Posts Tagged ‘prayer’

MARY MAGDALENE: The Feminine And Masculine Forms Of Meditation

Chakra Goddess image courtesy of

Given to Mercedes Kirkel
On February 25, 2014

 Question: I recently read that while in deep meditation you should place your attention on the Ka body (energy body) to build energy, and that if your mind wanders to fantasy you reduce the energy to the Ka. Many teachers/mentors suggest something quite different, saying you should use your meditation to visualize your desires or intentions. They say that during meditation the brain is in an alpha/theta state and you can release dross from the subconscious mind and replace it or reprogram it with compassion or a visualized intention. Can you clarify this for me?


Mary Magdalene: Greetings my beloved. I have heard your call, and I am here with you and happy to answer the question that has been asked. This is a valuable question, as it points to confusion that others may have.


There are many different meditation practices and many different ways to meditate. Fundamentally, the purpose of meditation is to move you into a higher state of consciousness and to experience and rest in, at least for a temporary period of time, the higher frequencies of manifestation, which you might call a higher dimension and which correspond to the higher state of consciousness you have reached.


There are two fundamental forms of meditation. One is a consciousness form and one is an energy form. These two forms can overlap. The consciousness form relates more to the Divine Masculine approach, drawing on the qualities and strengths of the Divine Masculine, which in its purest form manifests or is experienced as pure consciousness. This is rather difficult to describe and express accurately because of the limitations in your language, which don’t allow clear and direct expression of these concepts. Your language difficulty stems from the fact that, in the third dimension, there generally isn’t clear understanding and experience of these concepts and states. So they are generally expressed as best as possible, given these limitations.


The energy form of meditation is based in the Divine Feminine approach, because energy is a characteristic and quality of the Divine Feminine.  This is all explained in great detail in the book, Mary Magdalene Beckons. It would be best to reference what is already contained in that book to understand the qualities, attributes, and differences between the Divine Feminine and Masculine in greater depth.


Fundamentally there are these two broad types of meditation, and there are many ways to access and deepen in both. There are also forms of meditation that draw on both the Masculine and the Feminine, to a greater or lesser extent.


The traditional spiritual forms of meditation that were developed in the East, especially in the traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism, tend to be primarily oriented to developing and growing in consciousness. In these practices, you are primarily working with your mind, quieting the lower mind and allowing the higher mind to be accessed. You have concentration practices, such as counting your breaths, becoming aware of your bodily experiences, becoming the witness or observer of all experience, asking questions into the nature of existence, and repeating mantras. All theses are techniques for bringing discipline to the lower mind so that it can relax and subside, thus allowing the higher mind to be accessed.


When the higher mind is accessed, you start to function from a higher consciousness and higher dimension. For most people, this will initially be the fourth dimension. Once the higher mind opens, there are various things that may happen. You may continue to focus on the pure state of consciousness and go more deeply into that state. This may feel like letting go of everything—all aspects of your body-mind—and resting in a state that is deeply refreshing. There may or may not be energy experiences that accompany this, such as a blissful feelings, visions, sounds, appearances of higher beings, etc. It is the choice of the practitioner how they want to proceed when the higher mind opens. They have the choice to continue into a greater connection with pure consciousness or to choose to go into the energy experiences. Neither is right or wrong, better or worse, higher or lower. But they will tend to have different results.


I suggest that you be clear what your intention is in choosing to meditate. If your intention is to clear the mind and refresh yourself deeply in the well of pure consciousness, then choose a meditation that supports that, and follow that form. In those meditations, when the higher mind opens, you will continue to connect as deeply as possible with pure consciousness. Then the instruction would be to not get involved in other phenomena that arise, such as energy experiences, creative thoughts, or various other experiences.


However, you may have a different intention in your meditation. If your intention is to solve problems, manifest a certain experience, or connect with higher beings, etc., you may choose to allow and follow these when they arise.


If I may use you as an example, Mercedes, you spent many years practicing a consciousness-based meditation and became very strong at that. At a certain point, quite a few years ago, you went through a profound awakening in consciousness. In your case, that consciousness practice was supported by other practices of disciplining your physical body, emotions, and energy, which are Feminine aspects of your being. Bringing discipline to them supported you in coming into balance and peace, freeing you to become more aware of consciousness and to go more deeply into the state of pure consciousness.


