YESHUA: Breaking Through The Veil Of Separation
Channeled by Mercedes Kirkel
On September 4, 2013
This is Yeshua. I love you. I love you so very much. This is what I want you to know, to feel, to always be connected to. This will change your life, to know my love. Many people have experienced this. You experience this when you channel and I come through you for others. You have described what it’s like to be in my presence, what a sublime and exalted state you are drawn into and how exquisite it is. This is all true. And yet afterwards you return to your ordinary state, your usual consciousness and energy. Why is that? Why do you not stay connected with me?
I am not blaming or berating you. I am asking these questions to try to help you. You see, that is the challenge of the third dimension. Your consciousness and awareness naturally returns back to the dominant mode, which is the state of separation from God, from life, ultimately from yourself. And so that becomes the spiritual work in the third dimension, to reconnect with God, life, and self. It is not easy. It takes great strength and commitment and dedication, because the default is to forget and return to disconnection, separation.
When you are channeling me, you are lifted into my state, my energy, my consciousness, my experience. It is a gift. Others receive this gift in various ways. Perhaps they do not channel. Perhaps they have an experience or an opening to my state, consciousness, or energy in a different way. Perhaps through meditation, or spiritual study, or connecting with nature, or love, or a spiritual gathering, or a moment in their life that breaks through “the veil” of separation that you experience in the third dimension. Often these moments are something out of the ordinary, something extraordinary. It might be something wonderful, or something that appears miraculous (meaning that it isn’t readily explained by your rational mind), or something very painful.
Feeling love with another is one of the avenues of going beyond the veil of separation in your dimension. Love is a very powerful force of upliftment. Most of you do not realize the tremendous power of love yet. This is something you will be understanding more fully at the higher dimensions, when your blocks to love that you currently experience are no longer obstructing you. At the third dimension, the most powerful form of love that most people experience is love for a partner, usually of the opposite sex, though not always. This form of love is so powerful for most of you that your society tends to be rather obsessed with it. What you must understand is that the love you experience is not coming from the other person, nor is it coming from you. It is coming through you and through the other person. It is coming from God. It is truly God’s love that you experience. Any love is truly God’s love, such as the love of a child or a parent, the love of a friend, the love of an animal, any form of love.
You may say, why call it God’s love? Why does it have to belong to God. That is part of the thinking of separation. It does not belong to God. It simply is God. Everything is God. Love is the power of God. When you experience love in the third dimension, you are simply experiencing a window into knowing God. Unfortunately many people don’t realize this. So they end up searching for their perfect partner, or demanding perfection from their present partner. That is doomed to fail in this dimension. It is like demanding something from a movie that it cannot provide.
If you want to be fulfilled, you must release the image, which is the other person, and find its source. The source is God. Then you can receive the other person as a gift that’s opening you to God. You will be connected to God and that is what will fulfill you and satisfy your heart. Then you will be filled, your heart will be full of God’s love, and you can bring that fullness into your relationship. That is the path of satisfaction and fulfillment.
In the third dimension, this requires faith and trust. Ideally that trust and faith is developed from the beginning of your life, starting with your relationship with your parents. A positive early life experience is a great help to people in forming the foundation of trust and faith in God. If this does not occur, you may have work to do to establish your trust and faith, perhaps healing the past wounding that occurred. But trust and faith is always available, just as God is always available. You simply must exercise trust and faith. In your scientific, skeptical world, filled with material distractions, this is not always easy. It takes inner strength to choose this. Often it is difficult circumstances which gives you that inner strength. That is the gift of difficulty in the third dimension.
One way or another, sooner or later, everyone will find this. It is always there for you as a motivation. You are drawn to God, just as a moth is drawn to light. It is an inner memory, no matter how faint or distant. Everyone knows it and is drawn in some form or other. You may be drawn to have meaning in your life. You may be drawn to experience love. You may be drawn to experience release. You may be drawn to experience something greater, something more. Whatever the form that your calling takes, everyone is drawn. Even if it doesn’t occur in this lifetime, it will occur. It is inevitable.
I urge you to find your connection, your inner drawing that is your path in this lifetime to God. I do this because I love you, because I love God, because I want you to be fulfilled in God. That is my work and my path, to help you to know the greatness and wonder and ultimate fulfillment of living in God’s love. May this message be one more support and help in drawing you to that path, whatever form it takes for you.
I love you immensely. Call on me at any time and I am with you.
Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.
Mercedes Kirkel is an award-winning author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.
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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Evolve Life Coaching, Guidance from Beings of Light, Spiritual Instruction and Support, and Light-Filled Intimacy™ Instruction. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and Skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to