Posts Tagged ‘Isis’

Isis: The Temples of Isis and the Black Madonna


Part 2 of a Message
Received through Mercedes Kirkel on May 5, 2013


Question: Could you share your history with us—if you had an incarnation on this planet or if you have a soul fragment on this planet? I’ve heard about the temples of Isis. Were a lot of women related with your temple and can you share what they were doing with you at the temple of Isis?


Isis: Thank you so much. I am most happy to respond to this question.


I have not had an incarnation on the Earth plane. I operate through the higher levels into the Earth plane, from my incarnations in Venus and, through Venus, going back to Sirius.


There have been many temples of Isis and many beings associated with them—not only women, also men—although there were many more women who were involved. The majority of those men and women were connected with me through Venus and through Sirius, and know me very well as part of the greater soul group that we are all a part of. But they chose to come and incarnate on the Earth plane. So we maintain our very strong connection through the form of the temple.


Really that is what a temple is, more than anything. It is a soul group coming together. It is not the physical structure so much as the living energy of a soul group and their spiritual purpose on Earth, and even beyond Earth. Our soul group is very much focused on the qualities of the Divine Feminine in union with the Divine Masculine. In some ways, the purpose is more about manifesting the Divine Feminine, so that it can be in union with the Divine Masculine.


So that was always the purpose in the temples and it took many forms. It took the form of blessing the Earth, honoring the Earth. It took the form of blessing fertility and creation, in terms of plant life, animal life, food for all beings, human birth and fertility and supporting that process, and raising young beings into maturity. It took the form of healing work, of care and love for the physical and the other bodies as well—healing the emotional, the etheric, the mental, the spiritual. It took the form of Sacred Sexuality as a manifestation of a powerful avenue for connecting with God. And it took the form of ritual and ceremony—ways of connecting with God that are more expressive of the Divine Feminine. Whereas the Divine Masculine tends to be expressed through practices that are often exemplified by the monastic life—silence, meditation, disciplines—the Feminine is more characterized by compassion, love, joy, and energy expressions.


There were also the mystery schools that were connected with the temples. The mystery schools were especially devoted to the understanding, expression, and development of what you might call subtler energy features that human beings are able to access and work with. These are things like your chakra system and the energy that runs through your spine. There are also higher states of energy that can be accessed, which are associated with higher dimensions and abilities in the higher dimensions that you do not, in general, possess at the third dimension.


Some of these abilities have been called “magic,” and perhaps that is a way that you can understand what is being talked about. You may be more familiar with that term than the way it was described more commonly in the temples of Isis. It refers to the same thing. In the temples, we only used these powers and abilities for the highest good—for blessing, for connection with God, and doing God’s work.


Question: There’s so much going on in ourselves, our home, our community, our work, and also in our government, where there’s such a breakdown in polarity. I was wondering if you could say something about the breakdown in polarity and how we can assist. What would that look like?


Isis: You must understand that the old way is dying. Much of what you see is the death process, or the resistance to the death process. There is not that much that you can do, just as when you see an individual dying. They are on their path. You can bring your blessings. This is true of any circumstance—you can always bring your blessings. But in some ways, because of the ways that power has been manipulated in the past, the old forms have drawn their energy, their food source from your attention. If you continue to give them attention, you will continue to feed them. This will actually prolong this death process, as opposed to allowing it to take its more natural course.


I would encourage you to allow the old way to die. The best way to do that is to not feed it. Do not give it energy. Instead, focus on yourself, first and foremost. Focus on what you need and what is supporting you. Focus on the birth that is happening through you. There is an amazing birth happening right now. Do not miss it! (Isis laughs) Stay aware of that birth. That is what needs your life energy. It is happening in you. And it is going to be happening between you, in your connections with one another. It is not going to happen because some great leader is going to step forth and lead a charge into the new age. (Isis laughs again) It is happening just the way birth happens, one being at a time.


This birth is going to happen in the way a mother loves a child that comes in—through your heart and your body and your energy. That is why the Divine Feminine is so important right now. This is why your thoughts are going to have very little to do with it. For the most part, you don’t have to use your thoughts when you’re in the birth process. Occasionally there are times when that is most valuable, if there is help that is needed, or change, or whatever. But for the most part, your body knows what to do, your heart knows what to do, your energy knows what to do. That is what you can do. That is what will support this shift more than anything.


You have no idea how powerful you are. Sadly, access to your power has been held back for so long. There have been these institutions, these bodies that have supported the idea that you are not powerful, that there’s nothing you can do. That is almost the exact opposite of what’s the truth. You are so powerful and there is everything that you can do. In fact, it all rests with the individuals. This is part of the great shift in consciousness that you are going through right now. One by one you are awakening to this, like light bulbs suddenly turning on—realizing your power, realizing your strength, realizing that the power is not with these structures, these organizations, these institutions, these bodies. They are only as powerful as the power you give them. The way you take your power back is simply to withdraw your attention from those structures and bring your attention back to yourself.


And when they are affecting you, speak! Shout! Shout your “NO!”—that you will not allow that. Show them the strength of your body and your emotions and your voice. Be the strong Feminine that you are! You are powerful! (quietly) And you are going to discover it.


Question: I used to think I had to control thought, somewhat like someone who’s into gambling would control gambling. It hit me that I just have to let it go completely, not just be able to control my brain and not think when I meditate. But it’s hard for me to let that go and I’m not sure if I’m on the right path.


Isis: It is not necessary that you let go of thought. But it is necessary that you let go of control of thought. Controlling thought takes tremendous energy and will distract you from your higher work. For most of you, the way that you can let go of control of thought is through a choice to do so. But then you will often find that you are deluged with thoughts.


What you are called to do is to bring yourself to stillness. The way that you do this is through your heart, through connecting with your heart. This is what will calm the thoughts. It is also what will open you to your higher mind. Then that energy that was previously generating thought will, more and more, feed your higher mind. You will not be having this kind of lower mind activity. So it is well that you are letting go of control of thought. The idea of it being beneficial to control thought is a misunderstanding.


You cannot solve thought with thought.  The heart is higher. But to be in your heart, you must do the foundation work. That work is what Mary Magdalene is bringing forth. It is through your emotion, your feeling, your energy, your body. If you have not done that work, you will not be able to stay in your heart. And then you will be dominated by thought. So the work is not with thought. It is with your heart and the foundation practices that allow you to be in your heart.  If you are not clear about those practices, it would be well to study this. The book that Mary Magdalene has brought through, via Mercedes, is an excellent form of that study. This is a very serious process—serious, not in the terms of weighty or heavy, but real.