If the physical body, emotions, and energetic self do not have that kind of balance and peace, they will tend to distract you. Then it’s more difficult to become aware of the higher states of consciousness and to follow those into a deeper union with them. This is why spiritual life is generally engaged with accompanying lifestyle changes and practices, such as having a pure diet, or making choices about the company you keep or the kinds of stimulation you bring to your mind, body, and energetic self. These things all support you becoming more free to focus on and become attuned to pure consciousness.


I have been speaking about meditation up till now in its more Masculine form of uniting with pure consciounsess, bringing the practitioner into a greater sense of liberation, peace, and a certain kind of deep ecstasy of union with God, in a very pure form. I would also like to clarify the more Feminine form of meditation, which has to do with focusing on energy. Ultimately, the Feminine is all about energy. As you know from your scientist, Einstein, and many others as well, energy always has a counterpart in matter, form, or manifestation. This counterpart can be at a much subtler than the physical. You may experience energy as sound, light, or sensations that don’t seem to have a physical base. Creativity is another form of Feminine manifestation, as are the manifestation of subtle beings, such as angels or beings in higher dimensions. All of these forms of energy may become a focus for the Feminine form of mendation.


An example of a more Feminine-based meditation would be to focus your attention on manifesting a certain outcome or on finding a creative solution to a situation or problem. Shamanic journeying is a Feminine form of meditation, because it is based upon experiences in subtler realms of manifestation. It is often guided by a drum or ingestion of a substance that moves you into a different state of energy, as well as a different dimension of existence. Sacred sexuality practice is a Feminine form of energy meditation, because it follows the energy of sexuality to move you into higher states of manifestation. Certain forms of breathwork, such as holotropic breathing, can be practiced as Feminine forms of meditation, as they make use of the energy of the breath to move the practitioner into an altered, or higher, state.


As I said earlier, it is not that one way or the other is right or wrong, better or worse, superior or inferior. They have different purposes and outcomes. So it is to your benefit to become aware of the outcome you desire and to choose a meditation practice that supports that. It is also wise to be aware that different meditation practices appeal to different aspects of your being. Whether you are naturally strong in that aspect of your being will influence whether that form of meditation is accessible or easy for you. Many people have tried the more Masculine forms of meditation and concluded that they’re not capable of meditating, because they weren’t able to quiet their body, energy, or lower mind to the point that their higher mind opened up. Often, that is a sign that these people are not naturally strong in the more Masculine aspect of their being. If they were to engage a more Feminine form of meditation, such as shamanic journeying, sacred sexuality, or a manifestation process, they may have a very different experience, with much greater ease and success.


Truly, you are all both Feminine and Masculine. Ultimately it is to your benefit to develop both Feminine and Masculine approaches to meditation. That is the most direct route to growing into the higher dimensions. If I may use you as an example again, Mercedes, you now practice a form of meditation that is very balanced. It is both a consciousness practice and an energy practice. It allows you to rest in greater and greater connection with pure consciousness. At the same time, you use a portion of your meditation time for manifestation and for connection with higher beings. This has proven to be very effective and powerful for you in regularly accessing the fourth-dimensional state, with it’s attendant higher consciousness and higher abilities in the energy realm.


Most people in your culture at this time are not so easily able to relax the Feminine parts of their being and move into the pure Masculine. This is interesting, as you tend to live in a Masculine–dominated culture. Yet the Feminine and Masculine are always in balance, so in any given circumstance, if one is predominating in a certain way, the other will always show up in another arena as a form of balance. For most of you, it is at the subconscious level that you are mightily attached to the Feminine, even as your conscious life tends to be dominated by the Masculine. The strength of your subconscious attachment to the Feminine, in the form of your physical body, emotions, energy, and sexuality, as well as your tendency to be engaged in creative thinking (without the ability to set it aside through intention), tends to make it easier for most people to access meditation in a more Feminine form in your present day and age.


However, as I said before, the Masculine and Feminine are always in unity and ultimately cannot be separated, even though one  or the other may seem to be the primary experience you are having at a given time in the third dimension. This is part of the third-dimensional consciousness and experience of separation. In the third dimension, the Masculine and Feminine seem to exist in separation. This is an illusion, but you will not fully realize it as such until you move beyond the third dimension.


