
MARY MAGDALENE: The Coming Wave of Change — 3 Comments

  1. Thank you very much for a loving and down-to-earth view, given by Mary Magdalene, on The Event. Much of what I’ve read in this message ties in with the views shared by Susie Beiler, who channels prime creator on YouTube. I found Susie quite clear and pure in how and what she shares, in Q&A sessions. It’s strangely humorous how profound communications are nowadays presented on internet. Hidden in broad daylight, as it were. That’s a beautiful and wise thing, I feel, that this sharing of views is for those with ears to hear and for those who are ready for it to hear and take it at heart. I know I’m in the right spot and the best condition, to live this wave of change. It’s bewildering though, at times!

  2. I am very grateful to hear the discussion on now and future…..
    those of us who have some consciousness can be reminded
    how important it is to nourish the spirit; help ourselves and therefore,
    others who have a different perception.

    with love, thank you
    Kathleen Lustman LAc

  3. thanks Mercedes for sharing online with the extended community the words of mary magdelene. the messages ring true for me and i have come to look forward to each week’s new revelations.

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