You actually need to learn this because most of you have been disenfranchised. You had these abilities when you came in as a baby. But one way or another, most of you were trained out of it. And it is greatly impairing you. It is very real that you need to connect with this. You are not going to be able to bypass it. These steps are real and necessary. If you want to grow, it is imperative that you take yourself to school. If need be, find help. Find a teacher. Find a guide. Whatever is necessary, this transformation must occur.


Question: I find that I’m being very drawn to the black Madonna. From what I understand, there’s a lot of written information that talks about your connection with the black Madonna. Could you explain about that?


Isis: The Black Madonna was part of the inner school, the mystery secrets within the temple. It was a representation of the higher powers that were developed through the temple practices and training. Those powers had the possibility to be used for what you might call “dark” or “light.” But it was the power of the Feminine. Just as the moon is the dark energy to the sun, the Black Madonna was the power of the Feminine. And it includes the power of energy. It’s an enormous power, a sacred practice.


The Black Madonna was held with great love, great honoring, great respect, great reverence for the power of the Feminine and the use of it. Those who were schooled and understood those powers and practices often find, as they come back into incarnation once again, that they’re drawn to this icon, this symbol of the Feminine, in the form of the Black Madonna. If you find that draw within yourself, it is a sign that you are one of those who were schooled in this way.


Now I sense it is time for us to close. I have tears of joy being with you. I love you so much. You are so precious. The work you are doing as beings of God, beings of love and light is so extremely valuable. Thank you to each and every one of you. You are dear to my heart.


Now I leave you with great love. Blessings to all of you.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Isis: Quickening The Shift Into Fourth Dimension

Part 1 of a Message Given Through Mercedes Kirkel

On May 5, 2013


[Note from Mercedes: This channeling was given at an ongoing group I lead that’s dedicated to supporting people in the ascension process. We had just engaged a discussion of changing the format of the group to become more co-creative by forming a council to determine what would happen in the gatherings rather than having one person (me) in charge. Isis is referring to this change as she begins her communication.]




Blessings dear ones. This is Goddess Isis.


I am thrilled to be with you this morning. I feel especially moved to be here because of the process that you have just gone through, which speaks so directly to my heart. You are moving in the direction of the higher beings and I am filled with joy by this. I see the light increasing around you and around what you are creating together. What you are underway with is so important. It is an essential part of the ascension process. For this is truly how we operate as higher beings. We operate as group entities, in different configurations—depending on the purpose, the beings that are involved, and their particular level of development. But what you are engaging is very much in the direction of the higher dimensions.


So I feel drawn to be with you and my heart is responding so strongly to what you are creating through this co-creative process. For truly it has been said—and it is absolutely the case—that the old model of having a leader and followers is coming to an end. It was something that you all needed to explore for a period of time. And it is something that you are so ready to go beyond. At this point, it is a limit to continue in that model.


It is important to clarify—because sometimes there is confusion when beings are used to this old model of the leader/follower roles—that this isn’t to say that there won’t be people stepping into leadership roles for particular functions. If someone has a gift, if someone has a talent or a strength, it is wise to allow them to lead and to offer that gift and that talent. It is just that it is done for particular purposes and functions, and it is done in service to the whole. It is not done as an authority, or as a power model or function. The authority and power are held by the group, always—by everyone in the group. It is very essential that you realize that everyone has power and that the group does not have its full power if everyone is not contributing their individual power.


Part of the old model that you’re releasing is your understanding, or awareness, or perception of what is power, what is strength, what is a gift. Many people have gifts that are currently not being recognized—often by themselves, and often by others. In the past, you have had a certain model or an image of what it is to contribute, what it is to lead, or who has those qualities, those strengths, those abilities. This is part of what you’re going beyond. You often thought that people who were assertive were the ones who should be the leaders. And there are times, of course, when that is important and that gift is very valuable. But there are times when the ones who are less assertive have gifts that are very valuable. There are times when the quiet ones are most valuable and have the most to offer. Part of the challenge that you are all going into is to recognize and embrace the gifts and powers of all—to create a form and a structure that includes all, allows all to give, allows all to receive from all.


This may seem confusing to you because you are accustomed to the old ways of operating and of interacting with others. But you will find it exceedingly doable and enjoyable and exciting, and it will feed you. You will have so much energy from operating in this way, which you haven’t had before. It will feed you and you will come to cherish this process, just the way that you cherish having a lover and exchanging your energies through sexuality. Not to say that you’re going to be having sex (as you know it) in these group situations. But you will enjoy an exchange of deep energy with others, a most wonderful exchange that will enliven you, teach you so much, bring you joy. You will come to value this in a way that perhaps is new to you or you haven’t experienced in the past. I am very excited for you to move into this experience and this kind of joy.


You have been so habituated and accustomed to separation, to a level that most of you have no idea how much it’s affected you. I am delighted and truly excited to watch as you open up, step-by-step, to going beyond these self-imposed limits of separation, which you have assumed. You oftentimes aren’t realizing how much your orientation to separation is limiting you, how much more there is to experience when you go beyond those limits. And so I applaud you, I cheer you on and support you tremendously, as you open to this new way of operating and explore it. You have so many wonderful things ahead, more than you realize.


I am aware that my words may sound surprising, or even a little hard to believe for some of you who are not experiencing joy in your life right now, who perhaps are experiencing hardship, difficulty, struggle, even disappointment or despair. I am not negating that there are hardships. Your hardships in your life are real. At this time, everything is being intensified, everything is being sped up and exaggerated. This is true for those on the ascension path—those calling in the light, those who are dedicated and committed and are even advanced themselves in being light-beings, but are still involved in the third dimension—as well as for others. This intensification process, this quickening, this exaggeration is showing up for many of you as difficulties, hardships, and struggles. It may be physical, it may be emotional—those are probably the two ways that you are experiencing the intensification the most.


There are various reasons for this. Some of you have agreed to take on things energetically for the planet as a whole, to support this process of ascension and to help everyone to make this move forward. You have agreed, at a soul level, to take on a portion of the transformation process. Thus, what you are experiencing is not entirely your own. It is to help make it possible for all to move forward.


Most of you who are in the ascension process are also very sensitive. You are experiencing the changes going on in a very strong, powerful way because these are strong, powerful changes. They are playing on your system, kind of like radio waves in the air that are picked up by a radio. That is similar to the way that you are experiencing these changes.


And then of course, you, yourself, are changing, which you are experiencing, as well. So it is understandable that all this could be challenging in many ways. There is so much that you are facilitating and drawing through your being at this time.