Because of the inherent unity of the Masculine and Feminine, any meditation that you engage will ultimately involve both aspects of your being. While a consciousness-based meditation will lead you into a purer form of the Masculine gift of pure consciousness, it will also lead you to higher states of manifestation and abilities in those states, either during the meditation itself or afterwards in your more “ordinary” life. Similarly a Feminine-based, energy-style meditation will not only lead you to new experiences and states of energy and energetic manifestation. It will also lead you to higher states of consciousness.


Thus, any practice will ultimately lead you to the whole, because all is truly whole and in union. It is simply a matter of whether that practice leads you there more directly or more indirectly. It is also a matter of whether that practice is easy and more accessible for you. My suggestion is to choose the practice that is most natural and accessible to you, based on your own abilities, qualities, and strengths. It is also important to be aware of the intended outcome of a particular practice. Choose a certain practice based on whether it focuses on the outcome you are seeking. If you are able to connect with your higher self and your own guidance, this is the best form of directing you to the practice that is right for you. If you are not able to connect with your higher self or guidance, use your body, feelings, and intuition to guide you to the practice that is most attractive to you and to which you are drawn. Then observe the results and see if those are the results that you value and desire. If not, adjust your practice or seek a different one.


As always, you can pray and ask God to guide you to the practice that is best for you. I recommend prayer often in my messages and I do so intentionally, because so many of you forget that you can always ask for help and it will be given. My hope is to offer this reminder as a loving support, guiding you to the loving help that God always provides.


I hope this has been helpful in finding the form of meditation that is most supportive for you. Meditation is an important practice, which I highly recommend as a valuable aspect of living a spiritually-based life and experiencing the fruits of the higher dimensions and higher consciousness. May you all enjoy this. It will transform you and your world.


With much love and blessings,

I Am Mary Magdalene


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©2014 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Permission is given to share this message as long as the message is posted in its entirety, nothing has been changed or altered in any way, and Mercedes Kirkel’s credit, copyright, and websites are included: and


Mercedes Kirkel is a multi-award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at Mercedes’s forthcoming book, Sublime Union: A Woman’s Sexual Odyssey Guided by Mary Magdalene, will be available in July, 2014. All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Inspired Life & Relationships Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Akashic Healing and Soul Path Guidance, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


MARY MAGDALENE: Responding to Challenge

Part 1 of a Message
Received by Mercedes Kirkel
On October 3, 2013


Blessings beloved ones,


This is Mary Magdalene, here with you again. I am so happy to have this opportunity to communicate with people and to answer people’s questions. As you know, it is my great, great passion to help people in their spiritual growth. The truth is that your spiritual growth is reflected in all the parts of your life. So if there is any part of your life in which you are having a challenge or wanting help with, that is actually part of your spiritual path and your spiritual growth. Those are all arenas in which I love to offer help, to bring my blessing and my point of view forth to support all of you.


As I have said before, you are at a wonderful moment right now. You’re on the precipice of great change, great growth. I think many of you are already seeing the signs in your world that this is so. Some of those signs feel wonderful and beautiful. Your life may seem more blessed, more easy. Things may be flowing in a more beautiful way, where it feels like you’re more connected to Spirit, more in the flow of life, and doing the work you came to do.


Some of the symptoms of the change may not seem so easy. It may seem that things are happening that are more challenging. Things may be coming up in parts of your life that you thought you already dealt with. Or things may be coming up that you never experienced before—difficulties, problems, challenges. This is part of the preparation for the change that is happening. You’re being given the opportunity to purify any blocks that remain. Some of them may not even be from this lifetime. Some of them may be from previous lifetimes. Some of them may be from earlier times in this life. Some of them may be things that you’ve been dealing with, which seem to be intensified or even getting more difficult.


You might relate this to what sometimes happens when you’re physically unwell—when you have some kind of illness or even a disease. The healing path can take a course where things seem to get worse before they get better. Oftentimes, what’s actually happening is that things that have been buried at a deep level are coming to the surface to be released. But in coming to the surface, you experience them more directly, more strongly, more powerfully. So you may have the sense, “What’s going on? My life seems to be harder, more difficult, getting worse.” I hope it is helpful to hear my perspective—that this can be part of the process of change, growth, and opening to the new, which really will be more wonderful and more easeful.


