, in your sleep, in your times of resting in communion with your higher self, you can make the connection with your twin flame in the heart. You can potentially communicate with your twin flame. What is more likely is that you would be most moved to simply rest in that incredible heart space together. That is something that is always available to everyone.
Sometimes twin flames will make an agreement that one of the twin flames will incarnate and the other of the twin flames will support the one who’s incarnating from a higher dimension to help them remember who they are, and to help them remember that they are not separate from the higher dimensions.
As you move into the higher dimensions, it is much more likely that you will be uniting with your twin flame in that same dimension. But here in the third dimension, there has been concern about individuals forgetting their process of knowing themselves as God and returning to God. For this reason, this structure was set in place as a safeguard—having one of the twin flames remain in a higher dimension to help anchor that awareness, so that the one in the third dimension did not become lost by forgetting who they are and what their life-purpose is.
We will close now. This has been most special for me to have this time with you. My heart is enriched by my connection with all of you. You are all beautiful beings, more than you may know. Your light is so strong, so powerful. Your love is immense. And I, along with many others, hold you in high, high regard. We offer our love, our blessings, our support, and protection.
Blessings to all of you.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to