I want to acknowledge this, too, to thank all of you who are doing this. I encourage you to stay with it, to support yourselves in all the ways that you know how. It is very important to support yourself through your meditation and any other ways that are dedicated to connecting with God and with Spirit. This is extremely important, and only becoming more important, because you are becoming a being that is more directly connected to God. You are becoming more fed through your connection to God and less fed through the more third-dimensional, physical ways. Those ways will still support you and are still important, but your connection to God is becoming more important, along with your connection to the highest, most refined, sublime frequencies of energy that you are able to contact and connect with.


So I certainly encourage you all to support yourself. I also encourage you to begin, more and more, to support each other. This goes back to what I was talking about earlier. Your mutual support is going to become increasingly important because you are not living as separate beings anymore. You are beginning the transition of going beyond separation. Thus your dependence on each other is becoming greater. Your bonds to each other are becoming more important. It is very important that you understand this and start to shift in your orientation towards others.


It is important that you start asking others for help. This is one of the biggest things… When you are in the mode of separation, there is this idea of “I am on my own now. I need to handle things on my own.” And even, “I should be able to do it all on my own. There’s something the matter with me if I need to ask others for help.” This is a result of deep third-dimensional thinking of separation, of understanding yourself as separate and isolated and alone.


Now, as you are growing beyond that into the fourth dimension and beyond, you must shift. You must not see it as something being the matter with you if you need someone else’s help—that you are somehow lacking, or you’re weak, or you’re a burden to other people. Actually, you are simply starting to operate in greater wholeness. It is the way that the cells of your body operate. Your body would not be very functional if the cells did not depend on each other and function together in community, communicating with each other and expecting that they will all work together. This is the process that is going to be more and more the way that you, as seemingly individual beings, are going to be operating with other individual beings. When you ask them for help it will be a gift to them. They will be fed by your asking because you are simply reinforcing your oneness, your wholeness, your interconnection with all beings. And when they offer the help to you, they will experience themselves receiving from that, as well, because this is the nature of your relationship with each other, your non-separation. As you are in the process of making the shift from this third-dimensional consciousness into the fourth-dimensional consciousness, the mechanism that will bring this about most directly is through asking for help.


The other mechanism that will bring this about very directly is revealing yourself more openly to each other, showing yourself. The challenge for most of you in this will be showing yourself when you are going through difficulty—when you are emotionally disturbed or when you are upset with another person, when you’re confused and you don’t know how to proceed, when you’re in fear, when you’re sad… All of these are times when it will be important to start to reveal yourself. For most of you, this will be a new way of operating that’s different from the past. This, too, will help you to start to shift into this higher way of functioning.


As you develop, it will not be so necessary to do this in a verbal way, through speech. More and more you will be operating telepathically, empathically. You will start to be aware of each other the way that you are aware of yourself. But most of you are not fully there. Most of you are still being strongly affected by the strong pull of separation —almost like the pull of gravity. So especially in the beginning stages of making this transition, speech and communication will be very important.


There are ways to learn to communicate with greater skill. It is essential to always take responsibility for yourself, where you are not blaming others for what you are experiencing. But do not hold back, either. Openly show what your own experience is. The skill in doing this will become increasingly important.


So communicating what is going on with you and asking for help from others will support you.


Many of you overuse communication. Many of you use many words to say very little, because you are not truly connected to what is behind all the words. Part of your growth is to do deeper work, to understand yourself better so you know what is behind all the words you tend to use. It is a burden on others to use so many words. You do not realize how much this drains you and drains others, when the words are not connected to what is truly going on with you at a deeper level. A skill that would also be valuable for many of you to develop is to wait to speak until you are truly connected to your heart, your body, and your emotions, and to let your speech come out of that. It will not take nearly as many words as many of you tend to use. And when you do use words, they will be much more connecting for you with each other.


I sense I have said enough for now, and I hope that this has been helpful to you.


[End of Part 1 of this message.]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety, including this copyright notice, and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Archangel Michael & Isis: Clarifying The Ascension Process


Part 2 of a Message
Given through Mercedes Kirkel on February 3, 2013

Now we wish to hear your questions, especially questions about your process of transition into these newer energies, this newer frequency, newer consciousness, or questions about the energies, frequencies, consciousness—if there’s understanding you would like to have. Please share with us what your questions are now.


Question: After moving into fifth dimensional frequency and higher, is there ever a point where you’re no longer needing to transmute the lower energies in the emotional body, mental body? Does it ever reach a state of pure expansion, rather than contraction and expansion?


Archangel Michael and Isis: There is a subtle form of differentiation from Source that’s still in effect all the way up to complete reunion with Source. As you go to higher and higher levels of consciousness and the higher dimensions, the sense of differentiation becomes less and less. It becomes more and more light. Nevertheless, it is there through all the different levels. But you will not experience it the way you are used to experiencing it in the third dimension, and to some extent in the fourth dimension, as something that is binding, that is heavy, that is painful. That will change. It will become more and more about joy and love and expansion.


That is a great deal of what the learning is about in the fourth dimension. Certainly you have started it at the third dimension, but you will be focusing on it more purely at the fourth dimension. It will be about learning to stay in the higher frequency emotions and not get drawn into the lower frequency emotions in the way that, at the third dimension, many of you had a sense that you had no choice about. It seemed to just happen to you. You had choice about how to respond, but it seemed you did not necessarily have choice how to change the event and the cycle altogether. At the fourth dimension, it will become very clear to you that you do have choice and that you can manifest the higher frequencies.


There are two aspects to this, as is so often the case in manifestation. There is an aspect that you could call the more feminine aspect and there is an aspect that you could call the more masculine aspect. The more masculine aspect has to do with intention and choice. You choose to stay in the higher frequencies and understand how to do that, by setting an intention and following through with your actions. These are not physical actions. These are emotional actions, mental actions, but they are actions nonetheless, that allow you to be in choice about your emotional reality.


The more feminine aspect is the aspect of surrender and opening through whatever emotion arises, all the way through to Source and ultimately to God. In that, the force of the emotion, if it is a lower frequency emotion, dissolves and takes you into the higher frequencies.


Depending on your nature, one or the other may be more natural to you, and you may choose one or the other more frequently, simply by what feels most accessible and effective for you. For many of you, it will be valuable to have skills to engage both and to be able to call upon whichever seems most effective and easeful in whatever situation arises.


The work of our sister, Mary Magdalene, has been very clarifying about the Feminine process and very valuable in helping many of you to understand that, in a way that many of you have not understood in the past. Your spiritual traditions that are already in existence have largely taught the masculine path. So there are many ways that are familiar to most of you through which you know how to engage the masculine path of intention followed by action.