As much as you can, have trust and faith. Know that your life is being guided. Do the things that you know how to do to support yourself in the midst of such challenges. You may need to do certain things more than you’re used to. You may need to have more sleep. You may need to nurture yourself more. You may need to be more careful about the diet you’re eating. You may be more sensitive to things that didn’t affect you in the past, but now they are. Perhaps you’re more sensitive to people’s energies. Perhaps you need to be more conscious of the people you’re spending time with and the energy that you’re bringing into your world and reality. There are many levels to this. Hopefully most of you are aware of what things help you and what things are not supportive. Take steps to support yourself if you are experiencing more challenge. I hope this is helpful to all of you.


I want to say that, from my perspective, things are moving forward. You are progressing in this transition. I am very happy about that. Many of the beings at the higher levels want this progress and change for you, support you in this, and celebrate the transition that is happening.


Just as you may be having the experience of things in your personal life seeming to be more difficult or getting worse, this also may happen at the larger scale of your society, or your culture, or even worldwide. There may be difficulties in the political realm, or socially, or you may have experiences of challenging natural phenomena, or manmade phenomena such as technology that’s not working. There are many different ways this might appear. But it might be larger than just your individual life or people’s individual circumstances. It might be group situations that seem to be getting more challenging. This is also part of the process.


What you can do in these circumstances, first and foremost, is to support yourself in maintaining your center. Stay in the light yourself and do whatever you need to do to support the light within yourself. Then, radiate light and love to the larger circumstance. Bring your prayers, light, and blessing to these circumstances. These are the most important things. Out of that, yes, there may be practical steps and actions that you are to take, as well. But these are always secondary. The primary is through blessing, prayer, light, and love. I support you in remembering this and bringing this to your world, as best you can.


[End of Part 1]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Hilarion: The Game Is Changing

Received through Mercedes Kirkel

June 11, 2012

Greetings beloved,


It is I, Hilarion. I realize that this is the first time that I have come through you, and you are not so familiar with me as with others. And so I am happy to introduce myself, and to make myself known to you and to all in this way tonight.


I am especially moved to come now because this is a very potent time on the Earth. It is a time that is powerful. It is a time that is pivotal in many ways. And it is a time that is very blessed. Many of you are noticing the changes in your life. You are noticing patterns. You are noticing the speed at which things are happening. You are noticing a sense of things going faster, having more intensity, perhaps being a little bit more out of your personal control. You’re noticing that there is something larger than you that is directing the things that are happening and you are being carried by that, as opposed to you, yourself—as an individual, with a will and intention and mind—choosing what you’re doing. It is not that your will or your mind or your intention are shut down or turned off. It is that something greater is at play and is affecting you. Many of you are noticing this and are aware of this.


I confirm that this is so. There are these things happening. It is reflected in the events that you are seeing in some of the astronomical/astrological bodies—the eclipses, the transiting of Venus, the solstice that is soon upon you, and the various astrological influences that many of you are aware of. This is an unusual time, that so many things are happening virtually simultaneously. You could say that they are affecting you, and that would be accurate.  But in another sense, you could also say that they are reflecting the transformation that is happening within you and within your world. It is something like what you call a chicken or an egg situation. It is not that one created the other. It is that they are both happening simultaneously and, depending on your perspective, it may appear that one is causing the other. But really, they are two phenomena that are pointing to the same thing. They are pointing to great transformation.


Many of you thought, and some people are still predicting, that this transformation is going to happen in the outer world in terms of the structures of your world—the world economy, or your national or even local economies, your political structures, your various social structures or religious structures, the institutions and forms of your world. While many predicted and thought that this would be the form that it would take, what you’re actually seeing is that the primary change is happening within yourself. And this is a very good thing. For ultimately, the only purpose for having outer forms change first is if that is supportive of helping you (and by you, I mean the global you, the greater you, the universal you), helping individuals to make the inner shift. But this is a difficult way to do it. If you are making the inner shift independent of the outside events, that is much easier and therefore preferable.