All of this will become more clear to you at the fourth dimension because you so quickly manifest the results of your choices. It will become more important to you to maintain yourself in the higher frequency, and you will start to increase and refine your skills that allow you to do this.


Question: How is humanity doing on our ascension process? Is there any timeline? Is this going to take hundreds or thousands of years for humanity to ascend into the fifth dimension? Is it going to be gradual, with humans doing it here and there, or is it going to be more of a collective, with most of humanity doing it within the same timeframe?


Archangel Michael and Isis: These are questions that many people have in their minds and hearts. Partly they want reassurance about their own process; partly wanting to know the future for a sense of security, understanding, and a certain level of safety. For the most part, these are not answers we can give you, in part because this is being created by all of you and we do not have the answers; and also because it is not our work to know about future timelines in this way. It is our work to help you at your present stage into your next stage. But we are not informed ourselves as to how that will occur and along what timeframes.


Question: Can you tell us how we’re doing at the present time, then, with this process?


Archangel Michael and Isis: You are doing quite well. In particular, the people who understand at least the beginning stages of the ascension process, and are interested and committed to going through this themselves, are especially doing very well. There is a lightening in your world, in general, because of that. This is affecting others, even those who are not aware of there being an ascension process and are not choosing to take steps themselves to be involved in this form of transformation into the higher realms. It is happening nonetheless.


It is not going to be a process of eons, especially into the fourth dimension. This is a first step that your world, in general, is making. It is possible for beings to move into the fifth dimension in a more direct and permanent way. In the past that has, in general, involved leaving this dimension. But that is not so much what is happening now. What is happening now is a transformation at a group scale. It is not an individual process as it has been in the past.


Somewhat humorously, one aspect of your making progress in this transformation will be the relaxation of your concern around time. (Archangel Michael and Isis gently laugh.) You will come to see that time is not the way you view it in the third dimension. More and more you will be going into the present. Within that will contain all time, because there is only the present. So you will more and more replace your sense of linear time—where things are happening at some point in the future and you are wondering when that will be—with a sense of completion and wholeness in the present, where nothing else is required in terms of time, and that time happens within the expansive space of the present.


Question: I find myself very bored with this third dimensional reality. I find spending more time in the high fourth and the fifth dimension because it’s where I feel I belong. Are we able to stay in the fifth dimension, even though we have a physical body? Are we able to move between the fourth and fifth dimensions on a regular basis, or do we have to wait for everybody else to come along?


Archangel Michael and Isis: You can most certainly move between the dimensions, but that does not mean that you are based in that dimension. You will return, as you are now, to wherever you are based.


You have always been able to change your base into a higher dimension. It has not been easy, but it has been possible. But that is a soul-level choice. Most of you who have come here at this time have made the soul-level choice to be part of this group ascension process. So it is unlikely that you will make that ascension on your own, independent of others, because that was not your soul choice in coming here.


It is natural that as this shift to a higher-dimensional base becomes closer, as you experience the higher dimensions more, that it becomes more and more desirable—you are desirous of this. It is natural that the third dimension will become less and less attractive. Indeed, that is a part of the process that will inevitably happen.


As you become stronger in the ascension process, the fourth dimension will become less of a place that you visit and more of a place that you hold within yourself. You will take it with you wherever you are, whatever you’re doing, even as you exist in the third dimension. So there will be less of a sense of third dimension versus the other dimensions. Eventually they will merge because in your consciousness, in your heart, in your core, you are existing at the fourth dimension. Even though you may be participating in the third dimension, the fourth dimension will more and more be your base. So the third dimension won’t feel the way you have felt it in the past. You will not have the experiences of it you’ve had in the past. It will more be that you stay founded in the fourth dimension and are able to operate in the third dimension from that place.


When you encounter beings that you consider great spiritual beings—great realizers, yogis, saints, sages, teachers—and you go into their presence and feel a quality that is very uplifting or very transforming for you, this is what you are experiencing. You are experiencing their inner state that they carry with them of a higher consciousness and a higher dimension, even while manifesting in the third dimension. This is what you will more and more experience, until it reaches a certain critical mass, which will be bigger than just you. It will be many people carrying this consciousness together, which will change your world, change your reality. It will no longer be the apparent reality that you are familiar with now.


Most likely this will be a gradual process. It is like a child growing up, where you look back and say, “Oh my, I remember being that age when I was that young. How different I was.” But when you went through those processes, they were incremental and you didn’t necessarily notice them along the way. You just seemed like you were being you. Others may have noticed your changes, but you, yourself, didn’t notice them so much. This may seem like that. But it is happening at a scale that is much larger than the individual scale. Nonetheless, you feel it as an individual and it is changing you as an individual.


One of the steps of this process of going into the higher dimensions that is important is to not be private about it. Do not feel that it is necessary to do this in seclusion. Bring it out into the world. Shine your love, your consciousness. Express it, be it in the world. That will help you in this integration.


And ask for it to be so. Ask to stay in that higher dimension, that higher frequency. Ask for that to become and then to be the frequency, the consciousness, the dimension in which you reside. Asking is extremely powerful. So ask for that.


Question: There are a lot of people on earth that are focused on peace—individual peace, world peace, and peace in our universes. Are there suggestions you would like share to really anchor that frequency in the earth plane?


Archangel Michael and Isis: Absolutely. It is wonderful that so many are focused on peace and are desirous of peace. What you have not fully understood is the way that things manifest in your realm. Things only manifest if you manifest them first on the inner planes, through your heart and your higher mind. Many of you are not at peace with yourself. Many of you are not at peace with life, are not at peace with God. This is where you must do the work.


This emotional work is critical to creating peace. Many of you are not at peace with your emotions. Many of you are not at peace with your body. Many of you are not at peace with your sexuality. What you manifest at the outer is always a reflection of the inner.


There is a certain humor—you might say irony—in that some people are not at peace with the lack of peace. (gentle laughter) That is the work that must be done. It is especially emotional work. You may not know this peace until you have done that work. You can do that work now. Many beings can do that work now. The more beings that do, the more you will experience peace in your world.


Everything is a reflection of the inner—everything. As such, it has value. It can help you to pinpoint where your work is to be done, if you understand it as such. Attempting to change the outer without changing the inner will always be futile, never satisfactory.


The peace that you seek is the love and peace of God, not in some otherworld sense, such as going to heaven. God’s love and peace is a very practical thing. But it is one of the features of the third dimension that God’s love and peace is largely hidden from most people, such that you think that you have to go somewhere else to attain it. That is not the case. But you do need to work with yourself, with your inner structures that are hiding God’s love and peace from you. That is the most valuable work to be done, because when you do it you will experience God’s love and peace, which is what everyone desires. So we highly recommend this.


When you are full in this, you will be at peace with all, even with those who are apparently not at peace, even with those circumstances that you would not call peaceful. And we must underscore that this does not mean that you will take no action. This is not the same as being passive. It is simply that you will remain in peace as you take action. As long as you are manifesting in this third dimension, there are actions to be taken. It is part of being at this level. When you are manifesting at the fourth dimension or higher, there will be different actions.


So do not confuse peace with passivity. They are not the same. Peace is in your heart. When you experience that peace, you will be guided to whatever action is for the highest.


Question: When we ascend to the fifth dimension, where do we go?


Archangel Michael and Isis: There are different options. Partly it depends how this unfolds.


There are different places where you may choose to manifest. But many of you have a strong connection to the Earth. You have a love for Earth, and She of you, which makes it likely that you will stay connected to this place and that your manifestation will be involved with this realm.


When you attain the fifth dimension, you are not so tied, so locked into a place as you are at the third dimension. So there are different possibilities. Some of you may travel to different places, to serve in different ways, to participate in different ways. But it is very likely that you will continue your association with the Earth in Her fifth dimensional form, until you are called by your soul to continue your journey elsewhere.


Most of you have had manifestations and incarnations in other places. You may not remember them, but there is a soul affinity. This is another possibility—you may choose to return to other places where you have other soul connections. It’s a little bit like your airport, where you make connections and go to different places. You will have many options. Your soul will know the right one for you.


We urge you not to be concerned. Relax your minds. All is well. All is unfolding most perfectly. Allow your mind to drop into your heart. Allow yourself to be guided by this unity of heart and mind. Allow your thinking to serve you, but not to be your master. Your hearts are strong and are growing.


We sense it is time to bring this sharing to a close. It has been most delightful to be with you. We hope our sharing with you has been helpful and supportive, for that is our heart desire. We love you. We’re available to you whenever you call upon us. And so, with that, we close for now, once more expressing our tremendous love for you and our gratitude for all you do.


We shine our light of the heart to you and to your heart. And in that exquisiteness of light we leave you.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Archangel Michael & Isis: The Path Before You


Part 1 of a Message
Given through Mercedes Kirkel on February 3, 2013

Blessings dear ones. Today two of us are coming through. It is Archangel Michael and Isis who are moved to be with you, together. This is our joint voice speaking.


We begin by thanking you. We thank you for inviting us to come and be with you. We thank you for holding this space. We thank you for this beautiful opportunity to express our communications, our love, our help and support to all of you. Thank you dear ones. We love you immensely.


We are aware that this is a new time for many of you, and in some ways, a somewhat confusing time. Many of you had expectations as to what would be happening at the close of last year, specifically on the date of the winter solstice, December 21st. There were a variety of things that many people were expecting. And for the most part, many of those expectations did not manifest in the way that you were anticipating.


This caused some level of curiosity—for some of you a level of confusion or even concern about what did actually happen, why you had the expectations you had, and why they didn’t manifest in the way that you were thinking they were going to. Some of you are still in a state of wondering about that. And this has carried over into this new time that you are in now.


We wish to explain a little about this to begin, because we are aware that there is a sense of curiosity, wonderment, and some lack of full understanding about this time. You did go through a transition. For most of you it was not in the form that you were thinking it might be. It was certainly much subtler than most of you expected. But it was nonetheless a transition. For many of you, you are able to feel it more at this time than you actually were at the time of the winter solstice. You are feeling a sense of newness, a sense of beginning-ness in many ways. This, too, is somewhat subtle. But many of you are in touch with it and can feel, can sense that there is a newness, that something has begun that is different. We concur and agree with this.


You are at the beginning of a new phase. We are considering, for a moment, if that is entirely accurate, because you are also in the midst of a process that is very large, that has been going on for many, many years, and that you are in the midst of, truly in the center of. That is true, too. So both are going on. You might say that the center was a turning point. You have gone through that turning point at the center and now have begun something new.


It is this newness that we wish to address. It is the newness of beginning to move into a new state of consciousness and the associated outer reality that comes with that state of consciousness. It is both fourth dimensional and moving into the fifth dimension, because the fourth dimension is a transitional dimension into the fifth dimension. Depending on your unique path and journey, you are somewhere in a continuum that could be anywhere from the early stages of the fourth dimension into the fifth dimension.


The fourth dimension and fifth dimension are not the same. They are different. Part of what we want to talk about is what the differences are, so you can understand this more fully. In the fourth dimension you’re moving into being more centered in your energy body. You still are physically manifest, but it has a much lighter quality. You don’t feel as densely, grossly, purely physical as you do in the third dimension. You feel lighter, more energetically based, more of an energy being, and more energized altogether. The easiest way to understand the fourth dimension is that it is very much like what you experience when you dream. Things are not so fixed and not so physically immutable. They can change much more quickly. You can travel in ways that don’t seem possibly in the physically based third dimension. Things can manifest very quickly, as opposed to the third dimension, where things do manifest, but it seems that it’s much harder and takes more time and more work. So the fourth dimension is a much more fluid dimension. It’s also a much more emotional dimension.


Part of the gateway for entering the fourth dimension involves emotions—that you are able to be connected to your emotions and that, optimally, you have achieved a strong level of emotional mastery. The reason that this part is important is because it will determine the quality of experience you have at the fourth dimension. The less emotional mastery you have, the more you will experience the emotions that, for most of you, are more disturbing—emotions of fear—especially fear—but also emotions of anger, emotions of sorrow, grief, loss, and other emotions that most of you find more disturbing, or difficult, or dark, heavy, however you experience them. This will be more your experience if you do not have the emotional mastery.


The more that you have the emotional mastery, the more you will be able to resonate at the higher frequency levels of the fourth dimension and the more you will experience the emotions that accompany those higher frequencies. These are the emotions that most of you tend to enjoy more, emotions such as joy, peace, love, harmony, bliss, compassion—those types.


So emotions become much more important at the fourth dimension. They actually have been important at the physical, third dimensional level, also. But your physicality has oftentimes been able to mask that or override it, so that you have been able to, if you choose, not be as involved in the emotions. At the fourth dimension, emotions are unavoidable. They are a key aspect of what you experience. So your emotional skill and mastery becomes much more important there, just as your physical mastery and skill is much more important in the third dimension.