And that is what is happening in your world and we applaud you. We are so excited about what is happening and we are proud of you, that you have found your way to do it in this way, which is a much more desirable way. So congratulations and kudos to all of you who are making this inner change.


And yes, it is not always comfortable. You are being transformed. It is like playdough or silly putty being stretched into a new shape. Your body isn’t used to that shape. Or your emotions aren’t used to that constellation. Or your thinking isn’t used to thinking in that way. Or your energy body isn’t used to functioning in that form, that modality. So it is not always easy. It is not always comfortable. But you can trust this process. It is for your highest good. And you are all doing so well with it. The speed with which you are transforming is quite remarkable. It is, you could say, unique, that you humans are going through immeasurable transformation and evolution in a remarkably short time. I say this to you to help you to appreciate what is happening and to be most supportive of yourselves in the midst of it. This may often look like helping yourself to relax, to take it easy, to rest more, to let things go that in the past you might have said, “Oh no, I have to do this,” or “I have to be this way,” or whatever it is, and to trust the process. You are doing an excellent job of that. I simply urge you to continue. This will be most valuable for you.


It is not that your outer world will not change. There will be changes. But when the inner world changes first, then the outer world changes are much more easeful, flowing, cooperative, gentle, even joyful. So the fact that this is happening in this way is a very good sign. It will help you to have these changes that you long for in your world, but in a way that will not be as tumultuous and disruptive as it would be if you were not making the inner changes first. So you are completely on your path and on the optimal path for how this can happen.


It is not always easy to see change up close. When you are very close to change, it sometimes doesn’t look like anything is happening. Or it sometimes look like everything is just falling to pieces. And at times, that may indeed be what is happening. But that is a part of the process. Certain things have to release, let go of, dissolve before the new can come in. You must make space for letting go of the old, and that is what draws in the new.


Yet you do not have to particularly focus on it at this time. That is what is so wonderful about this period of time. It is not required that you even understand what you are letting go of, or that you engage it intentionally or consciously, doing the kind of work on yourself that perhaps you have done in the past, where you were working on a particular arena or issue, you were getting help with it, you were doing processes… This is different. It is not like that. It is almost like you go to sleep and it happens in your sleep. But it’s not only happening in your sleep. It’s happening in your waking time, too. But it is not something that you need to be in charge of and directing and making sure it is happening correctly. It is absolutely happening on its own. You need to just go along for the ride and support yourself in the midst of it. What a gift! And it is a gift. It is a great gift from the universal creator-God. And you are the great beneficiary of this gift. So we bless you and support you in this and reassure you that all is well. You are doing fantastically well.


There is more ahead. But at this time it does not particularly serve you to be looking to the future. It is like the process of a flower opening. Be in the moment as each petal unfurls. Do not think about what is ahead. It will happen in its own perfect timing. That will actually support you in this process, by not thinking about it, not worrying about it, not being concerned about it. You always can pray. Prayer is always a beneficial thing. And the optimum prayer is that you can be connected to your higher self, that the guidance of your higher self can come through most clearly to you, and that you can receive it most clearly, that you can hear this guidance. That will be sufficient.


All is in order. You are in order. And your higher self is completely connected to this process, to the absolute divine. That is all you need. It is quite remarkable, quite a change.


Of course you can be continuing to support yourself in ways that you enjoy. If you enjoy your meditation, most definitely do that. If you enjoy eating a healthy diet, do that. You will probably notice changes in these arenas. Use your joy as the measure, as your guide. What you enjoy and what is joyful for you is your guide. And it’s becoming more and more clear to you that that is so. So you can follow your joy. Follow your bliss, as a wise person said at one point.


Your challenge may be that this is different from the way that you have functioned in the past. Perhaps in the past you have told yourself, “Oh, I couldn’t do that. That wouldn’t be safe. I wouldn’t be taking care of business. I wouldn’t be doing what I need to do to survive and to be responsible.” But the game is changing. It has always been fine for you to follow your joy. But now it is becoming more of an imperative. And this will help you, as so many things shift, to flow with the joy and follow that.