There is already more harmony and balance between the masculine and physical sides of yourself at the fourth dimension. This coincides with emotions being stronger, because that is a part of your more feminine nature. Your mind is also stronger. The fourth dimension is more of an emotional-mental realm. But most of you, at the present level of your incarnation, have already developed great strength in your mind. So for most of you, there will not be as much change in that arena.


If you have not already strengthened your will, that becomes important at the fourth dimension because your intention will very quickly be reflected in your manifestation. This is an aspect of will—what you are intending and what you are choosing. Your intentions and choices become immediately obvious at the fourth dimension through your manifestation. So your will is another arena that may need strengthening and help for some of you.


In general, you will find the fourth dimension more enjoyable than the third dimension, partly because of your ability of manifestation in that dimension. You will experience a level of wellbeing that, for the most part, you have not been able to continuously experience at the third dimension. Part of your growth at the fourth dimension will involve growth in terms of your manifestation. There is a natural learning curve with this. You will be helped with all of these things, just as you are helped in this dimension. There will be beings who will help you at the fourth dimension as you enter into that as somewhat of a fledgling, a new, young being in that dimension.


In relative amounts of time, your time at the fourth dimension will be considerably shorter than the time that you have spent at the third dimension as a soul, because, as we said earlier, it is a transitional dimension and you will be moving into the fifth dimension. The fifth dimension is the beginning of becoming a full energy-light being and releasing the physical. At the fifth dimension you are grounded in the spiritual values and truths that many of you aspire to at this point, that many of you realize to a certain degree, but are not fully manifesting at all times. These are values such as unconditional love, forgiveness, compassion, harmony. At the fifth dimension, you realize your non-separateness from all in a much more profound way, because you are not experiencing the separateness that comes with physicality. This is a great shift for many of you.


Many of you have had experiences of this. This is part of what starts to happen as you make this transition. You start to have experiences. At first it’s perhaps a one-time thing or a very rare experience. As you become stronger, it becomes more of an occasional experience. That continues to increase, becoming more frequent, until you are having somewhat regular experiences. Over time, it becomes more and more the majority of your experiences, until that is where you are based and that is your experience on an ongoing basis.


Many of you are in that phase where you are having increasing experiences, with more and more frequency. That is a most wonderful thing. It is a sign of what is happening. It is kind of like an image we see of beings becoming lighter and lighter and starting to float slowly into the next dimension. In general, it doesn’t happen all at once. It happens in this gradual way.


You can support this process. Your meditation is a very important time for supporting this process. The more frequently, the more regularly you meditate, the more you extend your period of meditation so that you’re spending time in these higher frequencies, these higher states of consciousness and dimensions—the more that becomes strengthened within you and the more you will be able to experience that in your more everyday, functioning aspect of life. You can also intend to spend time in these realms, in this consciousness, in your sleep—through your will, through your intention. These are two of your most supportive ways of increasing this in your life.


You can also spend time with other people who share this commitment to moving into these higher states, and who are available to openly communicate about this and express this, and to hear your expression about it. Your expression will support each other and your fields of energy will support each other. Eventually you will more and more choose to stay in connection with other beings who are sharing this process and sharing these higher states with you. You will choose to create your life and your living and working circumstances so that you are sharing your spaces with others of like consciousness and like commitment. These will be forms of spiritual community that you will more and more choose, so that you share this support and companionship and this process of increasing the potency of your experience of these higher states, through the magnification that occurs when you are in the company of others who are doing the same process that you are engaged in.


We encourage this as well. It will not be as difficult as it has been in the past to cooperate with others, to share space, to share joint endeavors with others. That was the old, heavier, denser consciousness that was creating conflict and competition and struggle. Those things are falling to the wayside, giving way to these newer, lighter energies of care and inclusion for others, of joy in others’ joy, others’ growth, others’ wellbeing and fullness. It will create an ease of sharing with each other that will be part of what feeds you, part of what supports you, gives you all energy.


So we come to reassure you about this. This is part of the new age that you are moving into. It will not be as difficult in your heart-connecting, higher-mind-connecting with others. It will be more flowing, more joyful, more easeful.


[This is the end of the Part 1 of this message.]




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to

Are We Still In The Third Dimension?

After the last blog, I received this question from Keith Vencel:

“I have a question about the channelling with Angel Pietre. In his message, he made me think that we are in the 3rd dimension still. He said “when you get out of the 3rd dimension.” So are we still in the 3rd dimension? And if so, when will we pass into the 4th and 5th? I thought we passed into the 4th and 5th on Dec. 21. 2012.”

I appreciate Keith’s question because I think a lot of people are wondering this same thing. I’ve heard some people say that we’ve already ascended into the fourth or fifth dimension. I personally don’t think that’s the case, at least for most of us. Here’s how I see it.

First of all, it’s important to be aware that different people have put forth different schemas for how many dimensions there are and what each dimension is. So various individuals might be meaning different things when they talk about the fourth or the fifth dimension.

In Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of LoveI explain my map of the dimensions and what I understand to be the makeup of each dimension. Here’s a quote from Chapter 8 that talks about how I see the fourth dimension:

The fourth dimension … is sometimes referred to as the astral plane. In this dimension, we still experience ourselves as individuals in a world of duality, but our world is much more mutable. We’re now aware that our thoughts and feelings create our reality. The laws of time and space are quite fluid, similar to what we experience in our dreams. And like dreams, things can change quickly here.

Because the astral plane is an emotionally based dimension, a person’s level of emotional mastery will determine which parts of the astral dimension they will experience. The lower astral plane, ruled by fear and sorrow, is where we experience nightmares and is often portrayed as hell or the hell-realms. The higher astral plane, characterized by love, is where we experience happiness, harmony, and the higher vibrations that eventually lead us to even higher dimensions. Mary’s focus on our need to learn to respond to painful feelings is aimed at helping us master this emotional plane and move on to the higher realms.

It’s in the fourth dimension that we become aware of our six bodies: the physical, etheric, emotional, mental, causal, and spiritual bodies. The etheric (energy) body acts as an interface between the physical and our other bodies. The emotional body, or astral body, is where we learn emotional mastery, which includes abilities for advanced dreaming, imagination, psychic powers, intuition, magic, and creativity. The mental body is the domain of mastery of our thoughts and the ability to consciously create our reality. The causal body is the source of our sense of self, our conscience, and the record of our soul’s journey through time. Our spiritual body contains our I AM presence, which is our individualized connection to the Supreme Creator as well as the link to the higher dimensions.