Know that things in your world are getting more clear. They are getting more light-filled. And the darkness that was obstructing that in the past is more and more dissolving, emptying, clearing. This may not be totally apparent on the surface of things. But if you look with your third eye vision for the light, you can see it. You can see that the light is increasing. Those who do not see it or who do not want to see it will be proclaiming that the world is the same or perhaps getting worse. They will be mongering fear to you and anyone who will listen to them. It is your job to bless them and to know that that is how things appear to them. It is not how things need to appear to you.


So I urge you to stay with the light. Breathe in light. Taste the light. Fill your whole self with light. Smell the light as you breathe it through your nostrils. And enjoy the light.


One of the things that will support you in this is to talk less. Many of you have the habit of talking much more than supports you. In the higher dimensions we talk very little, partly because we communicate telepathically. We do not need to talk. You may not have that full capability yet, and that is fine. But you can start to relax your talking. This is a distraction from the beauty, the light around you, much of the time. It keeps you locked into your brain, locked away from the light, locked away from the beauty and the joy.


The same is not true of your sense of feeling. Your sense of feeling supports you. It supports you through your body, through your emotions, eventually through your heart, and eventually through your higher mind. You can support this process by relaxing your talking. It is alright for there to be silence. It is alright to be with another person and not have to fill the space with talking. Remember the light. Remember to fill yourself with the light. Let that become your primary occupation, rather than your incessant thinking and talking. It is not that you have to be mute. It is not that this is an ironclad law and you can never talk. But notice when you can relax your speech and rest in the silence, rest in the light that is all around you.


As you do this you will feel yourself smile. You will feel yourself smile on the inside. Your mouth may be totally relaxed, but your being is smiling. It is a smile of the light. And so I urge you to practice this smile, this inner smile that is filled with light, to share it fully with yourself and to share it with others. Let this be your primary communication. This will be most joyful for you, I assure you.


And now I would like to engage in dialog with you. I ask you, “What would you like to know more about? What would you me to speak about?” Please ask me and I am happy to respond.


Question: You speak about prayer. Many of us are often asked by others to send prayers to a loved one who is experiencing emotional or physical difficulties, or they are on the verge of passing into another dimension. Or they may even ask us to pray after they’ve made the transition, to assist in that. Since prayer isn’t an “asking for” experience, what should our experience be when we’re requested to pray in those ways?


Hilarion: First of all, it is not exactly accurate that prayer is not an “asking for” experience. It depends on your level of consciousness. Prayer will occur at whatever level of consciousness you are resting in. If you are in a third-dimensional consciousness, it will take the form of an “asking for.” The more you are based in physicality, the more you will be asking for very physical, tangible things.


I believe what you’re referring to, though, is the guidance or instruction that is based on elevating prayer to a higher level, basically coming from a higher-dimensional focus. At this level, prayer is less about asking for certain outcomes, certain events, certain things to occur or to manifest. It is more about what it is that you desire fundamentally at those higher levels of consciousness. These are things like: that the individuals involved can all be connected to their higher self, and can be fully receiving the guidance of their higher self and responding to that guidance. This is the same, actually, as being connected to God. It is just the form that it happens at at the individual level. This is always an appropriate prayer, to pray for connection to God, surrender to God, merging with God, and allowing God to direct the course of whatever is to happen.


Another way of saying this—which is a very simple, tangible, concrete way—is to ask that the highest good be done for all involved. This is always appropriate. You can ask it more specifically, such as, “I ask that the highest good occur for this person and for all involved.” So you can focus on a particular individual or a particular group of individuals, however it is that you’re connected to this situation. But you also want to include that it’s for the highest good of all involved. So that is another form that prayer can take.


Another prayer that is very similar is “Thy will be done.” Then you are turning it over to God. Because truly, in these situations—as in all situations—we do not know what is for the highest good. It may appear that a person is suffering, and perhaps that suffering is a great breakthrough for them in their soul’s evolution. Many people in the third dimension look at death as the enemy, that life is the positive and death is the negative. But in the higher dimensions, we do not see it this way. Perhaps if the person is ready to die, that would be a wonderful thing—that they are moving on to a higher dimension, that they have completed their life lessons and their life work in this lifetime, that they have outgrown the usefulness of their physical body at this time. It may be a complete blessing that they are moving on.