I think there are many things that would indicate whether or not an individual is in the fourth dimension. One is that the fourth dimension is like what we experience in our dreams. We still have a body, but it feels much less dense than what we’re used to at the third dimension. And because the physical is less solid, things can change much more easily and quickly, the way they do in dreams. Along with this, whatever we put our attention on, through our emotions or mind, manifests very quickly. As a result, it’s much clearer to us that we’re responsible for everything that we experience, because we’re actually manifesting it.

I think most of us aren’t at the point where we’re continuously living in the state we’re familiar with from our dreams. Nor are we able to immediately manifest whatever we choose. And the majority of people that I know are in varying stages of taking full responsibility for their experiences. So that makes me think that most of us haven’t transitioned to living in the fourth dimension yet.

However, I do think that many of us are having experiences of higher dimensions with increasing frequency. It’s like we’re visiting these higher realms—in our dreams, our meditations, and sometimes in our ordinary life—just the way we visit other realms in our dreams, but then “come back” to the third dimension when we wake up. As we grow spiritually, I believe we’ll spend more and more time in these higher dimensions until, at some point, we cross over. At that point, I believe the fourth dimension will become our next “home base,” or what we call our reality.

I also don’t think we’ll skip over the fourth dimension and go directly into the fifth dimension. I think there are important changes and growth we go through in the fourth dimension that we need for our continued evolution. I do see our time in the fourth dimension as relatively short, compared to other dimensions.

I believe at the fourth dimension we will no longer have illness or aging. We will manifest our bodies to be healthy and youthful and beautiful. We will live much longer, until at some point we choose to let go of our body consciously. We will go beyond the idea of competition and begin to enjoy true cooperation and closeness and sharing in a joyful way. We won’t be bound to survival, because we will manifest whatever we need. So our energy will be put into experiencing the wonderful energies we’re in touch with, including sexual energy and the energy of nature, and exploring the cosmos. We will be able to teleport easily and we will start to understand the nature of reality and creation in a much deeper way.

Speaking personally, I have had experiences of traveling to the fourth dimension in my merkaba (light-body), and I was very aware of how it’s different from what I experience at the third dimension. I will be sharing some of those experiences as part of my next book. I found it to be a wonderful place and look forward to having that be my home.

One last thing I want to say is that the next two blogs will be parts 1 and 2 of a channeled message from Archangel Michael and Isis. They talk a lot more about the fourth dimension and how we’re in the midst of transitioning into it. They also talk about the timeline for making this transition. So reading that will shed further light on this whole topic.




Copyright 2013 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is an author and spiritual channel, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


To receive ongoing messages from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light through Mercedes, go to and request to be added to the mailing list.


Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico, including Guidance from Beings of Light and Akashic Record Readings. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


Mary Magdalene and Sacred Sexuality: An Interview on Tantra Talk Radio


Sacred Relationship Couple Mercedes Kirkel Mary Magdalene Beckons

July 22nd was the Feast Day of Mary Magdalene. Part of how I celebrated this day was to do an interview with Rundy Duphiney of Tantra Talk Radio on Mary Magdalene and her relationship with Sacred Sexuality. I greatly enjoyed talking with Rundy about Mary Magdalene and what she has revealed to me about her practice and teaching of Sacred Sexuality.

Here’s what Rundy had to say about the interview:

“Last night’s interview with Mary Magdalene channel and author Mercedes Kirkel was a cosmic, otherworldly, and beautiful experience for all. Ms. Kirkel epitomizes humility, compassion, and selflessness and went into great detail explaining Tantric sexuality as channeled to her by Mary Magdalene. It was one of the most beautiful and hopeful explanations of Tantra I have ever heard.”

To listen to the recording of that interview, Click Here.

Isis: The Great Frontier of the Heart and Dealing with Fear

Received through Mercedes Kirkel

July 9, 2012 

Blessings my very dear ones,


This is Goddess Isis. It has been a long time since I have come to you and spoken, for truly words are not my primary vehicle of communication. And yet tonight I am so moved to be with you, to share my heart with you, my love, and whatever wisdom I can bring that will help you, that I choose to be here in this form. My heart is so full of love. This is what I mostly wish to share with you. It is the woman’s way, in so many ways, the heart of the Mother, to want to share love. And of course, men are never excluded from this and have so much to share themselves. But love is the particular domain of the feminine within all of us – men and women. It is something we treasure so much, and yet oftentimes we work against it, eclipse it, busy ourselves with things that seem to bury it in the sand. So we need reminders to come back to that beautiful space of love that we love, and yet, tend to shy away from, to be afraid of at some level.


This is part of the third-dimensional journey that you experience in so many ways, in so many of your relationships or even with yourself—opening to love and then backing off, wanting to love but being afraid, testing the waters, getting hurt, deciding “should I?” —“shouldn’t I?”, or not deciding. So much of it happens at a level prior to consciousness. Much of it is the way you’ve been trained, what you learned at a very young age, what you see modeled all around you, what your society has agreed upon is acceptable, and normal, and even safe. Many of these things do not support you. They do not support your heart and they do not support you in love.


So there are teachers who come to teach about love. There are beings, such as myself, who come to remind you, to whisper in your ear. We come in all forms—in poetry, in music, in books, in words, in looks, in smiles, in embraces. There is no limit to the form that love can take. Love can take the form of helping someone. Love can take the form of challenging someone. It is all about the heart and about coming from the heart. Within that there are infinite possibilities.


As you manifest love more and more, the infinite possibilities of yourself, and who you are, and what you are to become will start to manifest as well. For love is not just about what you do. Love is about who you are. And who you are will change with love, in ways that you may not be able to even imagine at this time. If you go to the limits of what you can imagine, that may just be the barest beginning of what is possible in love. You have a great discovery ahead of you. It will be most wondrous. And for this you can celebrate.


And yes, there is a letting go in love. Sometimes it’s seen as taking the leap, jumping off the cliff. And sometimes it can feel like that, and that is a good thing. It does take courage, for everything you know will be telling you, “No, no, that’s not safe. Don’t do that. No, do this instead. Don’t be silly. Don’t be unrealistic. Don’t be a fool.” But listen to your heart, and your heart will guide you wisely.


Other people may have help for you, and it is well worth it to take their help in and consider it. But it is up to you to choose your course. And you alone know what that is. No one else does. What may have been a great help for someone else may not be your course at all. That is part of your journey. It is a hero’s journey, a journey of discovery, a journey of trust, of being guided.


Ultimately it is your higher self that is guiding you. You may experience this in many forms. You may experience this as an angel. You may experience this as another being that supports you. You may experience this as God, however you relate to God. Ultimately you will discover that all these things are true. And they are all true of you. They are all parts of who you are.