So the truest form of prayer is to make yourself the conduit of God’s light and to ask for that to come in, in the highest way and for the highest good of all involved. The other thing is to hold that understanding within yourself, which brings you to a place of peace. This, in and of itself, can be a tremendous blessing. If you are, yourself, rested, peaceful that all is in order, all is happening in God’s perfect way, you will help others to come to that. Even if they aren’t consciously aware of it or choosing it, you, yourself, will be a living prayer, by your presence. So there is both the conscious prayer that you, yourself, invoke and engage. And then there’s the prayer that you are and that you radiate and emanate to everyone you have contact with, in the physical or not in the physical. This includes being in touch with people who are not physically incarnate or beings in other dimensions. They are affected by you, as well.


Many of you have prayers that have a certain form. Someone created a prayer and that has become a form that is repeated or said. That is fine, if that supports you in connecting to God in a real, true way. If it is just an empty ritual, a hollow shell, feel free to let go of it. The form that prayer takes is fundamentally from your heart. It is your heart speaking. If words come with it, that is absolutely fine. For some people, it is easier to vision than to put things into words. For some people, it is easier to feel things in a kinesthetic way. It does not matter. It is the communication of your heart in whatever way is strongest for you. That is what you are to find. So really, when you pray, you are simply putting your attention on a particular thing, event, person, arena. And then you are allowing your heart to speak in whatever way it does, in a way that connects you with God and allows that connection to pour forth into that situation. This is true prayer.


Question: I think you were saying that some of the changes that we’re going through are of an internal nature and we don’t have to work so hard on these changes, that they’ll be more automatic. I can see that happening for some people. I can also see for others that maybe haven’t addressed things or haven’t truly figured things out, it seems like they’re being forced awake.


Hilarion: Yes. You are seeing the fruit of your past work at this time. This change is going on regardless of you focusing on it, putting your attention on it, trying to create it—it’s not that kind of change. But, depending on the work you have done in the past, that will determine the level of ease with which you are experiencing this change.


Of course there are always things you can do that will make it easier for you. It’s kind of like a woman giving birth to a child. That child is going to be born one way or another, in almost all circumstances. But the woman has some choice over how easeful the process is. And her preparation will make a difference. So the level of preparation that you have done in the past is making a difference.


Everyone is unique. You cannot compare yourself to other beings. Well, you can, but it will not serve you to compare yourself to other beings, because you are all on your own trajectory. Even though this is a group event, a group transformation that is happening, each one of you is experiencing it in a unique way. It is affecting each one of you in a unique way. And each one of you has a unique soul agreement that you came into this lifetime with that related to being here at this time for this transformation. But you also have your individual aspects—what your soul’s work is to do and what you have agreed to create in this lifetime to support that soul’s work. So it is different for everyone. It is unique. And it is not the case that the people who are seemingly having an easier time are more elevated, more advanced. Or that the ones who are having a more difficult time are less elevated, less advanced. You can’t look at the outer manifestations as a reflection of being further along the path or less far along the path, better, less-than, anything like that. Truly, you never know another’s path. You never know what their soul has done, is going to do, or is in the process of doing right now.


This is a very important understanding. If you hold this understanding it allows your mind to be open, to bring the blessings of light to all circumstances without interfering with it with your own sense of thinking that you know what is happening with another. It can be hard to even know what is happening with yourself. And in some sense it is not necessary. But there is a way that your mind can support the process. You can look at patterns. You can look at, “When I do this, it seems to be more difficult. When I do this, things seem to flow better.” You can use those patterns to make adjustments that support you, that make your life and your growth and your tranformation smoother, gentler, easier, which most beings enjoy.


Perhaps that is enough for now. I am aware that in these meetings you often drop into the heart space in a deeper way than you often experience at other times. There is great pleasure in this. And the mind tends to still and come to rest. I imagine you are experiencing that at this time, and I am glad.


I will say my farewell, for now. I thank you for our connection. I am very happy that we have connected in this way. I thank you for your questions. I hope I have supported you. I leave you with this thought and this urging: Remember the light. It is always there. Simply turn to the light and enjoy that beauty.


And so I leave you now, with my blessings, with my love, in wonder, in delight, in love.


Blessings to you dear ones.




Copyright 2012 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


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