Please do not worry, dear ones. Things are fine. Even if it appears that things are falling apart, even if it appears that people are suffering or dying, there is a much greater story that is actually going on. All of these people are fine. All of these people are on their path. Can you trust that? Your life would change dramatically if you saw it that way. And curiously this is the greatest good you can do for others—to see that they are perfectly on their path and that there is no problem; there is nothing to worry about.


Of course you will do things, because you are in the third dimension right now, and the third dimension is a realm of action and doing. Of course you will do things that are aligned to this vision that everything is fine. Perhaps you will more and more feel less called to do things, less called to do things that you did in the past. That is fine, too. It is all being guided, and your challenge is to trust. Your challenge is to find the joy in your heart. What a delightful challenge! Not necessarily an easy one. And we have great compassion for what you suffer and the challenges that you face. They are real, and yet there is more. The “more” is in your heart, in the God-space in your heart. That is the treasure. The treasure chest of your stories of old was all a symbol for what you all have in your heart. And yes, you are on a journey to find it—the road back to your heart.


Well, my, my—I have gotten very philosophical. It is not my intention. I hope this has been helpful for you. But more than that, I hope that you feel your heart, that you see the shining of your heart, the light in your heart, the joy, the love of your heart, the blessing that this fills your whole self with and goes out to others with. This is the stage of the world, in your heart. Put your attention there. The news pales in comparison to that. You are loved immensely. And you are love immensely. Both are true.


As I am seen with wings, your heart has wings. Your soul flies on those wings when you unlock the doors. I urge you all to do this. I encourage you and support you. I whisper in your ear, “Remember your heart, dear ones. Remember your heart.” Do you know that everything happens within your heart? It is all within your heart. This is the great frontier to discover. And you have wonderful discoveries ahead, as you go more and more into the heart.


That is my message for you that I bring. Now I would like to hear from you. What are your questions that you have for me?


Question: I’ve been out of work since October. Just recently I’m starting to get frightened. So I’m seeking guidance and some assurance, I guess.


Isis: About your survival?


Questioner: Yes.


Isis: It is understandable that you would be frightened. The third dimensional world is a very frightening place, where people are left to their own, for better or for worse. And yet these things can also be the very things that transform us, that become gifts, that cause us to go beyond our limits—self-imposed and other imposed.


The first step in a circumstance of this nature—any type of crisis where you feel scared—is to, first of all, care for yourself. Love yourself in your fear. It is like the Mother-love that I spoke about. You give it to yourself. That love that says, “I understand. Of course you feel scared. I’m here with you. I won’t desert you. I love you. We will see this through. We will find our way. I am here for you.” This is your heart speaking to yourself and it is a very important step. For in our fear, we often lose ourselves and lose connection with our own heart. So that is the first step, the step of loving yourself and embracing yourself with Mother-love.


Again, this is not just for women. This is for men. This is for all beings to find. We all have Mother-love and Father-love within ourselves. And it is beyond just within ourselves. It is part of the divine. It is part of what we receive, that Mother-love that so many people connect with through the Earth. It is our divine nature. And so you connect with yourself, and you give this beautiful, nurturing loving to yourself.


You may need to connect with it through others who are nurturing to you, or through connecting with the Earth, through connecting with the Mother in that form, through connecting with the Mother in whatever form you experience her. Many people have the experience of connecting with the Mother through a particular personality or being, such as Mother Mary. That is wonderful, if that is your path. If it is not, do not be concerned. Everyone has access to the Mother’s love, to the divine Mother. So you begin with that, with nurturing yourself with the love of the divine Mother.


Through that, you find your connection to your heart. And when you find your connection to your heart, you find your connection to God. It doesn’t have to be a certain figure of God that you were taught as a child or in any particular religion. It is your relationship with God, and it is found through your heart. When you find that, you will be guided to what you need to do, because there is a plan to all of this. It is not just a random set of gruesome events that you are pitted against, and you are struggling, like running on a conveyer belt, trying to keep up so you don’t fall off and get eliminated. That is not the nature of the world. But in the third dimension, it can feel like that. It can appear like that. It is as though you have glasses on, and the glasses are coloring the way everything looks. This is why it is so important to connect with your heart, and through that to connect with God. Because through connecting with God, you will start to know your life’s plan. You will start to know what you are to do. This knowingness comes in different ways for everyone. There is no need to compare yourself to anyone else. But your heart will know.


And the truth is that you are supported in this circumstance for the perfect amount of time, the amount of time that you have selected at the soul level. When you are no longer supported being here, when it is no longer your time to be here, you will be supported to leave, and to go where you’re meant to be then. The truth is that you are always supported. But this particular third dimension can be a scary place. It’s like signing up to go on a roller coaster. You signed up for some fear! (laughs) And that’s part of the ride. So it can be scary. And there’s a purpose to that, too. There’s a purpose to your soul’s knowing that experience and understanding what that is—the experience of separation, which is ultimately separation from God. That is what all fear boils down to—separation.


This is part of what you have come here to know and to explore and to learn. It is all perfect. Your challenge is to trust. What can help you beyond these steps that I have given is to ask for help, which is simply prayer. This asking can come in a verbal form. It can come in a heart form. It can come in whatever form is true for you. But asking is an important step. So when you are connected to your heart, to your higher self, to the divine, ask for help. And you will be helped.


Are there other questions?


(Period of silence)


I take this as a sign that you are deeply in your hearts. What I invite you to do now is to be in that heart space. I invite you to simply be aware of what you experience in that heart space and to receive whatever is being given to you from the heart in this moment.


(Period of silence)


This is the space that you will more and more be living from. This is the space you will meet others in. This is the space you will create your new world from.


I love and bless you all most fully, from the depths and breath of my heart. I enfold you in my wings of love. I see the highest blessings for all. I am filled with joy to be with you tonight.


I leave you now. Blessings of Isis to you all.




Copyright 2012 Mercedes Kirkel,, All Rights Reserved. Please copy and share this article as long as it is shared in its entirety and the information is not altered, excerpted, or added to; credit of authorship and my website address ( is included; and no money is exchanged. For any other uses, please contact Mercedes Kirkel to obtain permission. Thank you.


Mercedes Kirkel is a channel and spiritual guide, bringing forth messages and instruction from Mary Magdalene and other Beings of Light, as well as Akashic Record Readings. Her new book, Mary Magdalene Beckons: Join the River of Love is available at All messages and practices are universal and are not affiliated with any religion.


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Mercedes offers workshops and private sessions in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is available in-person or long distance (by phone and skype), or to travel to your location. For more information, go to


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